The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 191: The brilliance of the holy sword illuminates the earth, and the bright thunder pierces

"Well, the first blow starts with me!"

Everyone is no stranger to Lin Luo's ability. Even if he now says that he is the CEO of the Hall of Valor, he probably won't be surprised anymore, so the King of Conquer is no longer concerned, and he is driving the mighty battle with laughter. The car rushed towards the sky with high-pitched thunder.

"Saber, good luck!" At the same time, in the blessing of Alice Phil, the girl of the Knight King also jumped into the sea, the glittering boots stepped on the water, splashing silver water, but her feet did not Sink into the water. The surface of the water is as solid as the earth, supporting her as she is running. This is the miracle that can be triggered by the king blessed by the elves in the lake.

"Nero, the job of vigilance is up to you." Like the knight of the gun, Nero does not have the ability to fly in the air or walk on the water, so she can do nothing against the enemies in the sea. Lin Luo simply asked her to stay for protection. Mikoto, after all, although Mikoto is powerful, the defense is too fragile and can be solved with a sniper shell.

"Don't worry, wrap it around me." Nero responded proudly.

Lin Luo smiled indifferently, he was relieved to have Nero **** him, so that he would have no worries anymore, let Caster try his current strength.

Thinking about this, Lin Luo disappeared in the next instant. Although it was the last one to rush over, he arrived almost at the same time as Saber and the Conquer King. Facing the huge sea monster at close range, even Lin Luo now feels shocked. The ugly and hideous shape gives people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Countless tentacles stretched out like a group of snakes, and at the same time they felt numb on their scalp.

"You tentacle monster, there is no magical girl here!" Saying that the two kings next to him could not understand, Lin Luo raised the blade of the green wind, the violent tornado blew up around him, and all hit him. The tentacles flew out. The white whirlpool gathered on the blade, and the condensed but not dispersed power gradually reached a critical point...

"The Ring of East Wind!"

The roar of howling wind swept through everything, and the roar of breaking through the air caused vacuum fluctuations, which were far stronger than the first time it was used. The white tornado was roaring and tearing... a high-level attack on military treasures!


The ring of the east wind hit the monster's body mercilessly, and the huge body shook slightly, and the sea immediately churned up, and the waves shot, flying around the field.

"Remote ravaged dominance!"

A gap was opened by the Ring of East Wind. At this time, he didn't even care about shocking Lin Luo's power. The King of Conquer immediately drove the chariot of God and galloped away. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to its wound, and then the wheels of God and God burst into thunder , Carry out repeated rolling attacks.

On the sea level, giant snake-like tentacles entangled towards the petite girl, making her like a leaf in the sea, swaying with the waves, but the knight king’s pretty face is extremely calm, even though the opponent is an unconventional one. The monster, but she must not stop her from moving forward. Now Saber is fearless in his heart.

To deal with this evil evil way, this is my principle as a knight, not only with the support of the Master, but also with many reliable companions, yes, there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Just make a break here, Caster!"

At the moment the King of Conquer withdrew, the girl raised up the enchantment of the King of Wind with full of fighting spirit, and cut it to the Sea Demon without mercy.

Swords, swords, shadows, thunder and storms, at this moment, facing a huge monster that has far exceeded the limit of common sense, none of the three have any hands left, and they are fully open, attacking and killing with the greatest strength.

In the distant sky, more than 500 meters above the ground, riding on a glorious boat made of gold and emeralds, staring at the battle on the sea, the petite girl with blonde hair and red eyes showed disdain and disgust. Humph, what an ugly guy! Although he is a bastard, he is also a famous brave. I didn't expect to be reduced to the need to work together to solve the filthy thing. It is really emotional. Don't you think so? Shichen."

Unlike the heroic king's leisurely self-pacedness, Tosaka Tokimi, who was allowed to sit on the glorious boat, was full of anger and anxiety at the moment. Fuyuki City is the territory under his jurisdiction, and now that such a big event has happened, it makes him look so embarrassed.

"Wang! That giant beast is the beast that destroyed your garden. Please punish him."

"No!" The girl categorically refused, and said proudly, "I don't want to get my treasure with that filthy thing."

"But other people can't handle it anymore, please show your heroic might!" Tosaka Tokimi asked, looking at the battle in the distance.

Although there were three people fighting against the monster, the situation was not optimistic. The sharp sword that cut the rock, the iron hoof that roared through thunder, and the roaring storm wind relentlessly beat the sea monster. However, the wounds caused were instantly filled with new meat, and the striking ability simply couldn't keep up with its regeneration ability!

