The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1062: Beyond the limit, the potential bursts (1)

As a strong man in ancient times, after tens of thousands of years of silence, Ghost Yasha is now recovering again. Although no one knows his origins, and no one knows how powerful he was at the beginning, but this alone can be seen. , He is definitely not ordinary stuff.

And people like him, even if they are restricted from moving because of the altar, but after tens of thousands of years of painstaking preparation, how can they really be like a soft persimmon that can be squeezed at will?

Right now, he clearly taught You Xiang and Xiao Zi what is ginger?

This time the trouble is big...Faced with the siege of hundreds of monsters, Xiao Zi and Youxiang felt extremely pressured. You must know that none of these monsters are weaker than them, plus the number of monsters is so large and powerful. The gap is clear at a glance.

"Be careful! They are here, don't separate!" Faced with this desperate situation, although Xiao Zi and You Xiang were solemn and instinctively fearful and afraid, they did not give up. Seeing that the steps of the monsters began to move, they shouted in unison.

The two were back to back, motionless, staring at the monsters tightly.


Following an angry and frantic roar from the monster group, the hundreds of monsters suddenly surged up like a worm, and launched a fierce attack on the two of them.

There is no time to hesitate, no chance to choose, at this moment, they only have to fight.

Fortunately, almost all of the hundreds of monsters are melee types. Even a few of them can play long-range, but their lethality is too low, so that no monster in the entire battlefield uses ranged attacks. Otherwise, they If they were bombarded with a long-range map, I am afraid that after only one round, Xiao Zi and You Xiang would be crushed to pieces.

But even so, this battle was extremely difficult for them, and as the monsters rushed forward, they felt an unparalleled sense of oppression.

The first to be attacked was Youxiang, one was the bear demon who had attacked her before, and the other was the leopard demon who would transform into three stages. The former is infinitely powerful, and the latter is fast, power and speed. The cooperation of Hajime made You Xiang almost breathless.

Can be able to escape the bombardment of the bear demon, the other leopard demon immediately used the limit speed, like a flash of light, blood splashed in an instant, and You Xiang was injured again.

But this is not the end, because in this short contact, other monsters have already attacked. At this moment, Youxiang seems to have absorbed the hatred of MT, and all the firepower is concentrated on her, even Youxiang With a will of steel, there is also a kind of almost collapsed feeling.

In less than one round, at least a dozen wounds were left on her body, but even so, she still gritted her teeth, didn't retreat, and firmly defended her front line...because she was behind her. It was Xiao Zi who had zero back defense. If she didn't block her, any attack from these monsters could cause Xiao Zi to die.

Therefore, no matter how fierce the attack on the other side is, she can't have any retreat!

In the same way, Xiao Zi also bears no less pressure than her, and loses the trump card in the gap. Her combat effectiveness is mostly lower than Youxiang, but the enemies she faces are no less than Youxiang. Every enemy is To be stronger than her, every time she attacks her, she must be resisted with all her strength. The hardship cannot be described in words, but... she also resisted it!

Regarding her as the boundary, no matter how violent the attack on the other side, no matter what pain and pressure the body was under, she did not let those attacks pass.

At this moment, Xiao Zi and You Xiang created a miracle, because they completely blocked countless attacks from opponents far stronger than theirs. Isn't this a miracle?

But this miracle is not surprising, just like the old man can forcibly move the car that could not be shaken in order to save the grandson under the car, just like the mother who jumped into the dead in order to save her own child. At the end of the fire scene, he managed to rescue his child, just like a dying animal. In order to protect his child, he can challenge the fierce animals and beasts that come forward and defeat them... When a human being, No, not only humans, but any kind of creatures in this world. When they have something that must be protected, when they are determined to protect the most important thing regardless of their own lives, they will burst out of the strongest The great power has created a miracle that was impossible to exist!

The same goes for Xiaozi and Youxiang. In the battle at this moment, their attention has never been concentrated. There is only one thought in their hearts... that is to block all attacks from the front, and prevent a single trace from passing behind them!

