The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1080: The price they paid for Gensokyo

Apart from Fengjian Youxiang and Yakumozi, none of the protagonists in history knew what happened to the death of the Eastern Wolf King, but Lin Luo, who was outside of history, was also an insider.

However, the death of the Eastern Wolf King was not a terrific event, at least in Lin Luo's eyes, what really surprised him was... After the death of the Eastern Wolf King, the world situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As soon as the Eastern Wolf King died, the wolf clan lost Optimus Prime, the monsters who had been oppressed by the wolf clan suddenly couldn't sit still, and immediately began to resist. Originally, this was only a war against the wolf tribe, but even if the wolf tribe lost its leader, it was not a parallel import. As the war spread, almost all the monsters in the world were drawn into it.

Only the mysterious family of vampires and the low-key ghost family had never participated, but they still could not prevent the expansion of the war. For a while, the war was fierce, and the wolf family was gradually ruined.

In such a situation, mankind began to rise.

Looking at things in the river of time, after all, it was intermittent and incomplete. Lin Luo did not see what was going on. It was just that when he saw that the situation had finally stabilized, almost thousands of years had passed, and the monsters began to retreat. In the second line, mankind occupies the world's largest resource.

Then came intermittent fragments. The vampire also fell with the footsteps of the wolf clan. Although it is much better than the wolf clan’s severed descendants, it no longer has the scenery of the strongest race. As for the ghost clan, although it is still so powerful, it is also The appearance of being gradually forgotten.

From this moment on, the highlight of the monsters is no longer the race, but the strength of the individual, and among the most powerful of these individuals, there are Yakumo Zihe Feng Jian Yuxiang.

Since humans have taken the dominant position, although human civil wars have continued, wars between races have ceased to occur. The monsters are still so powerful that they scare humans, but they can no longer seize the dominant position. The whole world... becomes balanced. .


When thinking of this word, Lin Luo couldn't help chanting it silently and thinking carefully, he finally understood that all the seemingly nonsense of Yakumo Zi was actually only for one purpose, which is balance.

Constantly messing up is to create a balance between the monsters, and the wolf clan is to achieve the balance of the world. It seems that there is no purpose, but... the situation of the entire world is controlled by her!

A few simple actions have mastered the direction of the world. I have to say that this sage is really against the sky!

In the fragments of the river of time, Lin Luo can already see that the highest prestige among the monsters is Yakumo Zi, who is known as a sage. Originally, Kazaki Yuka also had the qualifications to become a sage, but what The relationship between the two is really bad, and Fengjian Youxiang has always been a lonely king, and doesn't despise the name of a sage.

On the other hand, after the world was finally balanced, Shen Qi finally relied on the power of creation to create her own world-the devil world.

The Lord of the Demon Realm was truly born at this moment.

With the passage of time and the continuous transformation of the picture, another decisive moment has arrived... the first lunar war!

Although Yakumo Zi dominates the balance of the world, there are some things that cannot be done by himself. When most of the monsters are huddled in this sly eastern border, the original balance is gradually destroyed, in order to maintain This balance was achieved with great difficulty, Yakumo Zi decided to attack the moon.

This proposal was supported by all the monsters, so, under the leadership of Yakumo Zi, countless monsters slammed to the moon vigorously, and only one person stayed out of the matter, and the wind saw its fragrance.

Yakumo Zi launched a lunar war, not because he wanted the monsters to die, but because he really tried to occupy the moon. Although it was helpless, it was the best way at present. Because the balance with mankind can’t be broken again, otherwise thousands of years of hard work will fall short. Then you can only open up a new place to live and use your own wisdom to launch surprise attacks, as long as you suppress the mysterious technology of the moon, and then A place where a new balance can be achieved.

As for his abilities, Yakumo Zi has a lot of confidence.


As the saying goes, there are people outside people, and there are heaven outside the sky. Although Yakumo Zi is an outstanding wise man, no one can beat her among the monsters, but there is someone on the moon who can suppress her. That person is exactly the eight meanings of the sage of the moon. Yonglin!

Bayi Yongrin knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, and she is better at deduction. As early as when Yakumo Zi decided to attack the moon, she was already right. She deployed the army early and waited for the arrival of the monsters.

Although the monsters came to the moon through a special method, they were the expeditionary army. Facing the long-awaited lunar troops, Hajime was completely suppressed as soon as the confrontation, and suffered heavy casualties.

On the other hand, Yakumo Zi is also facing Hachii Eirin.

There was no suspense in this battle between the two great wise men. For Bayi Yonglin, Yakumo Zi was still too tender. The monster who had lived for thousands of years was just a child in front of Bayi Yonglin.

