The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 254: Cruel dinner offense and defense, and the greedy troublemaker

It is a good thing to recognize a cheap daughter who is well-behaved, beautiful and obedient.

This well-behaved, beautiful and obedient daughter likes to respect her father very much, which is definitely a good thing.

If you add this well-behaved, beautiful and obedient daughter who will never marry, that is definitely a good thing that is hard to find!

However, why did Lin Luo feel that he was particularly sad after experiencing such a good thing? After thinking about it for a long time, he finally understood, because this daughter had caused a huge obstacle to her grand cause of finding a mother for her...

"A child without a mother is unhappy, so Mercury Lamp, you have to understand that as a filial daughter, you can't bother your father in this regard, and you must do your best to help the father, do you know?" While the others were busy preparing dinner, Lin Luo himself was sitting next to him because of the excuse that the injury had not healed, shutting down all the other people's heart and soul calls, leaving only the mercury lamp alone, quietly speaking to her in his heart.

"I only need my father, not my mother." Mercury Lantern raised his head and said seriously.

"..." Hearing these words, Lin Luo had a feeling of being praised and worshipped by others, and his body was light and fluttering, but immediately thinking of his inheritance, he immediately made a positive expression and corrected, "That's not what I said. Yes, a family must have a mother to be complete. You think, even the tadpoles have to travel thousands of miles to find their mother. It can be seen that he is a very important person. If the mercury lamp has a mother, he will be very happy."

"The little tadpole and its mother live in a pond, not as far away as thousands of miles away, my father." The mercury lamp kindly reminded Lin Luo of the mistakes in the language.

"..." Lin Luo felt that he was not small in eating turtles. This was the first time he lost his advantage in speech, which made him very shocked. "I'm just giving an example."

"Is my father hungry? I'm going to prepare dinner." Mercury Lantern looked at Lin Luo, then looked at Mikoto and the others, and said suddenly.

"Isn't someone already preparing? Your body just should be more rested, and I think it is necessary for us to talk about that topic about mother again..."

Lin Luo still intends to work **** the mercury lamp so that she can change from resistance to help, but before he finishes talking, the mercury lamp smiled and said, "My body is no longer problematic. Father, don't worry."

Then quickly ran towards the place where there was already smoking.

Lin Luo couldn't help but wonder when she saw her leaving. The mercury lamp in front of her was very different from the mercury lamp in his impression. It was not the villain queen with evil temperament, nor the girl with strong and deep concerns. The magnetic voice expresses happiness and joy, gentle and generous.

Although Lin Luo had a huge disobedience at the beginning, it was only natural to think about it carefully. After all, the Mercury Lantern was the strongest among all the Rozen Maidens for his father's love and respect. In order to be able to meet the so-called father, she claims to be able to do anything, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Compared with several other girls who are too human, the mercury lamp is undoubtedly incomplete. Not only the body, but also emotions, values, ways of thinking and even soul. Her existence is absolutely singular that humans can't reach. She has nothing except love and hate, and between the two poles of love and hate, she is also empty, without any transition.

Human beings cannot live for love only, fight for love only, and then die, but mercury lamps can. She was born for love, fought for love, and devoted all her goals to simplicity and clarity.

Therefore, although the body is incomplete, but also proud and arrogant, like a god, the black-winged people stand high above the moon sky and look down alone, unique.

It was originally a discarded thing, and it should have no value of any existential meaning, but she moved, and then went to fight, betting on everything, cutting through the thorns and being irresistible. The source of everything is the love for the founder. In order to meet her father and get the embrace and whisper in her dreams, she doesn't mind destroying the world under the black wings. She uses her actions to give her own existence.

Therefore, there is only love and hate in her dictionary, no good or evil.

Mercury is poisonous, the lamp is warm, evil in appearance but good in heart, this is the mercury lamp.