This belief comes from their souls, and the power that bursts out with this belief comes from the people behind them.

They both put each other’s safety above themselves, so they gained strength and did what was originally impossible. At the same time, they also trusted each other, so no matter how fierce the attack behind them is, no matter how physical they are. A warning was issued to remind them of the attack after they came, but they still did not look back, and only looked in front of them from the beginning to the end.

Without any doubt, they all believed that the other party would be able to protect themselves!

It is this absolute trust, it is this absolute fetter that allows them to create the miracle at this moment.

At this moment, this miracle is still going on.

After all, among these monsters, there are no powerful remote exporters, so although they have a large number of them, they are limited by the scope of the venue. Only a few dozen people can attack two at the same time. In other words, although Xiaozi and Youxiang There are hundreds of enemies, but only a dozen people are really under pressure, but these dozen people will change at any time.

And they, although the fighting has continued until now, they have been scarred, and their physical strength has dropped sharply, but their momentum has not been frustrated at all. Instead, they have become more courageous... Gradually, their resistance from the beginning has gradually changed. It's easy to do.

It can be clearly seen that with the two of them as the center, within two meters of the surrounding, no monster can enter. These two meters seem to be an insurmountable gap. No matter how crowded the monsters are and how fast they attack, they will never be able to break through the two meters limit, they can only stop here.

The monsters are controlled by Gui Yasha, just like puppets. I don't know what it means. They are still attacking without fear of death. However, Gui Yasha went to see clearly, and suddenly felt shocked.

Absolute field! It turned out to be an absolute realm! how can that be? !

Gui Yasha saw it. In the previous battle, after persistent resistance, Youxiang and Xiaozi finally completed the most important transformation unconsciously, that is, the formation of rules!

Where they can reach, they form an absolute domain that belongs only to them, with nothing to attack and nothing to break. This is their unique rule.

Although this kind of rule is still incomplete, and it is far from the true power of rules, don’t forget that they are two people acting together. This is far more difficult than comprehending the rules alone. It can be done not only by comprehension. Yes, more importantly, cooperation and tacit understanding.

It can be said that at this moment, the tacit understanding between Youxiang and Xiaozi has reached a perfect level!

Through this kind of perfect tacit understanding, they used the absolute realm. What kind of understanding, what kind of aptitude is not important at all. From this moment on, they will formally step into the threshold of the rules!

Watching the two of them resist the onslaught of hundreds of monsters, are no longer injured, no longer bleeding, and even able to fight back, Gui Yasha couldn't help gritting his teeth. He never expected that his assassin not only did not kill the enemy, but promoted their growth, and even allowed them to reach the realm of rules all at once.

"Damn, I still underestimated you!"

Before, Xiaozi showed the wisdom that ordinary people can hardly reach, as well as the amazing analysis and judgment ability. He did not pay attention to it. Later, Youxiang released the unparalleled aura and the huge soul like the sun. He still Did not pay attention, but now, he has to admit that he underestimated them, the two girls in front of him are definitely not measurable with ordinary eyes.

After all, even he had never heard of anyone who could step into the realm of rules at such a young age, and the two reached a perfect tacit understanding while using the rules at the same time. That was a fantasy.

Although this is more or less a coincidence, it cannot be denied that the potential of the two of them is huge. At least in the eyes of Guiyasha, Xiao Zi and You Xiang are also at least once in a thousand years of wizards.

Such people, if they are allowed to grow up, decades and hundreds of years later, they can definitely become the overlord of one party, and it is not impossible even to become the strongest.

"So, you must die here!" Thinking of this, Gui Yasha's single eye showed a fierce light, and his mouth spit out cold and merciless words.

Although he is evil, he is not the kind of person who can't see that others are better than himself. He will not find a genius with a higher qualification than himself and will find ways to kill each other. But at this moment, the two sides have become enemies like water and fire. , Either you die or I die, so as long as Xiaozi and Youxiang behave better, the more murderous his intentions will be.

