The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 296: Ushered in a new life after destruction, with a new promise

The Edylu Garden ushered in its destruction, which is unstoppable, because when the witch and the devil appear in the same world, there will be catastrophes in this world. Who calls the witch and the devil a symbol of destruction?

Although only the Demon King and not the Witch’s part were shot this time, the pure princess can be transferred to the Witch after being blackened, just like Cinderella can become Snow White (fog).

If the eldest lady can also become a witch, and then the soy sauce witch will join in, then when a demon king and three witches attack, perhaps the world will become purer, more beautiful, and more Haruhi Suzumiya.

It’s just a little regretful. It’s a difficult challenge to transfer the eldest lady into a witch. At least it’s impossible until the eldest lady’s level breaks through MAX. The soy sauce witch is originally lazy and wants to let her stay here. Obviously, the low-level world is also a little overkill.

In short, things are like this. After killing, there is destruction. After destruction, it is still killing. One by one suspended city is cleansed by blood, one by one life disappears in the wind, and the air is screaming. It is the soul-saving song of sin and punishment.

The guilty person is the superior who is laughing and enjoying the comfortable life at the cost of countless people’s lives, never cherishing the memory of the dead, and weeping without death, and still accumulating more lives under their castle with an inhuman face. . Those who are punished are those who have wiped out the good side of human nature, use power to rule everything, and desire to conquer all evil parties.

Countless Hanging City collapsed under this song of soul-suppressing, and more lives died under this song of soul-suppressing. The dead paid the price with their lives. The living people will never forget this scene. When they dreamed back at midnight, they sounded the alarm.

Then when the killing of the demon king and the darkened princess lasted for nearly half an hour, the wind that symbolized destruction gradually ceased. For one thing, there are no more destructible things and destructive lives around them. In front of him also appeared the highest existence of the Aidiru Garden-the president.

The appearance of the President at this time surprised the Demon King, because according to his understanding, the President had not appeared in front of the masses for many years. Although he had been the king of this garden, he almost Never intervene.

Of course, the Demon Lord does not fear the power of the President, because the Demon Lord is invincible and irresistible, and inherits the will of the great world to perform the mission of destruction.

"You can stop now. Ninety percent of the members of the Orcainard organization have died in your hands. Even if you want to pay it back, it's almost the same." The whole body is wrapped in a white robe. People made a calm and slightly old voice, and even if the Demon King was standing in front of him, the president seemed very calm.

"It's true that if you continue to kill, it will be just a simple massacre. Although I don't have a good impression of the ignorant and foolish people here, there is still a little pressure to massacre the unarmed civilians." The Demon King said calmly, and then looked at the person in front of him, "Then you What are you going to do now? To avenge your people? Or to be a brave man?"

"If I want to make a move, I would have done it before."

"Then you are appearing in front of me, what is your purpose?"

"The Aidiru Garden needs to be reorganized, because the current Aidiru Garden is the opposite of when it was first constructed, but I am the President and it is impossible to abandon my people."

"So, you haven't stopped the nonsense of your subordinates?"

"Yes, now you have taken a shot, and I don't have enough ability to stop you, then I have no other means besides just watching."

The devil didn't speak, just looked at each other.

"War and killing are just a means, not an end, and I believe you should be the same. Although the root of evil will not be completely ended because of this killing, the world will change because of this, so I take my blood as the source. The end, let this evil era end."

The president said quietly, at this moment, a cloud of blood seeped from the white robe on his chest.

The president will not abandon his people, nor does he want to prevent the world from changing, so he chose to die with the times, and the era under his leadership will become history with his death.

When the supreme existence of the Aidiru Garden fell, the black wind completely dissipated. The princess turned into a witch opened her eyes, looked at the person who had lost her breath of life, and finally said, "It's over."

"Yes, it's over." The Demon King sighed softly. Now there is no need to continue the killing. The high-level staff of the Aidiru Garden are completely dead and wounded, and only some insignificant small characters are still alive.

Then, just follow his request and let this killing end.


After the war is over, what is needed is a major rectification, which is imperative, otherwise the war will be meaningless.

When the king of one era falls, the king of a new era must also be elected.

A few days later, in a room in Aidiru’s garden, Lin Luo was sitting in the top position, and underneath him were two rows of people. There were men and women, his companions, and others. Enemy people.

"So, do you want to be the president of Aidiru Garden? Greaz." Lin Luo looked at one of the men and asked in a deep voice.

"Oh! President! Me?!" Greaz couldn't calmly, almost completely couldn't believe it. He was just a small elite in the Orcanard organization, not to mention the high-level, not even a cadre. The status of the president is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles apart. No matter how feng shui changes, he never thought that one day he would become president.