Then, now that her own "fake column" father is in front of her, her attitude and tone of course can't be the same as those of ordinary humans or other Rozen Maidens, indifferent and dismissive. Perhaps, the mercury lamp I encountered will be a brand new one, the most authentic side that has never been shown in front of other people, no, not maybe, but definitely!

But having said that, what I deliberately interrupted myself just now... It was a bit poisonous, so I didn't want my mother so much?

"Ah~~" Lin Luo sighed to himself, he felt that he must be conscious of a protracted battle.

Not to mention that Lin Luo was complaining and groaning over there, but the girls' side was extremely busy and lively. Because there was no threat from the enemy, the previous daily routines returned to them again. Of course, the only difference was that Apart from these people, there are no other human beings in this daily life.

Of course, things like boiling water and cooking can only be self-reliant. Although in the eyes of ordinary people, it is only a trivial matter in daily life, but for these girls, it is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

As the saying goes, the difficulty of Shu Road is harder to go to the sky. Now this sentence should be changed. The difficulty of cooking and boiling water is harder to go to heaven.

Let’s take a look at the composition of these personnel first... Mikoto Misaka, a super-electromagnetic gun that can only discharge and tsundere, well, although she is not completely ignorant of food, she can barely be able to use it with enough modern equipment. Make something that can be eaten, but now, it is difficult for the clever woman to cook without rice. There is not even a pot, even if it can be discharged, she can't make a dish.

"Well... If this big rock is cut flat, it can be used as a shovel." Mikoto gazed at a rock as high as half her body.

Next to Mikoto is Lei. For the super natural dad who can sleep for five hundred years, if she can cook, it would be against the sky. Obviously everyone has enough understanding of this, so there is no Entrusting such a difficult task to her, just let him fold the food, but...

"Is this green onion or garlic?" Lei looked at the handful of vegetables she was holding, her face confused.

"Didn't I tell you when I went to pick it, it was celery." Mikoto turned around and said to her, and then continued her stone transformation plan.

"Oh, it's celery, then cook it with this grass carp." Lei suddenly realized, smiling and putting the two in the same stone bowl.

"..." Lin Luo said that he was speechless, wondering if the vegetables in Japan are different from those in China, or the vegetables in this world are different from those on the Forbidden Plane, because in his opinion, the vegetables in the Forbidden Plane are different. The green plant called celery is actually coriander, and the grass carp is actually catfish.

Coriander, you can finally serve as a main course, it is really gratifying, and catfish, congratulations on your more relatives. Finally... what does it mean to burn "celery" and "grass carp" together?

"It's really weird, why can't this be peeled off?" Just as Lin Luo didn't know how to complain about Mikoto and Lei, he suddenly heard a very depressed voice and looked at it subconsciously. Lin Luo found that the great Roman emperor was holding her sword, the original fire, gently and cautiously peeling the tomatoes...

Your sister, the tomatoes are still peeling... Seeing this scene, Lin Luo almost vomited blood.

"Nero, that one is not for peeling." Beside, the bee-eater said immediately after seeing the situation.

Oh oh oh, my lord queen, sure enough, you still know a little... Lin Luo was about to say that, but!

"That skin is for peeling." Her Majesty Queen snatched the tomatoes from His Majesty the Emperor, and began to peel them bit by bit.

"..." Lin Luo said that he had vomited blood for three liters and couldn't get up again.

"Well, I'll give you that pesky ball. On the other hand, I'll give the pheasant." Nero dropped the tomato and then walked to the other side to pick up a pheasant. The original fire passed by, the sword shadow, which was so fast that it was almost impossible for people to see, split the pheasant into pieces with the slightest sparks... and it was cooked by the way.

"Hahaha! How could this little thing be so hard for me? You see, it's ready to eat." Nero was very excited and laughed at the crowd, only to see her pick up a piece of cooked pheasant and race in her mouth. ,then……

"Ah! It's terrible!"

