The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 236: Being sucked blood again, and the true identity of the core girl

If Mikoto's and Rin's scroll worlds are both cheating, then Maiye's scroll world is more normal... She is now in a sky, with black mist covering everything around her, and the stars and moon are dull.

This kind of environment made Mai Ye feel familiar and unfamiliar. The unfamiliar thing is that she has not been in contact with such a place before, and the familiar thing is that there is a memory of this environment in her head.

"So, this is the trial I'm going to face..." Mai Ye looked around for a while, not knowing whether it was a mockery or something, a wry smile appeared on her face, and then looked straight ahead, "If I want to To get out alive, you must be defeated, right? Siegel."

At a distance of more than 100 meters in front of her, a huge bone dragon flew in the sky, and on the broad back of the bone dragon sat a thin man in a gray robe, as black as tide. The fog tossed behind the man, and there were countless resentful skeletons wailing and screaming in the black fog, making creepy sounds.

This man is no one else. He is the original host of the Fallen Heart who was once forced to death by Lin Luo, the master of the book of evil spirits in the Forbidden World-LV3 the Walker Sieg.

And this place was exactly where he fought with the original host of the Fallen Heart.

"Sure enough, the grievances between us can only be resolved by me personally, otherwise, she might never agree with me." Mai Ye suddenly laughed, and the black feathers flew, and the wings of Fallen Sky danced.

"Then... please die again, Seag!"

While speaking, Mai Ye rushed towards the enemy in front of him like a black light.


"Oh, oh, it's really such a development. I originally thought there would be something new, but in the end it is as old-fashioned as the plot in a third-rate novel..." Bee Eater spread out his hands and sighed.

The place where she is now is inside a labyrinth, and the surroundings are bright and dark, giving people a mysterious feeling, but in front of her stands a young girl, tall, with long golden hair and draped shoulders. On the top, there is a shoulder bag printed with **** patterns on the shoulders, and white lace gloves and socks on the hands and feet. Generally speaking, she is a beautiful girl with blond hair and **** with intellectual charm.

The bee-eater knew this girl and knew everything about her well, even the extremely private secrets of her sensitive points, she knew all about it, why should she ask? Do you still have to ask, because the girl in front of me is herself!

"I know that most of the way to do this kind of strange cultivation is to defeat yourself, but then again, the other me, how are you going to fight me? If it is a mental attack, none of us can do nothing." Shi Feng asked the self in front of him.

"That's not right, I'm much better than you." The other Queen's lady smiled slightly, and then she snapped her fingers lightly, and suddenly, a rustling voice came from the ground.

The bee-eater froze for a moment and looked down instinctively. His face was pale, and he saw snakes, mice, cockroaches and other terrifying creatures everywhere at his feet.

"Ah!" The bee screamed, and unexpectedly took a step back, but as soon as that foot landed, she shuddered, because she felt that she was stepping on a soft and long creature. ...

The whole face of the bee-eater was green, and she didn't even dare to look down, but closed her eyes like an ostrich...No way! It can't be like this! If she is really me, it is impossible to have such ability! Woo, it's terrible, what the **** is going on... By the way, illusion! It must be illusion!

There is nothing scary, it's illusion, those are fake, so nothing scary, nothing...

"But... it's still terrible! Help!!!" The bee yelled, then turned and ran away.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing her look like this, the other Queen Queen smiled happily while clutching her belly.


While the four of Mikoto and the others were caught in an alternative battle, on the other hand, Lin Luo and Evangelin were still waiting outside. Although they said that they believed in them, it seemed that the four of them were slow to wake up and their faces Sometimes showing anger, sometimes showing fear, Lin Luo still couldn't help worrying.

Evangelin glanced at him, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and asked teasingly: "Why, are you worried?"

"No." Lin Luo said differently, not wanting to be teased by this guy.

Evangeline sneered, "Hmph, your anxieties and worries are all written on your face, well, although I don't hate it."

"...Why do I hear this a little familiar?" Lin Luo couldn't help frowning.

"Really? Is there anyone who likes to watch the worries of the little ghosts as much as I do?" This Wannian Lori suddenly showed a slightly interested expression.

"No, I don't think so." Lin Luo shook his head decisively.

"Speaking of which, can you stop dangling in front of me, and sit down quickly, you are not tired, my eyes are tired." Evangelin suddenly frowned and said.

Lin Luohan smashed one, and under the pressure of this loli's eyes, sat down opposite her obediently.

"Since you are so worried, then don't pay attention to them anymore. At least not for three to five days. I don't think they can wake up. It's better to do some strange things to get distracted."

"Other things?"

"This, you should be useful." Evan Jielin flipped her wrist, and suddenly there was a golden book in her hand. It was Li Dingzong's Warrior Book, and she threw it to Lin Luo like trash.

"Heart Code..." Lin Luo frowned slightly, just like its literal meaning, this is a fighter skill book, and like the evil spirit book, it is also about self-cultivation.

