The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 378: Integrate rules and fantasies into oneself and create new capabilities

The battle between Lin Luo and Lacan caused fierce shocks in the sky. Even the entire ancient ruins resounded with the sound of weapons crashing, knives, swords, swords, axes, hooks and forks, and any cold weapon that would appear on the battlefield is here. It can be seen that under the master's control, they seem to have self-consciousness, looking for their opponents.

With each impact, the violent shock wave will sweep out, cutting off the wind, submerging the sound, and causing ripples in the space. When the giant sword is knocked down on the ground, the ground will vibrate and the rubble will fly. When the swords and guns were knocked down in the lake, the lake surface was tossed and the waves rushed into the sky.

"It's really fun, come again!" Lakan suddenly yelled, drew a big sword from behind, rushed towards Lin Luo like lightning, and then the big sword slashed down. The impact of this blow alone had already caused Lin Luo The ground on which it was hitting sinks, showing the ferocity of its coming.

Lin Luo was also unwilling to show weakness, with a slight smile on his face, and there was already an extra knife in his hand. Its shape and color were almost exactly the same as the blade of the green wind... Compared to other weapons, he preferred to use a knife, not just It's easy, and more importantly, the knife can make him feel at ease and feel like one.

The blade was swung upwards, and the soaring blade aura counteracted the opponent's impact like a spiral. At the same time, with this upward momentum, his right foot violently kicked on the back of the opponent's hand, and the latter had a hand. Loose, the great sword fell off immediately and flew into the sky.

When his weapon was destroyed, Lacan was not surprised, but laughed, "Hahahaha! I am stronger when I am empty-handed!"

With a fist slammed, the power gathered by the incomparable flesh was like Mount Tai, but the impact of the breath blocked Lin Luo's advancement, the spiral was blasted away in an instant, and Lin Luo instinctively blocked it with a knife. In front of you.


The weapon condensed by the force of rules should be as indestructible as a treasure, but under the opponent’s attack, it did not persist for a second, and was smashed only by contact. Even Lin Luo was shocked by this force. .

Breaking the rules with force, the absolute force did not expect it to be so terrible!

With his body flying upside down in the air, Lin Luo's face changed slightly. To be honest, since he possessed the power of regulation, he has a kind of contempt for the so-called force subconscious, such as the nuclear bomb that everyone is afraid of. But it is of the same level as firearms. After all, the biggest damage part of nuclear bombs is radiation and pollution. The destructive power cannot break through his regular defenses, and radiation and pollution are equally useless.

But now he knows that his thoughts are wrong. When the power reaches a certain level, even the rules cannot be resisted, it is absolute power! Can't underestimate it.

On the opposite side, this time Lakan didn't take advantage of the chase like he did in the street before, and he flew Lin Luo out with a punch. He quickly assumed an attacking posture, and the power condensed in the fist even shook the space. Then struggling to blast towards Lin Luo.

"Wushuang Zhankong Luohanquan!" Just named.

boom! The huge beam of light roared like a meteor hitting the earth.

"Fantasy laws condensed!" Faced with such an attack, Lin Luo did not dodge, but integrated the light of fantasy into his right arm, and the entire arm burst out with brilliant brilliance at this moment.

"Fantasy shock!" The moment the fist hits, like a mad dragon going out to sea, the white beam of light hits straight away, and the two forces instantly collide on the way, and a huge mushroom cloud rises like a nuclear bomb. The entire ancient ruins are covered by it. There was a tremor.

Lin Luo's move is somewhat imitating Neji's Yinghua Bang Fist, but it is different in nature. Negi condenses the light elves into his hands and then fuse the Bajiquan, while he condenses the fantasy rules and then uses the power to push, the power is also worlds apart. But what really made him have this intention was in the battle with Lacan. If the rule is not the strongest, then the rule and the body can be combined to exert a stronger power.

"The rules of creation melt into my body... Phantom Ghost Step!" Lin Luo's attack did not stop because of this. At the moment when the mushroom cloud was about to disappear, his feet were also entangled in a white mist, and then he stepped out one step at a time. The figure is weirdly divided into two, one of which is standing in place, and the other has come to Lacan's side.

"Huh?" Lacan frowned slightly, the clone technique or the phantom?

At this moment, the two Lin Luo attacked him at the same time. The one beside him flew directly and kicked him in the neck, while the one standing in the same place made a shock that was exactly the same as before. .