It's not unpleasant... Lin Luo was completely unable to complain. It was the first time that he saw someone burn a live pheasant together with the feathers on his belt, ah, that's not right! It was the hairs of the leather belt and the viscera...what's this?

Looking at the pile of pheasant that was burnt like black charcoal, Lin Luo felt a little anti-stomach in his stomach.

"Hmph, you little ghosts just don't know how to do things. I really don't know how you used to come alive, let me come!" Evan Jellyn was probably because of Lin Luo's sarcasm before, but at this time she finally caught the curse. Opportunity, said aggressively.

"You little vampire dare to point fingers at me. I am the king of Rome and the king of the world. This kind of thing is not what I should do." Nero was immediately unhappy, and Evangelin called someone else a kid. It's normal, but she is a figure more than a thousand years ago, and she is even older than Yiwen in terms of age.

But Evangelin was unwilling to show weakness and sneered: "It's because you can't even do this kind of thing, that's why the country will perish."

"What are you talking about!!" Nero was furious. Just when Lin Luo thought that a big battle was about to begin, His Majesty the Emperor also sneered, "Then I will take a good look at how you, a vampire do, come on. Peel this onion." As she said, she took an onion in front of Evangeline.

"Don't bring it, I hate onions, and so does garlic!" Evangeline jumped away from the onion in front of her, hiding behind the bee eater and looking at Nero bitterly," Did you do it on purpose? He asked me to peel the onion even though I knew I was a vampire."

"What a useless vampire, I'm afraid of onions. This is our food." Nero looked at Yiwen with an expression like "We eat onions, and onions eat you, so you are the weakest vampire." Jie Lin.

Evangelin hated and mad, but she did not dare to step forward because Nero had...onions in her hands.

"..." Lin Luo didn't know how to spit, he couldn't tell that the great emperor had such a black belly.

"You idiots don't play anymore. Father is already very hungry. I will prepare the dinner for today." Finally, the mercury lamp that just passed...well, fortunately, she can tell the difference between onions and garlic. ,so amazing!

"Small, what are you talking about? You call me a stupid, unforgivable!"

"Huh, a little puppet, I'm a humanoid master, be careful I hang you up."

"I'm not afraid of you."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and cook the three of you... Nero, you cut this fish into slices, Evan, you use magic to make a fire, freeze it by the way, and a mercury lamp, um, you put The feathers can be used as firewood..." Her Lady Queen couldn't stand it anymore and began to assign tasks, but her last task was really difficult.

...Five minutes later, looking at the messy scene, Lin Luo really couldn't bear it. He stood up and said helplessly, "I think it's better to let me come, otherwise I think I can only eat this dinner tomorrow morning. "

Lin Luo originally thought that they would retreat happily after he went out, but to his surprise, instead of retreating, they looked at him like a female enemy.

"What's the matter?" Lin Luo said puzzled.

"You roll me aside!" Evangelin stopped Lin Luo's path with a stone shovel.


"All said, this time the dinner can be left to us, where you can cool off wherever you go, if you dare to intervene...I will freeze you for ten years!" Evangeline warned sharply.

Not only she, but Nero also betrayed the Lord, "MASTER, if you really want to make a move, I will try my best to stop you."

"Huh?" Lin Luo was completely stunned, what is this going on? I just want to have dinner early.

Although I don’t know what these guys are doing, Lin Luo can also see that they are really playing, guarding their smoking battlefield with extremely firm eyes. If you dare to touch the ingredients on it, maybe Really will be divided.

"Forget it, then you can continue." In desperation, Lin Luo could only retreat.

After Lin Luo retired, Evangelin said to everyone seriously: "Damn it, how could it be possible to ask the guy to help even cook a meal? Wouldn't we all starve to death without that guy? We must not be judged by others, we must strengthen ourselves! These enemies in front of us are our first step towards self-improvement. Come on, let's have a decisive victory and defeat!"

The girls agreed, and they all showed expressions of decisive battle at the food in front of them.


