The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 304: The stunning blow of Killer Ji, the book of contact with the roots of the world

Although the distance between Lin Luo and Ikuya Sakiya is not very far, because of the terrain, he can see each other, but it is not easy for the other to see him, and he is also very good in concealment ability. After absorbing the book of chanting, he has The ability to perceive breath is not only to perceive the breath of others, but also to completely hide one's breath.

Lin Luo once tried the strength of this ability in the Sky City. Within a distance of ten meters, he concealed himself. Except for the little Saber, no one could find him, although Evangeline could faintly feel it, but It is not entirely certain whether he really exists there.

Although Sakuya's abilities are quite powerful, she shouldn't be more powerful than Little Saber when it comes to concealment ability, at most, she is at the same level as Evangeline.

The facts also proved that Sakuya did not find him, so Lin Luo was quite relieved. As for what he has to do next, he needs a very high level of concealment to do it.

The avatar of the fog creates an external avatar. Although it cannot use the regular power, it has one-tenth the power of Lin Luo's body. It can be used with one heart and two to achieve perfect control... In the current situation, this ability is absolutely capable of sending Useful.

"But even though I said that, I'm not afraid of ten thousand yuan, but I'm afraid of it. If I accidentally discovered that I was spying on her, the future strategy might be troublesome, so I have to take another defensive measure here... although that I have never wanted to use the ability, but the PAD is long, for you, we have thrown everything out..."

Lin Luo's face was bitter, and she felt a little urge to cry, but since she was going to pick up a girl, she had to be ready to stain her harem, and compared with PAD, that little effort was nothing.

"So... do it, change your temperament!"

The change of temperament is also the ability after absorbing the heart code, to be able to change my temperament in various states, graceful, vicissitudes, sunshine, hardship, middle two, Long Aotian... think Change whatever you want, see my seventy-two changes!

In a short moment, Lin Luo's temperament has completely changed. He is no longer a sunshine boy, but a young and beautiful girl with short hair and flat breasts... Of course, here needs to be explained. What changes is only the temperament, and there is nothing in the body. Change, there will still be what should be there, and there will never be what there is not.

However, it seems that, even if it is staring face to face, unless it is someone with special abilities, no one will think that he is a man. Everyone will regard him as a tragic flat breasted girl... Well, It can also be said that Hideyoshi's transformation.

After the transformation was completed, the next step was the formal action. The avatar of the fog started, and another "flat-chested girl" appeared behind Lin Luo, and then instantly entered the foggy state, sneaking towards the maid who was a few tens of meters away.

Because the concealment ability of the incarnation of Mist is slightly higher than Lin Luo's concealment, the process is quite easy. The maid is focused on finding what she needs, and she doesn't find a **** approaching slowly at all.

Twenty meters...fifteen meters...ten meters...five meters...four meters...three meters...two meters...

I didn't notice that the maid's eyes remained on the bookshelf all the time, and there was absolutely no reaction to the "girl" who was already extremely close to him.

Lin Luo was overjoyed, so that he could know what she was doing. If she was looking for something she needed, she could also think of ways to increase her affection for herself based on this... Then, take a closer look. Right.

As a result, the flat-chested girl continued to move forward, and soon exceeded the one-meter boundary, and then moved forward...The difference between the bodies of the two was less than 30 cm, and the maid still seemed to have no response.

So now let's see what she is looking for... Lin Luo thought so, and the flat-chested girl she controlled also poked out his head, but at this moment!


Almost at the moment when the flat-chested girl acted, the maid disappeared from her place suddenly, leaving only a card to slowly fall in the air. Before Lin Luo could react, she appeared beside the flat-chested girl. Twenty-odd flying knives blocked all of "her"'s retreat, and blocked them all 360 degrees!

At this moment, the maid reappeared one meter away behind the flat-chested girl. She folded her hands on her chest and looked indifferent, with her back facing the enemy, and smiled confidently and leisurely. ,kill!"

