The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 241: The assembly of the strongest legion is over, and the time to counterattack is coming

Lily is infinitely good, but it's near dusk.

When you see that if a man throws a **** the ground, it is mostly toppled, even if it is not, countless misunderstandings will arise from this. But if a girl throws another **** the ground, this estimate is similar to the previous one. The difference is that the person who sees the former wants to take a hatchet, while the person who sees the latter wants to take a digital camera.

Lin Luo looked at the scene in front of him, and wanted to take a digital camera to take it so that he could enjoy it in the future.

Of course, his wish is impossible to realize, not to mention that there are no digital cameras in this world. Even if there were, he had already missed the opportunity when he was in a daze.

Evangelin and Mikoto separated quickly, each with a faint blush on their faces. Although they didn't do anything "losing their hearts", the posture just now was really... Bai's pervert, anyone will be shy.

"Cough cough cough...Speaking of which, did you come out alive?" Evangelin coughed a few times, making a cold expression on her face, and began to divert Lin Luo's gaze to silence what happened just now. Interestless past. As for the other heroine of the incident, Mikoto Chan was not as good as her mentality, blushing, and very embarrassed.

Lin Luo was somewhat disappointed. Although Lily was good for promoting harmony in the Crystal Palace, he knew that if he didn't want to cause more trouble, it would be better to ignore what he saw just now.

Xiang Lei, who was running next to her, smiled, touched the hair on her head, raised her head and said, "Well, okay, although I met a few more difficult bosses, the luck of the misfortune was finally safe and sound. I'm back...huh? What's the matter with your eyes?"

Lin Luo said the last sentence to Rin and the three of them, because he saw that the eyes of these three people were red, as if they had committed pink eyes.

This is of course, after all, speaking with eyes is a super-difficult technical job. With their current strength, they obviously haven't reached the level of proficient use.

"Sand ran in." The three casually perfunctory.

"Well, is it..." Lin Luo didn't doubt that he was there, and carefully observed the three of them, and felt that their temperament was very different from before. How do you say? Although he was the same person, he looked much more mature, even Mikoto.

After subconsciously checking the status in the book of contract, Lin Luo was surprised to find that the strength of these four people was far stronger than nine days ago.

Mikoto reached the middle level of the spirit level, Rin and Maiye are also the middle level of the spirit level, two levels higher than before they entered the scroll world to practice, and although the bee-eater is only the first level of the spiritual level, it also crossed two levels.

It can be said that the four of them have already undergone a qualitative transformation. If this combat power were placed in the battle with the Walker a few days ago, they would definitely be able to completely abuse each other.

"It seems everyone is working hard." Lin Luo couldn't help but praised.

"Then what about you? Since you have come out alive, that means you have mastered the reverse rules?" After everyone said something to each other, Evangelin suddenly asked.

Regarding Lin Luo's reverse rules, Evangelin had already told others before, so when I heard Evangelin mentioned it, I was very curious and looked at Lin Luo together.

"Haha." Lin Luo smiled slightly, and then stretched out his right hand, "Although it cannot be said to be perfect, I have already mastered the basic principles of reverse rules."


The voice fell, and suddenly, a black flame burst out of Lin Luo's palm. It looked like it was just a black shadow, jumping gently in the middle of the palm, but it gave people a mysterious and hot feeling.

"This is..." Evangeline's face changed slightly, she could feel that with regularity, although it seemed so inconspicuous, but the little black flame was definitely not something that could be despised, just Even when she looked at the flame, there was a trace of jealousy, as if there was endless power of destruction in the flame.

"What is this?" But other people don't have such a high state, and asked curiously.

"This is my reverse rule." Lin Luo explained with a smile, "My positive rule is the creation field of the rule of life. As a literal meaning, it gives me the power of creation and conforms to the natural way, so the reverse rule is of course... …Destroy the realm!"

"Domain of destruction?" Everyone is a little puzzled about this. They can do it when it comes to destruction, but it doesn't seem to be enough to form a rule, and destruction feels a little weaker than creation.

Knowing everyone's doubts, Lin Luo explained: "Well, it's normal for you to think this way, but the power of destruction I have is a bit different from the ordinary sense, because it not only destroys its form, but destroys existence. "

Lin Luo saw that besides Evangeline, everyone was still confused, and couldn't help but cite an example, "Do you know that the Demon Eye is dead?"