"grass carp!"




"Frog!...Uh, why is there a frog in my hand?"

"Ah, I can't eat too much!"

"..." Looking at the hot scene, Lin Luo was embarrassed. Isn't it just making dinner, is it necessary to make it like a battle of life and death? The girl's heart is really hard to understand.

In the end, after about an hour or so, everyone's dinner was finally completed, and with a face of soot and six pots of unknown dishes, they came to Lin Luo's heroically and excitedly.

"Well, you come and taste it."

Looking at the six pots of vegetables in front of him, Lin Luo calmly couldn't, because he found that the eyes of the catfish in the first pot were turning, the pheasant's hair in the second pot had not been plucked out, and the third pot was black...Lin Luo asked only to find out that it was roasted tomatoes. As for the others, he no longer wanted to see them.

"Can these things... be eaten?" Lin Luoti asked in fear.

"Of course, don't you eat it?!"

"My father, please taste it."

"We worked so hard to make it. If you don't eat it, then it won't give us face."

"If we don't give us face, we will suffer."


Lin Luo knew that if he didn't eat it, they might have to eat it. Under the "hospitality", Lin Luo could only start to enjoy it with his eyes closed... But how can the murderous cuisine of the beautiful girl in the legend be casual? food?

After only three mouthfuls, Lin Luo's stomach was as if he was overwhelmed. Even if he was killed, he didn't want to eat anymore.

"Ah, isn't it okay? You can't eat this kind of thing." Seeing Lin Luo's expression of poisoning, everyone suddenly sighed.

Do you want my life if you know you can’t eat it and you just stuff it for me? Lin Luo was very depressed.

"It would be great if Rin was here, and she would not be so troublesome if she is a culinary expert." Mikoto said suddenly.

"Speaking of which, how about Rin and Lily?" Lin Luo just remembered when she mentioned that, but those two had never come back, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The bee shook his head, "I don't know, we were still together when we went looking for food, but it didn't take long before she said that she had found an interesting place, and then left with Lily."

"Is it dangerous to come back so late?" Mikoto asked with a frown.

The bee-eater said, "It shouldn't be possible, after all, there are no enemies in this world, except for the dragons."

Lin Luo nodded, "Yes, except for Dragons...except for Dragons... Dragons... Wait! Dragons?" Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he thought of a very dangerous possibility.

"Uh, what's the matter?" Everyone looked at him with doubts.

"Have you seen a dragon before when you were looking for food?" Lin Luo asked rhetorically.

"Yes, a big dragon flies in the sky." Lei answered with certainty.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Luo suddenly got a headache, "I heard that dragons like golden things, such as gems or gems or gems..."

"Ah!" After saying this, everyone understood what Lin Luo's worries were. Evan Jielin frowned. "No, no matter how greedy for money, it's impossible to mess with the dragon clan. She should always be sensible. some."

"Yeah, and Lily is there too, she shouldn't let the foolishness come."

"Ah! I found it!" At this moment, there was a young girl's voice. Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw two young girls running quickly towards this side, it was Rin and Lily.

"Rin? And Lily, talking about you... what are you doing?" Lin Luo was stunned in the middle of asking, because he found that two people were like thieves, with a big bag on their back, and Lily Holding a big egg in each hand, a look of panic on his face.

"What are you holding?" Lin Luo asked with a trembling voice.

"Gem and Dragon Egg." Rin replied simply.

"!!!" Everyone rushed to the street... This guy really went to looting the dragon's nest.

But before everyone could say anything, Rin and Lily ran past them quickly and said, "There is no time to talk, run away, a large group of dragons are chasing behind us."

A large group of dragons?

Everyone was stunned, and turned around to look subconsciously. In an instant, everyone's complexion turned blue, and they saw the sky nearly a thousand meters away, covering the sky and the sun, and hundreds of dragons were rushing over.

"Rin, Lily, you two bastards!"

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