When the killing character fell, a volley of flying knives completely blasted and killed the flat-chested girl formed by the mist in an instant, turning it into a burst of smoke.

Then, the head maid disappeared from the place again.


Because the scene just now was too fast and unexpected, Lin Luo didn't react until then. He couldn't guarantee whether he was discovered by the other party, but it was too dangerous to stay in this place, so he didn't hesitate. Jumped forward and fell towards the bottom layer.

At the same time, in order to prevent the opponent from chasing after him, he also made a second incarnation of the mist in a timely manner when he fell to attract the attention of the maid.

Then, he saw the most exciting scene.

The avatar of the mist had not taken any action yet, and the maid had appeared behind her ghostly, wiped her throat, and killed her at the same time. The moment it hits, the moment it breaks away, it sneaks into the darkness, coming and going without a trace. , The action is smooth and flowing, there is no gap, there is no loophole, in addition to amazing, there is only amazing.

The incarnation of the mist burst into pieces!

Lin Luo was completely stunned. He watched killing people a lot, cruel, violent, bloody, helpless, crazy... but he had never seen such a chic murderous method, without any muddle, and he would retreat in one blow. , Just touch it and leave, but there are hundreds of shots, and the middle one is lifeless, so cool and handsome!

What is cool? This is!

What is handsome? This is!

Completely chic servant Ikuya Sakiya, this is her vest-Murder Hime!

Even if she doesn't use the time ability, her strength is first-class. Lin Luo believed that if she wholeheartedly assassinates a person, unless that person has an undead bloodline, no one in this world can stop it.

While shocked, Lin Luo also felt fortunate. Fortunately, the setting of this library is quite unique. Once he fell, he was immediately buried in the darkness. Even with Sakuya’s ability, he could not attack silently in the darkness. , Otherwise if the opponent catches up, it will be quite troublesome.

And he felt that Sakiya seemed to have left. Also, the two she killed were both external incarnations from her point of view. The body of the "enemy" is still here. If you don't want to expose yourself, it is the wisest move to choose to leave at this time...Although she doesn't know herself Has been completely exposed.

"But then again, how should I land?"

Sakuya can leave it alone for the time being. Lin Luo is more worried about him. He can't see anything in the dark. God knows what's underneath. Even if there is no life-threatening situation, it would be very troublesome if you accidentally touch some magic organ Thing.


Lin Luo used a lighting magic, the surrounding environment immediately lit up, and then threw a flare below, and soon he saw that there was a water table below, and the water was not very deep.

"Well, this can be reassuring."

Lin Luo chuckled lightly and used a gravity-adjusting magic to jump into the water. The depth of the water was only buried in the paint cover. Although the water surface was muddy, I didn't feel any special creatures. I looked around, nothing special. Feeling, Lin Luo randomly picked a direction and walked, and soon came to the shore.

Although there are no special creatures in this place, and the fluctuation of the magic circle is not sensed, the style is quite strange. I originally thought that the bookshelves of more than ten meters long are already considered high, but when I look here, the bookshelves are at least tens of meters. It is also full of books.

"How can I read those books?" Lin Luo was really helpless to complain.

While scanning on the bookshelf with the real eye, while moving forward, anyway, there is no important thing to do now, Lin Luo looked more carefully.

I don’t know how long it took. After walking through the rows of bookshelves, Lin Luo did not find anything with huge magic fluctuations. Just when he gradually wanted to give up, the directional perception domain on the right hand could be touched. Suddenly there was a slight magic wave in the place.

"Okay, let's go there again." Although he didn't have any hope, Lin Luo planned to check it out one last time.

Walking towards the place where the fluctuations came from, Lin Luo could feel that the fluctuations became stronger every time she got closer, but if she turned off the perception domain, she would feel nothing.

"The fluctuation of magic power that can only be felt by the perception domain, this has aroused my curiosity." Lin Luo faintly had some expectations.

