The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 287: Tucao is too common, group slot is the most powerful (1)

"Ah, I have finally come to the new continent. It is really fast to take a boat. If we only rely on our feet to walk, I am afraid that we will have to walk for at least a month." Standing on the deck of the passenger ship, Lin Luo couldn't help. Said.

"Even if you don't take a boat, you can't just walk with your feet. There are so many planes and trains...this messy world." Miss Lin gave him a white look. After two days of time consumption, her heart was angry. It can be considered as worn out, and no longer looks at Lin Luo coldly, but the level of the poison tongue has improved a lot.

"That's true." Lin Luo nodded, looking towards the hatch of the ship if there was nothing.

"What are you looking at?"

"No, just take a look." Lin Luo smiled awkwardly, of course he could not say that he was waiting for Queen C.

"Hmph, do you think I would not know? That green guy may not come." Miss Rin's tone was somewhat sour, and said gleefully. This is also inevitable, his own man is waiting for other women, no matter which woman it is, he will be dissatisfied.

"..." Lin Luo was speechless at once, but to be honest, he really cared a little bit in his heart. If CC really didn't come, it would be more troublesome. Should the overlord take the bow hard or rob the female of the people? this is a problem.

Thinking of this, a slender figure suddenly appeared in the hatch of the ship, with light green hair beating lightly.

"I thought you had already left. It seems that I didn't come out too late." CC walked towards them with a smile.

If you come out five minutes later, I'm afraid I can only pack you away... Lin Luoxin said.

"Hey, it's really here." Miss Linbu couldn't help but frown, but she couldn't say much about it. After all, their positions are different. If CC really doesn't go with them, then the ending she faces is likely to be It's the same as the mercury lamp back then, and most of it cannot be saved.

"Your fans seem to be very sad. Are you really a real husband?" Although she won't object, Miss Lin will not accept it enthusiastically, pointing to CC behind her, and said with a slight irony.

There, a dozen sailors stood in a row with tears streaming down their faces, without him, because their goddess was about to leave.

"Separation is a predestined thing. You humans have so much sadness and helplessness because you have too many feelings." CC looked indifferent, not moved by the nostalgia of others, nor saddened by the separation. .

"Cut, it sounds like I am not a human being." Miss Lin broke a bit and said nothing more.


When boarding the ship there were only three people, but when disembarking, they became eleven people, because CC is the target he must attack, and Greaz and Cocowaite are their designated guides. As for Lazarati It’s okay to be Lei’s friend with Lilia, but...

Lin Luo looked at Heska and the other three as he walked, the expression on his face was somewhat depressed, "Why are you also walking with us?"

"Didn't I say before. The Qihuang Treasure Tree is a very special existence. As an angel guardian team, we can't let it go." Siska said with a straight face and said naturally, "Since I can't take it back by force, now I can only monitor it nearby and I will give up until I think she is not threatened."

"You are really persistent." Lin Luo was speechless.

"thank you."

"Well, it doesn't matter if you follow, but there is one thing I want to remind you." Lin Luo suddenly said with a serious face.

"What?" His heart jumped, Long Wei and Qi Ya couldn't help but become nervous, because when they were on the boat, they had never seen each other's expressions so serious, it seemed like they were facing life and death. The war is the same.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a moment, and even the other people were affected by Lin Luo's aura, with a solemn expression.

"Grumbling!" Someone swallowed heavily, the voice was clear and audible, and then Lin Luo spoke.

"It's up to you to take care of your meals and accommodations, but don't want me to treat you." Lin Luo said unceremoniously.

"...Bang!" Everyone rushed to the street collectively, even a person as calm as CC couldn't calm down.

"Who said I wanted you to be a guest! Our Angel Protection Association is not so poor!" After getting up from the ground, Siska yelled and drew the attention of passers-by.

"It turns out that the Angel Protection Association is so poor..."

"Yeah, I have to treat someone even to eat..."

"It's really unexpected..."

People passing by were talking about it, which made the three members of the Angel Protection Association feel quite embarrassed, especially Siska, gritted his teeth with anger, and wished to take out a machine gun and swept it directly.

"That's good." Lin Luo nodded in satisfaction, "If you still eat and live mine while you are monitoring us, I will feel unbalanced."

"This guy..." Siska's anger has reached a critical value, and there is almost a tendency to become violent.

"That, please calm down, Senior." Long Wei and Qi Ya quickly began to soothe them. If Heska runs away, they will only suffer in the end.

