The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1086: If you’re used to seeing the witches without discipline, come and meet the witches wi

Yakumo Zi, the great sage of monsters, is also the strongest level of monsters in the current era. There are only a handful of people in this world who can compare with her. Even in the hearts of most monsters, there is only the lonely king, the flowers of the four seasons. The main wind sees Youxiang to keep pace with it.

However, few people know that in this dilapidated shrine, there is a young maiden whose strength is not inferior to that of Yakumo.

"Why are you doing such boring things every time I come here?" Yakumo Zi walked up on the thick snow on the ground, looking at the witch on the roof.

"It's not boring." The Miko said while repairing the roof that was pressed out of a transparent cavern by the snow, "Look, this hole is about to be repaired."

"So what's the point of repairing such a dilapidated shrine?" Yakumo Zi said faintly. This shrine is not only old in style, but also in the old age. It is rotten everywhere, and there are many kinds of mountain temples that have been abandoned for many years. It feels that, in her opinion, it is useless except for the slightly gratifying location.

The Miko didn't care, and smiled: "Although this shrine is a bit dilapidated, it is the place I have always lived in. It is the most meaningful thing to be able to continue to exist on this land with my hands. "

"With your strength, you can obviously get better..." Yakumo Zi sighed.

The witch smiled softly, "Yes, I just want to make it better now, because this is my home."

"..." Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything, thinking in her heart, home... Human thinking, there are still many places that don't understand why they are so attached to the word home, then in the end What kind of feeling... I never seemed to have it before.

"It seems a bit cold outside. Would you like to go to the house for a cup of tea? Purple."

Yakumo Zi was thinking about what was going on. He suddenly heard the voice of the maiden, and suddenly recovered, and said, "No, I don't want to drink the dust."

The witch was startled, she understood what it meant in a flash, and couldn't help laughing: "That's true. Although I am confident in my craft, I can't control the dust falling."

After this sentence, the two of them stopped talking, the witch still mended the roof attentively, while Yakumo Zi stood on the snow and watched so quietly. Of course, her purpose here was not to watch the witch repair the house, it was just a passage. After getting along with her, she knew a little bit about the character of the Miko, so she didn't bother.

Soon after, the witch finally jumped off the roof, clapped her hands and said, "Okay, then you don't have to worry about heavy snow falling into the house. After working for a long time, I am a little hungry...Zi, Do you want to come together?"

"I didn't come to your house." Although Yakumo Zi said that, she followed the maiden into the shrine... Obviously, she was the type who said no with her mouth but her body was very honest.

The Miko’s lunch is very simple, two steamed buns, a bowl of greens and a bowl of clear soup. Although Yakumo Zi is not very picky, she can’t help but jump her eyebrows when she sees this kind of food in front of her. This one?"

"Yeah, can't it?" the witch asked back.

Yakumo Zi sighed again, "The shrine you live in is so dilapidated, I can understand it, but it's a bit too much in terms of food...I don't remember that maidens have a rule that they must be vegetarian, so why bother yourself?"

"Because I have no money." The Miko gave a sighing answer.

Yakumo Zi did sigh, and sighed to the point of speechlessness. The explanation of having no money may be normal for ordinary people, but it really doesn't make sense to the witch in front of me... With her extremely strong strength, just go outside and search for something. This is a lot of income. Of course, Yakumo Zi also knows that although this maiden is strong, she never treats the strong and bullies the weak. Asking her to do things like stealing, robbing and kidnapping is like killing her. It's still hard.

However, even without such extreme practices, this maiden who can help people pray for the blessings, heal people and relieve people of calamity, she didn't even have a cent in her hand. Why?

Of course Yakumo Zi knew the reason, because this witch never took money for helping others. Regardless of whether it was treating the disease or praying for blessings, she worked hard and the matter was solved, but she did not charge any fees from the person being helped, and even the other party offered to give her gifts, she resolutely refused.

Yakumo Zi couldn't understand, is she a fool or a bad person?

"Do you think I'm stupid like this?" Looking at Yakumo Zi's expression, the maiden probably also guessed what she was thinking, and asked with a smile.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Yakumo Zi asked back.

"It seems that the truth must not sound good." The witch put down her chopsticks, her face still had a gentle smile, but her eyes were a little bit more yearning, "Actually, I know everything you think, but for me, the reward is long ago. I have already received...Looking at those people who are plagued by disasters and diseases, I can help them with my strength and let them live healthily, that is the best reward."