"Absorb!" After reading this heart code for a while, Lin Luo realized the book of contract. After ten seconds, the book of warrior had been absorbed by the book of contract, and then Lin Luo listened. When it came to its prompt sound: "The Book of Warriors has been absorbed, and the current host has acquired the skill-the profound meaning of combat."

When the icy reminder fell, Lin Luo suddenly felt something more in his mind, such as sword-style know-how, mastery of knife skills...different from the incarnation of fog, the incarnation of fog is a Active skills need to be used by Lin Luo himself, but the fighting secret is a passive skill similar to the proficiency system, and its role is to improve the combat talent of the concubine.

"It turned out to be so, then..." Lin Luo's eyes lit up suddenly and he was a little eager to try.

He stood up from the ground and created the sword of white mist, while recalling the extra things in his head, he thrust a sword forward in an instant.


Listening to the sharp voice, Lin Luo felt that he had pierced the wind.

"Oh, not bad, it looks very useful." Evangeline smiled, her eyes showing appreciation.

"It's really useful." Lin Luo nodded, he felt that his melee ability had at least doubled.

"Then let's take a trick. Boring is also boring anyway." Evangeline stood up from the ground.

"I can't ask for it." Lin Luo replied with a smile, having just mastered a new ability, it would be better to have Evan Jelly, a martial arts expert, to accompany the training.

"Huh." Evangeline grinned, and shot up from the ground like lightning, with her slender palm directly inserted into Lin Luo's heart.

If it was before, Lin Luo would probably not be able to stop him, and would use the most regular force to defend, but now...his wrist is gently turned outward, the blade of the sword of the white mist has already cut to Evangelin’s fair complexion. neck.

"It's too slow." While speaking, Evangelin's figure had disappeared from Luo's eyes, appearing behind him as if moving instantaneously, a pair of small feet kicked out the sound of breaking wind, and kicked Lin Luo's temple.

Feeling the fluctuating airflow behind him, Lin Luo didn't look back, and swiped his backhand sword... Although it seemed that both of them were killer moves, they weren't really dangerous. Let’s not say that Lin Luo’s creation rules do not have much offensive power. It is hard to say whether Evangelin’s defense can be broken. Even Evangelin, with her top melee strength, if she can’t even grasp this strength. , That is not worthy of being called the strongest.

The battle ended in one minute. This is because Evangelin’s men were merciful. Otherwise, with Lin Luo’s current strength, if Evangelin made a full shot, I am afraid that he could be instantly shot by melee...Of course, The current results are nothing to be proud of.

Lin Luo lay on her back on the ground, the sword of white mist in her hand had disappeared, while Evangelin was sitting on his stomach, two slender palms pressed his pair of arms, and the whole person was lying in a big font. open.

"It's just this level is not enough for fun." The Wannian Lori smiled, and suddenly leaned down, revealing a row of white shell teeth and two vampire fangs, "As the price of sparring Pay with your blood."

With that said, before Lin Luo could react, a small mouth of her was already attached to Lin Luo's shoulder, her fangs pierced into the skin, and the red blood followed the teeth into her mouth, giving out a sucking suck. sound.

"Um..." Lin Luo couldn't help frowning, not because of the pain, but...a bit ecstasy.

Looking sideways at the taste of this loli vampire's enjoyment, his throat moved slightly, Lin Luo realized that he had reacted shamefully...this is really too bad! Do I have an M physique? No, it should be the ability of a vampire. In other words, the ability to be sucked blood by the black and white Ji is also very cool.

"Lin Luo!?" At this moment, the girl's surprised voice suddenly sounded in her ears. The two of them were stunned. They looked at the voice, and saw a blue-haired girl standing not far away, holding her small hands. On the chest, looking at the scene in front of him, the green eyes were filled with incredible colors... as if they had been hit, there seemed to be a faint mist.

"Lei!" Lin Luo couldn't help but his face changed. He only realized when he looked at the girl's expression. Now he and Evangelin's posture is a bit wrong...however, they look like a field battle between female upper and male underdog.

Obviously, Evangelin could also see that the postures of the two of them must be very ambiguous to outsiders, their faces were slightly red, and they immediately jumped away from Lin Luo, turning their heads like a guilty conscience, and snorted coldly. Screamed.

And Lin Luo quickly ran to Lei’s side and explained to the girl who seemed to be jealous, “Um, Lei, things are not what you see... Well, although what you see is the truth, but It’s not like you think. In fact, we were training against each other, fighting against each other."

"Really?" Although Lei is simple, it doesn't mean that she is stupid. She obviously doesn't believe Lin Luo's explanation.

"Of course it's true, you see, there are tooth marks here." Lin Luo quickly showed her the wound on his shoulder, "This is the punishment I lost. She will **** blood."

"Punishment for losing? Then if you win, do you have to **** her blood?"

