The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1092: My Reimu can't be that soft girl

Through the observation of Reimeng's body, Lin Luo finally determined that he was still healthy and upright and strong as before. This made him very relieved, but he did not notice. He relaxed here, but Reimeng was He looked terrifying.

"You...what do you want to do? Shameless!" Reimu yelled, and moved back quickly. He couldn't even care about eating, his hands tightly guarded his poor breasts, his eyes widened, as if to prevent something. Lin Luo's defense.

No wonder she was so nervous, it was because Lin Luo's eyes were too idiot, too wretched, and too sordid. Under such terrible eyes, Reimu only felt that the clothes on her body were in vain, as if she was naked to the other person. In front of him, and the next moment Lin Luo would rush to insult her in every possible way and torment her in every way, causing her to shudder with pity and pity, and her hairs stood upright all over her body.

Devil in color!

At this moment, these four words are all Reimeng's impression of Lin Luo.

Because Lin Luo focused all his attention on the question of whether he was "healthy" before, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his eyes. Seeing Reimu's fuss at this moment, he didn't take it to his heart, but only felt in his own heart. She needs to share her joy with her future wife, so she rushed up with a thunderous sound.

"Ah!" Ling Meng exclaimed, thinking that Lin Luo would put her evil thoughts into action, and in this broad daylight, he would instinctively want to escape. But she was too panicked, and even her strength was greatly compromised. Before she got up, Lin Luo almost threw herself on her body, holding her hands, and said excitedly, "Reimu, do you know? You are almost going to be a widow, fortunately I am strong enough, thank me!"

"How many times do you die for me!" At this moment, Reimeng just wants to stop Lin Luo's fornication, so he can listen to what he says, struggling hard while cursing... If it's night, in the bedroom, She wouldn't be like this, or she could just admit it with half a push, but now in broad daylight, if Mingmeng sees it accidentally, or Marisa and his ilk suddenly break in, then she really can only die.

"What are you doing?" Lin Luo couldn't understand at all. He was just here to share his feelings. Why did he resist so fiercely, as if he was here to **** her.

However, the more Reimu struggled, the less Lin Luo didn't want to let her go, so the two of them played close hand-to-hand combat in this small living room...Of course, Reimu was of no use due to mood problems. What kind of power, and of course Lin Luo couldn't contribute, so it looked like an ordinary couple fighting.

After a while, there was a sudden bang. It turned out that Lin Luo took advantage of a mistake made by Reimu, and Lin Luo suddenly used force and pushed her to the ground. She kissed her cherry lips fiercely.

Suddenly by this attack, Reimeng's head immediately became blank, his eyes widened, and he lay motionless on the ground, letting Lin Luo leaning on her to kiss.

It was not the first time that Reimu kissed. If it were the same, she would not have been stunned by such a kiss, but at this moment, there was a subtle change in her heart that even she herself hadn't noticed. Since she didn't notice it, she certainly didn't know how to face it, so the sudden kiss caught her by surprise, making her unable to react for a while.

Lin Luo found that she had no resistance at all, so he tasted the smooth and soft lips and tongue, but he didn't have a limit to the level of "fighting" in such a place at this time, just taste it. Soon he left Reimu's lips.

Lifting his head gently, Lin Luo found that the people under him were still dumbfounded, but unlike before, the face of Reimu at this moment was flushed, revealing a faint luster, and it actually gave people a feeling of vividness and dripping. The soft cherry lips seemed to be coated with a layer of silver silk, crystal clear and bright, and the dark eyes with a hint of water mist, which pulled out the most sensitive nerves deep in the man's heart.

Such a scene that combines cuteness and charmingness is truly infinite. Lin Luo immediately became embarrassed and hated why it was not at night when he came back. Otherwise, he would just roll the bed without explaining.

Just when Lin Luo was finally seduce desires, Reimu finally woke up, feeling that his body was tightly pressed, and subconsciously pushing people up, but Lin Luo also conditioned pressure to come over. In the end, the movements that led to her body did not push Lin Luo away, but brought the faces of the two people closer.

"You..." The scorching breath spit out on his face, this stimulus was no less than a direct kiss, instantly making Reimeng feel flustered, forgetting that he is also a peerless master comparable to the quasi-heavenly rank, on the contrary Like a young girl, she immediately blushed, her ears turned red, and she couldn't say any more when she only said the word you, her eyes began to avoid subconsciously.