"You just want to help him to help others?"

"Yes, if you can accept my help, I am already very satisfied."

"Sure enough, it's still very stupid." Yakumo Zi seemed to disdain the great sentiments of the witch, and sneered, "Since human beings are so important in your heart, why did you help the monsters again? Don't you know that all monsters can eat Human?"

"I know." The witch still smiled, "It's just that I don't only value humans. To be correct, I love life. Whether it is humans, monsters, or other animals, it is equal in my heart. I I love them, so when they are in trouble, I will help them... As for monsters that can eat people, it is only for survival, just like humans slaughter livestock for survival, it is the same."

The witch said this lightly, but Yakumo Zi was stunned when she heard it. She suddenly discovered that the witch was actually very similar to her.

"That's the case, but if that's the case, then you can't eat this plate of vegetables anymore, because it is also life." While speaking, Yakumo Zi brought the only dish on the table to her.

The witch shook her head for a while, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that this is the case. It seems that I can only drink Northwest Wind in the future."

That's what the maiden said, but her subordinates were not slow at all. Taking advantage of Yakumo Zi's attention, the chopsticks shot like lightning, and then a small pile of green vegetables appeared on her steamed buns.

"It's really a witch who does one thing and another."

"Humans are inherently contradictory like this."


After lunch, the shrine maiden began to worship the gods. Even though the shrine was such a shabby shrine, she could still get the attachment of the gods. This made Yakumo Zi, who had been watching by her side, curious. When the sacrifice was over, she complained. "Speaking of which, what kind of gods are the gods of Hakuri Shrine?"

"I don't know, maybe there is, or maybe not," said the witch.

"As a maiden, you don't even know if there are any gods in the shrine, you really are not dedicated." Yakumo Zi continued to complain.

The maiden smiled, indifferent to Yakumo's deliberate provocation, staring at the falling snow outside, and said: "When the snow is over, it's time to build the shrine."

"You really put the shrine matters first." Yakumo Zi said.

"Yeah." The witch nodded, "I was an abandoned baby and was abandoned at Hakuri Shrine. At that time, there were no witches in this shrine, but I survived. I always thought that the gods raised me up. At the same time, it gave me power that no one else had, so when I was sensible, I became the only maiden in this shrine... It was this shrine that gave me a place to live, and now it’s time for me to give back."

"...Did you also give the name Bo Li?" Yakumo Zi asked.

"Yes it is."

"Then you, I seem to remember that you haven't said your name until now."

"I don't have a name."

"No?" This answer surprised Yakumo Zi.

The witch was very calm, and said: "I wanted to give myself a name, but then I found out that everyone was called me by witches and witches. I felt that it didn't make much sense to name another... Anyway, for me, the identity of a witch is just That's enough."

"Really..." Yakumo Zi responded non-committal, then looked up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"You are very free today, didn't you come to me to fight?" the witch asked.

"I thought so, but suddenly I lost my interest..." Yakumo Zi said halfway, then turned around, "I often come to fight with you and interrupt your Miko's work. Don't you feel bothered?"

The maiden shook her head and smiled, looking at Yakumo Zi, "No, because Zi is my friend. I'm very happy to be with me often."

"Uh..." Yakumo Zi suddenly froze, friend? She and the witch in front of her only fought a few times, and then said a few words, is this really a friend?

Yakumo Zi expressed doubts about this, but looking at the gentle smile on the Miko's face, she felt that they were really friends.

An inexplicable emotion bred in Yakumo Zi’s heart, and suddenly he said, “I have something I want to do. I hope to build a paradise where both monsters and humans, the weak or the strong, can live together peacefully... Help me?"

"Well, I will help you." The witch nodded without hesitation, then stretched out her hand and smiled, "Zi, please let me and you build a paradise where everyone can live happily."

Yakumo Zi held the hand of the maiden and laughed, "Well, let's be together."

"By the way, have you thought about the name of the paradise?"

"Don't think about it, you have no chance to be named."

"Oh, what's that called?"


"Nice name."

"I think so."

A monster, a human witch, as the two founders of Gensokyo, it is with such a joking attitude that they determine their future and...the future of Gensokyo.

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