The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 250: Destroy Black Flame VS Wuzhi Realm, the battle between realm and strength

The real powerhouse must integrate offense and defense, and does not require perfect synchronization of defense and attack, but at least a certain balance must be maintained. There is only offense but no defense. Sooner or later, the body will not be able to bear it because of his too violent attacks, but if there is nothing but defense, it will naturally not be possible. Even being a MT may be reluctant.

It goes without saying that the attack, whether it is a direct physical attack or a weird and unpredictable mental attack, exists to destroy the enemy, but defense has a different system. As far as Lin Luo understands, it can be roughly divided into three systems. The first one is like Siege, who uses his most violent power to destroy the enemy's attack, which is called a strong offensive type.

The second category is like self and Yiwen, whether it is swallowing or creating, it transforms one kind of power into another. Simply put, it can be called a change type.

As for the third type, Lin Luo called it a transfer type, transferring all the forces that attacked him to another place. He has not encountered this type among opponents of the same level. However, among the people he has contacted, one side of the pass belongs to this type. Of course, his current level is relatively low, and he cannot rise to the level of the rules. The power system that Lin Luo currently understands is only capable of time, space and vector operations.

Of course, as a space ability person, Shiraiko also has the potential to become a transfer type, but with her current strength, she can barely be regarded as an escape type...white run.

However, Mo Xinming's defense does not belong to the above three systems. Although he seems to be a transfer type on the surface, if he really thinks that way, it would be a big mistake.

In terms of ability alone, Mo Xinming should belong to the fourth type-isolation type.

Isolate all attacks from the body, not to transfer, not to eliminate, not to change, but to have an absolute defense zone that cannot be reached by any attack... Literally, it is the ideal hometown of the king of Mao. Avalon is a bit similar.

Of course, although both belong to the same isolation type, Avalon's degree of mystery is relatively high. Lin Luo is currently unable to penetrate its essence, but he already knows a little bit about Mo Xinming's abilities.

"Is this the bottom line of your strength? It's really an absolute defense." I don't know if it is admiration or irony, Lin Luo said.

"Oh, have you seen it already?" Mo Xinming's attack stopped suddenly, and stopped nearly 100 meters in front of Lin Luo, and said disapprovingly, "Huh, it's not a big deal, I didn't plan to Concealing, of course, did not reveal to you the intention to know. But since you already know, then tell you. Yes, my rule is the realm of nothing."

The realm of nothingness creates an absolute vacuum environment through the power of the secondary evolution of Qi. With the maker of Mo Xinming as the center, a circle with a certain range is formed. As long as you are in that circle, no matter it is Neither air nor energy can be transmitted in from the outside world. In a sense, it is a true absolute defense.

Of course, although it is impossible to convey anything, but after all, Mo Xinming made it himself, he can still let certain things flow in it, such as oxygen and sound, otherwise, he won’t be able to breathe air, and even he himself will have to die. Alice.

"The realm of nothing..." Lin Luo whispered, and couldn't help feeling a headache. Although he had figured out the nature of Mo Xinming's ability, what he had to face was even more troublesome, an absolute vacuum area, any power They couldn't get in, so there would be no way to hurt him.

In terms of intensity, the realm of nothing is lower than that of Avalon. After all, Avalon can even block time and space. No matter how vacuum the realm of nothing is, all it can interfere with is energy, and it is impossible to get rid of the constraints of time and space. bundle. But Lin Luo still couldn't find an exact way to deal with it, he didn't know the ability of time and space at all.

Then try Black Flame, hope it works... Currently Lin Luo can only hope for destruction, if even the Black Flame of Destruction can't break through the other party's vacuum, then it is really dangerous.


Almost as soon as Mo Xinming rushed over, Lin Luo waved the Jade Wind Blade in his hand, and the white spiral swept away.

Mo Xinming curled his lips in disdain, and didn't even bother to take a look, "I said that this kind of thing is useless to me, don't you understand...Huh!?" Before he finished speaking, his heart suddenly There was a palpitation, and the instinct of life reminded him...danger!

Under instinct, Mo Xinming didn't hesitate, and quickly changed the direction of the straight, flashing to the right side like lightning, and the white spiral storm blasted past him quickly. At this point, the feeling of danger disappeared.

Damn it! What was it just now?

Mo Xinming's heart is a little bit surprised. You must know that his Wuzhi realm can isolate all energy. No energy can reach his body without his consent, but... he was easily hit by a punch before. The scattered wind actually made him feel dangerous now, how could this be possible? !