"I've heard of this. It seems to be a kind of magic eye. People with that kind of magic eye can see the death line of creatures. As long as they touch the death line, they can easily kill it." Rin replied Tao.

Lin Luo nodded, "Yes, that is the Eye of Straight Death. But what you said is only the lowest level of the Eye of Straight Death. If three levels are used to divide the strength of the Eye of Death, then LV1 means killing, purely living. The life of the thing is wiped out, while LV2 is killed, completely annihilated, cannot be resurrected and cannot be repaired, and the third level is also the highest level..."

Lin Luo picked up a branch from the ground and put it on top of the flame in his right hand. The branch was burnt clean instantly, "Eliminate existence, no matter if it is past, present or future, it never existed, that is LV3 straight Death Eye."

Everyone was shocked.

"You mean, you can even kill you now?" Evangeline asked in a deep voice.

Lin Luo smiled awkwardly, "Haha, of course it's impossible. I can't reach that realm now. If I use the straight death eye to metaphor, it is probably close to the LV2 straight death eye, semi-permanent destruction."

"Your reverse rules are not complete?" Everyone was stunned.

"Of course, my reverse rules are based on the positive rules. Although it will not be restricted, the positive rules I can use now are only 10%, and the reverse rules are of course only 10%. Fortunately, it is only 100%. Ten per cent, if it were 100%, I am afraid I would not be able to survive." When he said this, Lin Luo was somewhat grateful.

"So, can your regular rules still be used?" Mikoto asked.

"Even if a fish can fly in the sky, it is still its instinct to swim in the water." Lin Luo explained, while asking, "In your opinion, what is the reverse rule?"

"If the positive rules are compatible with this world, then the reverse rules should be rejection." The bee eater tried to answer.

Lin Luo shook his head, "It is true in the literal sense, but if it is only repulsive, then I can't use the positive rules when using the reverse rules, so its correct solution should be broken."

"Broken?" At this time, even Evangeline didn't understand, after all, she had never touched the reverse rule.

"Break our own shackles and have both positive and negative sides." Lin Luo thought for a while, and then said, "This can be explained by science. Everyone knows the mutual force. If we hit the wall with one punch, the wall will be affected. At the same time, our hands will also be hurt. That is the reaction force. What I have now is that part of the reaction force. Of course, there are some differences between the two in essence, but I can’t help it until I have 100% grasp of it. Explain it in detail."

Lin Luo thinks that Aozaki Aoko is probably the same type as him. Of course, he hasn't seen Aozaki Aozaki in the era of the magician, so he is not sure, but if inferred from destruction, the two are indeed very similar... At least now, he is closer to the destruction of Aozaki Aoko than the Demon Eye of Death.

Even so, Lin Luo always feels that something is wrong. It's not that the reverse rules are bad, but... how do you put it? There seems to be some deviations in some places, so that I have not reached the core of the real reverse.

But... Forget it, there is no need to understand what is incomprehensible now, one day you will be able to fully understand it.

Now, using the rules of life to defend, and then using the reverse rules to attack, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone...The status bar on the book of contract clearly shows-the spirit level is advanced!

Then everyone explained their strengths so as to have a clear understanding of the strength of their companions, and then they would chat, eat, and rest on a daily basis until the next day.

"It's been seventeen days since I came to this world, it's time."

In the morning, everyone gathered together, Lin Luo stretched out his right hand, and the three different colored spells on the back of his hand shone brightly, and then three figures, two large and one small, appeared in front of everyone.

Holding the original fire, the **** and powerful tyrant Nero-Red Saber!

Holding a black holy sword, he feels deeply and mysteriously the black knight king-black Saber!

Flying in the sky, with the highest mobility and concealment ability-Little Saber!

On the other side, white rays of light illuminate the world. Standing in the center of the magic circle is the perfect knight king-White Saber, with both hands on the hilt, fearless and victorious!

"This is..." Evangelin was stunned at the moment these SABERs appeared, and even she felt a huge sense of oppression for three of them.

This is of course, although the black, white and red three Sabers are all intermediate spiritual levels, they are only their own power, and treasures are not counted among them, and treasures are powerful beyond their own. Counting the treasures, any of them can fight Evangelin, but it's hard to say whether they can win, after all, Evangelin is immortal.

However, these are not important, the important thing is...

"It's time for us to fight back." Lin Luo said in a deep voice.

Now, the prey has become a hunter, and the hunter has become a prey, and the positions of the two sides have completely changed.

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