"Of course it's you. There are really few people alive in the Orcainard organization than you. Even those who survived have almost become mentally ill. There is no more suitable person besides you. "Lin Luo said naturally.

"But, how could I be president? Besides, aren't you more suitable?" Not only Greaz has this question, but also most other people think so. When it comes to president, there is really no more suitable than Lin Luo. People out.

But Lin Luo waved his hand in boredom, "Don't be kidding me, I don't have the idea of ​​being president. Have you ever seen a devil be president?"

"But, I still feel that I can't afford such a high status, and I don't have such a great courage." Greaz was still a little bit reluctant to accept it, he felt Alexander.

"Of course I know this, you are a non-mainstream second."

"Since you know, then you still..."

Lin Luo explained: "There are still some things in Olkinadri that need to be handled by a familiar person. This kind of thing cannot be completed in a day or two. Now you are the only one who can do this, and you This person has no ambitions, low desires, and does not use jihadist angels as tools. He is still a vocalist. The most important thing is that you are not strong enough to seize power."

"Seizure of power?" Okay, just ignore it, but Griaz couldn't understand the seizure of power. Now that he has been appointed as president, what rights need to be seized.

"Of course there is." Lin Luo said immediately, "I never said that the president is the biggest. Maybe it used to be, but not now, because there is a queen above the president."

"Queen, who is that?" everyone underneath asked at the same time.

"Of course it's her." Lin Luo stretched out his hand to a door next to him, and the two waitresses opened the door gently, and then a young girl walked out of it.

"CIA!" Everyone was shocked, because that girl was Xia.

It's just that the Xia who appeared in front of them this time was not the same as before. There was no vine that entangled the body, and there was no cruel expression, just like a holy war angel like an ordinary girl.

"She has paid so much for Aidilu Garden. No one is more suitable for the position of queen than her." Lin Luo said with a serious face.

After Xia's treatment, she has returned to her original state. However, due to some reasons, Lin Luo also modified her brain and erased all the memories of Qis and the experiment. , Now her memory still exists when she lived with Lei more than five hundred years ago.

Of course, this work consumed a lot of Lin Luo's vitality. It took four thousand vitality to save her and revise her memory, but the ending was still perfect.

Some things must be remembered, but some things are not necessary to remember at all, like the scum of Qisi who can even use his wife and children as experimental objects, they have no value in history. Although Keith is a hero to Eddylu Garden.

Therefore, Lin Luo spent the whole night before making a decision to pit Confucianism in Sanskrit, and clear all the information about Qisi in the Aidiru Garden, whether it is a statue, a book or a record, as long as it has the name Qisi. , All destroyed.

At the same time, the "prohibition of mentioning Keith" is also made as the law of the Adyru Gardens. No matter who it is, as long as anyone dares to mention the name Keith, it will be harmonized.

Although this directive caused a lot of dissatisfaction at the beginning, history was fabricated by the victors. Lin Luo, who wiped out 90% of the military power of the Aidiru Gardens by force, is synonymous with oneness, and he is using **** means to conquer several people. After this stabbing, no one dared to raise objections.

Lin Luo believes that at most decades or more than ten years, Keith will completely disappear from history. Although he couldn't kill him, Keith was killed by the irrational Xia himself, and now he has erased his existence, which is considered a little angry.

"Oh! I want to be a queen?!" Xia didn't seem to know about this. When she heard Lin Luo's words, she was shocked. She pointed to her nose and couldn't believe it. Her face was even more exposed. A scared expression, "This...this is not good, how can I be a queen!"

"I said it would do." Lin Luo glared at her. The current Xi Ya just made him unable to believe that it would be the CIA before. It was dumb, dumb, and the cooking was super super unpalatable, and it was very unpalatable to life. Treasure more than anyone else, let alone murder, even careful with flowers and plants.

Turning such a simple person into the kind of monster that kills without blinking, Keith...ah, okay, when I think about it, I want to whip his corpse again.

"You don’t need to have any ability to be a queen, and you don’t need to care about this and that. You just need to sit on the throne and enjoy everything, because this is what you deserve. If anyone is disobedient, just take her head Just take it off."

"No, life is precious."

"..." Lin Luo sighed secretly, well, she is no longer the CIA.

Because it has been restored to its original appearance, Xia’s power has also faded a lot. Of course, although it is no longer as terrifying as the CIA, ordinary holy war angels will not be her opponents, only Qihuang Treasure Tree can fight her. Cheng Tingshou, of course, is the Qihuang Treasure Tree whose limiter has not been lifted.