After a while, Gui Yasha suddenly raised his head, staring at the sky, and a strange arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, it seems that this scene is also about to end."

The words of Gui Yasha fell, and suddenly the wind and clouds changed color. I saw that the originally clear sky was shrouded by dark clouds in an instant, and countless dark clouds rolled in the sky and quickly gathered in the middle.

At the same time, with the appearance of these dark clouds, the monsters attacking Xiao Zi and Youxiang suddenly stopped, and then all looked towards the sky and opened their mouths. Suddenly, mist of the same color as the dark clouds in the sky emerged from their mouths and drifted towards the sky.

"This is... what's going on?" The strange behavior of the monsters made Youxiang and Xiaozi stare, and stopped instinctively, revealing an incredible expression.

In the battle just now, they had no distracting thoughts, all their minds were in the battle, and they didn't know what happened, but it was not difficult for them to guess that this weird scene was definitely related to Ghost Yasha, so they subconsciously turned towards each other. Look.

What surprised them was that Ghost Yasha also acted like these monsters, standing motionless, just looking up at the sky, his eyes blank, as if he had been petrified.

"Strange, that's the soul?" You Xiang looked at it for a while, then suddenly frowned.

"What are you talking about? Soul?" Xiao Zi reflexively looked at her.

Youxiang nodded, although her eyes were a little dazed, her tone was extremely positive, "Yes, I don't know why I knew it, but the mist coming out of the monster’s mouth, as well as the dark clouds in the sky, All are souls."

"Soul? Why does the soul appear in the form of this entity? And from this sign..." Xiao Zi frowned and muttered to herself when she heard it. His eyes subconsciously looked at the monsters around him, surprised. It was discovered that when they breathed out the last trace of mist, their bodies were instantly petrified, and then when the breeze blew, they turned into countless powders of stone and scattered on the ground.

"This is?!" Suddenly, she thought of a terrible thing, her face changed drastically, and she exclaimed, "No! Stop him, he wants to absorb these souls!"

Before she finished her words, she herself rushed to Guiyasha quickly.

Youxiang didn't understand why Xiao Zi made such a fuss, but she never doubted what she said. She rushed towards Guiyasha in an instant, and the two attacked at the same time.

However, just when the two rushed to the front of Guiyasha, the latter suddenly retracted his gaze to the sky, looking at them, with a smile on his face, "Sorry, you are already late."


In an instant, the dark clouds in the sky surged down like a tornado, completely blocking the attacks of Xiao Zi and You Xiang.

The two of them couldn't open their eyes for a while by the dark cloud, instinctively backed away, and then looked again, only to find that Guiyasha was already in the dark cloud.

"It's over." Seeing this scene, Xiao Zi couldn't help showing a look of despair.

"What the hell...what's going on?" At this moment, the only one who still doesn't know the situation is You Xiang, looking at Xiao Zi with such an expression, could not help asking.

Xiao Zi took a deep breath, calmed herself down, and then explained, "You know the purpose of that guy is to use the lives of those monsters in the valley to restore his own strength. He thought that the altar was destroyed. It should be impossible to do this again, but I didn't expect..."

Xiao Zi didn't go on, but You Xiang was not stupid. He understood this and suddenly exclaimed, "Could it be that he wants to absorb those souls?!"

"Exactly!" The person who answered her was not Xiao Zi, but Gui Yasha in the dark cloud. "Whether it is a monster or a human, even an animal, the soul is their most fundamental thing. As long as the soul is not destroyed, Even if life dies, it will not completely disappear from this world. On the contrary, once the soul is extinguished, even if life still exists, it is just a walking dead."

"I want to restore my strength. The absorption of the soul is indispensable. The souls of more than a thousand monsters outside and the souls of more than 100 monsters here are the key to my recovery!"

"However, the altar has obviously been destroyed, why can you still absorb these souls?" Xiao Zi asked loudly.

