The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 349: Today is the anniversary of the first kiss with the maid

Although she already knows most of what she should know, Sakiya is still a little unbelievable. People in common sense have a kind of resistance to extraordinary knowledge, and people with extraordinary knowledge will also have instinctive doubts about things beyond their understanding. , This is a human nature, no matter where it is, no one can avoid it.

As far as Sakiya is concerned, hearing that she has been selected into the battle of gods is just like ordinary people in this world know that there is magic in the world, the same exaggeration, the same fantasy.

Of course, doubt belongs to doubt, Sakiya still will not deny the truth of this matter. After all, she is not an ordinary person. She knows that there are people outside the sky, even if it is beyond the scope of her understanding, her ability to accept is better than Ordinary people are too strong. And because of the relationship of the heart of the world, there is a perception similar to the sixth sense, which is to believe that this matter is true from the subconscious.

And if it’s true, then it’s more troublesome... Sakuya feels a headache. Judging from the information obtained in those documents, it seems that it is indeed impossible for him to use anything other than signing a contract with Lin Luo. The way to go back to Gensokyo, and if you don't go back, she will be more dangerous if other walkers come to this world.

Sakiya is not a person who cares about needing too much. Her desires are much lower than most people. Maybe at the beginning she was also a person with various desires, just like ordinary people, but since entering After the Red Devil Hall, as long as you have enough food and clothing every day, it is enough to live your life without being busy or leisurely.

It’s like becoming a god, dominating hegemony, or unifying Gensokyo. Let’s not say that she doesn’t have that strength. Even if she has it, she’s too lazy to do it, so for a pure-hearted person like her, a flat day is the best. of.

But now he was involved in this inexplicable battle, and it seemed that he couldn't be ordinary anymore. She doesn't have much desire, but how can people who have no desire be killed willingly!

After thinking about it, apart from signing the contract with Lin Luo, it seems that there is no other way to go. Whether it is to return to Gensokyo or save his life, this is the only choice...Although it is somewhat depressed.

"I just want to ask you a question." Sakuya considered for a while, suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Luo solemnly, "If I am not the host of the Heart of the World, I don't have any power, but just an ordinary person, you Will you still contract with me?"

"Hmm..." Lin Luo said slightly. This is a very serious question. No one has asked it before. Although it seems irrelevant, if the answer is wrong, there will be bad results. how to say?

"Well, this question is actually more difficult to answer..." After thinking about it, Lin Luo felt that it would be better to answer honestly, "First of all, if you don't have the current ability, you may not have the heart of the world, and you don't have the world. My heart, whether I can meet you or not, so this assumption is not true. Similarly, things that don’t exist are okay anyway, there is no big difference between true and false, but I can only answer you In a word, I already liked you very much before I met you, and I swear this is the truth."

"Uh!" Sakuya was stunned. When she asked that question, she had thought that Lin Luo would have many answers, and she also decided to make different choices based on the other party's different answers, but she I really didn't expect to hear such an answer. I liked it before I met her. This, this is really... Can Xindian still let you know my ability to exist in advance?

Sakuya expressed suspicion, but she believed the truthfulness of what Lin Luo had said just now, because she could see that Lin Luo had a high degree of affection for her, so high that she couldn't believe it.

In fact, there is one thing that Lin Luo still doesn't know, and that is the shared perception of favorability. For example, before the book of contract was revised, she could see the favorability of the contractors towards him. Although it is no longer visible, the contractors are different.

Whether it’s the first Mikoto Misaka who signed the contract, the second-host Maiye-eater, or the Minoka who signed the contract only recently, or even the Sakuya CC Kuroiwa who has not yet signed the contract, when they get From the moment they learned about Shenzhan, their favorability system had been opened, and it could be clearly seen whether Lin Luo's favorability for them was high or low.

In fact, this is a matter of course, because the contract of the heart is a two-way equality contract, not the kind of master-servant contract or a contract with a superior relationship. It is said that before the revision, if the host’s favorability for Lin Luo is higher than 90, and Lin Luo's favorability for the host is lower than 90, and he doesn't even like or hate him, then the contract cannot be established.

Even after the revision is now made, although both parties only need to approve it, if the other party is a person who dislikes or even hates, how can we approve it?

