The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 259: Let the world become more lively

The sky city created by Lin Luo is not only large in scope, but also extremely high. The main hall has thirteen floors, each floor is five meters high, and it almost reaches the sky at a glance.

Of course Lin Luo would not refuse the requests of the girls. Anyway, it is something that moves his mind. Even if they don't say it, he will create it. It can also increase the favorability by the way. Why not?

So a group of people entered the main hall. The main hall just created a rudiment. The detailed structure inside was almost completely absent. The nearly thousand square meter main hall looked empty, like a big playground.

After walking for almost 500 meters, when he came to the center of the main hall hall, Lin Luo stretched out his hand and erected a passage of about ten square meters in front of him to reach the top floor directly.

"Is this an elevator?" Mikoto asked immediately, and now they are not surprised.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded and smiled, "I will design the lower floors later. Now let's go to the thirteenth floor."

Speaking that Lin Luo had already walked in first, after the girls had all come in, the elevator door closed automatically and then went up. Everyone immediately felt as if the clouds were flying in the fog, and the whole person was floating.

"You didn't press any switch just now, why did it go up automatically? Don't you need it?" curiously shouted.

Lin Luo looked at her helplessly, "Rin, you compare the elevator made by ordinary people with mine. Obviously there is a huge mistake. This elevator does not need any switches or controllers. , But driven by the mind, as long as you think of which layer in your heart, it will automatically go to which layer...Oh, the thirteenth floor has arrived."

"Oh, so fast?!" Everyone was shocked, because they hadn't walked into the elevator for less than five seconds, but the distance from the first floor to the thirteenth floor was 60 meters.

"I've said it, don't judge it by the world of ordinary people."

"Smelly you."

The women despised them, but as soon as they got out of the elevator, they quickly came to the window and looked out the window. As Lin Luo said, they had already reached the thirteenth floor.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside, the bee-eater suddenly felt a lot of emotion, "The elevator I used to take is really weak."

"Okay, now it's time to make what you need." Lin Luo said with a smile, pointing his right hand to the side, and suddenly there was an extra room on the far right side of the hall called "Quata Paradise".

"Ah, it's mine!" Mikoto suddenly yelled, and the whole person turned into an electric light and rushed into the room. I saw that the 50-square-meter room was full of Gutai, on the kitchen cabinets, and the ceiling. On, on the ground, on the table... the whole world of Gutai.

Mikoto was immediately immersed in it, her face full of happiness, "Hahahaha... quack... quack..."

"Is this guy a kid?" All the girls sweated on their heads when they saw Mikoto's intoxicated expression.

But before they could say anything, a room of almost the same size suddenly appeared next to the Gutai Paradise, and the book was...The Kingdom of Gems.

"My mine!" Like Mikoto, Rin immediately rushed in, and she lay directly on the ground covered with gems, tears in her eyes, "Woo, woo, I'm finally rich...wahahaha !"

"This guy is crazy, too." Seeing this scene, the remaining girls looked a little speechless, and said. It's just that they will soon have no chance of neglecting others, because just after that, a women's fashion store with countless gorgeous costumes and limited edition exquisite leather bags, and a huge dance hall filled with colorful lights appeared at the same time.

There is no girl who does not love beauty, and there is no girl who does not like gorgeous clothes and accessories. The attractiveness of that women's fashion store for modern women is no less than the attractiveness of Mikoto for Mikoto or the attractiveness of gems for Rin. , So when that room appeared, the bee-eater Jiaoqi and Maiye Shenli immediately rushed away.

As for the other room, it’s where Nero sang a lot. Didn’t you hear her already singing?

"Ah, the moving notes are beating, the sweet melody is playing, at this moment, I heard the voice that belongs to me! In this most majestic square, the cheers of those who praise the great! Shake! Roar! Pentium... Ah! That's me... King of Rome, King of the World, Your Majesty Nero!"

Standing on the huge singing stage, the girl sang loudly, while hundreds of spectators under the stage waved the fluorescent rods in response to the girl’s singing...not to mention whether the singing sound was good or bad, at least one thing is certain. His Majesty the Emperor is now shooting passionately.

Although Lin Luo can't create life forms, he can project virtual lives. The hundreds of spectators below the stage are virtual characters projected by him using various data... But Lin Luo's data has only one program, that is to make them become A **** fan of Nero.

