The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1128: You are all my wings... Oh no, it's heroic spirits!

"Wait, what are you writing?"

After Lin Luo finally convinced all the few people who didn't want to go, he also wrote their names, and then continued to write, Sanae looked curious and couldn't help asking.

"Your career arrangement and treasure settings." Lin Luo replied without looking up.

"Ah? What's that?" Sanae's face was dazed, not only her, but after hearing Lin Luo's words, even if they were not originally interested, they all cast curious eyes at this moment.

"What? Didn't I tell you just now?" Lin Luo raised his head and said.

"You said Mao!" Everyone was depressed.

"Oh, that's the case. I was negligent." Lin Luo immediately put down the pen and paper, apologized slightly, and then said, "As for this time we are going to the Moon World, we can’t be an ordinary person. It is the identity of the heroic spirit...what is the heroic spirit, I don’t think I need to introduce it again. Therefore, since it is a heroic spirit, the setting of occupations and treasures is naturally inevitable. I said that, do you understand? ?"

Everyone was stunned.

Yonglin frowned and asked, "Why do you need to be a hero? And I remember that a hero can be a hero after death. How can we be a hero?"

"Aren't you trying to kill us all?" Marisa didn't know if she had delusion of persecution or something. Before Lin Luo could speak, she screamed loudly.

Lin Luobai glanced at her, "What nonsense are you talking about, what good is it for me to kill you? Indeed, under normal circumstances, only the dead can be the heroic spirits, but my side is special, because I can do it to a certain extent. Internally modify the origin of the lunar world, so as long as I modify your existence while staying in that world, you can transform into heroic spirits at once."

"Of course, when you went to the Hall of Valor yesterday, you should have felt that when you were in the Hall of Valor, your strength would be weakened by the chief officer and only stay at the peak of the spiritual rank. Therefore, when you are transformed into the Hall of Valor In the time of the body, it will probably be reduced to this level, and it may even be lower..."

"What is this? I don't want to be weak!" The emperor suddenly became unhappy.

"Listen to me, I'm only halfway through it. Don't deny it so quickly... Although you will become weaker when you are the heroic spirits, it is just that. Once the heroic spirit state is lifted, how much should you have? As strong as you are, you don’t have to worry about getting weaker.” Lin Luo explained.

"So that's it." Yakumolan nodded, and immediately asked again, "Then how do we get rid of the heroic state?"

"It's simple, as long as it is killed once." Lin Luo said calmly.


Seeing their expressions like "Are you kidding us?" Lin Luo sighed heavily, and then said: "Well, I wanted to keep it mysterious and interesting, but since you all raised questions, Let me just say it straight. This time we go to Xingyue World. Although it is a travel, it can also be said to be a game, a role-playing game, and you are playing the role of heroes. It is like playing an online game. Similarly, prepare a big map first, then players enter and start fighting each other. Once one of you is killed, you will be forced to quit the game, and then your existence will return to normal, that is, the heroic state will be lifted. Then you should understand."

"It turned out to be like this, it sounds like a lot of fun... what do you guys think?" Marisa seemed to understand, and immediately cast a questioning look at the person next to her.

"I want to play! I want to play!" Flandre said immediately happily. Although she didn't understand, she liked fighting games the most.

Although Gensokyo is a peaceful place, this does not mean that the girls in Gensokyo are self-sacrificing guys. After all, these girls are either monsters or ghosts, or people with hidden violent tendencies. Even in the peaceful Gensokyo, they often do it. Barrage war. At this moment, Lin Luo actually prepared an immortal war game for them, no matter where they would refuse, let alone Flandre and the emperor eager to try, even Yonglin and Sheng Bailian were moved.

And Remilia directly recovered from the state of waste materials, ready to fight a happy battle.

As for the weakening of strength or something, anyway, it's not that I'm weakened alone, what does it matter?

"Then you will participate as the heroic spirit?" Just when everyone was concerned about the war game, Paqiuli raised a very critical question, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Luo smiled, "I want to participate, you don't have to play, I am the game official."

Hearing what he said, everyone was relieved. With Lin Luo's strength outside the specifications, if they also participated in this war game, they would only be abused.

"Then what does this game have to do with the occupations and treasures you mentioned?"