"Huh!" Guiyasha squinted at her, "Do you want to make a idiot from me again? But this is the end, it doesn't matter if I tell you, the role of the altar is only to play a fixed role, to fix my own existence, but also These souls will not be scattered to the outside world, but I am really responsible for absorbing the soul...After all, playing with the spirit and the soul is originally my best thing."

Xiao Zi was shocked and couldn't help but said: "That is to say, the effect of the altar is not very big. Even without it, you can still recover?"

Guiyasha shook his head, "Although you are very smart, you are still a bit tender. The altar is the most important thing to revive me. If I lose it, everything is empty talk. However, after tens of thousands of years of preparation, the altar itself It already has spirituality. Even if it is destroyed by you, it will not completely lose its function. Simply put, there is still inertia."

"Of course, the altar is destroyed, even if the inertia still exists, but the effect will be greatly reduced. I also said just now that the altar is to prevent the soul from flowing to the outside world. Originally, if the altar was not destroyed, I can absorb the highest precision souls from those monsters. In this way, I can at least recover to more than half of my peak state strength, but because of your relationship, the precision of the soul is greatly reduced, making my achievements even more consistent. The original half is less than...this is all your sins!"

Speaking of this, Gui Yasha couldn't help but shoot a cold light in his eyes.

Xiao Zi and You Xiang couldn't help but tremble when he saw them, and they felt like thorns.

Then, Gui Yasha continued: "Of course, your sins are more than that. Because you are trying to destroy my recovery, I have to resort to soul protection, which causes my own soul and the souls of monsters to be further consumed. ......The two combined, even if I absorb all the souls here, I can only recover at most one-sixth of my strength."

"One-sixth?" Xiao Zi and Youxiang didn't know how strong Guiyasha was at the peak. Of course, they didn't know how powerful one-sixth would be, but as long as you just think about it, that's not it. Now they can contend.

As Gui Yacha is about to regain his ability to move, Xiao Zi and Youxiang know that it is no longer suitable to stay here, but although the space shock has ended, the feeling of being bound still exists. They do not know whether it is the hands and feet of Gui Yacha or the altar. The reaction produced after being destroyed completely restricted Xiao Zi's gap, making them want to escape, but they could only watch Gui Yasha absorb the many souls and restore their strength bit by bit.

Soon after, the dark cloud covering Guiyasha finally disappeared, but this was not a good thing for Xiaozi and the others, because it meant that Guiyasha was completely absorbed and completely recovered.


When the dark cloud disappeared, as expected, Guiyasha raised his foot and took a step forward, but he did not attack immediately. Instead, he spread his hands and looked up at the sky, exclaiming: "It's been over ten thousand years. Finally let me wait until this day. It feels so good to be able to move freely. It's not in vain that I prepared for so long.

Seeing him finally able to act, both Xiaozi and Youxiang's expressions changed drastically. Although at this moment, they did not feel the horrible pressure at the beginning, the feeling of danger in their hearts was extremely strong, which made their bodies instinctively emit. Warning, involuntarily stepped back.

However, before they had to withdraw a few steps, Gui Yasha's eyes fell on them, grinning, and said: "Now let's calculate the account between us. I forgot to say something just now, although you do I have lost a lot of things, but there is no room for recovery. After all, one of you has a unique soul, and the other has the greatest soul. The weight of your two souls is far more important. It exceeds the capacity that I can absorb, so as long as you sacrifice your souls, I can forgive you."

"I have spent tens of thousands of years underground, but now my brain is broken? It's idiotic to make us sacrifice our souls!" Upon hearing this, You Xiang suddenly sneered.

Probably because he was finally resurrected, Gui Yacha was in a good mood, and did not take the thorny words to his heart, and smiled: "The principle of this person is that if you don't give it to me, you will take it for yourself, and when I am from you After getting what I want, no matter whether it is my initiative or not, I will treat it as your dedication. Therefore, you say that I am foolishly saying that dreams are not correct."

