The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 278: At the terrifying murder scene, Her Majesty the Queen appeared

At 7:30 in the evening, in the cabin of the huge passenger ship heading to the mainland.

"Wow, Lei, look, there is a swimming pool here." Miss Lin, who was dragging Lei around, finally found what she liked. In front of her, under the bright lights, a huge indoor swimming pool appeared to her. In front of him.

The entire swimming pool is oval, nearly thirty meters long, with a water depth of more than one meter, and looks quite clear. There are many lounge chairs for people to rest on the open space on both sides of the pool, as well as counters for drinks and snacks. Although it's night time, there are still many people in this swimming pool, either splashing in the pool or resting on the shore.

"Haha, I didn't think there was such a good place on this ship, it was not in vain." Miss Lin looked quite excited, and immediately rushed up with the girl next to her.

"Swimming pool? What is that?" Lei tilted her head, expressing incomprehension.

"Well, it's simply a place to play in the water. Doesn't Sky City also have it, although it's a little different." Lin explained. Although the swimming pool in Sky City is more gorgeous than here, it's right. She said that she still likes the one in front of her. After all, the Sky City still looks too deserted relative to this place, and it doesn't have the atmosphere that a swimming pool should have.

"It's cool and comfortable." Lei lay on the edge of the pool, curiously reaching out her hand into the water, with a slight smile on her face.

"Lei has never been to the swimming pool in Sky City before?" Rin couldn't help asking.

"Because you can take a shower in the room." Lei shook her head.

"It's no wonder that, in fact, swimming pools still have many benefits, so let's experience them more now."

"Yeah." Lei nodded, and then leaned forward slightly. With both hands paddling the water like a child playing, her face showed a natural and unique expression, "It's cool and comfortable."

The girl leaned forward while paddling, just leaning back and suddenly...Bang! Because she leaned forward too much and lost her balance, the girl fell into the swimming pool with her head and feet...This time, even Bai Rui on her neck suffered.

"Wow!" Miss Rin was really taken aback, and she could fall off like this. It's really the best! Before the girl sank, she picked it up with a sigh of relief.

"You guy is really worrying." Holding the wet girl in her hand, Miss Rin sighed, naturally staying at this level, it can be considered a realm, "Before you go into the water, you should change it first. It’s better to put on a swimsuit."

"Swimsuit?" Lei raised her head, her face puzzled.

"Well, I'm looking for..." Rin didn't answer, and looked around. She soon saw that there was a dressing room not far away. From here, you could clearly see what was placed inside. Several rows of swimsuits, "found it, right there."

With that said, she just clamped the girl around her waist and ran away quickly.

A few minutes later, the two put on their swimsuits and came to the swimming pool again. As for Bai Rui, he didn't seem to like water very much and stayed on the shore alone. Since it was the first time for Lei, Miss Lin specially found a floating board for her, so that at least she wouldn't sink.

However, Tian Lei was not so reassuring. Even with the floating board in her hand, she had fallen from it several times. Seeing the clumsy look, Miss Lin was quite speechless.

"I really can't figure out how to live if you are the only one?"

"A person... will be lonely." Lei said seriously.

"That's right." Rin smiled softly. Although Lei's clumsy hands are a headache, but the other's character is easy to make people feel pity, as if it made her feel a weaker sister, just like before and Ying When together.

"Well, although in terms of age, she can already be my ancestor." Thinking of this, Miss Lin couldn't help but twitch her mouth.

"Huh?" Lei tilted her head suspiciously.

"Nothing, right, do you want to eat? Just now I saw there seems to be an ice cream supply there." Lin asked with an embarrassing wave.


"Then you wait for me here, don't run around." Rin exhorted, and then left the pool, ran to a short distance, smiling slightly, "Sister? That's not bad..."

"Ice cream, swimming..." As if thinking of something happy, Lei showed a faint smile on her face and continued to learn how to swim. It’s just that she can’t succeed with Rin’s help. How can she do it alone? At this moment, she can’t even climb on the floating board. After a long time in a mess, she can only hold the two sides of the floating board and spit bubbles in the water. .

"Swimming is really difficult. Are all the people who can swim are geniuses?" The girl said that she was very weak.

"That... swimming is not like this." At this moment, a timid voice suddenly reached her ears.

Lei turned her head instinctively. Not far in front of her, a girl with blue hair in a swimsuit was standing there timidly. Lei tilted her head and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Lilia." The girl replied softly, and then twisted her hands together, as if she had gathered a lot of courage, and asked, "Well... can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Lei."

"Lei, um, I remembered it." The girl smiled slightly, "Well, if you don't mind, can I play with you?"

"Can you swim?"

"Although it's the first time I have come to this kind of place, but I know a little bit." The girl said embarrassedly.