"Anyway, this decision is like this. You deserve it, and you deserve it. If you dare not be the queen, I will kill all the flowers you planted in the flowerbed yesterday, and I will kill as many flowers as you plant in the future. How much, until you want to be." Lin Luo threatened viciously.

"..." Everyone was speechless. They had seen a force, but they had never seen such a force to be a queen.

"Woo...I just take it." Xi Ya suddenly said aggrievedly.

"Very well, since you are willing, then come and sit in this position." With that, Lin Luo stood up, and then placed the unwilling Xia in the position where he had been sitting.

"Next comes the presidency, Greaz, if you don't want to, then Coco Waiter..."

"I am willing! I am willing! I am very willing to be the president!" Before Lin Luo finished speaking, Greaz quickly stood up to show his determination. Anyway, it is not a loss to be the president. If the pressure is greater, the pressure will be greater.

"Yes, you are very wise." Lin Luo nodded, then looked at the other young man in the room, "Oluha, you will become Minister of Defense from now on."

"Minister of Defense, what is that?" the young man asked puzzled. He was the user of the ice attribute Qihuang Treasure Tree who had previously fought with Lin Luo. Lin Luo secretly investigated. This person is a little bad personality, but he is actually a good person. He has never used holy war angels as weapons or tools. Companions will not die, so Lin Luo will let him appear here. Of course, all the people who can sit in this room are those whom Lin Luo recognizes. As for those who are not recognized by him, most of them have already died in the previous massacres, and a small part of them will be handed over to him. Greaz came to clean up.

Although Oluha was very angry at Lin Luo's previous killings, his holy war angel did not intend to fight Lin Luo. Of course, he had nothing to do with ordinary people, and he also discovered the changes in the Aidylu garden these days. , The sense of confrontation has faded.

"Oh, Oluha, you are so stupid. Of course, the Ministry of National Defense is the department that protects this country." Lan Zhu said with a smile.

"The President and the Secretary of Defense both serve the Queen. In this newly-born Eddylu Garden, the only humans I believe in are you two." Lin Luo looked at Greaz and Oluha with a serious expression on his face. "So you don’t let me down. I hope that when I come next time, the Ediro Garden I see will be a real paradise, otherwise, I will be bloodbathed again."

"We will work hard." The two replied solemnly immediately.

"Very good. Then there is one more thing, Siska, Longwei, and Qiya." Lin Luo nodded, and then fell on the other three people, "Aidilu Garden will form an alliance with you. "

"Alliance? And our Angel Protection Association?" Hiska was stunned.

"No, it's not the Conservation Association, but the three of you." Lin Luo shook his head, "There are also contradictions within the Angel Conservation Association, so I don't believe them, but you can believe that I only agree with the three of you. Yes. With the support of Aidiru Garden, coupled with your own efforts and conditions, I believe that within a few years, you will be able to climb up to the top of the Conservation Association. At that time, both the Conservation Association and the Aidiru Garden will usher in new ones. The situation. Of course, I hope that at that time, you can still remember your dreams at this time."

"I see, we won't let you down." After a long silence, Siska nodded solemnly.

"Well, in this way, most of the things are resolved, and I don't care about the remaining small things like sesame and mung beans, but the reconstruction of Aidiru Garden may take a long time, haha." Lin Luo shot He clapped his hands and said relaxedly.

That's not what you destroyed...Everyone can't complain.

"So what about you, don't you stay in the Ediro Garden?" Cocowaite asked.

"We are ready to leave."

"Leave?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Of course, because we are not originally from this world, if the incident is resolved, of course we must leave." Lin Luo said naturally.

"Wait! What does this mean?"

"Well, you will know soon." Lin Luo smiled without explaining, then looked at a green-haired girl next to him, "CC, as a bystander, what about your decision?"

CC smiled and nodded, "I am quite satisfied with the decision you made this time. Although there are still many remarkable places, I will go with you to see the world you said."


A few hours later, Lin Luo opened the Avenue of Stars on the only suspended city in the Aidylu Garden. Although he could only take three people when he came, he did not have that restriction to return to his own world.

After Lei and Xia reluctantly bid farewell, they finally set foot on the Avenue of Stars in tears. This time it was not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy.

"Lei, goodbye, and take care."

"Xia, you are the same, you must be happy."

"Well, this time I promise you that I will be happy, and then wait for you to come here again."

"Well, we agreed."

The girl nodded heavily, and then the Avenue of Stars rose.

Volume 6 Magic Academy Festival

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