"In addition, from the previous battles, I have clearly seen your potential. From now on, I will no longer treat you as ordinary little ghosts, but treat you as opponents of the same level, so... …"

As soon as Guiyasha said this, the two of them immediately felt tight. If Guiyasha still regards them as arrogant little ghosts, it means that he may not try his best. Even if their strength is not as good as the other party, they will not fail to win. Hope. But now, Gui Yasha clearly said that they would treat them as opponents of the same level, which means that they have no way to win except for their strength!

Both of them were alert at the same time, paying close attention to Gui Yacha's every move, but at this moment they discovered that Gui Yacha hadn't spoken yet, and the person had disappeared in place, silently.

"Be careful!" Seeing this, You Xiang suddenly changed color and jumped forward without thinking, blocking Xiao Zi's body.

Then at the same time, she felt an extremely heavy sense of oppression coming from the front, instinctively stretched out her arms, followed by a bang. Just as she assumed a defensive posture, an invisible attack fell on her. On her body, the huge impact immediately blasted her out.

Before she could react, Xiao Zi was hit by Youxiang's body, and then the two flew towards the back together, flying straight for several tens of meters, before falling to the ground with a bang.

On the other side, Ghost Yasha appeared ghostly where they had stood before, waving their arms, showing a disappointed expression, "Sure enough, after ten thousand years of silence, even my own body has become unfamiliar. At first, I thought I had the opportunity to at least kill one of you. It seems that in order to accomplish this goal, I must first thoroughly familiarize myself with my body."

The blow just now was made by Gui Yacha. First, he used words to distract Xiao Zi and Youxiang, and then took the opportunity to start, but the result was obviously not satisfactory to him.

However, the results he was not satisfied with caused a considerable impact on Xiao Zi and Youxiang. The two swayed to their feet from the ground. Xiao Zi was okay, because he did not face the attack of Gui Yasha, so he recovered in a blink of an eye. It is normal, but Youxiang is different.

She was sturdyly hit by Ghost Yasha. Although she blocked most of her strength because of the timely defense, the remaining impact cannot be ignored. Not to mention the qi and blood in the body, at least Her hands were completely paralyzed and trembling.

"Youxiang, how are you?" Xiao Zi asked caringly as she watched her trembling movements.

Youxiang forced a smile and signaled that she was okay, "Fortunately, I was blocked in time. There is no major problem. I am very confident to know the ability to be beaten, but...the next thing is the highlight!"

Youxiang said a consoling joke, then looked at the opposite Gui Yasha with a serious face.

Before the body is really mastered, Gui Yasha's blow is already so strong. If he can control his body freely, how strong will he be?

Youxiang didn't know, but she knew that once that time came, they wouldn't have any chance of winning.

Xiao Zi nodded, watching Guiyasha just standing in place and shaking his hands instead of attacking. Not to mention clever as her, even a stupid person could guess: Guiyasha didn't want to attack, but couldn't do it.

He lay motionless underground for tens of thousands of years. Even if his body is not decayed, the joints of his body must have been rigid. Even if he recovers again, it is impossible to restore his body to a normal state at once. Furthermore, after more than ten thousand years, Gui Yacha has obviously become accustomed to "quietness", and in a short period of time is unable to truly control his body and make himself truly "movement".

In summary, although Gui Yasha's power is strong, its skills are almost zero.

"So, if we want to defeat him, we will only have to take control of his body before he is an ordinary person. This time will certainly not be very long. If I guess right, ten minutes is already the limit. "Xiao Zi said sternly, "In other words, we must defeat him within ten minutes!"

Defeating Guiyasha within ten minutes is undoubtedly an extremely difficult task. It can even be said to be difficult for a strong man. After all, the strength of Guiyasha can be seen from the blow just now. If the opponent is not in a state of rigid body, Whether Youxiang can live is also a question.

But other than that, they have no choice. If they can't defeat Ghost Yasha within ten minutes, they will definitely die after ten minutes!