"...Forget it, I will forgive you this time." Considering the difference in combat power, Siska had to suppress all her anger, but if her anger is not vented, she will get sick?

But Lin Luo didn't care about her. As he walked, he asked Greaz next to him: "Is this the continent of Wolucie?"

Greaz nodded, "Yes, continue from here, if you walk a little faster, you will be able to reach the Eddylu Garden where you want to go soon."

"You still know a lot about the Eddylu Garden." Miss Lin said with a ponytail on her shawl.

Hearing her words, Coco Waiter suddenly looked proud and said proudly: "Humph! Of course, because Greaz and I came from the Eddylu Garden..."

"Coco!" Greaz's expression changed, and he pressed CocoWitt's mouth conditioned reflexively, no matter the girl's hurriedly struggling, her eyes were full of anxiety and looked at Lin Luo.

But it was too late. The moment Coco Waite spoke, Lei looked at them in shock, and her body trembled slightly, "You are from the Eddylu Garden?"

Although Lei is natural, she is not an idiot. The reason why she reacts slower than others is because of her physique and the influence of being sealed for five hundred years. But as the highest being in the weapon race, Qihuang Treasure Tree, her mind is quite good, otherwise she would not often hit the nail on the head, and just a few words would be able to directly point to the core of the problem.

Greaz and Cocowaite are members of the Orcanard organization. At first, they came to capture themselves as the Seven-Colored Treasure Tree, but now they say that they are from the Garden of Adyru. what?

At the end of Eddylu Garden...

In an instant, countless possibilities flashed through Lei's mind, and each of these possibilities made her unacceptable, shaking her beliefs, shaking her desires!

I'm sorry... Greaz cast an apologetic look at Lin Luo. When he was on the ship, a lot of information about Orcainard and Aidiru's Garden, everything he knew, was told to Lin Luo in a head, and at that time, Lei was not by their side.

This was deliberately arranged by Lin Luo, and Grezia had also heard Lin Luo's instructions, asking him not to tell Lei these things, but Cocowait's big mouth just now clearly exposed everything.

Seeing Lei's expression of shock and panic, Lin Luo sighed secretly. There was a certain discrepancy between the information Greaz gave him and what he remembered. Originally, in his memory, the Orcainard organization was only related to the Eddyru Gardens, but in fact this was not the case. Or it should be said that the Orcainard Organization was a part of the Ediro Gardens. Part of the forces.

They make artificial angels and place the nuclear stones they have made on ordinary girls, making them consumable items. They all have the same attitude towards true holy war angels, using them if they are useful, and discarding them if they are not useful. , No matter how good a jihadist angel is, as long as the mission fails, he will only be stripped of nuclear stones and wiped out his life.

No one knows what they want to do, even Greaz is just acting on orders, completely ignorant of the core content of the organization, but vaguely aware that there seems to be an incredible plan that can affect the world.

Lin Luo can't care what the plan is, but he can't care less about Aidiru Garden, where... but Lei regards it as a holy war angel paradise! It is the holy place she has always dreamed of going to!

It's really ironic that while pretending to be a paradise of jihadist angels, while taking jihadist angels as complete props-use discards. Then they cultivated the profession of Huangzhu Hunter and let them capture the holy war angels that existed all over the world...Although the profession of Huangzhu Hunter was not bred by the Ediro Garden, it was Ediro that allowed them to "carry forward". Garden.

What is even more unbearable is that while doing this kind of thing, they transformed ordinary human girls into imitation pearls, twisting their bodies, twisting their will, twisting their souls... in the end they can only do A stone that can be discarded after only one use!

If there is an unforgivable evil party in this world, it can only be the Garden of Aidiru!

To be honest, when Lin Luo heard these things, the first idea that Lin Luo gave birth to was to directly kill the Eddylu Garden and completely annihilate the origin of the evil.

But considering Lei's wish, he could only hold back this impulse temporarily.

Even an outsider who heard this kind of thing was furious, so if Lei knew about this kind of thing, what impact would it bring to her? Lin Luo didn't dare to imagine, so he temporarily suppressed the matter, and only waited until he arrived at the Ediro Garden in the future, and then quickly suppressed it with blood and blood... Besides, he really had no other way.

However, what he didn't expect was that after only two days, most of the things had been shaken out by Coco Waiter.

"Woo... let me go, Greaz..." Coco Waite didn't know that he had made a mistake and was still struggling in Greaz's arms.