"Damn it, this monster's regenerative ability is too terrifying, so you can't pull Caster out of it!" Although it had been expected, the real contact still shocked Lin Luo. No matter how they fight, it is only slightly Stopped the sea monster's forward speed.

"It's not a way to go on like this." The King of Conquer, driving the mighty chariot, also seemed a little anxious.

"Damn it, Caster!" Saber's pretty face is already beaded with sweat, and he gritted his teeth. If he could use his left hand, this would never happen...

At this moment, the three of them suddenly felt a huge wave of power coming from above. Without any hesitation, they immediately avoided it. Then, they only saw the thunderous roar of the four shining treasures, stabbing there. Roshan-like sea monster.

The four treasures hit directly, and the power of the landslide and the cracks exploded a third of the giant beast's body into smoke, but... the creeping Roshan inflated like a balloon and immediately repaired the damaged part.

"The attack just now was Archer?!" Saber glared slightly.

"Don't expect too much, she shouldn't shoot again." Lin Luo looked at the direction where the treasure was shot, and said in a deep voice.

"Then what shall we do now?" The King of Conquer asked subconsciously. Facing such an unkillable monster, he is also powerful and difficult to do. He is not as calm as usual.

"Retreat first." Lin Luo suggested that it is no good to lay down without consuming physical strength, and it is very stressful for Lei to continuously issue big moves like the Ring of East Wind.

"Retreat, how can this be done?!" Saber roared. If the sea monster is not blocked here, it will definitely cause irreversible consequences.

Lin Luo calmly looked at her and said, "Don't worry, I have a way."

"Hateful!" As a result, Saber gritted his teeth and left a full blow, with Lin Luo and Conquer King retreating to the dam.

Just when Lin Luo and the others retreated, the hero king on the Glory Ship was also preparing to retreat. Even Tosaka's various persuasion was useless. "Shichen, I think you only used the four treasures for your face. Gu, since I was soiled by that thing, I don’t want to recycle it. Don’t treat my tolerance as a bargain... Or, do you plan to let me pull out the treasure EA here?! To the king so arrogantly It is to apologize with death!"

The blonde girl yelled at Tosaka Toshimi who wanted to talk more, with an expression like "Never, never want" written all over her face. As the trump card, the treasure EA will only draw against the opponent she admits. That opponent can be the conqueror or the knight, but it is definitely not the kind of disgusting monster!

With his toes on the ground, as soon as he got back on the shore, Saber couldn't wait to ask Lin Luo: "Speak, what can you do?"

Lin Luo smiled faintly, and first broke the fit with Lei. After a long battle, the girl was already very weak. Lin Luo supported her and pointed to the left hand of the Knight King, "You have some of the treasures of the city."

"You!?" The girl's face changed drastically, as long as her own Alice Phil knew about the city, how did the other party know about it? Looking at each other with Alice Phil, he found that the other party was also shocked.

However, it was not the two of them that was most surprised on the court, but the knight of the gun. He looked at the girl and asked in a deep voice, "Is what he said is true? Saber."

Saber's face changed a few times, but in the end he nodded silently with a calm face.

"Can that treasure solve Caster's monster with one blow?"

"Maybe." Saber nodded again, staring directly at the hero of the gun with firm eyes, "Lancer, the weight of my sword is the weight of my honor, and the wounds I suffered in the first battle against you are for me. It's an honor, not a shackle. As you said in the forest, if this left hand can be exchanged for Dilumdo Audina to help out, then it is really equivalent to a thousand troops."

Even if Lancer feels guilty now, it will not help the situation. As a partner who adheres to the chivalry together, Saber hopes that Lancer can usher in his own destiny duel without concern.

The Spear Knight did not answer, but squinted at the approaching monster on the sea, and then said, "Hey, Saber, I can never forgive that Caster..."

The tone of the knight of the gun is very light, but full of determination, "He takes pride in making people desperate, and enjoys spreading terror. Before I became a knight, I swore that I would never let evil run wild! So..." said Then, he inserted the red gun in his right hand on the ground, and tightly held the middle of the remaining yellow gun with both hands.

"Lancer!" Seeing his action, everyone knew what he wanted next. Not only Saber was shocked, but even the King of Conqueror and Nero were dumbfounded and speechless.

Then, despite Saber's prevention.

"Is it Saber or Lancer that must win now? No! Neither! What must win now is the chivalry we all believe in. Am I right? Heroic Altoria."