Let’s just talk about Munaoka. Her personality determines that she is a relatively easy-to-satisfy girl. It is a very simple matter to make her feel good about someone, and if the danger is added, Prince Charming will suddenly appear. Rescue, for girls who still have this kind of girly dream, this is what touches their hearts the most, enough to rise to the love and love scene, but... Even so, as long as it is not the real nympho, it is because of this. It is impossible to entrust one's life to one thing.

Of course, Mu Naoxiang is not an idiot, she is just naive and natural, so the fundamental reason for her to sign in a short period of time is... She can see that Lin Luo has a higher degree of affection for her than her own. .

The hosts believe in that kind of favorability, just as ordinary people believe that humans will be born, old, sick, and die. It is an instinct.

So for Mu Naoxiang, a girl who is not demanding, a person who she likes and loves the scene, and the other party likes herself more than she likes him. In this case, what can he hesitate?

So Sakiya is the same. While learning that Lin Luo has a high degree of favorability towards him, while also believing in this degree of favorability, what else can be doubted about the other party’s words "like yourself" What?

Of course, she is not Mu Naoxiang, she doesn't have the kind of dreams of a spring girl, and there is no need for love or anything. At present, the most important thing to her is the eldest lady, so it is impossible to entrust herself to herself like Mu Naoxiang. . However, the only way to return to Gensokyo is to sign a contract with the other party... and the other party is a person who likes him so much, and he does not hate him, and it seems that it is not unacceptable.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is still the determinant of the environment. If it is under normal circumstances, such as she is in Gensokyo, even if someone is super obsessed with herself, even to the point where she can live without her... Well, although a bit narcissistic, This is just a hypothesis. Assuming that this kind of thing really happened, even if she didn't hate the other person, she would never agree to be together.

But now the premise is different. It's not just a question of whether the two of them are happy, it's God's decision. The two of you have been tied together by the supreme destiny. You are destined to take the same boat. You are not together. How can God's affection be uncomfortable for you not to be together!

So, there is nothing to hesitate, no matter how you choose in the future, there is really only one choice you can make now.

"Well, since it's such a thing, I don't seem to have any reason to oppose it, so let's sign the contract as you wish." Sakiya suddenly made an expression of'broken jar broken', leaning up slightly and leaning back. Turning her head, closing her eyes, her lips slightly opened... She still knows the procedure for signing a contract, it's just kissing, it's not a big deal.

"Uh!" Lin Luo was immediately exasperated when he heard Sakiya's words, but when he saw Sakiya's movements, he was stunned. This action of the maid is clearly asking for a kiss! But the contract of the heart is not a kiss, but a pact... Ah, she must have misunderstood, thinking that the contract of the heart is also the same as the contract of the servant of this world.

Lin Luo suddenly realized that when he wanted to understand, he hesitated whether to tell Sakuya the truth, but after only considering for 0.3 seconds, he decided to go wrong.

A beautiful girl who she likes is asking herself for a kiss. At this time, as long as she is a man, she will not refuse. Is Lin Luo a man? Of course, although he can occasionally become Hideyoshi or something, his essence is still a real man, and he still overthrows the husband of two beautiful girls!

If you don't give her a heavy kiss at this time, don't say you don't agree, even readers won't agree! As for what will happen next, the big deal is to be stabbed by a flying knife. What's so great.

Therefore, Lin Luo decisively clasped Saya's waist, put his other hand on her back, bent his head and kissed heavily. The moment her lips touched, Sakiya's delicate body trembled slightly. She was obviously not comfortable with this kind of thing and had no experience. She seemed to subconsciously want to speak, and instinctively opened her teeth.

Lin Luo won't miss any chance. He stuck his tongue in and easily caught the maid's lilac uvula. The other party seemed to want to escape, but where could he escape in such a small mouth, Lin Luo followed closely. To, soon became entangled with it.

Why is it a tongue kiss? Sakuya's eyes widened suddenly. She knew that the slave contract did not require a tongue kiss, but maybe the heart contract was more troublesome...Well, the tongue kiss is just a tongue kiss. Anyway, you have already kissed, so you don't need to care about it.

But after all, it was the first time to kiss a man, and it was inevitable to be a little bit ashamed, so the next moment Sakiya closed his eyes slightly, his face was blushing, and he looked like Renjun picked.

Seeing this, Lin Luo kissed even harder. When the tongue was entangled with the other party, he took the opportunity to swallow the sweet body fluid in the girl’s mouth, and at the same time walked up on the girl’s back with both hands without integrity, as if to melt it. He held it tightly in his arms.

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