The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1101: The eldest lady is full of majesty and won the first drop of blood

"It's such a big dragon, I don't know if it is blood type B? Although it is still unsure, in short, it's time for the dragon bitch... Gunslinger, shoot it!"

In this gray world, a burst of blood suddenly rose. It was two huge red wings. Its owner, Remilia, with a wicked smile, held a red spear in his hand, and the blood flowed. , Showing the air of killing.


As soon as Remilia's voice fell, she had already projected the sharp spear Gangnier, and she saw a red light that seemed to tear the whole world in half, shooting at the dragon above with an unstoppable force.

No one is faster than it, the blood-red light is like a meteor falling from the sky, its trajectory no one can capture, when someone sees it, it has disappeared.

And at this moment, the moment the sharp spear broke out, it had already pierced the huge body of the dragon.

However, such an attack did not have an effect on the Shenlong. A subtle flash of light flashed by, and a visible defensive net appeared on the surface of the Shenlong. Even a sharp spear that could tear the space was used for defense at this level. In front of the net, it also appeared to be lacking in strength, and was suddenly blocked.

Gangnir stabbed the defensive net, like a pill of mud hitting a rock, the latter not moving.

And Shenlong didn't even look at it.

This is a matter of course, the strong of the heavenly ranks, that is not only for the existence of the world view, its own combat power is also enough to make anyone desperate. Even if Lin Luo, through his understanding of equivalent exchange, broke the Shenlong’s immunity to the current worldview, and even weakened its strength, putting himself in a more favorable situation in this new world, but...the ranks always It's a heavenly rank!

The entire body of the Dragon God is wrapped in a defensive net. This layer of defense is not its active use, but a passive defense that is automatically generated when it senses an attack. Although it is far less than the strength of active defense, it is not a human being. It can be broken.

Shenlong's calmness seemed to tell them all: Remilia's attack is unbreakable!

Even the defense can't be broken, how to defeat Shenlong?

"Cut, I was completely ignored." Remilia grinned, but didn't waver.

She still remembers the battle of the past two years ago, no, it should be said that she will never forget it.

In that battle, all the members of the Red Devil Mansion were helpless in the face of the enemy's attack, and they were defeated by only one face. Even if she forcibly walked away at the last minute, she did not have any advantage. If there was no Ewenjie at that time Lin arrived in time and the Red Devil Hall will be completely removed from Gensokyo.

She didn't want to have such an experience anymore, such memories must be past.

She didn't want to be a hero, but as the owner of the Red Devil Hall, it was her duty to guard everything in the Red Devil Hall, so she worked harder than anyone else after coming into contact with the demon's cultivation system.

Yaoyao's cultivation system allowed her to see a new path, and let her see a more powerful existence. When Sakiya and Fran were advancing at a rocket-like speed, she did not stay in place. Through the blood left by Lin Luo, she completed the first transformation, the perfect evolution from vampire to true ancestor.

But this is not the end, just the beginning!

Is the true ancestor the apex of vampires? Absolutely not!

Doesn't it have potential without being a host? of course not!

Remilia knew exactly what her potential was, how much power she still hadn’t tapped out... True ancestor, this identity was just a step she climbed up, when she stepped onto this step, after she What unfolds in front of you is an endless world, and then as long as you move forward, you can see-the destiny that no one can resist!

"Get to know me, who I am now."

Remilia snorted coldly, and the blood-colored light shot away like lightning, but in an instant she had appeared nearly a thousand meters above the Shenlong, and at the same time, the gunner Gangir was summoned. With a slight tremor, he immediately gave up the Shenlong and returned to Remilia's hands.

Remilia held Gangneil in both hands, with the tip of her spear pointed at the Dragon God on her head and feet, the red blood light seemed to be alive, entwining her body and spinning continuously, and the three of them were in harmony in an instant. And for one, there is no more Remilia, no more Gangnir, only a glare of blood red.

"Fate assassination... Eternal Blood!"


In an instant, the blood red shot down quickly, with a squeak, hitting the Dragon God's back, more accurately speaking, hitting the Dragon God's defensive net.

Unlike the previous solid water, Remilia’s attack at this moment has obviously had a huge impact on the defensive net. Between the two want to touch, it is like a high-voltage electric pole falling in the water, and the zirazi pulls constantly. The electric light burst, and the defensive net began to fluctuate as the red light kept trembling.


Remilia's powerful attack finally made the Dragon God no longer ignore her. With a roar, the dragon head turned, and the fierce air current swept towards Remilia like a storm.

If Remilia was just an ant in front of the elephant and could ignore the Dragon God, then Remilia at this moment is a wolf, and even the elephant cannot ignore the wolf that must be driven away.