Lin Luo didn't want to blame her either, the matter had already been said, so no matter how the responsibility was, it would be irretrievable. Moreover, if this matter is carried out according to the normal steps, there is no way to hide it, or if you know it earlier, you can prepare yourself earlier, so that all the shocking facts will not come together in the end... Yilei’s mentality, I’m afraid It's really unbearable.

"Lei, I will take you to the Aidylu Garden. No one can stop it." Lin Luo put his hands on the girl's shoulders and said solemnly.

The girl's expression improved slightly, but her trembling eyes revealed her inner anxiety, "Lin Luo, Eddylu Garden..."

Lin Luo rubbed the girl's head and smiled: "I know you have a lot of questions in your heart, but I won't tell you, because I can help you with other things, but this matter requires your own strength. , Even if what you see after you get there is completely different from what you imagined, don’t give up hope, do you understand?"

Maybe it was Lin Luo's smile that infected her, or the gentle words made her feel at ease. Although the girl still had a lot of questions and was a little uneasy, she still nodded gently, "Yeah."

"Okay. Now we are heading towards Ediro Garden. What we have seen and heard along the way will definitely reveal the doubts in your heart, so..."

"Although I'm sorry to interrupt you, there is still one very important thing to do before setting off for the Eddylu Garden." Lin Luo halfway through the conversation, suddenly heard Heska's mixed with depression and unwillingness. sound.

"..." I finally said something so philosophical, but was interrupted by this guy, which made Lin Luo a little depressed, and gave her a blank look, "Is it important? Have breakfast?"

Well, the affectionate atmosphere is completely over here.

Siska became angry, and the corners of her mouth twitched, "Are you serious!"

"I have always been very serious. People are iron rice or steel. I panic if I don't eat a meal. How could I not take such an important thing seriously." Lin Luo was confident.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

"Ah, I have nothing to say to you." Siska covered her forehead in pain, and then said, "Should we not go through the immigration formalities before setting off!"

"What is the entry procedure?" Lin Luo seemed to have heard of it somewhere, and he didn't seem to have heard of it. He didn't bother to care about this kind of thing that he knew "to apply for this permit and that permit". As a free man, he has always ignored the rules.

Heska sighed, as if she didn't want to speak anymore, there was no way, so the explanation could only be left to others.

As a schoolboy, Long Wei had no excuse, and explained with a smile: "No matter which country you go to, you need to apply for an identity certificate. Because the Woluxionai continent is a very large continent, so All aspects are very strict. If you don’t go through immigration formalities, you will basically be unable to move around on this continent."

Such a clear explanation was much easier to understand than Siska, and several people who didn't know much about immigration procedures suddenly realized it. Rin Tosaka nodded again and again, "So that's it, the lady boss did tell us not long ago."


"Well, just the owner of a hotel, don't care."

Siska said: "Now that I understand everything, let's go through the immigration formalities. Anyway, everyone should have an ID card, which is not very troublesome. As for the immigration review, I have already done it before the ship docks. We've got in touch, and if we go to the examination portal now, we should be waiting for us."

"So you made up your mind to follow us before disembarking." Lin Luoyu.

"Of course."

"Well, although I am very moved by your enthusiasm, there is one thing I want to declare."


"We don't have ID cards." Lin Luo pointed to the three girls next to him and himself, and said confidently.

"Huh?!" Siska was stunned for three seconds, and finally roared, "Which corner are you savages from? You don't even have an ID card!"

Lin Luo spread his hands, his face was indifferent, "Nothing is so strange, there are a lot of black households in this world."

"...That's true." For this sentence, Siska couldn't shake his head. For example, a certain air thief group was all people without ID cards. "But since you don't have ID cards, the immigration formalities must be done. It's impossible..."

Speaking of this, Siska suddenly felt that her chance had come, and smiled happily: "It seems that you can only exit here. Let us take her to the Ediro Garden where Lei is going, and because of her It is a holy war angel, just say that it is protected by our Conservation Association."

"Are you kidding me? A mere ID card can make it difficult for me." Lin Luo gave her a white look, expressing his disdain.

Heskar was stunned for a moment, and then it seemed that something happened suddenly. He changed his color and said: "You, do you plan to use force...I won't let you do this! You deal with those assassins like that on the ship, I can do it because of them. I turned a blind eye to identity. After all, I also investigated a little bit. They did do a lot of detrimental things, and all of them should be sentenced to death. However, if you use violence against ordinary people here, I will try my best to stop you!"

"Do you think I am a violent maniac?" Lin Luo was speechless. When did he say that he would use violence.