No matter how miraculous the power of the realm is, Yakumo Zi is still at an absolute disadvantage in the face of the genius and dominance of Hachii Yongrin. The final result... Yakumo Zi is completely defeated!

Throughout the battle, Yakumo Zi was like a child, being played between applause.

This is tantamount to a huge blow to Yaunzi who came from confidence.

Knowing that he was unable to return to the sky, Yakumo Zi no longer worked in vain, but chose to surrender.

Because the moon man has a high self-esteem and does not want to be contaminated with the dirt on the ground, he has the principle of not killing the survivors. Yakumo Zi’s surrender saved her life. In addition, Yakumo Erin is not an aggressive person, and is negotiating. After a while, all the living monsters of Monk Yakumozi returned to the ground.

After returning to the ground, Yakumo Zi had no intention of leading the monsters anymore, because the battle was lost so thoroughly that she completely lost her confidence and even doubted her ability at one time. She even thought about it if there was wind and fragrance at the time. Helping out, the result may be different, but unfortunately, Feng Jian Youxiang, the lonely king, ordered not to move.

For a long time, Yakumo Zi put down everything in his hands, and even ignored the "balance" he had always wanted to achieve, and wandered aimlessly in the world.

However, in such a lazy day, Yakumo Zi met the person who transformed her for the second time-Xixingji Yuyuko!

Yu Yuko possesses the ability to manipulate the degree of death. He is very curious about the human beings' such powerful ability, so Yakumo Zi takes the initiative to approach, trying to eat this human being, thereby gaining the other's abilities.

But in the communication with Yu Yuko, Yakumo Zi was gradually attracted by her personality charm, and finally gave up the idea of ​​eating Yu Yuko, and seriously regarded her as a friend.

As a big monster, he actually made friends with humans. This is something that has never happened before, let alone happened to Yakumo Zi, and it is precisely this that makes Yakumo Zi unknowingly produce subtleties. The change...a monster with human nature, this is an alternative balance.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Yuko's suicide irritated Yakumo Zi even more severely.

Lin Luo didn't know before, so he could only rely on his brain to make up for it, but when he saw Youyouzi's corpse falling under the Westbound Demon, the expression that Yakumo Zi couldn't save it and was about to collapse, Lin Luo finally understood.

It was at this moment that Yakumo Zi realized the meaning of life and death. She witnessed life and death with her own eyes, and finally unconsciously brought the power of the realm to a higher level.

If before, Yakumo Yakumo was a domineering genius who abused Yakumozi, then at this moment, Yakumozi, who has transcended the realm of life and death, completely surpassed Yakumo Yakumo who was bound by the chaos of life and death.

Lin Luo can see this kind of transformation, and Yakumo Zi, as the person involved, can naturally feel it, but now she no longer has the idea of ​​attacking the moon. She has decided to move on and look for it in that small place. Back to Gensokyo, where she belongs!

Then, time continued to move forward. I don’t know how long it took. Lin Luo saw that the concept of equivalent exchange that he had left at the beginning finally stopped at that small eastern border, in the building called The place of Hakurei Shrine has built the basis of equivalent exchange... and it is also the Dragon God!

Affected by the concept of equivalent exchange, a baby girl abandoned at Hakui Shrine has the purest soul in the world, and has the power to rival the most powerful monsters.

More than ten years later, Yakumo Zi found this baby girl who had become a young girl, as the witch of Hakurei Shrine. At the same time, Yakumo Zi also saw Gensokyo's hope in her.

After a battle, the monster and the maiden will win or lose.

The two gradually got to know each other during the battle, and gradually understood that Yakumo Zi put out her plan in full. Although the maiden is a human, she also has the same ideals as Yakumo Zi... In this way, a human, a monster, began to Work hard for the construction of Gensokyo.

Finally, when all theories can finally be put into practice, and when their ideals can finally be achieved, Yakumo Zi hesitated.

Because, if you want to build the ideal Gensokyo, you must pay a price, and this price is the life of one of her and the maiden!

This was a price that Yakumo Zi could not bear. After Yuyuko's death, she no longer wanted to see any friends die, but... it was too late.

When the dragon god's power comes, one of them will disappear.

In the end, the person who chose to rush to the place of death was the Miko, because she knew the cost earlier than Yakumo Zi, and she also arranged the premise for her death earlier.

From that moment on, Gensokyo, where countless monsters could live happily, was finally born, but the witch with the purest soul in the world disappeared forever.

The first shrine maiden, entrusted her dream to Yakumo Zi, guarding Gensokyo.

And what about Yakumo Zi?

She guarded Gensokyo, but also continued to grieve, because every subsequent generation of witches will embark on the journey of the first generation of witches.

The witches protect Gensokyo with their lives.

Although Yakumo Zi is alive, she will always experience the sadness of that friend's passing.

This is the price!

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