The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 227: The genius girl Rin wakes up, changes her goal, and looks for the strongest host

Maybe it was Lian who really heard Lin Luo's cry for help, or he was thinking about it day by day and dreaming at night, or even if he was dissatisfied, he could only vent in his dream. That night, Lin Luo really made a very absurd, very gorgeous, very domineering, and very many spring dreams, and finally died in the dream happily...

Of course, early the next morning, he jumped up vigorously again, but his face was a little bit unpleasant, after all, even dreaming would be exhausting, let alone such a huge dream.

After a hurried breakfast, Lin Luo and Mai Ye continued on the road. The two did not talk about what happened last night, but they were much closer to each other than before. He didn't say anything but business affairs along the way, and of course he didn't meet the strange hunting army or other walkers again, and there was nothing wrong all the way until noon the next day.

"It's ready to come out."

Standing in a secluded wood, Lin Luo embodied the book of contract suspended in mid-air, and then sprinkled with colorful light. The fourth space opened up. In the rainbow-like light, a black pair wearing a red coat The ponytail girl appeared in front of him-Tosaka Rin.

After coming to this world from the Moon World, Lori Rin finally turned into a girl Rin again after she escaped from the time flow of the Moon World, exuding her unique and unique charm.

Rin has one problem, that is, the shrewd, she becomes very confused and stupid the moment she just wakes up, in other words, she is intermittent and natural. Whether it was a loli state or a girly state, she would not change this problem, and even Lin Luo would occasionally develop that state because of inheriting her talent.

Of course, most people see Rin in that state, because she is the eldest lady, and she is also a magician.

But for Lin Luo and Mai Ye, who have lived with her for nearly a year, this phenomenon is often seen. No, she just came out of the fourth space, while yawning, while staring at the front with sleepy eyes, then rubbed her eyes, pressed her mouth with one hand, and yawned again, stretching slightly. waist.

"Huh? Where is this place? Wild jungle?" Looking at the environment in front of him, he tilted his head in confusion and said incoherently, "Great, let me sleep for another five minutes...Haha..."

Is there any connection between wild jungle and another five minutes of sleep?

Lin Luo wanted to spit out her words, but after thinking about it, he knew that in this state, no matter how much she vomited, it was useless, so Lin Luo decided to speak with actual actions.

He stretched out his hands and gently pressed them on Lin's chest, which was about the size of B, and then rubbed it upwards.

In an instant, the air froze.

Mai Ye was stunned, yawning, she stopped stretching her back, and she didn't rub her eyes anymore. She stared at the two salty pig hands on her chest in a daze, the green pupils gradually began to enlarge, and the thinking circuit gradually started for three seconds. Rear……


Lin Luo slapped Lin Luo's face in a reflexive manner.

"Pervert! Bastard! Lascivious! Slut! A thief..." Then, Rin, who was completely awake, flushed for a moment, covered his chest with one hand, and pointed Lin Luo with the other, cursing constantly.

This is not difficult to understand. Anyone who just wakes up and finds that someone is moving his body will be angry, not to mention the arrogant black belly. She just slapped Lin Luo instead of killing him with magic, which was considered very polite.

"I'm not trying to make you wake up in the fastest time. Why are you so fierce? Look, your face was broken by you." Lin Luo pointed to the five red fingerprints on his face, bitterly Face pleaded for himself.

"Even so, who...who told you to use that method! Are you an idiot! Isn't there a normal way!" said angrily with shame and anger.

"Deserve it." Mai Ye gave Lin Luo a look of contempt, and said bitterly...It was indeed a wise choice to be able to resist the impulse the night before and not give him his body completely.

With regard to the attack on the chest, the two men criticized Lin Luo for more than ten minutes. In the end, the latter bowed his head and confessed his mistake... This made Lin Luo quite depressed. Isn't it just a chest attack? What's the big deal? Isn't it the first time, as for such a fuss?

Alas, the girls nowadays are getting more and more unscrupulous...Wait! No, why am I so impulsive all of a sudden? Sure enough, is it still the cause of desire and dissatisfaction? ... everything was caused by a girl who couldn't be pushed, that's why this human tragedy happened.

Sure enough, girls are the root of all evil... But I still like girls.

