The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 396: The King’s Aura has not yet been activated, and of course the battle is not over

It was no one else who came to the rescue at this time, it was Cha Cha Wan, Cha Cha Zero and Little Saber, besides that, there were fifty battleships behind them. As soon as they arrived, these warships immediately dispersed in teams of five ships, launching a ruthless attack on the dinosaur army and blocking the invasion of powerful enemies.

When she saw Chachawan, Setsuna was very excited, but when she saw Little Saber, Setsuna became very complicated, because she knew that something bad might happen next.

Sure enough, just as Susuna was thinking about it, Little Saber summoned his strongest treasure-the Skymaster.

The colorful divine bird once again appeared in everyone's sight...Ssuna immediately shuddered, almost being bitten by the Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Skymaster! Inspire her!"

Because of the previous distractions, the action slowed down, and she finally couldn't escape the "disaster" that Asuna suffered on that day. When the little Saber reached out her hand, the Skymaster's eyes stared, and she was hit in an instant... …So, an instant broke out! Instantly ran away! Susuna was possessed by ghosts and gods! Instantly turned into a three-sword style!

After being motivated by the Skymaster, Setsuna's combat effectiveness has been increased several times, and it is truly invincible. Even if Mikoto and Mercury Lantern saw it, they couldn't help but stunned their eyes wide.

"Okay, then the next one..." After'killing' one person, Little Saber stretched her finger to Mikoto again. Mikoto's expression changed. Before the other party finished speaking, she directly turned into an electric light and went hundreds of meters away.

"Hey, don't run around, they want to increase your combat effectiveness!" Little Saber exclaimed.

"I don't want it, my combat power is enough!" Mikoto said without turning her head back, turning into a flash of light again, and ran farther...Although increasing combat power is a good thing, she doesn't want to It's a shame to become so "enthusiastic and unrestrained"!

Although Skymaster has increased its BUFF greatly, it still needs to see the target. Mikoto’s flash of electricity has exceeded its dynamic vision and can’t be captured at all. Seeing this, although the little Saber is dissatisfied, there is no way. I had to give up Mikoto... Anyway, there are others.

"It's you! Airmaster, excitement... huh?" Little Saber stretched out her finger to the mercury lamp, but before she finished speaking, she suddenly found that the mercury lamp was missing. Then she looked around and finally saw the mercury lamp far away. , However, before she could point to her, the other party disappeared with a beep again.

"What are you doing, running around, so that people can't inspire you." Little Saber pouted suddenly.

However, the Mercury Lantern ignored her. She was also a little bit shy when she saw the appearance of the moment. If she was inspired by the little Saber, she would become stronger, she didn't know, but there was only one thing she knew very well... …It is absolutely impossible to be Alice in that way!

Therefore, the Mercury Lamp decisively used the field of N to avoid the sight of Saber.

On the other side, the battle between Cha Cha Wan and Cha Cha Ling also started. The two of them, one is a mobile arsenal, as long as they stand there and fire the cannon. Anyway, her ammunition is almost unlimited. And another one can probably be called the strongest combat doll in the world. Regardless of her small size, her fighting power is not small at all. Several huge Tyrannosaurus rex were completely played by her applause.

Little Saber squinted at them. She was very disappointed with these two people, because her Skymaster could not help them. After all, one is a machine and the other is a puppet. It has no physical potential and no value for motivation... Although a mercury lamp She is also a doll, but she who possesses the heart of the world and the artificial elves is different. Those two things are her potential.

"In this case, the people will come to weaken your fighting power, hum!" In desperation, the little Saber pointed his finger at a Tyrannosaurus rex and hummed, "Skymaster, despise it!"


Tyrannosaurus rex is despised, but... the ability to despise is indeed very powerful, but its target must be emotionally rich creatures, like human demons, but Tyrannosaurus rex is an animal. There is no human being besides animal instinct. His emotions, being despised by this, not only did not become depressed, but became even more angry.

It's unreasonable that the dignified land overlord was despised by a bird!

As a result, the Tyrannosaurus rex, who was about to attack Shisuna, immediately turned its spear head and attacked the little Saber at the fastest speed.

