The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 189: Sister-sama rises up, the super-electromagnetic cannon that runs through the sky!

Lin Luo and Miqin didn't talk very late. After talking for a while, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Nothing happened overnight, the next day.

Two days have passed since the Holy Grail War. Although the situation is still optimistic, Rin is a little anxious. This is of course, after all, his father died in the Holy Grail War. In order to avoid this happening again, she must not be optimistic.

Lin Luo can also understand this, but the problem is that it is more troublesome to fight Tosaka Toshimi "safely" in the Holy Grail War. After all, his servant is the King of Heroes, and that loli's spirit is very abnormal and will always be Go crazy, and get more perverted when you go crazy. Unless Tosaka Tosaka gave up the spell by himself, it would be even more unrealistic. Tossaka Tosaka has been searching for the roots for a lifetime, and now he has got the big name of Hero King, how could he give up.

Just as there is a saying, if you don't see the coffin, you won't cry. Tosaka Tokimi will not cry even if he sees the coffin.

But seeing Rin getting more and more anxious, Lin Luo couldn't bear it. Finally, he made a suggestion that Rin took Lily, Mai Ye, Bee-eater, and Saber and the other five to pay attention to Tosaka Tokichen and Yanfeng Kirei. If there is a chance, let the bee-eater control Tosaka Tokimi's mind and let him use all the magic spells, if there is a chance, everything will be fine.

With Lily and Mai Ye present, Lin Luo is still very relieved of their safety. Coupled with the small Saber's ability to detect and hide, even the hero king may not escape her sight. Of course, as a last resort, Lin Luo still urged them not to have direct contact with the Hero King.

Rin naturally had no objections to this arrangement, and others had no reason to object, so after Lin Luoqian urged him, the five people left the hotel and went together, and he was the only one left. Plus Mikoto, Lei and Nero.

For the next half day, the four of them did not stay in the house, nor did they prepare anything for the battle, but went shopping in Fuyuki City.

This is not to say that Lin Luo already has confidence in the future war, but it is just a combination of work and rest, and it is good to change his mood occasionally. Besides, being able to delay the duration of the Holy Grail War was what he had hoped, and there was no reason to take the initiative to attack.

As a result, a group of four people were playing around in the street like ordinary people. Mikoto was very comfortable with this kind of life. Although Nero was the emperor, such experiences were obviously not common in the past, which made her feel very fresh. Lei, who loves lively, often smiles on her face, and looks like she should be happy.

It's just that this kind of carefree life can't last too long. When the night falls, something finally happens... It's an extremely fierce magical fluctuation coming from a certain coast.

"This kind of magical phenomenon is unusual, it's Servant!" Nero said in a deep voice, looking at the distant coastal area.

"Well, it should be Caster who will do this kind of action at this time. It seems that he is in a hurry." Looking along the direction of the magical power fluctuations, even though it is night, Lin Luo can still see it in the distance. The sky was shrouded in a strange thick fog, which was definitely not something naturally formed.

"Caster, isn't this guy the murderous demon! Never let him go!" Mikoto gritted her teeth, her face was full of anger when she spoke, whether she heard it from Lin Luo or saw it on the spot, then She can't forgive such a person anyway.

"Are you going to see it?" Nero said with a playful smile.

"Of course I'm going...huh?" Lin Luo was talking, and suddenly felt that someone was pulling his sleeve. He looked down, and it was Lei, "What's wrong, Lei?"

"It feels bad." Lei pointed to the place shrouded in dense fog and shook her head.

"Really, did you even affect you? Don't worry, it's just a small role, nothing will happen." Lin Luo smiled and comforted.


"Then let's get rid of the demons next, although we probably won't need us anymore."


In the vicinity covered by dense fog, a silver-white Mercedes-Benz car flew through the narrow and rugged mountain village trail at an unimaginable speed. That was a subversion of common sense and had broken through the speed of the physical law.

Then when entering the road along the river, the silver-white car came with a super gorgeous drift of more than 180 degrees. Then, before the car came to a complete stop, the door had been opened, and a petite blue-and-white figure sprang out of the car and ran towards the opposite embankment.

This person is no one else, but is bound by his own ideals, the knight king Altria who has become a hero and participated in the Holy Grail War! (Don’t be embarrassed, in the original book, the king did drive a Mercedes, and the technology is very good, between the cow A and the cow C)

"It's really you, Caster!" Standing on the dam, the knight girl in blue and white armor looked at the magician standing leisurely in the center of the two hundred meters wide river opposite, revealing a hateful look. But the girl didn't dare to be careless, because under the water that the other party was stepping on, a large number of terrifying alien shadows gathered. There is no doubt that it is a group of monsters summoned by Caster.