Wandering wildly for ten seconds, then, when Rin asked about the current situation, it took Lin Luo another half an hour to fully explain their current situation. Of course, he still clearly distinguishes what should be said and what should not be said. For example, one day and night, one day and night, or one day and night, that kind of thing is absolutely impossible to say.

"Hmm..." After listening to Lin Luo's narration, he tilted his head, thought carefully for a while, and concluded, "That means we are currently being targeted by the other six walkers, and we want to What I did was try not to contact these walking people, first find the three unknown world heart hosts, and then gather everyone's power to kill them all, right?"

"Not bad." Lin Luo nodded. Although Rin Maid is occasionally confused and often makes mistakes at critical moments, under normal circumstances, her head is still very clear. Not only can she sort out her clues, but she also has a good grasp of events.

Although her IQ is not the highest among the others, if you want to find a decent military instructor among them, you really have to be a dreadful girl... Sister Cannon’s intelligence is high and only beeping, but Maiye has high intelligence. But it is impossible to be a military teacher. The bee-eater has high intelligence because her super power calculation formula is the most complicated. After all, it is a game of psychology.

IQ is not the same as strategy. Rin is a true combat expert, not because of her strength, but because of her analysis, clarity, and control of the battle situation... As long as she is not allowed to proceed with the final step, the battle plan is completely fine. Drafted by her.

"But the problem we are facing now is the shortage of combat power. Once discovered by the other six walkers, it will be quite dangerous, and there is no quick way to find the core host, so there are only two ways we can go now... "Rin filtered all the information in his head, and then raised two fingers.

"First, we find a hidden place to hide, until the SABERs can be fully dispatched after fifteen days, then there is no need to worry about the six walkers. Second, continue to act according to your previous plan to find the core. Host of the Heart of the World."

"Of course, these two methods have flaws. The first is that if the walkers first find the core host within those fifteen days, we will have failed in half, and there is no guarantee that our hiding place will not be They found that if we become like that, then we will inevitably fall into a situation of nine deaths, so this road cannot be taken."

"In other words, do we still have to find the core host as before?" Lin Luo nodded and asked.

"No." What Lin Luo didn't expect was that Lin Shi shook his head, "This road is not easy to walk, you are just like headless flies. Even if the Heart of the World and the Book of Contract have a feeling , But for a girl who doesn't know her at all, don't even know where she is, are you really sure that you can find her in a short time?"

"Of course it's impossible." Lin Luo shook his head decisively. There is nothing to deny about this kind of thing.

"That's not enough. Since there is no way to find it all at once, and there is the possibility of being besieged by the walkers, but also facing the attack of the aboriginals of this world, so this road is also PASS." Rin decisively took the only two roads. Pinch off.

"You pass both roads, so what should we do?" Lin Luo suddenly fell into a daze, saying that he couldn't understand it completely.

"Choose the third way, of course." said with a mysterious smile, "find the host who will use the power of rules."

"Uh!" Lin Luo was startled.

"As you said just now, that girl will kill the walker in the Book of Hunter in one move, then her strength must definitely be higher than you, right?" Rin asked deliberately.

"At least I am absolutely unable to do her level now." Lin Luo nodded. It is okay for him to defeat Ling Yi, but it is impossible for him to defeat her in seconds.

"So, we have to find her first. First, she is strong enough. If she is there, there is no need to worry about being attacked by other wanderers. Second, we also have a certain understanding of her... Year-old girl, such a target must be easy to find. Third, do you perceive that huntress's breath?"

"Of course, my field of perception is pervasive. Since I have been in contact with her, her aura is natural...ah!" Lin Luo's eyes lit up and finally understood what Lin wanted to say.

The girl was fighting with Ling Yi, so as long as he followed Ling Yi's breath and searched for the road she passed, he would be able to find the place of the fight. Then, most of the girl's breath will remain at that location, and then look for it along the road with that breath... It's too clear!

Lin Luo had to admire that although he had thought about finding that girl before, he had never thought of this level. In general, he was able to make perfect plans in the past because of his familiarity with the plot, but now he has come to a strange world, and his analytical skills are completely insufficient.

Then, Rin said triumphantly: "Moreover, there are countless small animals here. Whether it is a bird flying in the sky or a rabbit running on the ground, I can make them into my own demon and use them as my own. Eyes, isn’t it easy?"

"Rin, you really are a genius!" Lin Luo said sincerely.

"Of course." Lin looked up proudly.

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