Lacan knows that this is not a phantom or a clone. Both are the main body, because the tyrannical power is exactly the same as the one he had contacted before. Although some strongmen's high-density clones also have the same power as the main body, they are absolutely It will not be so strong.

"What a funny trick, watch me break him!" Lacan was excited again, and in the sound of laughter, his left arm swept directly to the side, blocking Lin Luo's kick, and then his body turned towards The previous one, "Eternal fanaticism!"

"..." Lin Luo was embarrassed. This guy actually shot a burst of light from his body, making such an outrageous move in such a high-level battle. But let's not say that even with such an outrageous move, the power is unparalleled, and he abruptly knocked out his shock wave, and the red light immediately submerged Lin Luo on the other side.

"Huh?" Lakan's eyes widened suddenly and looked at the front incredibly. He saw Lin Luo on the opposite side withstand the move defenselessly, but there was no response, not to mention the injury, even the clothes. It didn't scratch, as if it wasn't his attack that hit the opponent just now, but it was just blown by the breeze?

Lakan really didn't understand it. If Lin Luo defended his attack, even if it was just a clone, he could understand it completely, but the current situation was really weird.

"Is that a phantom?" Lakan turned his head and subconsciously asked Lin Luo who was not far away.

Lin Luo shook his head and smiled, "That's afterimages."

"Afterimage?!" This answer really shocked Lacan. Indeed, if it is an afterimage, ignoring his attack is completely understandable. However, afterimage is the use of extreme speed to make the enemy visually confused. There is no such thing as an afterimage. Shadow can last such a long time.

"You take a closer look, if it is you, you should be able to see it too." Lin Luo did not explain, but said.

"Huh?" Lakan was taken aback for a while, turned his head and looked at the figure opposite. He didn't see anything at first, but he is a world-class powerhouse. Few people can compare with his vision. Soon he I found the unusual... the space where Lin Luo was standing on the opposite side was faintly erratic, "Could it be..."

"You're right, it's that." Lin Luo smiled, he knew Lakan had seen it.

Lin Luo's afterimage is not the incarnation of fog, nor is it the kind of visual disorder caused by the use of extreme speed. To be precise, it is a kind of spatial visual confusion. Immediately before he stepped out, a shock wave was shot almost at the same time, but the shock wave did not appear immediately because he had copied a long way.

Lin Luo's teleportation is to use the rules of creation to open up a path that belongs to him in space. This path can be a very short distance, of course, it can also be a long distance. Simply put, it is the road to shrinking the ground and turning the inch. For the road to Zhang.

His body took a shortcut and came to Lacan's side, while the shock wave copied the long way, first and then arrived. As for the figure that stayed in place, it was just a phantom projected by him using the ability of the same nature. Because of the creation rules and uninterrupted creation of the "road" for the phantom, it made it look the same as the body, but it would not move. It will not attack, of course, because it is a phantom, it will also not be attacked.

Ordinary people with this kind of technology can't do it, even a world-class powerhouse like Lacan can't do it, even those with spatial ability may not be able to do it, only Lin Luo's creative rules can do it.

"So, it's really a very powerful move." Lakan nodded repeatedly, even he couldn't help but admire it. Indeed, the afterimage has no offensive power, but it can easily disrupt the enemy's vision, if a little more. At one point, it is impossible to tell where the body is, and with the slow attack, even the afterimage is quite threatening.

If the enemy does not know the details, it can definitely play an unexpected effect in a high-level battle.

"Speaking of which, I learned from the battle with you. If it weren't for this battle with you, I'm afraid I would never have thought that my ability could be used in this way. It seems that I should be able to do other things in the future. Development." Lin Luo smiled slightly, then pointed at Lakan, "but for now, let me show you more exciting things."

"Oh, do you have any interesting tricks? Then you are welcome, and you can take them out as much as you like." Lakan frowned and said excitedly. For him, fighting the strong is the most interesting in the world. thing.

"Of course, but let me remind you first, remember to protect your eyes." Lin Luo smiled lightly, snapped his fingers lightly, and the afterimage standing on the other side had disappeared. Then, he doubled The white mist on his feet became thicker, and he stepped out in one step, "Phantom Ghost Step 2..."

In an instant, a Lin Luo appeared on the spot, and a Lin Luo appeared in the sky. But it didn't end. When the Lin Luo on the day took another step, another one appeared on the ground on the other side, and then repeated this way. In a flash, there were already more than twenty dozens around Lakan. Lin Luo...

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