The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 231: The whole army was wiped out, and in despair, the strongest reinforcements arrived.

Within Rin’s inherent barrier, Mikoto and Maiye each used their full strength to attack the enemy. Countless gems fired like rain, and white electronic lines crisscrossed... Mo Xinming was under the attack of two sets of map guns. .

"This kind of thing is completely useless!" However, in the face of such an attack, his face did not show any panic expression. His body was covered with a thick arrogance. The gem he struck was instantly exploded by him, but the aftermath of the explosion was blocked by the arrogance of his body.

"I like the young and beautiful girl the most, haha! And I came two at once, so lucky." Mo Xinming easily escaped the rapid shot of the electronic wire, and Mo Xinming showed an obscene smile on his face.

"Damn it, don't underestimate people!" Lin Yinfang gritted his teeth and was extremely angry, once again controlling the gem empire and starting to bombard Mo Xinming indiscriminately. But the opponent's speed is too fast. Although all those gems are targeted at him, only a small part of them can be hit, and even if the gems that can hit him, they will be smashed by him first, and they will not be able to play at all. The role it deserves.

"Why is this?" Rin looked very anxious in this situation.

"Of course, I have clearly seen your weakness a long time ago. Although your move can trap people and is very powerful, you can't restrict my actions. If you can't hit people, No matter how strong the attack is, it’s useless!” Mo Xinming said calmly, and then his body accelerated suddenly, rushing towards Lin like a missile.

But only halfway through the rush, he quickly backed away, only to see that the arrogance on his arm had disappeared.

"Then what if it can hit you?" Mai Ye Shenli said in a deep voice, and the atom collapsed like a shotgun.

Mo Xinming moved quickly, and the arrogance on his arm appeared again, and he sneered, "Huh, that's it, your ability is to interfere with the state of matter, so as to achieve destruction, an amazing ability. However, I limit myself His cognition is completely different from ordinary human beings. Don’t apply the general laws of physics to me!"

He roared and blasted out a punch, and the scattered white electron beam was immediately blasted without a trace by him.

Is it the same again? Atomic collapse can't help, **** it!

Just like when Ling Yi was attacked, her ability could not harm these LV2 walkers at all, which made her very confused. After all, it was able to play a certain role in dealing with Seager before, and Seager is LV3!

Of course, Makino didn't know that the reason why it had an effect on Sieg was due to the rule force, and the rule force had a single effect. For example, holy water, smearing holy water on a knife, you can kill it with a light slash on an evil thing, but if you chop it on an ordinary person, there is no big deal except bleeding.

In the same way, the power of rules is unitary, and can only have an effect on the power of rules, and has nothing to do with mystery and power.

What's more, at that time Sieg came to the Devil's Forbidden World for less than a day, and he hadn't adapted to that world. He couldn't use his mind and eyes at all, and naturally he couldn't see through their weaknesses.


"This is, you..." Mo Xinming suddenly changed his color, and stepped back subconsciously, "Are you the fallen angel chased by Sieg? You should be dead!"

"Siege? This name... I really want to kill him again. You know that guy too, and you must never let you go!" Hearing that name again, Mai Ye's eyes showed hatred, and the wings of Fallen Heaven rushed towards him. under.

At the same time, Rin also re-adjusted his offensive, and countless gems shot at Mo Xinming from all directions.

"What! Sige is dead, how could it be possible?!" Mo Xinming suddenly became confused. It was not so much caused by the attack of the two, it was because Mai Ye's words made him afraid.


Outside, the battle between Mikoto and Takasaka Oga was in a stalemate. The two had equal defenses and attack power, and the fighting methods were similar. It was difficult to tell the winner at a time.

In this battle, Lin Luo should be the hardest person. Using his strength to deal with the walkers of the same level, one can win steadily, and two can barely win, but four...that is an absolute hard fight.

At least until now, Lin Luo has felt quite strenuous. Although the creation field can play a certain role, these people can break through his defenses and cause effective damage to him.

"Damn it, he is obviously a LV2, what kind of ability is this?" Li Dingzong said that he couldn't understand. Lin Luo's white mist seemed to them a very strange power, not like the power of the eyes, but the defense power was surprising. He is very high, even if he can see through it carefully, with his power, there is a feeling of binding hands and feet.