"Welcome, saint, it is my supreme honor to see you again." Caster bowed graciously to the girl, but this kind of action did not gain any favor from the girl, but instead made her jewel-like pupils Burning infinite anger.

"The evil demon who doesn't repent, what tricks are you going to play tonight?!"

"I'm sorry, Joan, the guest of honor for tonight's banquet is not you." Caster replied wildly with an evil smile on his face. "However, if you are willing to enter the table, I will feel extremely happy. Jill. De Leibicai, prepared a feast of death and depravity, please enjoy yourself!"

Caster laughed loudly, and under his feet, the dark water began to commotion. The countless monsters gathered at the feet of the summoner shot out countless tentacles and swallowed Caster who was wearing a cloak standing on their heads. But Caster, who was covered with tentacles, didn't feel pain, but laughed wildly.

"Now I will hold high the banner of the savior again! The outcasts gather to me! The despised gather to me! I will command you! Lead you! The resentment of our bullied will be conveyed to God! Heaven! Lord of you! I will wash away my sins and praise you!"

Immediately afterwards, in the trembling and shocked eyes of the girl, countless disgusting monsters quickly glued together with the chilling blue light, and finally formed an extremely huge island-like sea monster, giving people an extremely strong A sense of oppression.

The Knight King suddenly changed color, and Alice Phil, who came with her, also showed fear in her eyes. Such a change completely exceeded their expectations. Such a huge sea monster cannot be defeated by one person, let alone the Knight King. Wounded left hand!

However, you can't leave it alone, otherwise, within one night, all the lives of the entire Fuyuki City will be swallowed by this sea monster... She can feel that this monster does have the power to swallow a city.

"It seems that Caster has not realized the purpose of the battle and the meaning of victory. That crazy Servant intends to destroy the Holy Grail War itself and destroy all the lives in this city."

Hearing the familiar voice, Saber turned his head and saw that it was the Conquer King and his Master who had come down from the chariot.

"Yeah, King Knight." The sturdy man who seemed to have no city government greeted the girl very lightly, but this kind of action made Saber very angry, especially last night when the other party also degraded her to be inexhaustible. , "King of Conquer, you guys still don't know good or bad, did you just come here to make a joke?!"

"Of course not. Tonight is a truce. If you leave such a big guy alone, I won't be able to fight with you at ease. I just called, Lancer has already responded, and I should come over soon." He said, looking very relaxed.

"What about the other Servants?" But Saber, who was calm by nature, wouldn't be as calm as the opponent, and asked in a deep voice.

"Assassin has already been killed by me, Berserker will not discuss it. Archer said it is useless. With that kind of guy's personality, he won't easily agree, but... I don't know if that guy will come?" The Conquer King touched his chin. As if thinking.

"What you are talking about..." The girl's face changed slightly, apparently she already knew who the other party was talking about.

"King of Conquer, are you talking about me?" At this moment, a very calm voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and at the same time, looking towards the voice, the goal was Lin Luo, the eighth Master of the Holy Grail War. , And his Servant Roman Emperor Nero.

But what surprised them was that the White Knight King was not here. Instead, there were two little girls and a handsome man with two guns—Lancer!

"Lancer, why would you be with them?" The person who asked was Saber. Although they also had a good impression of these two groups, they still felt very uncomfortable with the girl who would come here together.

"I came across by chance on the road, all for this big guy, with the same purpose." The knight of the gun said calmly.

"Don't ask about this." The King of Conquer waved his hand, then pointed at Mikoto and Lei, frowning and looking at Lin Luo, somewhat unhappy, "I said, what did you bring these two little girls for, this kind of place is It's dangerous."

In fact, not only him, but the people around him also feel the same way. After all, Mikoto and Lei do not have any magic fluctuations. They are obviously not magicians. They brought ordinary people and children into the battlefield, and faced the three high-quality characters in the field. For the heroic spirits, they are not allowed.

"Thank the King of Conquer for your kindness, but..." Lin Luo smiled mysteriously at this point, but did not continue.

"..." Everyone was at a loss.

At this time, Mikoto looked at the monster in the sea, but said, "Lin Luo, is that the sea monster that Caster summoned?"


"Then I..."

"Let's hit it, hit it any way." Lin Luo knew what she was going to say, and waved his hand indifferently. "Thank you so much. I've been holding back for a long time!" A look of excitement appeared at the corner of Mikoto's mouth. Then his right foot slammed on the ground... Beep!

A violent electric current burst from her body.

The next moment, she took out a gem from her body, blasted her body with electric current, the gem bounced, and the moment it fell, her right thumb suddenly popped out...Boom!

A huge orange-red beam suddenly pierced the night sky-super-electromagnetic gun!

"To the military treasure?!" Everyone who saw this scene was shocked. There is no doubt that the power of this light beam is against the military treasure.

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