"Although what you just said is a good method, it is not difficult to get out of this country..." Lin Luo said nonchalantly, ignoring the horrified gazes of the few people next to him, "But what good is that for me? I will only let a group of chasing soldiers dangle behind us, and even eat and sleep will not be stable, I will not do such a stupid thing."

Hiska suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"You don't need to know this. Anyway, we can go to the checkpoint first." Lin Luo waved his hand, ignored her, and walked forward.

On the way, Rin pulled Lin Luo quietly, and asked in a low voice, "What the **** is going on in that Eddylu Garden?"

"Well, it's not convenient to say now, I'll tell you when I have time next time."

Seeing everyone left, Siska and the others still stayed where they were, seemingly at a loss for a while.

"Senior, what should I do now?"

"What else can I do, of course, is to follow up, if he wields violence at the checkpoint, it would be bad." Although Lin Luo said that violence is forbidden, Siska is obviously not at ease, and, "And the girl said before The words are also very interesting."

"Senior refers to the Eddylu Garden?" Long Wei said solemnly.

Siska nodded with a solemn expression, "The Orcainard organization wants to capture the Qihuang Treasure Tree. This is enough for us to pay attention to it. From what I said just now, it seems that the Orcainard organization is still with Eddie. Lu Tingyuan has close ties, and there must be some great secret hidden in it. As members of the Conservation Association, we must not treat it as unheard! So..."

Speaking of this, Hiska suddenly became excited, "So as long as you follow them, everything will come to light. If this important matter can be resolved, then the promotion and salary increase will be unstoppable!"

"..." The two were speechless.


As Heska said before, at the checkpoint, all the inspection procedures are prepared for them, and the immigration procedures can be smoothly completed by taking out the ID card. There was no problem at first, because Siska and others, Grejaz and Lazarati had their own ID cards, so they were not hindered in any way, but when Lin Luo and the others came, the problem came.

"What! You don't have an ID card! Then you are not allowed to enter the country, and leave the country immediately now!" Upon hearing Lin Luo say that he did not have an ID card, the inspector immediately issued a eviction order and issued a severe warning.


The three of Siska were immediately moved and stood ready for fear that Lin Luo would bloodbath the checkpoint.

What surprised them was that Lin Luo didn't rush and smiled: "Wait, although we don't have an ID card, I have something else to replace."

"Are you kidding me, what can replace the ID card."

"Of course there is, for example..." As he said, Lin Luo gently spread his hands outwards, and! Just like throwing beans, countless golden bricks fell out of his sleeves, and they quickly folded into two high piles.

"This..." For a moment, no matter if it was the checkpoint staff, other passers-by, or people on their own side, everyone was dumbfounded.

The staff who had been stern before had become dumbfounded at this moment.

Lin Luo coughed deliberately, and then slowly said: "Actually, my real identity is the president of the City Management Association. This is the vice president (Rin), this is the secretary (CC), and this is the accountant. (Lei), and the reason why we traveled to the mainland is mainly to maintain the beauty and prosperity of the city. In the past, every city we went to would contribute to the greening of that city, but now it seems...well, it seems to us without ID cards. There is no way to contribute to this city."

At this point, Lin Luo's expression was full of regret.

Can really say it! Everyone is embarrassed and speechless, Urban Management Association, what is this? This kind of thing that can be known to be false at the first hearing can be drawn, and who would believe it!

"Wait, I... I'll go to the stationmaster." But what made everyone even more speechless was that the staff member actually believed it, his face changed, and he immediately ran into the inner room.

Rin: "Should I complain at this time?"

CC: "Money attacks are used very well."

Lei: "Sparkling, so beautiful."


Soon, a middle-aged man came here quickly under the leadership of the inspector, and when he saw the gold in that place, he was dumbfounded and couldn't help but look up at Lin Luo, "This gentleman, you... "Unconsciously, he has already used the honorific title.

"Hello, stationmaster, I think this staff member has explained our identity to you just now." Lin Luo nodded, as if the boss was facing his subordinates.

"Yes, yes, sir, you are the president of the City Management Association. You have been admired for a long time." The man arched his hands.

Everyone felt speechless again: It was obviously the title he picked up, you TM long to look up!

"It's easy to say." Lin Luo also arched his hands. "My job is to beautify cities on the mainland for free to make the world more interesting, but because we didn't bring ID cards, I thought...I I really don't want to disrupt the original order of this country. I can only do things according to your regulations, where I went back and forth. I originally wanted to see this city, alas."