The giant sword swung a violent air blade, strangling towards Lin Luo, and a cloud of white mist blocked Lin Luo in time. After a short stalemate, although the white mist was dissipated, his attack could no longer be achieved. It worked.

"Soul Chasing Blade!" A black light penetrated through this gap in time and pierced Lin Luo's heart.


Although the electric current lasing, the Blade of Twisting Prophecy is a mysterious weapon, it is an iron weapon after all. Under the influence of electromagnetism, the angle is slightly deflected and it passes over Lin Luo's right shoulder.

"Go, Rock Demon!"

Just after evading the deadly knife, a huge pressure suddenly came from behind, and a huge rock beast bit towards Lin Luo with its black hole-like mouth open.

The layers of white mist behind him were bitten without a trace in an instant, Lin Luo turned his hand back, and the atom collapsed and shot away, shattering the head of the giant rock beast.

Damn it! The attack intensity of these guys is not as strong as the heroic spirits. Why can't creation be stopped?

Lin Luo felt extremely puzzled. When it comes to offensive power, none of these four people can compare to Jin Shining, Saber, and the King of Conquer, but they seem to have the ability to restrain their own white mist, or they can crack it. Fa, the mystery attached to it is quite high... If you insist on explaining it, you can only attribute it to the heart code.

This is the power of the mind? What the **** is that? Why don’t I have the same LV2? What kind of road did I go?

Lin Luo was very puzzled about this, but it was obviously not the time to think about this, when the energy from the right side struck, a petite body charged up like lightning.


Lin Luo frowned. Although the other party looked like a little girl, the pressure on him was the heaviest.

The body instinctively flashed to the side, and the electric shot-like energy grazed from his face, but it did not end. The young girl raised her leg and kicked Lin Luo's abdomen at the moment she passed by.


This was a sturdy blow. Lin Luo felt qi and blood surge in his body and almost vomited blood. He forcibly held it back. The curse bullet shot from his fingers, but the opponent quickly avoided after kicking it out. Lin Luo's The attack failed.

And then, before Lin Luo could stabilize his figure, the other three attacked again.

The advantage he had just maintained disappeared for a moment. At this moment, Lin Luo was completely passive.

"No, you can't just look at it like this!" Seeing Lin Luo stuck in a hard fight, Bee Eater was very anxious and angry at his own uselessness. "If you can't become stronger, you can't keep up with him, if you can't keep up. His footsteps... absolutely not! I also want to break through my limits!"

The bee-eater pressed the "switch" in his body and sent a mental shock to one person on the battlefield... Originally, she wanted to use it on four people at the same time, but then, the effect would be negligible. Backlash, that is for four people, she absolutely can't afford it.

"Uh!" On the battlefield, Li Dingzong was swinging a huge sword to kill Lin Luo, but suddenly, he felt a sting in his head, and his movements instantly stiffened.

Any mistake in the battle can cause fatal consequences. Before Li Dingzong could react to this pause, the sword of iron sand had already made a huge hole in his chest, and blood rushed out wildly.

This was because the other three tried their best to cooperate, otherwise the arrow just now would have killed him.

"Successful." The bee-eater was very excited, originally thinking that her ability would not have any effect, but she never expected that a single blow would work, which was really beyond her expectation.

"Asshole, what are you doing?!" Yun Feng cursed at Li Dingzong while controlling the Rock Demon.

"Someone used a mental attack on me, **** it, it's that woman!" Li Dingzong's eyes flowed as he spoke, and he saw the bee eater next to him instantly, with hatred in his eyes, "You hold this guy, I'll go and take that one first. The woman solves it."

As he said, with a wave of his huge sword, he quickly rushed out of the battle group towards the bee-eater.


Lin Luo's expression suddenly changed, but now he was at a disadvantage, unable to escape the siege of the other three.

"Bitch girl, this is your share just now!" Li Dingzong rushed to the bee eater like a lightning, and in the middle of the huge roar, she was immediately shocked by the mental attack, spit out a mouthful of blood, and exploded in her head. The general feeling almost made her faint.

"No! I can't faint. If I can't bear even this bit of pain, how can I become stronger... Spirit, my strength is only spirit, and my attack method is only spirit. If this is the case, I will continue to make breakthroughs in spirit!"