"Gui Yasha has two weaknesses. First, because his body is rigid, his attack range will be largely limited, and it should be a direct attack. It is difficult to make changes, so we try not to interact with him. Standing in the same straight line. Then, because he hasn't been able to fully control his body, he certainly can't exert the power that should appear, so what we have to do is to avoid his first blow and win with speed. . Finally, be extra careful about his mental and soul abilities, although I don’t know if he can use it now.” Xiao Zi said calmly while analyzing.

"I understand, all in all, in these ten minutes, we must do our best, either you die or I die!" Youxiang nodded heavily.

Although there are still many things to pay attention to, time is not waiting, and they have no more time to continue discussing. As soon as Youxiang's paralyzed hands returned to normal, the two quickly attacked Guiyasha.

Looking at the decisive expressions on their faces, Guiyasha knew their plans well.

It was through that attack just now that he knew that his body still had weaknesses that could not be ignored. In order to avoid capsize in the gutter, he did not continue to attack.

However, since the enemy took the initiative to attack, he did not plan to retreat.

"Looking at your expressions, you obviously have found a chance to defeat me, but the question is, can you seize this opportunity?" Guiyasha finished speaking, with his toes on the ground a little, and he leaped forward like lightning.

So fast!

Seeing the lightning-shining figure of Gui Yacha, Youxiang was shocked, because this speed has exceeded the limit she can reach now, but... with the bite of Yinfang, Youxiang also increased her speed to the limit. , Fiercely attacked towards Ghost Yasha.

In training beyond the limit, she and Xiao Zi have never fallen once. After breaking through the limit time and time again, they finally realized that there is no limit in this world. As long as they dare to go beyond, they will definitely be able to break through!

Youxiang believed so, so at the terrifying speed of the opposite Ghost Yasha, she chose to head-on.


A violent collision sounded in the air, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings. Two figures suddenly appeared in the empty mid-air. One of them leaned back slightly when it fell, and then stopped moving. The other flew backwards and flew straight three meters away before finally landing, barely standing still.

The former is Guiyasha, and the latter is Youxiang. Obviously, Youxiang lost in this collision, but!

Blocked, although I could not surpass my own limit, but successfully blocked him, yes, I can definitely do it!

Youxiang was not discouraged by this failure, instead, a stronger fighting spirit surged in her heart, wiped off the blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, and rushed forward again.

At the same time, Xiao Zi had already taken this opportunity to go to the back of Gui Yasha, and with a wave of his hand, countless white rays of light formed a dense barrage and shot towards Gui Yasha.

Although the attack power does not look very good, but the number is so large, if it is compacted, even I will not feel good... So, is this kid used to contain me, just to create for another kid Give me a chance to hit me hard... Hey, the cooperation is perfect, but!

What kind of a person is Gui Yasha, he has already seen through the tactics of the two at a glance, then turned his eyes and focused on You Xiang again, as for Xiao Zi's attack, he completely ignored him.

It’s not that he underestimated Xiao Zi too much. It’s just that with his current physical state, he wanted to take care of both sides’ apparent surplus and lack of energy. Instead of avoiding the dense barrage, it’s far better to concentrate on dealing with the more lethal Youxiang. actual.

Swish Swish!

Unsurprisingly, all the rays of light from Xiao Zi hit Guiyasha, leaving him with flesh and skin, but he completely ignored the pain on his body, directly punched out a straight punch, and blasted towards the young boy who rushed from the opposite side. Fragrant.

Very good. Although Xiao Zi's attack did not cause much damage to him, it still worked. At least his speed is not as fast as before, and he can't change his moves. Then... Youxiang always pays attention to the movements of Gui Yasha. At this moment, facing his attack, her thoughts turned around. Just as the two fists were about to make contact with each other, her body sank violently, and she avoided the opponent's attack.


Seeing this, Gui Yasha suddenly changed color, and instinctively wanted to retreat.

But it was too late. At this moment, Youxiang surpassed the limit, speeding up once again, bullying Guiyasha's side like lightning, clenching her fist, and the huge demon power condensed in her hand, forming a hot light, as dazzling as the sun. .

Then... Boom!