Everyone: You all know that you are going to use money to bribe, so don't try to get rid of it, and even beautify the city for free, cheating!

But the stationmaster was shocked, and said with sorrow: "There is such a thing! It shouldn't be too much. For such a great person like the president, our country will definitely open the door to you. As for identity Proving that that kind of thing is just a small problem. As long as I nod my head, you don’t have to worry about the president.

Everyone: Too shameless!

"You mean..." Lin Luo looked at him pretendingly.

The webmaster said sincerely: "I have long admired your city management association, especially the president, your actions have moved me even more, so I guarantee that you will definitely be unimpeded in this country. "

"So that's great, stationmaster, you are such a good person." Lin Luo picked up a gold brick next to him, expressing his gratitude.

"Dare not dare." The stationmaster stared at the gold brick modestly.

Everyone: Your eyes and movements have deeply betrayed your soul.

After a while, Lin Luo spoke again: "Oh, yes, about the beautification of this city..."

"..." The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, full of expectant eyes.

"This city is very beautiful, and it is quite outstanding among all the cities I have seen..."

If someone said this in normal times, the webmaster would be very happy, but now he only hopes that the other party will depreciate the city as low as possible, "Where is the president, you have praised, in fact, there are still many places where we are not doing well enough. ."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet. Although it is beautiful, this city still needs improvement in my opinion. For example, the port we came to just now does not have the most basic green facilities, and it is not even beautiful. Greeted by the bunny girl, which in my opinion is not allowed, so I decided..."

"..." The stationmaster immediately cheered up and waited attentively.

"I decided to invest money in this city." Lin Luo said sternly.

"Don't talk about money, how can something as tacky as money be worthy of your noble personality, the president!"

Everyone: Noble your sister! Tacky your sister!

"It makes sense, then let's not talk about money, let's talk about the value of these two piles of gold."

Everyone: Isn't TM still talking about money!

"Each piece of these gold bricks is pure gold, and each piece is worth 10 million gigabytes. There are a total of fifty yuan here, which is 500 million gigabytes. Now I give all of these 500 million gigabytes to this city." Lin Luo said When I said this, I didn't even blink my eyes, as if it was not 500 million G, but 5 G.

"Five...500 million!!" The surrounding voices were full of cold air, and the stationmaster trembled so speechlessly, the atmosphere sank into pure and clean again.

Lin Luo: "Oh, I suddenly felt a little backache."

The station master came back abruptly, immediately stared, pointed at some staff nearby, and shouted: "What are you guys standing stupidly, haven't you seen that the president is tired? Don't you move chairs for the president and them right away? !"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After a while, Lin Luo and the others were already sitting on the chairs comfortably, and then the station master once again instructed the female staff on the scene, "The chairman has been struggling all the way and must have been very hard. Go and knock him on the back. "

"Yes." The female staff member immediately ran behind Lin Luo and knocked her back.

"Stationmaster, you are too polite." Lin Luo said so, but his body naturally enjoyed the service of the women behind him.

Everyone: Hypocritical and do not explain.

"Where and where, this is what I should do."

"So about the ID card..."

"I'm really sorry, I almost forgot when I was in a hurry. Don't worry, President. I'll go through it right away. It will definitely be completed in ten minutes. Please wait a moment."

"Well, no problem."


After the stationmaster left, Lin Luo waved his hand and sent out the staff member behind him who was knocking his back. Soon, only their original class was left in this place with a strong copper smell. Centaur.

"...You're really big-handed." Greaz said for a long time.

Lin Luo waved his hand with a calm face, "It's nothing, who said this is a world of money and force, and it just so happened that I am at the apex of this world."

"Greaz, did we follow a very incredible person?" Coco Waite was taken aback.

"This...probably." Greaz sweated on his forehead.

"Five hundred million, you are really good at it." Although the effect of five hundred million is very significant, Miss Lin's expression seems to be a bit painful.

"Who told me to treat money as dung?" Lin Luo said with a flushed face.

"Actually, what I want to ask is, where did you get so many gold bricks?" Lazarati asked with confusion.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "You can take out more, believe it or not?"

"I don't know if others believe it or not, but I believe it." Lazarati nodded.

"Strange, why doesn't the person who talks the most in ordinary times doesn't speak now?" I don't know who said this. Everyone looked at Siska, only to see her staring at her with round eyes motionless, as if she was petrified. Up in general.

"That... Senior has passed out." Long Wei explained embarrassingly.


