The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1116: A brand new world, the unchanging Gensokyo!

Time passed, and it was ten years later... Oh, no, ten days later!

Although only ten days have passed, there is an idiom saying that life is like a year. For most of the girls in Gensokyo, these ten days are really as long as ten years. They have lived in Gensokyo for several years, decades, even hundreds of thousands of years, and they have long been accustomed to the life and atmosphere here, and suddenly they have to move to other worlds. It is really difficult to give up.

However, whether they are unwilling or unwilling, they must leave today.

The invasion of common sense came faster and more fierce than imagined. Although Lin Luo and Yakumo Zi rearranged the barriers in an attempt to suppress common sense, their powers could not fight the worldview at all.

When the common sense collided with the extraordinary sense, Gensokyo, which lost the power of the dragon god, had no room to contend. The original balance was completely broken, and within just ten days, the abnormality that had occurred had exceeded that. The sum of the abnormal changes encountered by each Hakuri Miko in her life in the past.

Fortunately, Gensokyo is now gathering strong people, and with the existence of the twelve Hakuri maidens, these changes have finally been suppressed, but everyone knows that if their "extremely savvy" existences continue to stay Here, Gensokyo will be overloaded one day, and there will be a change that even they can't suppress.

So, whether it was for Gensokyo or for themselves, they had to leave.

"It's really weird. Although the Great Enchantment is gone, when there was no Hakuli Great Enchantment in the past, so many abnormal changes would not occur frequently. What is going on now?" Shemeimaru Wen is a one. The reporter, not only has the talent for digging gossip, but also has the potential to explore the truth, and asked a very sharp question.

And this question also puzzled many people. More than five hundred years ago, before the Great Barry barrier was established, Gensokyo only relied on the barrier of Yakumozi to infiltrate from the present world and became an unknown one. In the Secret Realm, Gensokyo's balance was not very good at that time, but there weren't many mutations. At most, it was some monsters who didn't understand the rules, and they often acted wrongly.

And like now, the frequent occurrence of a large number of abnormal changes is really unprecedented.

"This question is actually very easy to explain." Yakumo Shi looked at everyone's blank expressions and said, "In the past, although youkai gradually withdrew from the stage, there were still a lot of youkai outside of Gensokyo. Like the little vampire sitting over there..."

"Where am I young!" Seeing Yakumo Zi's gaze towards herself, Remilia stood up immediately, staring at her with an unhappy face.

Yakumo Zi retracted his gaze and ignored him, and continued: "At that time, although the world was occupied by humans and filled with common sense, the very knowledge still exists after all. Even a very small number of people still believe in the existence of monsters and ghosts. Therefore, Even without the great barrier of Hakuli, Gensokyo’s balance will not completely collapse."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! After all, she didn't jump out to make trouble, and sat back angrily.

On the other side, Yakumo Zi gushed: “However, with the rapid development of human science and technology civilization, under their scientific worldview, unscientific existence has been completely excluded from their concepts. No longer believe in the existence of demons and monsters in the world, nor in the existence of gods, matter and technology have become the only ones in the human world."

"For example, if someone goes to an outside network to post a post like'I saw the undead dancing in the sky today', the following reply must be'This is unscientific!','Is the host's brain flooded?' The original poster read less fantasy novels', or "The earth is dangerous, the original poster should go back to Mars," and so on."

"..." Lin Luo listened to her analogy and didn't know how to complain. He could only say: This analogy is very scientific.

Others were probably also thundered by the magical metaphor of Yakumozi, and they were speechless for a while, only the lotus seeds, looking at Yakumozi, as if seeing a confidant, wiped their tears and nodded and said: "Say That's right, I'm right. I made a post about spirituality not long ago. I wanted to find a few like-minded partners, but when I turned on the computer the next day, I was almost expelled."

Lianzi tears and snots, that's a pitiful one.

You publish unscientific posts on the scientific network, and it’s strange not to be squirted out. Do you really think you are a secret group of science? Lin Luo secretly complained.

Renzi and Meili have never left since they came to Gensokyo last time. They naturally participated in this rally. As for whether they will go to the Ming world or return to their real world, Lin Luo is more inclined to go back to the real world. After all, Mei Li doesn't say that Lianzi still has a family.

No matter how much she is interested in spirituality, she can't abandon her mother and go to another world.

