The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 171: The promise when leaving and the pure white knight who returned again

It was a snow-like girl with silver hair and red eyes, dressed in purple clothes, and looked innocent. Looking at her, it was easy to remind people of such creatures as the Snow Fairy.

Of course, Lin Luo knew that this girl was not a snow fairy, but a human, or... an artificial human. Because she is the saint of winter who served as the holy grail tool in the Fifth Holy Grail War-Elijah Sophie von Einzbern.

Eliya, who formed a human posture with a magic circuit, was a natural magician and was destined to be a holy grail weapon at birth. The magic circuit of the whole body constitutes the Holy Grail, especially its heart is the core of the Holy Grail.

And because of this special physique, her physical function stopped growing, even if she was an adult, she was still a seven or eight-year-old body. Although she hadn't really learned magic, her magic had gone beyond the general theory. As a result, even if she doesn't know how to use it, it can be achieved by her magic.

In the Fifth Holy Grail War, it was almost like a BOSS. Its MASTER ability was the most advanced in history, and even far surpassed Rin Tosaka.

However, for Eliya, her life revolves around tragedy.

In Lin Luo's memory, Ilia is the daughter of "Magic Killer" Eimiya Kirishu and Alice Phil, who is also a holy grail tool, and the princess of the Einzbern clan. However, even though he was called a princess, he was not treated as a princess. Like the white vampire Elquet, he was treated as a prop. However, because she has a sound mind, she is even more unfortunate than Alquette.

In the original book, after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family, as the weapon of the Holy Grail, put all their hopes in the fourth Holy Grail War because of the betrayal of Keiji Eimiya. Eliya's, or it should be said that they put all the burden of pressure on a girl who was only seven years old, and spent her childhood without affection alone.

What is unimaginable is how can a girl who was betrayed by the whole world bear that too heavy fate?

Yes, it is the whole world. For a seven-year-old girl, her parents are everything to her. When she learned that her father killed her mother, what kind of cruel feeling was that?

Memories that were once warm and less lonely have probably all turned into heart-wrenching poison. The curse of unfair destiny broke out at this moment, and then it was a hell-like trial. Only in purgatory can fully master Berserker, not crazy, no Only when you die, you have the chance to see the sun again.

Perhaps she was already crazy. Because only madness can forget the pain, only madness can make her survive the hellish life, and only crazy obsession is the only driving force for her to live...

The fate of an angel-like girl is not fair, as beautiful as snow, but quickly fades away.

In the original book, anyone has a chance to be saved, and anyone has a chance to be happy, but only Eliya, no matter how you choose, no matter how hard you work, no matter how you change, there is only one way waiting for her, that is - death!

"Big brother, who are you?" The little girl was not afraid of life at all. Seeing Lin Luo coming over, instead of hiding because of fear, she greeted him excitedly and spoke to him happily.

"Lin Luo." At the same time, Lei also walked towards him with a gentle smile on her face.

"Hey, does Sister Lei know this big brother?" Eliya asked innocently. At this moment, her mentality is like her body, she is just a six or seven-year-old girl, full of innocence.

Lei nodded to her with a soft smile on her face. She liked this little girl who was as pure as snow.

Lin Luo smiled at Lei, then squatted down and said to the little girl: "Yes, not only do we know each other, but also a very good relationship. By the way, my name is Lin Luo, can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Elijah Sophie von Einzbern, but the elder brother calls me Elija. I like a too long name." The little girl spurned.

Well, I don’t like long names. This is very similar to Lei... Lin Luo understands a little bit. Although they don’t know how the two met, in essence, one of them is a weapon race and the other is a humanoid. , Not pure human beings, one as pure as snow and the other as blue as the sky, it is not incomprehensible that the two can become friends.

"Well, then I'll call you Yiliya, is this Yiliya's home?" Lin Luo asked, since Yiliya is here, there is no doubt that this is the mysterious and closed winter country-Ai Inzbern!

Although Lin Luo didn't know how he came in unintentionally, even the communal area and the Millennium City can be entered, so it is no surprise that there is only Einzbern.

"No..." However, Eliya shook her head, and then stretched out her finger to the depths of the snowy field in Lin Luo's puzzled eyes, where she could see nothing but the vast expanse of whiteness, "My home is over there, because Mom and Dad are gone, I miss them very much, but my grandfather won't let me go out, and I promised them to wait hard, so I ran out to play secretly..."