"You can swim, are you a genius?" Lei was taken aback.

"That..." The girl suddenly showed an awkward expression, "It's just that my sister taught me a little bit before. I'm stupid, not a genius."

"Qiya, look at that person." Just when Lei and Lilia were talking to each other, a tea-haired girl lying on a lounger on the nearby shore suddenly widened her eyes, and patted her companion's body vigorously. Showing an incredible look.

The girl who was photographed by her was a girl with long black hair, who looked very sexy, but her expression was quite lazy, she did not open her eyes, and said weakly, "Hiska, what's wrong?"

"It can't be wrong, Qiya, that girl is definitely the Seven Huang Treasure Tree that we have been looking for before, the final lineage of the Mezarans clan!" The girl called Siska said with great excitement.

"Qihuang Treasure Tree?!" Upon hearing these words, the black-haired girl immediately opened her eyes, looked in the direction where the other party was looking, and said solemnly, "That girl was almost found by us but suddenly disappeared. Qihuang Treasure Tree? How could she be with Lilia?"

"This is God's will! Qihuang Treasure Tree, this time won't let you disappear!"


"It's really strange that even a suspicious person was not found. Didn't they follow us on the boat?" When leaving the casino, Lin Luo felt a little disappointed in his heart. Logically speaking, he is only alone now. The situation, if the Huangzhu hunters were really here, they would probably come to deal with him, or to catch Lei, but so far, no enemies have appeared, and even Lei has no information.

"Ah~~ I always seem to underestimate the Huangzhu hunters." Throwing out the two huge baits that can simultaneously annihilate fellow fellows and capture the Qihuang Treasure Tree, it turns out that the Huangzhu hunters can't be attracted. The appearance of it is really a headache to be cautious.

Of course, there may be another reason, that is, the other party does not think that he is a fellow of Qihuang Treasure Tree. After all, there is a Miss Lin next to him... Generally speaking, fellow fellows and holy war angels will not easily separate. , Then they would take Rin as Lei’s associates, and it is only natural for them to take it for granted.

"If this is the case, then it will be more troublesome." Lin Luo couldn't help but frown. If the enemy really thinks so, then the only way to draw them out is Lei alone. Of course, this method is too risky and undesirable. There is no need to take such a big risk for a few Huangzhu hunters.

"But then again, aren't the villains in the comics very active? Why are all of them as smart as mice when they get to me?...Ah, forget it, let's drink something to adjust your mood."

Thinking of this, Lin Luo suddenly lost his interest. He walked up a passage and walked towards the wine hall of the passenger ship, but when he passed a guest room, he suddenly smelled a pungent blood.

The footsteps stopped abruptly, and the **** smell came from the guest room next to him.

"...Smell of blood?" Lin Luo frowned, his perception domain opened and entered the room, there was no breath of life in it. After hesitating, he reached for the doorknob, and the door was locked. Of course, a lock of this degree seemed to him nothing, the electricity flashed by with a beep, and with a slight twist, the door opened in response.

The moment the door was opened, a more pungent smell of blood rushed over.

Then when he saw the scene inside, even he stayed for a while, saw a man and a woman lying there naked on the ground, each of them had a big hole in their chests, and blood dripped all over the ground, even a little bit. The internal organs were taken out, looking extremely miserable and terrifying. These two men looked like they were in their thirties, and their faces were full of horror and pain. It was obvious that they did not die easily.

"Damn it, I'm not the death **** of Edogawa Conan, why would there be a life case in front of me, and it is still a murder case in a secret room?" After all, I have seen countless people with big winds and waves, although I scared him when I saw it. Jump, but within a few seconds he recovered and started to complain.

"Well, since I found out, if you are lucky, I will pretend to be Detective Conan to find the murderer for you." Then, Lin Luo stepped forward and squatted in front of the two dead bodies. Check it out.

Only when he had just squatted down, there was a patter of footsteps in the corridor outside. It sounded like more than one, but a dozen.

Within a few seconds, the owner of those footsteps had already appeared at the door of the room.

"Ah!!!" The shrill cry came from a woman. When she saw the scene in the room, her horrified expression could not be described in words. It can only be seen by chance in some horror movies.

"Sure enough, it's true, Speaker!"

"Murder, catch him quickly!"

"Damn murderer, he must be executed!"


After a short silence, a constant stream of accusations and anger all flooded Lin Luo, but no one dared to step forward, because in front of them was a "murderer", these nobles who usually pamper themselves have no courage. He fought hand-to-hand with the murderer.

"You said that I killed the people?" Lin Luo was not angry at the accusations from everyone, but pointed at himself very confused.

"Do you still want to quibble? The evidence is there. Don't think that you, the murderer, can get away with it!" Someone shouted angrily, his expression as if he wished to smash Lin Luo's body into pieces.