"Probably too many gold bricks have blinded her." Qiya made a final explanation.


Ten minutes later, the stationmaster came back here again. Not only did he go through the immigration formalities for everyone, he even made a copy of Lin Luo's ID card, and it was a diamond VIP.

"We have to fight for this diamond VIP for at least ten years." Long Wei was ashamed.

And besides that, the stationmaster also specially bought Lin Luo and the others a high-class box car, which is regarded as a means of transportation for them, "President, you have worked hard all the way, and a little meaning is not a respect."

Of course, Lin Luo accepted this unceremoniously. After all, he had paid five hundred million. And he is also thinking about buying a car as a means of transportation. Anyway, there is a free driver. Now that someone delivers it, the effort can be saved.

After a while, everyone got in the car. The three members of the Angel Guardian team sat in the front. Long Wei was responsible for driving the car, while the others sat in the back seats. Apart from other things, the stationmaster’s arrangements were quite careful, not only gave them the car, but also stuffed a lot of food in the car, so that time to eat was also saved.

"It seems that the five hundred million spent is not wrong, after all, time is money." Lin Luo said while eating.

Greaz said: "The biggest role of your five hundred million is not here, but this car."

"What do you mean?"

"Although this car looks ordinary, it is a sign. As the stationmaster said, as long as you drive this car in this country, it will be unimpeded wherever you go. In a sense, this value Not worse than five hundred million."

"It seems that the stationmaster is still a big man." Lin Luo couldn't help but said.

"But he doesn't look like such a generous person." For the hypocritical webmaster, Rin was very suspicious.

"Okay," CC said, "Because this car is dispensable for him, but it can leave a good impression in your hearts so that you can give him another 500 million when you come here next time. ."

Lin Luo waved his hand, "Well, don't worry about these trivial things, let's go on the road with peace of mind. By the way, Longwei, you have to drive well."

Long Wei: "..."

Qi Ya whispered, "How do I feel that we are their servants?"


At noon, the box car stopped at a railway station.

"Then, we're going to part ways here, Lei, and everyone." In the station, the sisters Lilia and Lazarati said goodbye to everyone. After being rescued from the gambling arena by Siska and others not long ago, now they finally came to their own country as they wished and can return to their long-lost hometown.

"Congratulations, you and your sister can finally go home." Lei said with a smile.

Lilia nodded, and the two stood face to face, "Well, thank you, Lei, and I'm very happy to be with you these few days."

"Me too, Lilia."

The two reluctantly began to say goodbye.

"Speaking of which, isn't your Association for the Protection of Holy War Angels specializing in protecting holy war angels? Lilia is a holy war angel, right? Did you really let her leave like this?" Rin asked strangely next to her.

"What are you talking about?" Siska gave her a blank look. "Our Angel Protection Association is only responsible for protecting three types of jihadist angels. First, the jihadist angels used by humans as criminal props. Second, they are abused and discriminated against. The holy war angels waiting for improper persecution, third, the dangerous holy war angels who cannot control their powerful power. But Lilia has a sister who loves her very much, and her power is not threatening, so of course she doesn't need to be protected by us."

"It turned out to be like this. I thought your Angel Protection Association were all kind of unreasonable people, and they originally had such a human side."

"Don't treat people as idiots. Our Jihad Angel Protection Association is not that kind of compulsory organization. Of course, we must consider all aspects."

"But this should be very hard." Rin felt a little bit empathetic.

Heska nodded, "Well, that's not wrong. After all, even in the Conservation Association, there are some people who disagree, and our protection can't be perfect. I met one a few days ago because of us. Protect and hate us."


"Holy war angels and human lives are different, you should know this."

"of course."

"Then if two people love each other, it will not last long, because the life of a holy war angel is far from comparable to that of human beings. Our Conservation Society protected a holy war angel a long time ago, and the price is to separate her from the one she loves. Although both parties agreed to accept protection at the time, she was not happy in the conservation association and sneaked out to meet her lover, but because the lives of the two were different, although she was still as young as she was when she left, but time But sixty years have passed, and the person she loved has died, so she hates the Association for the Protection of Us and deprives her of her happiness." Siska looked helpless and sad.

"That's why you don't take Lilia away now. Is the system improved?" Rin asked again.

"It's not. If it's other members, they might take Lilia away, but I really don't want to hear it again. After a few decades, Lilia will say things that hate us, and Lazarati has enough power to protect us. Lilia."

Let the people who love each other live together, maybe this is the happiest thing. Siska

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