At the end of the day, Yiliya's voice became a little quieter, probably because she ran out and felt a guilty conscience.

Lin Luo was still wondering why the Einzbern family would let a seven-year-old girl run to such a far place to play. Isn't she afraid of her being in danger? Or is there nothing to worry about because this is their country? However, suddenly he was stunned.

"Ilia, you said that your parents have already left. How many people did they leave? When did they leave?" Yiliya's father Weimiya Kirishu, if Lin Luo intervenes in this Holy Grail War, then this person will undoubtedly Is his worst enemy.

Although it seems a bit unkind to read his father’s information from Eliya’s mouth, Lin Luo believes that Eimiya Kirishu is not qualified to be her father. For the ideals in his heart, even the lives of his wife and daughter can be abandoned, or even killed by himself. Losing his wife, in Lin Luo's view, Eimiya Kirishu is pure evil!

Because she has always lived in the Winter Castle, she did lead a life like a little princess before she was seven years old. She has a cheerful and outgoing personality, so she would not be wary of others. She held her finger and said without thinking: "Dad, mom, handsome big sister... left three days ago."

Little Eliya remembered this very clearly, after all, it was the day when she was separated from her parents.

But Lin Luo's expression changed when he heard this, and Wei Gong Qisi had left three days ago. Doesn't it mean that the Holy Grail War has begun? ! And the handsome big sister that Eliya said... sure enough, was the real Saber still drawn by that guy?

In Lin Luo’s memory, after Einzbern City and his wife Alice Phil and Saber left Einzbern City, although it was the first to arrive in Fuyuki City, it was Eimiya Kirji, but when Alice Phil and The first day that the two SABER set foot in Fuyuki City, the first confrontation between the heroes began at that time...

Three days! ...No, you have to go back immediately!

From the beginning to the end of the Holy Grail War, it was less than a week, four days or five days, Lin Luo didn't remember clearly, but...three days were enough to happen.

Now Lin Luo only hopes that the time difference between Eimiya Kiritugu and Alice Phil will arrive at Fuyuki City by more than three days, otherwise... he never expected that he would have stayed in Millennium City for more than a month!

"Eliya, thank you for telling me these things, and the elder brother and sister are leaving here too." Lin Luo couldn't wait, he couldn't wait to return to Winterwood City immediately.

"Oh, does the big brother hate Eliya? That's why I want to leave, and don't want Sister Lei to play with Ilia?" But Yiliya looked disappointed when she heard it, lowered her head and two little hands to stir the corners of her clothes.

"Of course it's not like this..." Lin Luo patted her head lightly and smiled. "The elder brother likes Eliya very much, but because the elder brother has very important things to do, he had to leave. ."

"Very important? How important is it?" Yiliya raised her head and asked.

"Well, how should I put it..." Lin Luo thought for a while, and finally said in a deep voice, "It's more important than my life."

"That way, Illiya won't be sad anymore." As if a little understood, Illiya suddenly laughed, "But...the big brother and Sister Lei will play with Yiliya after they have done important things. ?"

"Well, it will." Lin Luo nodded, then looked at Lei, she also nodded to Yilia.

"Really? The hook." Yiliya immediately stretched out her hand happily.

"Okay, Rehook." Although Lin Luo was a little dumbfounded, he didn't want to distract the little girl at this time.

"Now, Eliya, before leaving, my eldest brother will give you another gift." After the three of them pulled the hook, Lin Luo just wanted to leave, suddenly remembering something, and said to Eliya.

"what gift?"

Lin Luo stretched out his hand.

"Nothing?" Looking at the empty hands, Eliya tilted her head and looked puzzled.

"You close your eyes."

"Oh." As she said, Eliya closed her eyes honestly.

Then, Lin Luo put his hand on her forehead, and began to mute in her heart: Divine Healing Muscle Strengthening...Complete...Bone Strengthening...Complete...Cell Adjustment...Complete...Gene Resistance Strengthening...Complete... ...Physical adjustment...finish...finish...finish...

Although Yiliya was born as an instrument of the Holy Grail, she herself is an extremely good magician, but that must be done after she has practiced, and now she is just an ordinary little girl, so Lin Luo's healing technique It can still play a big role on her, and when the rule power can be used and the rule power cannot be used, the sacred healing techniques used are completely different levels.

In five minutes, Lin Luo spent two-thirds of her vitality and strengthened most of Eliya’s body. Although it cannot completely change her physique, if it cannot be changed in the future, then she When the fate that must be experienced comes, it can more or less alleviate some of her pain.