"As we all know, most monsters and gods need to rely on human beliefs to survive, and some of them are born out of human beliefs. When people fear the darkness, the power of fear gathers together, and the darkness breeds. Terrible monsters, when people begin to pray, hoping that there will be a **** to save them, this belief is united, and the blessed **** is born."

"So when people no longer believe that there are monsters and spirits in the world, these monsters and spirits born by faith are losing their place of existence. When people forget them completely, they will disappear forever, just like The two gods over there came to fantasize because they got the belief of humans from the outside world." Yakumo Zi looked at Suwako Suwa and Kanako Yasaka, and said calmly.

"So, why do you always use other people as a metaphor." Suwako Suwa and Kanako Yasaka looked helpless, but they really couldn't find room for refutation.

Yakumo Zi closed his eyes and said again: "Nowadays, humans in the outer world no longer fear the darkness and no longer believe in gods. They firmly believe that only their humans are the most powerful. Under this concept, All the extraordinary knowledge was eliminated. So, when this common sense began to invade Gensokyo, this little paradise could no longer resist, and the abnormal changes were born from this. Therefore, leaving Gensokyo is the only one of us. Otherwise, one day, even ourselves will be swallowed up by common sense."

When Yakumo Zi said these words, there was a trace of sadness in her tone.

"Um...I have a problem too." After everyone was silent for a while, Marisa suddenly raised their hands and said, "Although I don't deny the strength of humans in this era, no matter how strong they are, they cannot surpass ours. Fighting power...Of course, I didn’t even think about going to war with outside humans. It’s just an analogy. If the two of us really go to war, our chances of winning should be greater. What is the only way out? , Isn't it a bit exaggerated?"

"Hey, I remember you should be a human being?" Marisa had just finished speaking, yet she hadn't heard the answer, but it caused Alice next to her to complain.

Marisa slapped her chest and said proudly, "Of course, I am a real human...Wait, what are you asking about this? Do you want to say that I am not a human, and then take back what I borrowed from you? Both? I said you will pay it back after I die, anyway, your life span is much longer than mine."

"..." Alice was speechless, she didn't say that at all, OK!

According to Marisa, more than 90% of the people present were very depressed. Obviously, they had all been "borrowed" by the ordeal Risa, but Yakumo Zi was still calm and said, "Of course, from our side. Combat power, if it really goes to war with humans, there is an absolute chance of victory. According to preliminary estimates, at most one day will be enough to wipe out humans..."

"Then go to war, so that we don't have to leave Gensokyo!" Before Yakumo Zi finished speaking, Marisa jumped up, with an expression that I wanted to be a pioneer.

Hey, you just said that you don't want to go to war with humans, right? !

As soon as I said this, even Yakumo Zi couldn't calm down. A human being actually proposed to a monster to start a war with a human. What is it going to cause?

On the other hand, Lin Luo was also unable to complain. He didn't understand at all. He was obviously discussing the matter of moving to the Ming Realm. No matter how he pulled it, he was at war with humans. This building is too crooked!

Sure enough, it is very tiring to discuss business matters with this group of people who have no common sense without a huge crisis.

Lin Luo sighed secretly, now that he has to stand up and say something, "The key to the problem now is not human beings, but common sense. This is a kind of worldview. Even if we really go to war with human beings, and then defeat even Annihilation of mankind, this established worldview will not change for a long time, and Gensokyo will of course be covered by this worldview. Therefore, those monsters and gods that depend on human beliefs, Will disappear one by one, do you understand that?"

Marisa tilted her head, "I understand a little bit, but it doesn't seem to be very clear..."

As soon as her words fell, there was already a plop over there. At this time, everyone finally determined that Marisa's language teacher probably died very early.

Huiyin frowned and considered whether she should teach Marisa, otherwise her future communication would definitely be a problem.

Lin Luo finally got angry. When Jianshan Hina, who was about to stand in the distance, pulled over, then pointed to her and said to Marisa: "She, turn around, the **** of human belief, you should know this!"

Jianshan Hina blushed and shrank herself embarrassedly.

"I know, but don't be so close, okay?" Marisa nodded in a panic, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps away from the doom range of Evil God.