"You guy...what are you doing?!" Mo Xinming stared at Lin Luo bitterly, his eyes flashed with killing intent that couldn't be ignored. Such a change made him feel humiliated.

Unlike Mo Xinming, Lin Luo was extremely excited at this moment. Judging from the fact that the opponent avoided the Ring of East Wind just now, the Black Flame of Destruction could indeed be reached.

Although he was a little uneasy at first, but now it is normal to think about it. First of all, the two are at the same level and are both high spiritual level. Although Mo Xinming's rule power is 100%, he has two rules. , Just 10% of the Destroy Black Flame can make one jump directly from the Elementary Spirit Stage to the Advanced Spirit Stage at once, which shows that the intensity of destruction is not lower than the opponent's Wuzhi Domain.

In terms of the concentration of rules, Mo Xinming is higher than Lin Luo, but in terms of realm, Lin Luo is better. After all, Destroy Black Flame was obtained by Lin Luo by reversing the rules of creation. It can be said to be a dotted line. The power of three evolutions...

"Damn it! How could **** like you threaten me!" Mo Xinming felt that the face on his face was a little uncontrollable, and he roared and attacked Lin Luo immediately.

The fist was punched, and the white vacuum beam shot straight away.

Lin Luo didn't dare to insist on this kind of thing, the enemy's rules were 100%, and his 10% creation was absolutely unstoppable, so he still followed the previous tactics-fighting and running.

This is the most commonly used tactic when pushing BOSS in the game. Although simple, it is very efficient.

Mo Xinming's sexuality is already well known. He is the kind of arrogant and defiant secondary disease patient, in a word-Long Aotian. Once you get a powerful force, you think you are the best in the world, the third in the world, and you are in the middle. Such a person is absolutely unbearable to fail, nor can he be stronger than him, so as long as he is irritated to make him lose his composure, then he will find a chance to kill him with one blow, so that he will not even have time to escape from this world.

Disappearing in the same place in an instant, the ring of east wind swept away, and the white storm whizzed towards the enemy.


Feeling the warning signs of danger again, Mo Xinming's eyes widened fiercely, his mind and eyes were fully opened... He saw that the wind blowing this time was a bit different, the white spiral wind circling on the surface, there was something black. Things are wrapped in it, and the black substance is the source of danger.

Although he didn't know what it was, Mo Xinming instinctively realized that the blackness could indeed penetrate into his own realm of nothingness.

"Pretend to be a god... Give me a break!"

Now that he had figured out the source of the threat, Mo Xinming didn't plan to play hide-and-seek games anymore, he just punched it out.


As if a huge hammer hit the glass, the space was shattered because of his punch. At the moment when the space cracked, countless beams of vacuum shot out toward the front, and the rushing white storm instantly disintegrated, revealing Something more pure inside.


At this moment, Mo Xinming finally saw clearly that the black flames wrapped in the white storm were just a few strands of black flames. Even if the wind was broken up, they still hadn't been extinguished.

Although the black inflammation is small, it is burning.

The moment the beam of vacuum collided with the black flame, what made Mo Xinming even more shocked was that his beam of vacuum could not resist, and he was exhausted by the black flame!

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Mo Xinming gritted his teeth and shot out several vacuum beams again, finally extinguishing the black flame, but in contrast, his vacuum beam also disappeared.

With two blows of the vacuum beam, the black flames of the opponent were extinguished. Mo Xinming was shocked, but the deeper feelings in his heart were anger.

The other party only issued one attack but offset the power of his two attacks. What does this show?

I am weaker!

What a joke!

How could the ant-like garbage on the other side be stronger than yourself? He has invincible defense, has the attack power to destroy everything, has the supreme rules, and a LV2 walker, his rule power is even more than his own...Huh? !

Suddenly, Mo Xinming's heart suddenly burst. He thought of a very strange thing. The other party is just a walker of LV2. Why does he have the same regularity as himself?

Impossible, how can this kind of thing be possible?

However, if it is not for the power of rules, how can it be possible to break through the realm of nothingness?

"Damn it! This guy...damn it! Damn it!"

After the huge doubts, there was boundless anger that followed. Mo Xinming's body trembled because of the irresistible anger, gritted his teeth and looked hideous.

He couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear that a LV2 walker could have regular power, he couldn't bear that a LV2 walker could be an enemy of himself, he absolutely couldn't bear it...

"How could **** like you be my opponent!!!"

With a roar like a beast in his mouth, Mo Xinming stirred up all the...emptiness in this world!

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