The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 293: High-energy reaction ahead! Maiden, take the hatchet

It was a cell full of vine roots. A woman sat leaning against her with her eyes closed. Her body was entangled by countless vines, her hands and ankles were handcuffed with chains, and she looked motionless.

"Xia, I came to Eddylu Garden, because I had an appointment with you that day. Although I came so late and made you wait for so long, but... why did it become like this? Xia, you are alone. What happened here?" Lei ran to the cell and shook the heavy iron fence hoarsely and shouted to the woman inside.

"She's...Xia?!" Lin Luo looked at the woman in front of him in a daze, and said incredulously.

He could feel that the other party did not die, but fell asleep. It is hard to imagine that a person who was treated as a living specimen five hundred years ago would still survive five hundred years later! Said that it was the subordinates of Aidiru Garden who were merciful, but Lin Luo didn't believe it when he killed Lin Luo. And he could feel that although the opponent is still alive, the breath of life is extremely chaotic, powerful at the same time very weak, pure and complex at the same time, as if it contains countless life elements, and it is even more like a monster than a monster!

"This person is very dangerous and fragile, like a dying monster." CC looked at the person in front of him, with a slightly surprised expression.

"Lei." The woman who had closed her eyes soon woke up after hearing Lei's call, showing a cordial smile, but tears flowed out of her smile, not knowing whether it was sadness or joy.

The woman leaned over and walked out with the vines on the! Or it should be said to move outward, because those vines are already inseparable from her, just like a part of her body. Then he leaned on the iron fence and smiled and asked, "Now, Lei, where is Keith? Where is Keith now? Do you know?"

"Huh? Xia doesn't know? Kis has already..." Lei asked in a daze. In five hundred years, a human being could not live that long. Keith had already died, although from Greaz's mouth, Keith had lived for more than two hundred and fifty years miraculously.

"Hate, don't Lei know him?" And seeing Lei's expression, the woman laughed, "Chies is the captain of the goodwill envoy, the hero of Orcainard, the gem hunter-Huang General Yuju, Qisi Fei Lugeng."

"Uh! Gems... Hunter?!" These words made Lei completely stunned. After all, she heard only a little bit a few days ago, and did not hear the core content of the incident at all, so she did not know the true identity of Keith.

"I miss him so much, I should help him more, you see, I can not only make the flowers bloom more, but also become stronger." With a smile, the woman suddenly stood up. As if the withered vines immediately bloomed countless flowers, this scene could not help but stun the three of them.

However, what shocked Lin Luo and the others was the body of the other party...I couldn't see it just now, but as soon as she moved, her cracked body was immediately revealed. The face, arms, thighs, lower abdomen... not one part of the whole body is intact, full of countless cracks, as if the whole person would be shattered just by touching it.

Even when she steps on the ground, the broken toes will fall off!

If she was just a prisoner before, now... she can no longer be called a ‘human’ creature!

"Xia! How could you... look like this?" Lei showed horror, covering her mouth and could barely speak.

"I'm strong, right? That's because I worked hard." Xia, whose face seemed to be shattered at any time and making a friendly smile, didn't care at all about it, and then pointed to the causing vine on her body, "Okay. I hate it, you guys show the same expression as you see a monster, I just have longer hair, don't you?"

"..." If you change the environment, maybe you can find a smile, but now no one can laugh.

"Wait a minute, I will leave here now." With a posture like a nine-tailed monster fox, countless vines are dancing like tails, and the heavy iron grid is easily squeezed away like tofu, and the chains that tie hands and feet She was also broken by the vines, and the cell couldn't hold her waking up.

"Lei, come with you too, let's go find Qi Si together." Xia chuckled softly.

"Om!!!" At this moment, the whole cell suddenly thought of a dull voice, followed by an extremely heavy sense of depression, caught off guard, even Lin Luo's expression changed. Fortunately, His body was strong enough, and as he reacted, he immediately pulled the two girls beside him, so that they would not fall down.

"This is gravity?" This heavy feeling is obvious, either gravity is suddenly applied or a similar formation.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! In her roar, even the entire Hanging City trembled.

boom! There was a sudden explosion, and under her violent power, the suspended city finally could not be supported, and the ground was completely penetrated. Of course, all four people standing in the cell fell downward...

"Not good! The CIA...The CIA has awakened!"

"Gu Huijao and Tianlou have all been destroyed! The CIA has rushed out!"

"Damn it! This really happened!"

"Hasn't that guy been asleep for hundreds of years, why did he wake up!"

"Damn it! Mezzarance's goal is indeed the CIA. If this continues, the tragedy of the year will probably happen again!"

"No, it will be even worse than before, because this time it is two monsters!"

...At this moment, the high-levels of Eddylu Garden finally couldn't protect calmness anymore, and fell into panic completely. If Lin Luo’s power makes them feel fear and threat, then the CIA is like a nightmare to them, because as early as hundreds of years ago, the human tragedy created by the CIA has been deeply engraved. In their memory.