In fact, if possible, Lin Luo even thought about taking Eliya away. For such an innocent and lovely girl, if she stays in Einzbern city, the fate waiting for her will be extremely cruel, which makes him very sad. It's hard to accept, but...

I'm going back this time, but I'm going to be an enemy of her parents! How cruel is it to make her face this kind of thing? Moreover, in the Holy Grail War, no one can guarantee that his side will be able to win. Shining gold, the King of Conquer, which one is a friendly opponent?

If Eliya accidentally gets involved in their battle, how at ease at that time? Rather than that, it’s better to let her stay here first. If you lose, you don’t have to think about anything. If you win, it won’t be too late to pick her up. A mere Einzbern can’t stop yourself at all. .

"Big brother, sister Lei, goodbye, Eliya will be waiting for you to come." At the moment of parting, the snow-like pure girl kept waving her hands to the two of them, with an extremely innocent smile on her face.

Goodbye, Eliya, but... I will definitely abide by the agreement.

Lin Luo vowed secretly in his heart, and then he left there like this with Lei. Along the way, Lin Luo asked Lei what happened during his absence. After Lei told him, he finally knew.

It was true that Hei Ji had lost his way to Millennium City because Hei Ji wanted Bai Ji to fall... But during that time, Lei was handed over by Hei Ji to the White Knight to take care of her.

Originally this kind of thing would not be known, but... after being taken away by the White Knight, she would ask about it almost every few minutes, plus she often spoke sharply, which was very shocking. If it was an enemy, the White Knight marched directly with a ghost and there was nothing in the past, but for Lei... he couldn't beat it, he ignored Lei, he despised it fiercely, and he ignored Lei and continued to ask. In the end, the White Knight was really annoyed, and simply told Lei all he knew, and Lei immediately proposed to look for Lin Luo when he knew it.

Of course, the White Knight would not agree to this, so the two of them stood in a stalemate for half a month. Finally, Lei took advantage of the White Knight's attraction to a boy named Obesi·PK·K·K·Hideyoshi, and finally got under his nose. Escaped.

But because she was not familiar with anything, and she didn't like to be in contact with people, she ran and walked into the mountains again, and what was even more inexplicable was that she unconsciously entered the Winter City. Like Lin Luo imagined, Lei lost her way at the time, and then unexpectedly met Yi Liya. Because of the same special physique and some similarities, the two quickly became good friends and had fun together. Get up... Lin Luo expressed embarrassment at this point.

After understanding all of this, Lin Luo had to sigh that Hei Ji’s belly was black and she had made such a bad idea, but this time she made a mistake. Instead of causing Bai Ji to fall, her own blood allowed her to completely suppress it. Live the urge to **** blood.

On the other hand, Lin Luo would also like to thank the boy Hideyoshi who is called OPKK...what is the bird name? Suddenly fascinated the white knight, Hideyoshi was a very powerful creature.

At the same time, Lin Luo was also very fortunate that Yi Lei, a natural idiot, was able to wander outside alone for half a month. It was really good and powerful. Sure enough, even the soft girl with the protagonist template could not touch the moron.

More than two hours later, Lin Luo took Lei on the plane to Japan. Although Lei didn't have a passport, with Lin Luo's current strength, if he couldn't even handle this little thing, then there was no need to confuse him.

There was nothing on the plane, Lei was probably exhausted, and she started to sleep as soon as she sat in her seat, and Lin Luo also took advantage of this time to eat free food on the plane to replenish her vitality.

Because Fuyuki City is just a small and remote city in Japan, and there is no direct plane to arrive, but it disembarked in a relatively prosperous city nearby. Although Lin Luo hurried back in a hurry, there was nothing he could do about this.

When the plane arrived a few hours later, Lei was still sleeping. Lin Luo didn't bother her, picked her up on her back, and walked to the fastest tram station in Dongmu City nearby.

Just a minute before stepping on the tram, Lin Luo suddenly collided with a middle-aged man who was walking from the opposite side of the station. I don’t know what happened. After being hit, the middle-aged man was stunned. There, it seemed silly.

"...Huh?" Lin Luo thought he was wicked, but didn't care much, turned around and left, but at this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly rushed towards him as if he was crazy.

How could Lin Luo's current strength be hit by a middle-aged uncle, easily dodge his attack, and then suddenly stunned when he turned to see the opponent.