"Wow! Why is it useless?" Little Saber was startled at once, but even if she reacted in time, she immediately changed her moves, "Skymaster, despise it!"

The Airmaster glared at the Tyrannosaurus, and the latter's body immediately shrank a circle, but its speed was even faster.

"Wow!" At this moment, the little Saber's face was frightened. Although the Tyrannosaurus was reduced by her, the figure was still like a hill to them, with an absolute overwhelming advantage, and the air king was in a state of Invincible, but it has no combat effectiveness. If you get close, you can't die!

Little Saber was anxious, and the timid she immediately closed her eyes with fright, pointed her finger at the Tyrannosaurus, and shouted desperately: "Despise it! Despise it! Despise it! Despise it! Despise it..."

The Skymaster was obviously also in a hurry. Its courage was not much greater than that of its master, and its eyes began to blink: I stare! I stare! I stared...

After a long time, Little Saber suddenly felt that the Skymaster was patting herself, indicating that she was safe. Then she boldly opened her eyes, and then she saw a "fly" hitting herself in front of her...

Little Saber was taken aback for a moment, tilted his head and thought for three seconds before remembering that this fly was the former Tyrannosaurus rex, so he immediately snorted, took out her false holy sword from his arms, and took a shot of... so, The "fly" was photographed into meatloaf by her.

After that, the little Saber stood proudly, taking the holy sword back into his arms very lonely as snow.

Suddenly found that his divine bird seemed to be a little scared, the little Saber suddenly squatted down and touched its feathers carefully and comforted: "Don’t be afraid of the air master. We can’t use the halo skills yet. When the experience value reaches a breakthrough in the future, we can use brain damage. Halo is here to deal with these guys who don't have IQ, huh!"

Little Saber said that he was proud of himself, and his eyes glowed brightly, as if he had seen the scene of conquering the world with his brain's residual aura.

Next, Mikoto, Mercury Lantern and Setsuna each fight each other, Cha Cha Wan and Cha Cha Ling help Xiao Saber to deal with those enemies who have been weakened by her. Fifty battleships are divided into ten teams to intercept... Except for a small number of fish that slip through the net. Beyond their line of defense, most of the dinosaur army was blocked by them.

And the few dinosaurs that rushed past had not rushed into Ostia, they had been bombarded with scum by the magic cavalry on the city wall. The battle went smoothly, and there were fewer and fewer dinosaur army visible in the eyes.

In addition, the world-class battle of Five vs. Five has also come to an end. Although the ancient creatures projected are powerful, they are much inferior in terms of combat experience and ability. Moreover, after you have an understanding of their combat methods, you must find out. The cracking method is not very difficult.

When Evangeline dealt with the magic bird, although she was once suppressed by physical skills, the latter's resistance was really amazing. Even the attack of the mountain and the cracked stone could not hurt the opponent, even the absolute zero. Evangelin's ice magic was directly eaten, which made Evangelin quite annoyed...The creature and the demon were invincible against each other, and this was simply an invincible monster.

However, since the magic bird is a creature that has been extinct more than a thousand years ago, it must have its weaknesses. Finally, when Evangeline hit its weakness, she gave up the attack and directly fed it with magic power, while devouring Yi After Wen Jielin's magic power was nearly three-quarters, the magic bird finally couldn't bear it anymore and died in violence.

In general, the magic bird is a very greedy creature, as long as there is something to eat, it will never refuse, but there is also a limit to the magic power it can eat, and the result is obvious, it can’t contain all of Evangelin’s Magic power, so... it's alive to death.

In fact, this guy can deal with even Mu Nao Xiang, Mu Nao Xiang's magic power is close to infinite, it is not a matter of minutes to kill a magic bird. But apart from this, the Magic Bird really has no weaknesses. Even Evangeline can't kill it. If her magic power is not enough, then she will lose.

The Harpy was probably the one who died the worst. She was tortured to death by Sakuya alive.