"Well, this is what I'm going to talk about next." Lin Luo stood up and walked to the opposite side of the crowd. A light curtain flashed out behind him, with several figures arranged in it, and then pointed to the light curtain and said to everyone , "There are seven professions in this war game, namely swordsman, pikeman, archer, knight, magician, assassin, and berserker. You need to choose one of these professions to participate in the game."

"Then, each class has different basic abilities, and the strength of these abilities also determines your combat effectiveness and the most advantageous fighting style for you. Besides, each of you will have a treasure called Treasure. Treasures may be weapons, or moves. They may be used individually against people, they may be used against troops in team battles, and they may even be super-conventional treasures against cities and realms..."

Lin Luo paused and continued: "My idea is to use your weapons or moves as the prototype, and set up four treasures for each of you, which can also be reflected in this way. The fairness of the game. However, it should be noted that the more powerful the treasure will consume more magic power, and as the heroic spirits, it is impossible for you to have unlimited magic power, so you will treat the treasure as **** as soon as the battle begins. Those who throw it will probably die the fastest."

Lin Luo was talking about fairness, but didn't expect that each of them possesses four kinds of treasures. For the orthodox heroic spirits of the Moon World, how unfair... Or, this is not in his consideration. within.

After listening to Lin Luo's explanation, everyone is more looking forward to the upcoming war game, but the choice of professions and treasures makes them very distressed. First, they don't understand the characteristics of these professions. Second Come on, they have too many moves, it's hard to choose just four.

Lin Luo also knew what they were considering, so he gave a detailed explanation of the professions and treasures, then pointed to Remilia and said: "Take Remi as an example, she is the most suitable gunman."

"Because she has a gun?" Marisa interjected.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded, "Although there are a lot of people participating in the game, there are very few who have guns, so Remy is naturally the well-deserved first pikeman..."

"Wait a minute!" Lin Luo said halfway, Remilia interrupted him, then frowned and said, "In your commentary just now, I seem to remember that the Lucky Points of the Pikemen are very low, so bad. I don’t want it by profession!"

Lin Luo mourned for all the spearmen for a second, and then said earnestly: "Although the spearmen are low in luck, their basic abilities are still quite high, and low luck is also for ordinary spearmen, but you are different. You are the one who controls your destiny. If you set this kind of destiny-changing ability as a treasure, then low luck will not exist for you at all."

"...This is also true."

"Okay, since you have accepted the spearmen, then discuss whether you want to use the treasure? For example, set your anti-squatting and selling cuteness to a pair of people treasures, and then you can kill whoever you want to be cute. ?"

"You just squatted to guard against being cute, go to hell!" Remilia roared angrily.

"Just forget it if you don't want it." Lin Luo shrugged, and secretly said a pity.

"Well, in fact, for the heroic spirits, treasures are a secret weapon. It is extremely advantageous and necessary to hide their treasures as much as possible before the battle, so we don't need to talk about the treasures, when the time comes I will naturally tailor a set for you..."

"If you dare to set my treasure to squat and prevent being cute, I will kill you!" Before Lin Luo finished speaking, Remilia revealed two small fangs and threatened viciously.

"Haha." Lin Luogan laughed twice, then took out a pen and paper, "Now let's discuss the issue of occupation first. Let me first propose which occupation you are suitable for. If you think it's okay, then so Decide, if you think that profession is not suitable for your attributes, then continue to discuss, how?"

Naturally, everyone has no opinion on this proposal.

As a result, everyone began to discuss vigorously, and it was not until the evening that everyone's career was finally determined.

The first is the swordsman. There are three people in this profession, Soul Demon Dream and Bina Juezi, and Dog Zouzhen. The three of them use either swords or swords. Obviously, there is no more suitable profession than this.

Then the Lancer has Ling Xian besides Remilia, the reason is of course that she can shoot pistols.

Secondly, Marisa who rides a broomstick is suitable as a knight, Eirin who can shoot arrows is suitable as an archer, and Flandre, who can run away, is a well-deserved berserker. Shemei Marubumi who likes sneak shots at the fastest speed is a natural assassin. Paqiuli of the magician is naturally a magician... all these people are clear at a glance, and there is no need to explain at all.

As for the others, it won't be spoiled for the time being.

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