Lin Luo didn't know where the evidence of the person he was talking about was, but now he understands a little bit. This is obviously a trick to blame Jiang Dong... The murderer first killed the two people in this room, and then waited. When I came here, I deliberately attracted other people and blamed myself. I have to say that this trick is indeed quite clever. There are both the living and the dead, so there is no way to escape the murderer.

And the identity of the dead seems not low, Speaker? I don't know which corner it is.

However, since I came into this world, I didn't offend anyone, so even if I think about it with my toes, anyone who can do this kind of thing can guess, except for the Huangzhu Hunter who targets Lei, there will be no other candidates.

It’s no wonder that the other party hasn’t taken any action before. It turned out to be planning something like this, using one’s curiosity and public comments, and adding “iron evidence like a mountain,” so that no matter whether you are a fellow of Lei or not It's over, and there is no need for them to come forward.

clever! Too clever! Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help but praise the enemy with a word or two.

"Well, since you have determined that I am the murderer, what do you plan to do next?" After understanding, Lin Luo faced the crowd of onlookers at the door, spread his hands, and asked indifferently.

"Huh?" The onlookers were stunned. They had seen a lot of arrogant murderers, but it was the first time they saw such a calm murderer. Generally speaking, in this case, no matter how good the killer's mentality is. , Will panic too.

Will Lin Luo panic?

of course not!

Perhaps for ordinary people, this is an unsolvable dead end. It can be seen that the enemy has also spent a lot of effort in setting up, but Lin Luo is not an ordinary person. For people in this world, the power he possesses is only Just like gods... LV5's super-electromagnetic gun, LV4's atomic collapse, first-class magic, reverse rules for destroying everything, extremely strong body of the dead, and other messy abilities. How can this world be blocked? In front of him?

When a person's power is beyond the shackles of this world, then neither speech nor the law can affect that person. So, how could Lin Luo panic about this situation? God, do you need to care about the views of ordinary humans?

Just when the scene fell into a stalemate, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, "The captain is here!"

The patter of footsteps went from far to near, and soon, under the leadership of the passenger ship staff, a middle-aged man came to the door of this room. Lin Luo recognized that he was the captain of the ship.

When he saw the situation in the room, even the captain, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, was taken aback. He first looked at the two corpses on the ground, then at Lin Luo, and finally turned his gaze to the onlookers at the door. Calmly asked: "What exactly happened? Why is this happening?"

"Captain, Speaker Stephen was killed." A crowd of onlookers said nonsense.

"As for what my eyes can see, what I want to ask is, what happened? Who else is the murderer? Does anyone understand?"

"It's him! He is a murderer!" Someone pointed at Lin Luo again, and he had already confirmed.

"Can you explain it?" But the captain didn't seem to think so, and asked Lin Luo.

"Well, it's not impossible." Lin Luo shrugged, the other party's attitude was good, then he didn't have to lift the bar, and said truthfully, "I smelled a **** smell when I came out of the casino and passed by here. Seeing this look, then this group of passers-by came over."

"Nonsense, you are obviously the murderer!" The crowd onlookers roared again.

"Ka!" Lin Luo's forehead couldn't help but burst into a blue vein. Although he didn't mind ordinary people's opinions, it is not a happy thing to be wronged. If it were not for avoiding unnecessary trouble, he would not do it. Throw it politely into the sea to feed the sharks.

"Although I am not sure whether he is really a murderer, but from my experience, if a person is really a murderer, it is impossible to be so calm anyway." The captain rationally analyzed, "Moreover, no one has seen the process of his murder. Well, it would be unwise to draw conclusions so arbitrarily."

"Captain..." The others seemed anxious.

Before he was finished, the captain waved his hand, "This matter needs to be investigated."

"But now we don't have anyone on board who is suitable for this." The onlookers objected again.

"Captain, maybe that person..." a passenger crew member said suddenly.

"Well, if it is that person, it can be done, and the current situation has to ask her for help." The captain considered for a moment and nodded, then looked at Lin Luo, "This gentleman..."

"Call me Lin Luo." Lin Luo smiled. Although the crowds are rather annoying, the captain is not bad.

"Okay, Mr. Lin Luo, can you cooperate with us a little bit? If the person is really not killed by you, then I believe that person can definitely make a reasonable judgment and return you innocence." The captain said solemnly.

"No problem." Lin Luo nodded.

Hearing his answer, the captain waved his hand, and a staff member ran out quickly, and within a few minutes, footsteps came again in the corridor.

"Miss, it's here." The staff member's respectful voice sounded before the person arrived.

Then, a slender girl with green hair appeared in front of everyone.

When he saw this person, Lin Luo's expression that hadn't changed color before the landslide could no longer be maintained, and he almost exclaimed...C.C!

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