On the other side, Lin Luo caught Lin Luo off guard because of Xiyana's sudden runaway, and everyone fell down. Being in mid-air, even Lin Luo couldn't help frowning, and even pierced the entire suspended city. Xia's power was completely beyond his expectation.

"Lin Luo, what should I do now?" Lei asked uncomfortably.

"Let's take a look first, so far I don't have any good countermeasures, but you can rest assured, I will definitely not let her have trouble." Lin Luo comforted. Xia's power is indeed incredible, but it is far from enough to make him unable to deal with it, but that is only for dealing with the enemy, he can't kill Xia as an enemy.

"Before talking about that, let's think about how we should land." CC said lightly.

"I don't think it's needed anymore."

As the three of them were talking, a few vines suddenly stretched out quickly and rolled them up.

"Are you all right?" Xia asked with a smile, standing on the biggest vine.

"No... it's okay, Xia."

"But because we are still falling, it's not all right, haha." As he said, Xi Ya smiled innocently.

Da Da Da Da! !

At this moment, there was the sound of machine gun shooting, and countless bullets flew towards this side. Although most of them were blocked by the vines, a few of them were fired on Xia's body, with blood splashing.

"Why do these guys dare to come over?" Lin Luo took a look, and immediately saw a lot of fighter jets flying around.

"Probably they can't do anything about it. The situation is so critical that even the ability to think is lost." CC said lightly, and then indifferently wiped the blood on her arm. There was also a stray bullet on her body just now. Of course, with her physique, let alone being struck by a bullet, she wouldn't die even if she was shattered to pieces.

"Since I'm here to die, then I have to fulfill them..." Lin Luo sneered, just about to do it, but suddenly a vine stretched out, causing their nearest fighter to be blown up immediately.

Before Lin Luo started, Xia had already launched an attack.

"Unforgivable..." Holding the pool of blood from her chest, Xiyana's smiling expression instantly cooled down, "You guys, dare to hurt me!"

With the cruel and relentless eyes, the fierce light that was revealed at that moment was almost like a fierce beast, and then countless vines spread out and hit the flying fighters. That is not an ordinary attack. Every vine has special energy attributes: dark attribute, wind attribute, thunder attribute, light attribute, water attribute, fire attribute, sword attribute...There is no doubt that these are holy war angels. Attributes.

Xia alone contains almost all attributes, but in theory, every holy war angel has only one attribute, like Lei is wind, Xia's original attribute is life.

At the moment Xia attacked, all the fighters survived, and they were all torn to pieces by her in an instant. Even those who were barely able to escape the catastrophe and were still alive would be swallowed by the vines in the next moment and die even more miserably.

"Hehehe, you were the one who attacked me first, so you are not good." After all of this, Xia showed a satisfied smile on her face.

"This is..." Lei's eyes showed a look of shock, not only because of the multiple attributes that Xia possesses, but more because of her attacks. No way! This is not Xia! Although she is a little clumsy, crying, and stubborn, she cherishes the lives of all things more than anyone else, but now...Xia, what happened? !

"Haha, great, great, let's land over there." When all the enemies disappeared, Xia once again showed that innocent smile, clapping her hands while pointing to a suspended city not far below. .

Her spirit is no longer normal... Even Lin Luo is not comfortable with such a change. Let's say it is cruel. Now she seems to be just a naive girl. Say naive, but when she fights, she is extremely cruel. It's like two people.


Amid the violent collision, the ball wrapped in vines smashed into the castle of the hanging city below. Because the four people were protected by the vines, even this impact did not cause any impact on them.

"Successful landing, everyone is okay?" Xiya took back the vines that had wrapped everyone, and Xia showed a cordial smile again.

"I'm fine, but Xia, you have shed a lot of blood. You have just been injured. You need to get medical treatment quickly." Lei said excitedly, pointing to the wound on Xia's chest.

"Don't worry, I just need to... let her regenerate." At this point, her gaze looked forward, revealing the cruel and ruthless gaze again.

"CIA! That's the CIA!"

"Why is the CIA in such a place?!"

"The CIA ran to the third day building!"

The people who were originally here immediately fell into a panic because of Xia’s arrival. Some people ran away, some attacked, and some reported to the top, but any movement was unnecessary. In Xia’s sneer, countless vines moved their bodies. Rolled up, then blood splashed, all life disappeared in an instant, faintly turning into a stream of energy flowing through the vines to Xia's body.

But those who died did not even leave their bodies, only lost their master's clothes.

"This is... absorbing life?!" Lin Luo couldn't help but change his face. Obviously this was the essence of Xia's original ability, but it was strengthened and transformed to a very abnormal state. Remembering that he had been in such close contact with these vines just now, even he couldn't help feeling a tingling scalp.