Seeing her flustered and at a loss, Lin Luo suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to bully and tease her, and wanted to vomit: You see, there was nothing wrong with it because you were so messy, so I’m taking advantage of it now. If this ambiguous scene is seen by Mingmeng, it’s not easy to handle. If you suddenly break into the Marisa and others, I’m afraid it will be even worse. At that time, in order to prevent us The shame of Play is spread everywhere, saying that it can’t be said that the onlookers can only be brought in to play with three people...

It's just that Lin Luo can only think about these words in the end, because he knows very well that if he really said that, Reimu's favorability will not decrease, but he will definitely become awkward.

Hold it back! Must hold back! My ridiculous desire!

Lin Luo tried his best to restraint, and at the same time, his mind was running fast, thinking about what could not cause Reimu’s hatred, thinking about it, before Reimu recovered from the shy state, suddenly he thought of the blessings. , So he stretched out his hand and gently slid the back of his hand across Reimu's smooth face, and said affectionately: "Reimu, you today are so beautiful as moonlight."

Hearing these words, it was like being hit directly by the Friendship Shaping Fist, Reimu instantly woke up, only feeling a twitch in his stomach, "You say that, it's really disgusting."

"...Sorry, I think so too." Lin Luo also felt a little pain in his stomach.

"Also, how long are you going to stay with me?" Reimeng said lightly.

Lin Luo was taken aback for a while, and found that the blush on Lingmeng's face had disappeared, and the mist in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by the familiar face...Lin Luo knew immediately that Lingmeng had recovered, not the arrogant Jiao. Reimu's is not the shy Reimu like a soft girl, but the Boli maiden who is familiar to everyone and is neither kind nor indifferent to people.

"Oh." Lin Luo replied, and immediately stood up from her. Reimu changed so quickly that he did not feel abrupt, but felt very natural. It was just that when he sat down at the table again, his brain Recalling Reimeng's completely different before and after reactions, for some reason, there was a tingling in his heart.

Reimu, why isn't he kind or indifferent to people?

Suddenly, Lin Luo thought of such a question.

In fact, each of the girls in Gensokyo has personality, domineering, arrogant, black-bellied, innocent, shaking S, and of course M shaking, and bright faces like Reimu. It didn't say the words "Don't get close to strangers", but it gave people the feeling that they could not really get close to her.

Some people's personalities are born, and some people's personalities are acquired. For example, Feng Jian Youxiang's domineering arrogance is born, and the arrogance of the eldest lady is acquired, so what about Reimu?

Lin Luo intuitively believed that it was definitely not her natural character.

"Now, let me say..."

"By the way, you seem to be a little strange today, I feel that there is a big change in your personality." Lin Luo was about to ask, but he just spoke and suddenly heard what Reimu said.

Lin Luo was startled, "Do you think so too?"

He didn't expect that his subtle transformation would be discovered by Reimu.

Reimu nodded, "Well, you are cheaper today than ever."


Lin Luo burst into tears, although he also knew that he seemed to have an extra mocking face inexplicably, but you don't need to say that? It hurts self-esteem too much.

Reimu apparently just said casually. Although it was not a deliberate ridicule, although she felt a little inexhaustible, but after speaking, she did not continue to make any more moves, and quickly wiped out the food on the table.

Lin Luo's words were unexpectedly interrupted by Reimu, but he did not forget what he wanted to figure out. After Reimu had a bowl of rice, he said, "Now, Reimu, do you have any regrets? ?"

"What is regret?" Reimeng looked at him blankly, obviously not knowing the meaning of what he asked, tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "It shouldn't be there, I really want to say that there is any regret. It’s a shame that I couldn’t kill you back then."

Reimeng's eyes were serious, so serious that Lin Luo was hurt.

Lin Luo shook his head, shook his injured heart, and said with a serious face: "I am not talking about this, I am referring to... knowing that it is irretrievable. No matter how hard you put in, it is impossible to regain the lost things. , But deep in my heart I still hope to see it again and get it again, even if I understand that it is just a luxury... Do you understand when I say this?"

"I can't recover...I saw it again..." It seemed that something was hooked up by this sentence. Reimu was a little lost for a moment, but in the blink of an eye she turned her head and got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"That kind of thing, never!"

Reimeng said without turning his head, his tone was firm and decisive.

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