The bee-eater resisted the severe pain and rallied, but just after he recovered, he saw that a giant sword had been cut off head-on.

"Asshole, stop me!" Lin Luo's pupils widened sharply, using his mind to manipulate the nearby iron sand and instantly made a shield in front of the bee-eater, and then...


The great sword slashed on the shield, flashing bursts of fire.

"Caught it!" Although the bee-eater was saved in time, Lin Luo's defense finally appeared loopholes due to distraction. For Liu Qu, as an assassin, such loopholes were simply a chance to win.

Liu Qu yelled in excitement, grasping this opportunity accurately, and the blade of twisted prophecy pierced Lin Luo's chest like lightning.

"Wow!" Lin Luo couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. Not only that, but he also felt the moment the knife pierced into the body, as if strangling his internal organs, painful to his heart and lungs.

"Ahhhhh!!!" In the severe pain, Lin Luo violently grabbed the opponent's arm and slammed his fist on his head.


Liu Qu was blasted out immediately.

However, there is more than one enemy, and the rock monster next to it has made a comeback. In order to achieve a certain effect, Yunfeng did not issue a bite order, but... collision!

On the basis of a huge body, directly launched an impact on Lin Luo.


The white mist shattered in an instant. At that moment, Lin Luo felt as if he was hit by a speeding truck, and his whole body was blown out...If it wasn't the physique of a dead person, he would have died in the two blows just now.

Lin Luo bit his lip and forced him not to faint. The man was in mid-air, raising his hand with difficulty, and five electronic lines shot out, shattering the half of the rock beast.


At this time, the opponent's attack came again, and the petite girl took advantage of Lin Luo's semi-immobility, and instantly rushed towards Lin Luo's abdomen with an electric shot.


Lin Luo really felt that his body was completely shattered, but even then he still did not give up. Before the girl attacked again, he pinched the opponent's neck like lightning, and then the electric current was released.

Zi Zi Zi!

"Ah!" The girl screamed, and her snow-white skin was instantly blackened by electricity, but this level of attack was obviously not enough to kill her. She gritted her teeth and pinched her out of Lin Luo's hands. Kick it.


There was not much remaining consciousness. In a critical moment, Lin Luo disappeared in front of the girl in an instant. The next moment he appeared in front of the bee-eater... At this moment, Li Dingzong had already swung his sword down again. The wall of iron sand was not enough to resist him at all.

When the white mist rose again, Qian Jun finally blocked Li Dingzong's slash.

"You..." Li Dingzong's face changed slightly, obviously he didn't expect Lin Luo to appear in front of him so quickly.

At the same time, around, Rin’s inherent barrier collapsed. She and Mai Ye were kneeling on the ground panting, apparently reaching their limit. Opposite them, Mo Xinming’s hand was beaten. He was also embarrassed, but it seemed that he also had the upper hand.

On the other side, Mikoto and Takasaka Dahe have reached their limit. After all, they have just reached the spiritual stage, and they are a bit behind each other in strength, and they are in a passive situation of being beaten.

In this battle, they have been completely defeated!

"Haha! Come just right, go to hell!" Seeing this, Li Dingzong laughed loudly, unable to conceal his inner joy, the giant sword merged with all his strength and slashed down!

Can't stop it!

At this time, Lin Luo's power was almost exhausted, his consciousness had almost collapsed, the regular power was activated, and only a small amount of white fog was produced, it was impossible to block the opponent's attack.

despair! This situation is truly desperate!


Amidst the wild laughter, Li Dingzong’s giant sword cut through the white fog easily, but when the sword's edge was still one centimeter away from Lin Luo’s head, suddenly, a hand stretched out from the shadow on the ground, like a pliers. Usually clamped the giant sword.

Not moving.

"Uh!" Li Dingzong was stunned, looking down, his face changed a lot, as if he saw a ghost, "You, you are..."

"It's been a long time since I saw you, everyone." A young girl's head appeared in the shadow of the ground, she smiled cruelly, and then floated to the ground in an instant, a huge magic power poured out of her hand, and Li Dingzong shattered in an instant.

"Cut, waste." The girl said with a disdainful sneer.

"Evangelin!!" Lin Luo exclaimed in disbelief.

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