However, this wolf is not so easy to drive away.

Before the Dragon God's attack was killed, Remilia who turned into blood light quickly avoided. Before the second wave of Dragon God's attack was killed, the **** light shot towards the Dragon God's abdomen again.


No one can know whether the Dragon God has feelings, but with this roar at this moment, anyone can feel its anger, or Remilia’s small existence has repeatedly harassed it and made it feel Be angry, and with this roar, a more ferocious attack followed.

The storm tore through the space and the air current swept the world. Under the fierce and domineering attack of the Dragon God, Remilia was like a lone boat in the sea. It could be blown to pieces at any time, but... Remilia, who is the blood light, seemed dangerous, but in fact she didn't suffer any harm. I saw that blood light went back and forth, and within a short period of time, she had already made countless attacks on the Dragon God.

Her speed has reached its peak, even the Dragon God can't catch up.

Zira Zira!

The Dragon God's defensive net was hit by Remilia's horror time and time again, and countless electric currents burst out, faintly forming an absolute minefield.

However, the so-called peak is always used to surpass. With the increase in the number of attacks by Remilia, her speed is getting bigger and bigger, and her impact is getting stronger and stronger, and she gradually separated from the dragon god's pursuit. The distance, in the end, completely got rid of the chase of the Dragon God, even the blood-red light has disappeared, only the sizzling sound of the defensive net being hit.

Under such a strong impact, even the Dragon God's defensive net was a little unable to hold on, and gradually cracked pain, and finally... Wow!

Just like glass hit by a hammer, the Dragon God’s defensive net broke into countless pieces in an instant. At the same time, the disappearing red light reappeared, tracing the Dragon God’s abdomen, bringing out a bright red blood stain.

The red light stopped abruptly, and Remilia held Gangnir and stopped a hundred meters away from the Dragon God’s side, with her back facing the Dragon God, with a calm smile on her face, "The so-called fate is absolutely absolute no matter how you resist. What can’t be resisted. From the moment I attack you, my destiny is sure to strike. If even your defenses can’t be broken, then my majesty as the Lord of the Night is really gone... Then again, It's not blood type B, it's worthless."

Remilia turned slightly, raised her blood-stained hand, her face was provocative, as if she was proving to the Dragon God that she was not an ant, but a fierce wolf that could slay dragons.

The blood dripped down the fingers, this is the red devil!

Remilia, who controls the essence of destiny, is above her own strength at this moment. Even if her true strength is not as good as Dragon God, no one can change what fate has already decided.

The Red Devil? No, Remilia should be the devil of destiny now!

Under Remilia’s fierce attack, the passive defense of the Dragon God was finally broken, but this does not mean that the Dragon God will easily lose. In fact, although she injured the Dragon God, the injury was even skin and flesh injuries. Not really, and the most terrifying thing is... the self-conscious Dragon God is finally angry!


The Dragon God snarled up to the sky, making a roar that shook the sky and the earth.

When the weak ants touch the gods, the gods will punish them. Even if the Dragon God has no emotions, the existence of a strong heavenly rank, its instinct is not to allow any inferior existence to touch it, and at this moment, Remilia not only touched it, but even hurt it.

It's not Nilin, but Nilin wins!

The husband was angry, the blood splashed five steps, the king was angry, and the corpse was lying thousands of miles away, the dragon **** was angry, and the world was pale!

When the roar of the Dragon God sounded, the whole world seemed to tremble, the horrible fluctuations visible to the naked eye were cost-effective in all directions, and the surrounding space began to collapse piece by piece...This is not a physical attack, but the mighty power of the heavenly ranks. Pressure!


Lin Luo felt the most real, and immediately reminded him.

Of course, even if he didn't remind him of this situation, everyone would not sit still.

Remilia is the closest to the Dragon God, but she is not a fool. She dodges and retreats as soon as she realizes the danger. Although she has mastered the essence of fate, she is still far away from the real manipulation of fate, the pressure of heaven. , Even her fate could not be resisted.

Therefore, as soon as the coercion of the Dragon God came out, everyone except Lin Luo scattered and fled. They did not dare to confront them head-on, and of course they couldn't resist.

It's terrible...

Seeing everyone fleeing embarrassed under the pressure of the Dragon God, Lin Luo couldn't help feeling solemn, but he knew that this was not a bad thing, because this scene must be experienced. He wants to defeat the Dragon God, the heavenly prestige of the Dragon God. The pressure needs to be forced out anyway.

But what he didn't expect was that Remilia was already so strong that only one person forced the Dragon God to turn on the state of coercion. This... it was a surprise!

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