When her fist hit Guiyasha's abdomen, there was an earth-shattering loud noise. With this sound, Guiyasha's body was thrown out of thin air, and the huge monster power exploded on his body, forming a terrifying impact. Li, shook him out fiercely.

Damn, this kind of attack power? !

Man is in the air, Gui Yacha frowns his brows tightly, and blood oozes from the corners of his mouth. In his opinion, although Youxiang’s attack power is not weak, it is still a certain distance away from the heavy damage, but at this moment, this punch makes him have The feeling that the entire abdomen was penetrated...This kind of attack power was at least four or five times stronger than what Youxiang had shown before.

Could it be that they had been hiding their strength just now? No, this is absolutely impossible. In that case, if they save their strength, then they are really seeking their own way of death. Then... That's it. Not only did they enter the threshold of the rules in the previous battle, they even Has the base strength also increased by several grades?

Surpassing in battle, breaking through in battle, from the very beginning, the ants can reach the point where they hit me hard in a short moment. What a terrible growth ability is this, what a terrible potential this is!

Yes, if they continue to grow, their future is absolutely limitless!

At this moment, Guiyasha finally became afraid of Youxiang and Xiaozi. He began to be afraid. With such a heaven-defying growth ability, he had no doubt that the future achievements of these two people would be so great, and he even had a faint one. This feeling... he is likely to be their stepping stone!

"Never allowed!"

Ghost Yasha gritted his teeth, his body slammed in mid-air, and landed quickly.

He endured tens of thousands of years, planned tens of thousands of years, prepared for tens of thousands of years, and finally returned formally today. How could he tolerate being a stepping stone for others!

At the moment of landing, Gui Yasha didn't pause at all, forcibly suppressing the wound on his body, and attacking Youxiang like lightning.

At the same time, Xiao Zi and You Xiang are doing their best, Xiao Zi is responsible for the long-range barrage bombing to contain, while You Xiang is the main attack at close range.

Although Xiao Zi’s power is far less powerful than Gui Yasha, her abilities are really terrifying. Even if the gap is limited, she has surpassed her own limit, releasing barrage through the gap in a small area, and giving it in such a dense barrage. The damage of Ghost Yasha is stronger than ever.

Under her control, Gui Yasha seemed to be tied with one hand and one foot.

On the other hand, Youxiang, who has the ultimate explosive ability, has truly shown her potential in the more and more vigorous battles, and almost every attack can bring heavy damage to Ghost Yasha.

The two teamed up to completely suppress Ghost Yasha.

However, as an ancient powerhouse, Guiyasha was obviously not a vegetarian. Knowing the danger of his own situation, he decisively gave up all his defenses and constantly launched a fierce attack on Youxiang to exchange injuries.

In such a fierce battle, within just a few minutes, both sides had been injured countless, covered in blood, even if it was Xiao Zi. After all, Ghost Yasha is not comparable to those monsters before. Not only is it powerful in close combat, but it is also not inferior to long-range attacks.

After this kind of battle in which both sides entered desperate mode lasted for a period of time, the three of them were already a little unstable, and even the strength of their attacks was greatly reduced, and the most obvious ones were Xiao Zi and Youxiang.

Although Youxiang claims to be very capable of being beaten, she is too young after all, and her slightly immature body is obviously unable to compare with the old fritters like Guiyasha. As her injuries get heavier and she loses more and more blood. Consciousness has reached the brink of collapse, and the reason why he can continue to fight is completely supported by an unyielding will.

Although Xiao Zi didn't endure as many attacks as You Xiang, her ability to resist attacks was also not as good as You Xiang, and her situation was not much better than You Xiang.

Gradually, the advantages that belonged to them have begun to lean towards Ghost Yasha.

No, we will die if this continues. The other party should have reached the limit just like us. If this is the case, let's take a gamble at the end!

There is only a small amount of sober consciousness left to let Young Xiang understand how dangerous their situation is, and she instinctively shouts, although there are no extra words, she has already conveyed her mind.

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