In the casual laughter, the knight of the gun broke one of his treasured two spears without hesitation, and the powerful curse power condensed in the inevitable yellow rose burst out into a whirlwind, and then dispersed in a blink of an eye. .

"My desire for victory is entrusted to the Knight King's sword, please, Saber."

After being liberated from the curse of the perishing Huang Qiangwei, the wound on the knight king’s hand healed immediately. She clenched her fists and responded with passionate force, "I assure you, Lancer, I will do this. The sword brings victory!"

At the next moment, the Wind King's barrier was unlocked, and the golden sword appeared in the real body with the roaring storm. The shining sword body seemed to have been promised to illuminate the surrounding darkness with the promise of victory.

"That's King Arthur's..."

Seeing this noble treasure with their own eyes, everyone's eyes widened, as if they saw a light in the long dark night, the anxiety and anxiety entrenched in their hearts were swept away by this light.

Yes, this is the ideal of the Cavaliers.

This is the crystallization of all the people depicted in their chests, despite being in a **** battlefield, in the endless **** full of the horror and despair of death, but still firmly sings the dignity of humanity, disappearing in the infinite brilliance.

"We already have the weapon to kill, so the next step is to find a way to get that monster into the range of the kill." At this moment, Lin Luo said in a deep voice, "Although it is not suitable to pour cold water at this time, if Attacking that monster directly in this way may not be able to achieve miraculous effects."

"It is true that half of its body is sunk in the sea, and there must be an entrance to a different space below, otherwise it is impossible for so many monsters to appear, so it must cut off its entrance to the different space, at least for more than three seconds, and then give It must kill!" The King of Conquer, who had fought against monsters, also knew this well, reminding him, but...

"In other words, drag it up from the sea..." The gun knight frowned, dragging such a huge monster up from the sea, who can do it? That's probably harder than killing it!

Just seeing a glimmer of light, but immediately ushered in a more difficult problem, making everyone a little frown.

"Leave this task to me." Suddenly, everyone heard an immature voice and turned to look at it, but it was the little girl who had just fired a bombardment at the military treasure level.

"Can you do it?" Saber looked at her in surprise.

"Mikoto..." Not only her, even Lin Luo was taken aback, "Are you confident?"

"Of course, I'm the trump card of Tokiwadai, the LV5 super-electromagnetic gun!" Replied confidently, and Mikoto also looked at the monster in the sea. "Just like the knight said, I can't forgive the kind of taking human lives at will. Monster, so here, I will show all my strength!"

There is no doubt, anxiety or confusion, as long as you make up your mind, the girl named Misaka Mikoto, her power is enough to make anyone look at her!

"Okay, then leave it to you, Mikoto." Faced with such confident and resolute words, Lin Luo had no reason to stop.

"Yeah." Mikoto nodded, then...

The sea began to churn, and countless seas surged upwards like waves. It was not an attack by a monster, nor was it a sudden natural high tide, but was attracted by Mikoto's thunder and lightning, and the static electricity in the water led the water to rise into the air.

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the sea water gathered behind the girl like a living thing, stretched, stretched, one piece, two pieces, three pieces... a total of twelve pieces, six pairs of pure and transparent water wings .

"This is..." Not to mention the two Masters who didn't know Mikoto at all. Even the heroic spirits with great power were shocked and speechless when facing this scene. They controlled the sea. Things that can't be done.

However, the shocking scene has just begun.

The hydrofoil flapped, and in Mikoto’s delicate drink, her whole body was already flying towards the sky, standing high in the air, looking down at the sea monster directly below, and then, her right hand pointed towards the sky...Boom!

A shocking thunder fell from the sky, making the entire night sky bright, and a huge lightning struck Mikoto's body.

"No, no? Is she the incarnation of thunder?" Master Weber of the Conquer King said that he couldn't believe it. If ordinary people were struck by lightning, they would not immediately become gray, but the little girl is nothing. No. No, it should be said that the lightning seemed to give her strength, making her more energetic.

"Who is she?" Someone couldn't help but asked aloud.

But no one answered. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the other side of the sky.

A huge group of dark clouds shrouded the night sky, and with the flashes of lightning, even ordinary people in the distance could see clearly. It was a thundercloud intertwined with layers of lightning, full of terrifying power.

"Since you want to play a monster movie, then give me a good role in your role. Don't hope that I will show mercy, you monster!"

With the crisp sound of eating and drinking, Mikoto's right hand slammed down. At this moment, Thor descended!

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