Although it is a virtual character, it doesn't matter to Nero, as long as someone likes her song.

Then Lin Luo set up a few rooms for other girls. Lily and Hei Saber's cafeteria is endless...Evangelin's is a leisurely and comfortable seaside beach where you can play video games even if you lie naked. …Lei’s room is a castle in the sky full of nature that is somewhat similar to the Ediro Garden… What the Black Rock Archer owns is a small black and white castle… The mercury lamp is the perfect doll "Alice" she yearns for Virtual Wonderland...As for the little Saber, Lin Luo gave her a room where she could become an invincible follower, aliased as the "Holy Grail War of the Little People Kingdom". Her enemies are all scum with 0 combat power...

In less than a minute, the twelve sisters around Lin Luo all left at once. Although Mercury Lantern loves his father the most, she still did not hold back the three words "Alice" after hearing the words "Alice". The seduction of the room to her.

"Tsk..." Lin Luo smacked his lips. Although there was no sense of loss, he was somewhat speechless.

Then, Lin Luo used this time to make more meticulous manufacturing. The three-hour renovation time limit is a lot less, but it is definitely not too much. Under his renovation, thirteen floors have undergone earth-shaking changes, except for the thirteenth floor, which is a girl’s dream place. The twelfth floor was transformed into a large-scale casino, movie theater, video game city, amusement park... everything you can think of.

With the creative ability of "whatever you want to do", it really becomes something you can't think of.

The eleventh floor is the misty illusion, to put it bluntly, it is a huge maze, which can be used as an adventure when you have nothing to do. The difficulty of the labyrinth has been adjusted to MAX level under his meticulous setting, and it is estimated that it would be difficult for him as a maker to get out without the power of GM.

The tenth floor is the underwater world...

The ninth floor is a natural home...

The eighth layer is the vast starry sky...

The second floor is Lin Luo's living area. On this floor, Lin Luo does the most diligent. After all, it is where he lives, so he should always do his best. As for the main hall on the first floor, Lin Luo didn't change much except adding some architectural decorations.

In addition to the transformation of the entire Sky City, Lin Luo was most proud of the fact that he also created three hundred mechanical maids, who were given full authority to take care of the entire Sky City. It’s not difficult to make mechanical maids. Although they are all humanoids that can be said to be active, they are not living bodies, so they can be generated within a single thought. However, it took nearly an hour to make these three hundred mechanical maids. , The reason is their personality data projection and appearance problems.

Lin Luo, a listener of Nero, only needs to enter data such as a "hardcore fan" for them, and passers-by with any looks are fine. But the mechanical maid is not good, if they all use the same face and the same personality, it would be too cute.

A maid who is not cute is not a good maid.

Therefore, Lin Luo has put a lot of effort in this aspect, even the name is different, but because of the limited time, Lin Luo only focused on "portrait" three maids, namely Wei, Jiu Yuan and Night Away, let them three Someone temporarily replaces the post of chief maid... Lin Luo faintly felt that he still lacks a supreme maid, such as a certain flying knife or a flying knife or that flying knife.

Of course, although the mechanical maid he made is fully functional, it has no combat power at all. And he can't make combat weaponry items, otherwise, if he makes thousands of Gundams, would he have it?

In addition, based on Long Wanxuan's request, he also built a dragon city a dozen miles away from Sky City. Of course, he used the method of illusion, the entire Dragon City looked only a few hundred square meters from the outside, but the space inside he was enlarged countless times. The main reason for this was that he didn't understand the environment where the dragon lived, so he just made it with the command "the city where the dragon lives". As for what it looks like inside, he doesn't even know.

The last is the most massive project that Lin Luo has done...Human projection!

In Lin Luo's view, it would be too monotonous if there were only people like them in the whole world, so in order to make the world more lively, in front of the Rainbow Bridge connected to the Sky City, it was hundreds of miles long. Lin Luo transformed the forest and the land into a huge city.

The virtual city is home to hundreds of thousands of virtual humans. These humans are created through data projection, just like an NPC in an online game.

After three hours of work was completed, Lin Luo returned to the thirteenth floor again. The girls were still in their respective rooms. Lin Luo glanced at these rooms, and then he walked towards a certain room. ...

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