Lin Luo saw Marisa look like this, very impulsive to tie her to Jianshan Hina, and said with a serious face: "Turn around to rely on human beliefs to exist, but this concept does not conform to the common sense of the outside world, once Gensokyo When common sense is completely invaded, her existence will disappear, and then there will be no so-called Evil God!"

"But now she hasn't disappeared." Marisa said weakly.

"She's still there because I set up a defensive barrier in Gensokyo, blocking the large-scale invasion of common sense, but this is only temporary. With my ability, I can't compete with the world view at all. At most tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, my barrier It will be completely shattered, and then Zhuan Zhuan can only disappear. Moreover, in Gensokyo, there are countless gods and monsters of the same nature as Zhuan Zhun. I don’t need to continue talking about how they will end up at that time. Come on!" Lin Luo looked at Marisa with an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

Marisa is not as stupid as Cirno, she understands such a vivid explanation, and she nods her head, "It turns out that it's such a thing, you said it earlier."

Lin Luo let go, let the Jianshan chicks turn to the side, and said weakly, "I seem to remember that I mentioned this question at the very beginning."

"Isn't people's memory too good, ha ha ha ha." Marisa smirked.

Give it back, your sister!

Lin Luo almost spouted a mouthful of old blood, and sighed: "So, there is no point in staying here to fight humans or something. Besides, killing billions of humans for no reason, you really think you are. Reincarnation of the Destroyer God?"

Marisa immediately scratched his head and laughed carelessly, "I just saw that the atmosphere in the discussion is too serious, so I'm just kidding, how can I really go to war with humans."

"Then I suggest you better not make such a joke." Beside, Pa Qiuli said seriously.


"Look." Paqiuli slanted her eyes to Flandre, who was sitting next to her, and then pointed to Gu Mingdilian and Feng Beast Ye who were not far away. Then, she continued to read the book with her head down.

Marisa took a look at it, and immediately found that the three girls' faces were full of enthusiastic expressions. Obviously, they liked the idea of ​​going to war with humans very much. Anyway, they are not monsters that exist only by faith, and even if common sense affects them a little, they cannot be destroyed.

Upon discovering this, Marisa suddenly did not dare to speak, otherwise she would become a sinner who destroys mankind if she is not careful!

Although it was interrupted by Marisa, a lot of time was wasted, but everyone understood the harm of common sense to them. There were no problems in the following discussion, and everyone agreed to move to Mingjie, it's just... in less than one day left, can you really make a perfect migration?

When everyone asked this question, Lin Luo was also a little embarrassed. At first he did not expect that the chain reaction after the disappearance of the Dragon God would be so huge, and the invasion of common sense was beyond his expectation. When he finally realized it, time had become very urgent.

Although there is no problem with the transfer of personnel, as long as he connects the two worlds, it can be done in an instant, but what about their family?

Not all the people here are breezy, like the Red Devil Hall, it is easier to handle, as long as the whole is moved there, but there is a problem with the Earth Spirit Hall, if you want to move the entire Earth Spirit Hall, the molten underground is located Inflammation is very likely to break out, and the entire underground world is sloppy, which is very difficult to handle.

There is also Shang Bai Ze Huiyin. Although she has no family background, her character does not allow her to leave the children in the world. In her opinion, as a teacher, this is an irresponsible behavior. However, there are many problems in moving the entire human world.

There is also the Underworld Baiyulou, which is directly linked to the real world outside, and then there are the heavens and hells... Although these are not included in Gensokyo, they all have a great connection with Gensokyo, even because of the outside world. Spiritual concepts, these regions can only exist within Gensokyo's worldview.

Although Lin Luo didn't believe that after the invasion of common sense, the **** of heaven and **** would completely disappear, but it would definitely have a big impact, and this kind of consequence was caused by him. A little irresponsible.

After discussing these issues for a long time, everyone did not come to a conclusion. In the end, Lin Luo had no choice but to act in a clone, go to **** and go to the heavens, drag Siji Yingji and several old people from the heavens that he had seen before, and tell the truth about the present. Case.

The old people in the heavens have no desires and desires, but they are very foolish. Anyway, as long as no one disturbs their peaceful life, no matter what Lin Luo arranges, they won't care.

However, when Siji Yingji listened to the ins and outs of the matter, she immediately ran away!

For two hours, a full two hours, no one could intervene, only this little Lolita Hades, she wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, and no one could escape her reprimand, especially Lin Luo was even more thoroughly seen by her.