"Uh..." How do people answer this, "That blood sucking is a vampire's exclusive ability, even if I win, I don't have to **** blood."

"Humph!" Evangeline snorted again there.

Finally, after a lot of explanation, Lei finally believed that Lin Luo and Evangeline did not have any **** with women, and her face looked a little better.

"What about them?" Then, Lei pointed to the four Mikoto lying on the ground and asked Lin Luo.

"Well, they are also training."

"Training?" Lei tilted her head and looked puzzled. It was obvious to her that she couldn't sleep and train. Of course, she believes that sleep can restore energy.

"Well, in order to become stronger." Lin Luo nodded and briefly talked about Mikoto and the others.

And after listening, Lei suddenly said: "I, I also want to train, I can also become stronger."

"Lei is all right now." Lin Luo was taken aback, then said with a smile. Although the weapon race has powerful strength, if they alone can't exert the strength in the body, there is really no need for her to train. Even if it is really necessary to train, two people must train together to be useful.

"By the way, I can think of more powerful eulogy. Although there are many forgotten, I will definitely try to remember." Lei said firmly, even if she thinks of her previous fiasco, some want to become stronger. determination.

"Well, if it's Lei, it must be possible." Lin Luo touched her hair and said softly.

After that, Lin Luo played against Evangelin while waiting for Mikoto and the others to wake up. Although he was the one who fought Evan at first, but the next day, because Lei’s strength had recovered, and Lin Luo alone was not enough to fight Evan, so everything from the second day on In the battle, Lin Luo and Lei were all combined, of course, the final result was still defeat.

Facing Evangelin in her peak state, Lin Luo, whose rules were less than 100%, had no chance of victory.

Such days have lasted for nearly a week, Lin Luo's melee level has improved significantly, but Mikoto and the others still show no signs of waking up.


"Damn, that perverted woman, unexpectedly appeared at that critical juncture..."

Somewhere in the world, the owner of the Book of Nature LV2 Walker Yun Feng, cursed in a low voice while rushing. Although his character is more calm, but thinking of the battle seven days ago, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

If Evangelin hadn't appeared in time, their raid plan would have been a perfect success.

However, he was relatively fortunate. Although the raid failed, he himself was not injured. Unlike everyone else, Li Dingzong was even killed by a single blow.

"Huh, what is that?" At this moment, Yun Feng suddenly widened his eyes, and he discovered that a huge castle stood in the middle of the sea not far away.

"Castle? How could a castle appear on the sea...Wait! Could it be...!" Yun Feng couldn't help but feel puzzled, but in an instant he seemed to think of something, surprised and happy in his heart.

"It can't be wrong, it's definitely that place!" Yunfeng knew that he had accidentally come to the core of this world, but he hesitated whether to go... he was already scared by Evangelin, and God knows it. Is there a second Evangelin.

After thinking about it for a long time, in the end, desire defeated reason, so he decided to go in and take a look.

Using his own ability to create a water monster, ten minutes later, he took the water monster to the vicinity of the castle.

After passing through countless stone pillars standing in the water, after a while, he came to the ground where the castle stood, and then walked up without the circular stone path beside him.

The environment here is very strange, at least in Yunfeng's eyes... The black and white castle seems to be abandoned, extremely desolate, and there are broken walls everywhere, as if someone has fought here, the ground Crosses made of rocks can be seen everywhere, inserted in the hard rock ground.

"This kind of ghost place is really the core of this world?"

Yun Feng felt puzzled again, but now that he has come, it is impossible to leave like this before he really finds it out, and his current strength is almost close to the strongest state he can achieve, as long as it is not the kind he encountered before. There is nothing terrible about perverted guys.

With an extremely cautious mood, Yun Feng came to the gate of the castle, and then gently pushed forward, the gate opened in response, and the scenery inside made him frown again.

Black and white, whether it is the wall or the ground, there are only two colors of black and white, and the black and white grids are connected to each other, as if this is a black and white world.

Yun Feng took a deep breath, carefully watched the surrounding movement, and walked forward.

Not long after, he suddenly heard a sound coming from the front, his eyes locked in front of him instantly, and he saw a rock bullet hitting him fiercely.

Yun Feng's face changed slightly, and he drew away, a violent explosion sounded behind him, and a large hole was blasted through the black and white ground.

Yunfeng didn't hesitate to summon two rock monsters to protect him, staring at the front with his gaze... Only a girl with a sword in her right hand and a huge cannon in her left came slowly.

The girl wears very few clothes. Except for a cloak, she only wears a pair of shorts and a bra. Most of her skin is exposed, but her serious expression does not make people feel uncomfortable.

Two black double ponytails of different lengths danced lively behind her.

"Who are you guys?!" Although he knew the girl's identity well, Yun Feng couldn't help asking.

"Is it finally here, the demon said crookedly. I am..." The girl closed her eyes lightly, then opened it sharply, and a blue flame throbbed in her left eye, "I am... the Black Rock Archer."

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