Finally, after walking like this for about ten minutes, Lin Luo found a dusty bookshelf in the corner of the third room, about two meters long, covered with spider webs, traces from this bookshelf Judging from it, at least no one has moved for decades.

"It's really surprising. The bookshelf next to it is clean. Why is this only the bookcase so dirty? Even if you treat it differently, it can't be like this."

Lin Luo felt very surprised, but even though it was a bit dirty, he still walked towards the bookshelf. After all, the magic wave was uploaded from that bookshelf.

"By the way, it's really dirty, and there is a pungent musty smell as soon as it gets closer. It's really unbearable. If you can turn off the sense of smell, that would be great."

Lin Luo frowned and said, originally just complaining and nagging, but unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, the pungent smell really disappeared, and he could no longer smell other smells.

"This... is this a joke?!" Lin Luo was completely stunned. He didn't turn off his sense of smell. What's more, he didn't have the ability, but why did it produce such a result? I just said something...wait!

"Return the sense of smell."

Wow! In an instant, the pungent smell rushed again.

"...I rely on!" Lin Luo was immediately excited, without thinking about anything, he knew that he had found the treasure. This bookshelf, no, or something on this bookshelf has a certain degree of ability to realize wishes.

But what makes Lin Luo strange is that if this is the case, then it should have been discovered by others a long time ago. Although the bookshelf next to it is not very clean, it is obvious that someone will come to clean it every time. When cleaning, if someone says a word, it should react immediately. It is impossible that only oneself will "export it." ".

"what is the reason behind the scene?"

Lin Luo didn't move the bookshelf right away, but started to think about it. After a while, he suddenly thought of a possibility...No one would clean this dirty bookshelf. Perhaps it was not that they didn't want to clean it, but that there was no way to clean it!

It's like Xiaoya Aisaka, a ghost student in Class A in the second year. It's not that everyone doesn't want to see her, but that there is no way to see her. Only a few people can see her, such as herself, Evangelin, and Negi.

And the "non-existence" of this bookshelf is obviously more heinously high.

Lin Luo tried to close his perception domain and the real eye, and then he knew the truth of the matter... The bookshelf disappeared in front of his eyes, and the pungent musty smell could not be smelled, all he could see There is only an old stone wall.

"Is it really like this, then..." He reached out, the bookshelf couldn't reach, and he could only touch the wall. Then the perception domain and the real eye are opened, and you can see, touch, and smell.

Everything has a conclusion.

Ordinary people can’t see or touch this bookshelf. Neither magicians nor superpowers can sense its existence. Only the perceptual domain and the real eye that are connected to the reality of this world can touch it, that is to say. ...This bookshelf, or something on this bookshelf—connects to the root of the world!

The root of the world is a very mysterious thing. Even Lin Luo's current cognition cannot make a correct understanding and judgment of it. Its mystery is above almost everything. It exists in every world, but there are very few people in the world who can know its existence.

Only some magicians in the lunar world know its existence, while in other worlds, few people know the origin of the world.

Of course there is a magic teacher's world, but there are a few people who know its existence, even people at the level of Evangeline might not know it, so it is completely understandable that this bookshelf is not discovered by others.

Lin Luo carefully observed on this bookshelf. It is not the entire bookshelf that is connected to the world's roots, it must be something on it. The bookshelf is only affected by it. If you want to explain the reason... The words of the system.

However, this bookshelf has been deeply affected, and it has almost become an item with its own magical power. The strong magical fluctuations cannot be immediately distinguished even by the real eye.

After about half an hour, Lin Luo finally found the existence of its core, which was an ancient yellow book.

He took it down from the bookshelf and blown off the gray layer on it. After opening it, he saw a line like this on the first page: "The history of annihilation cannot be reproduced...Let it end here...Opened by the Creator... …The door to the new world…"

"This is...!!!" Lin Luo was shocked.

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