He found that the corners of the middle-aged man's mouth showed two fangs, and there was no completely human expression on his face, like a beast... the impulse to **** blood? !

Lin Luo was a little surprised. He didn't expect to encounter humans with blood-sucking impulses. It's really weird every year. There are so many of them today. Brother was shot while lying down!

Looking at it with real eyes, Lin Luo didn't find that the other party was a dead person in him. It was just a bit similar, but this was not important. This guy wanted to **** his own blood... What did the senior egg say? Yes, you are looking for a dead end! ! !

Before he could attack again, Lin Luo directly activated his regular force, and a "teleport" came in front of the opponent, and then pierced his right index finger, piercing his heart directly through his coat like lightning, and at the same time He sealed his wound in an instant, so as not to bleed immediately.

Because Lin Luo's speed was so fast, it took almost less than a second from when he shot the attack to when he returned to his original position, and there were not a few people around at the moment, so no one saw him shot, only saw The middle-aged man stood in place like a wood.

It was not until Lin Luo got on the tram and sat in the position that the car slowly started to move, that middle-aged man suddenly fell to the ground, and there were shouts of exclamation around him.

When everyone was talking about it, soon, an old woman suddenly rushed to the middle-aged man with a pair of twin girls. I saw the old woman burst into tears and snot, "Master Shenjiu, why did you die like this? You just took in these helpless sisters, and you are almost home, like you. Good guy, why did you die like this, oooooo..."

Master Shenji...who is that?

Because the car was already moving when the old woman was talking, Lin Luo didn't hear much, but the name made him feel a little familiar... Shenjiu, where did he seem to hear this name?

Well, forget it, the name that I can't remember, it is probably a great dragon set, there is nothing to be concerned about, a blood-sucking species, kill it if you kill it.

After thinking for a while, he found that there was no deep impression, Lin Luo stopped thinking about it, leaning on his seat and closing his eyes to rest.


Just the night before Lin Luo returned to Winterwood City, he was in a town next to Winterwood City.

Three little girls aged six or seven and a girl aged sixteen or seventeen were standing in a quiet forest at the moment. Under the moonlight, their delicate and beautiful faces were full of solemnity.

These four people are not others, but Misaka Mikoto, Tosaka Rin, Maiye Shenli and Bee Eater Fuck.

"Can you start?" The questioner was a bee-eater Foji, and she looked at several people and said.

"Okay." Rin nodded, and then looked at the back of his right hand, "I can feel that the magic is already very sufficient, and the time is just right. Yesterday, Mikoto and I also felt a few magicians and heroes in the town of Fuyuki yesterday. With the breath, the Holy Grail War is about to begin. Although Lin Luo hasn't returned yet, it can't be dragged on anymore!"

"Then we go and guard, and you will leave the rest to yourself."

"Yeah." Nodded heavily, and after everyone left, she drew a magic circle on the ground, "Announced..."

Halfway through reading, Rin suddenly stopped. Logically speaking, her SABER was not summoned through the Holy Grail, nor within the scope of the Holy Grail War. If you still use that kind of spell, it is useless, then, as in another world. Same, with your heart... to call!

"Come back! Respond to my call again! The strongest hero of the Sword Seat-Saber!"

It was an extremely calm and firm word. The moment the voice fell, the magic circle began to gleam with dazzling light, and at the same time, the spell curse in Rin's hand began to show the same light, echoing the magic circle.

When the light reached its peak, a phantom was shot out from the curse, and then when the phantom appeared as an entity in the magic circle...

"Rin, I am convinced once again, you are indeed the best MASTER!"

The girl standing leaning on the sword, standing proudly in the center of the magic circle said so. That is the pure white knight who reached the pinnacle of perfection in fantasy, that is the noble king who once guarded everything with his life, from fantasy to reality, at this moment, the strongest hero of the sword seat once again descended here world.

Not a fantasy, but a true self!

"Welcome back, Saber..." Two lines of tears flowed down from his dignified eye sockets, it was a touch that was lost and recovered.

"Rin... Huh?" When the solemn white knight saw Lin's current appearance, his eyes widened for an instant, with an expression of disbelief, and then...

"So cute, come over and let me rub..." The pure white knight dropped the sword in the stone and flew towards Lori Lin.

"Wow! Saber, what are you doing! You pressed me down..."

Lori Lin was struggling and struggling constantly...

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