"You bastards, I didn't pay attention. You stabbed such a big Louzi. Tell yourself, how do you solve such a big problem? Ah! Can't tell, right! How do I usually teach you? , Have you regretted it now? Look at what you are talking about! Don't turn your face away, look at me..."

Everyone was so eager to cry by her, and there was no chance to speak well.

"I said, we don't seem to have much time?" While Shiki Yingji was training others, Sakuya quietly said to Lin Luo, and then pointed to the sky.

Lin Luo looked up and found that the sun was about to set. Indeed, if Four Seasons continued to train like this, they estimated that it would take ten years before they could move smoothly.

So Lin Luo didn't hesitate anymore, immediately took out the king's demeanor, walked behind Siji, and hugged her up.

"Wow!" Siji suddenly exclaimed when he was suddenly attacked by this.

The others were also dumbfounded.

"What are you doing! Put me down!" Siji blushed while struggling, and shouted, saying that it is really embarrassing that the dignified Hell King was held in this way.

It’s just that Lin Luo doesn’t listen to her reprimand at all, and the difference in strength between the two parties is really big. Four Seasons can’t get rid of it at all. With her loli figure, she struggles and scolds not only without a bit of majesty, but very cute, if I don't know her status as Hades, she is just a coquettish little girl.

"Don't be like this, you're so fierce, you won't be able to marry in the future." Lin Luo couldn't help but persuade her to scold her.

Four Seasons was furious: "Marry you! I am the King of Yama!"

"Hell will also marry, don’t care about the details. Also, we have very little time left now. If you continue to quarrel, many people will die because you can’t make it to move. I think, as the Hell, you should not Do you care about life like the **** of death?" Lin Luo moved with affection and understood with reason.

"Uh..." As soon as these words came out, Four Seasons was taken aback for a moment, but it really calmed down.

On the other side, Onozuka Komachi was already in tears. She pointed to herself with a gloomy expression on her face. She looked at everyone and said, "I was shot like this?"

She is a **** of death, but when did she die? Wrong!

"Don't care about the details, come and drink tea." Reimu's temperament has changed a lot after the return of the predecessor. At this time, she was like a good helper helping Lin Luo calm down the resentful Komachi.

After all, Four Seasons is the King of Hades and cannot lose his majesty, and Lin Luo and many of the girls present have an ambiguous relationship. It is not easy to be so open and honest. So, after Four Seasons agreed to speak well, he immediately put it down. The action of the four seasons also makes nowhere to send fire.

"Then let's talk about it now, what are you going to do?" Siji asked sternly.

"The specifics have not yet been decided, but I already have the general direction. Just when you were training people, I figured it out. I will just talk about it briefly..."

Although Lin Luo said briefly, in fact, this topic has been talked about from the evening to the dark, and finally it was in the early morning when the people of Gensokyo were officially decided on their moving plan.

And this plan, in the eyes of everyone, can only be described in four words: shocking!

Because what Lin Luo had to do was not just move some people or a few buildings, but the whole world!

Before the common sense of the outside world completely invades Gensokyo, he will move the entire Gensokyo including the heaven, hell, the underworld, and even the moon, and move everything connected by this very knowledgeable worldview to the Ming world!

Just like when he merged the Red World with the Ming World after the fourth victory of the God War, he did the same.

Of course, without the rewards of the **** war, he would not be able to achieve the perfect fusion as before, but as the king of the world, he has the absolute right to transform the Ming world, plus his own power... let the moon Turning into the moon of the Mingjie, turning **** into the **** of the Mingjie, turning the heaven into the heaven of the Mingjie, and turning Gensokyo into the Gensokyo of the Mingjie. All this is within his thoughts!

Such a big deal is not just chaos, it is simply shocking, but after some careful consideration, everyone found that this is indeed the best way.

In this way, except that there is no more "unscientific" in this world, nothing else has changed.

Even Meili and Lianzi, when they learned that Lin Luo could allow them to go back and forth between Mingjie and this world, they were enthusiastic about going to Mingjie.

So, when everyone agreed, Lin Luo immediately started to act.

Finally, when the sun rose in the morning, everyone finally arrived at the Ming Realm.

Gensokyo still exists in this brand new world!

Volume 16: Chaotic Moon

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