"Haha, okay, I have become very healthy." After absorbing the lives of everyone in front of him, Xi Ya showed a little girl-like expression and smiled at Lei.

But at this moment, Lei was completely speechless, and her cruel and ruthless means made her unable to believe that the woman in front of her would be Xia.

"Let’s move on." Dragging the countless vines behind her, Xia walked forward, and as long as she stood in front of her, neither humans nor jihadist angels escaped the end of her life being absorbed by her. In front of us, all creatures are offerings.

Is this the holy war angel who used to be a living specimen of the Aidilu Garden? The experimental product has far surpassed the power of the experimenter's imagination after transformation...Lin Luo finally knows why she survived and why she was kept in that cell Inside.

"Please, don't kill me, let me go..." The holy war angel entangled in vines let out a sad cry for mercy.

"Haha." But Xia was indifferent at all, and in a light laugh, she instantly took the life of the holy war angel, and then she continued to search for the next target.

"Xia!" Lei finally couldn't bear it, and rushed forward and said, "Please stop, Xia, you are not someone who can do such cruel things, what's the matter with you? What happened?"

"Huh?" Xia looked back, looking at Lei's figure, a confused color suddenly appeared in her eyes, "Who... who are you?"

"Huh?" Lei was stunned.

"If you dare to hinder me, I will kill you!"

"Xia, I..."

"Don't interfere with me!" Suddenly, Xi Ya's eyes showed a fierce light, and a vine quickly shot towards Lei under her control.

Huh! A white electronic wire flashed by, smashing the vine in an instant, and Lin Luo pulled the girl's hand back like lightning, "Don't go there, she has already denied her six relatives now."

Although Lin Luo didn't make any actions before, he has been observing it. The absorbing of life is not a joke. After Xi Ya has absorbed so many lives, she also expressed that she is fighting with countless people and holy wars. Angels assimilate, in this case, if you can maintain a clear consciousness, there will be ghosts.

Loss of reason is a matter of course.

"So, she is just a monster through and through. Anyone who approaches her has a dead end." Lin Luo said solemnly.

"Then what to do?" Lei Man asked worriedly.

"Only knock her down first."

"I want to fight Xia, but I..."

"It's fine for me to come alone. Although her power is terrifying, it is not enough to threaten me."

"No, I want to be together, I don't want to see Xia go on like this." Lei shook her head, her tone extremely firm.

"That's good." Lin Luo did not refuse. After all, he also knew that Lei wanted to save Xia very much, so the next moment, Tong Qi was completed.

Although Xia’s power is terrifying, the ability to absorb life can barely reach the spiritual level, but for Lin Luo, it is not enough to be his opponent, but this time he is not trying to destroy Xia, but only It is to subdue her, and it will become more troublesome. At least Destroy Black Flame cannot be used, otherwise it will definitely not be repaired even if it is stained.

In addition, even the more powerful wind-based utmost is not easy to use casually, because no one can guarantee that Yixiya's current body will be completely shattered under the engulf of the East Wind Ring.

What's more, what made Lin Luo feel constrained was that in the battle, Xia's body continued to collapse. Although she had absorbed so many lives, her life was being lost at a very fast rate. Obviously, it is impossible for a body to gather so many lives. After all, she is just an ordinary holy war angel, not to mention the Qihuang Treasure Tree, at first she was not comparable to a fighting holy war angel.

"Lin Luo..."

"It's okay, although it takes time, but at this rate, she will soon collapse on her own, and then there will be a way."

Just as Lin Luo expected, because the transformed body, which had already been messed up, was even more unbearable in the battle, and it collapsed soon afterwards. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Luo immediately cut off the attacking vines and walked around behind her. Cut off all the vines, and then immediately used the sacred healing technique the moment she stunned her.

The restoration of Divine Healing is to restore the human body to a "complete" state. Regardless of whether the injured person has one more hand or one missing, it can change him back to two hands. In other words, it is understandable. To clear various positive and negative BUFF.

Therefore, with Lin Luo's ability, Xia Zuo can definitely return to the state before the transformation. Of course, a person equal to the elementary spirit level would consume quite a lot of life points.

These were all expected things, but when it was repaired, something unexpected happened.

The memory that originally belonged to Xia began to dissipate due to Lin Luo's restoration. While Lin Luo felt it, it was also felt by Lei. After all, the two are still in the same state.

"This is... it turned out to be like this! Why is it like this? Xia, let Xia be like this... Eddylu Garden... experiment... props... Kis... kill him... ah Ahhhhh!!!"

After all those memories have been felt, Cuifeng’s Mezzalans roars to the sky! That inexhaustible anger stirred up all the surrounding wind, and the whole suspended city trembled!

In the sky, darkness falls, it is not night, but black wind!

The entire Ediro garden was shrouded in a black storm!

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