With the help of the Moon Clock, Sakuya’s time abilities have been greatly improved, even in the face of world-class powerhouses, he can also be greatly restricted, and in this state, the Harpy Not to mention the screaming of the banshee, she couldn't even move, and was directly cut off by Sakiya with a flying knife... its cruelty was definitely five-star.

From the perspective of others, the harpy was slaughtered by Sakiya without pressure, but in fact, this battle is quite difficult for Sakiya, because the harpy has a strong ability to regenerate. , And the terrifying sound waves, several of them have broken through Sakiya's time and space constraints, almost making her mind fall...If you don't use the timepiece of the last month, Sakiya will probably lose.

But even so, she was already out of breath after winning. Although the use of the monthly timepiece greatly increased her ability, the relative burden has also increased a lot. Such a long time of use is already the limit. If she comes again, she will no solution anymore.

As for the battle between Lacan and the ancient dragon tree, these two guys are head-to-head, but I have to say that Lacan is indeed a BUG, ​​and it surpasses the ancient dragon tree in endurance. The two bombarded them for nearly half an hour. The first to be exhausted turned out to be the ancient dragon tree!

Of course, although Lakan did not fall, it was not much better, at least for the first time everyone saw him sitting on the ground so tired.

Among the five, Al is probably the easiest one. Because the giant bear can't fly, and no matter how powerful it is, it can't hit the enemy in the sky. So Al only needs to throw a gravity ball without any pressure. Within hours, the body with the strength of diamonds was abruptly exploded by him.

But playing easily doesn't mean winning easily. At the moment when the giant bear exploded, Al's magic power was completely emptied, and he fell directly from the sky and fell into the bear meat push... he almost died.

At the end of the guard Wing Chun’s side, his hands and feet were trembling, not afraid, but tired. In order to prevent the flames of the eight-pointed snake from spitting out, he swings more than double-digit swords every second. Moreover, they were all slashing with full force. Even a person with the strongest sword skills like him would not be able to stand this state for half an hour.

Fortunately, the Baqi Great God was chopped off by his sword in the end, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

For Red Wings, this battle is not inferior to the battle with the Creator 20 years ago. If the Creator had also summoned such creatures at that time, they would have no hope of winning. For Sakiya, the difficulty this time was no worse than the one encountered in Gensokyo. The difference is that she and Remilia both lost that time, but this time they won.

When the battle here was over, Mikoto and the others had already wiped out all the dinosaur army and landed from the sky one after another.

"Then next, only his side hasn't landed yet." Evangeline said in a deep voice with her hands in her arms. Among the five world-classes, she was only the best. After all, she was only absorbed by the magic power, herself. It's not tired at all.

Everyone else knew who Evangeline said he was, and all of them seemed worried. Even the projection creatures were so strong, so how strong the Creator's strength should be. Will Lin Luo really have a chance of winning?

"Anyway, just wait like this." Al sighed. Now they don't even talk about facing the Creator, even if they come to a world-class powerhouse, they may not be able to deal with it.

"My father will be fine." Among all the people present, probably only the Mercury Lantern holds absolute confidence in Lin Luo. Although it is a blind worship to others, it is still true that some people can believe so. Not a bad thing.

After that, no one said anything, or stood or sat on the spot, quietly regaining strength, but it was obvious that the expressions on their faces were not optimistic, Mikoto walked around there, Sakuya also tried to fly by spinning Knife to distract yourself.

Of course, there are also a few people who have been staring at the little Saber, because the little Saber is Lin Luo’s hero. As long as the little Saber is still here, then Lin Luo will not die. On the contrary, if Lin Luo dies, the little Saber will definitely give birth. Adverse reactions.

Time passed slowly. After almost ten minutes, suddenly a black spot appeared above the crowd, and a huge force poured out from it, and the black spot gradually expanded.

Everyone's complexion changed immediately, and they were all ready to fight, because they felt the breath of the Creator.

But to their surprise, Lin Luo came out first. Although he looked quite embarrassed and his whole body was almost stained red with blood, everyone was still full of surprises, because as long as he was alive, everything was fine.

Then, at about the same time, another figure came down from the black hole, but when they saw this person, some people's complexions immediately changed, because what they saw was not the creator, but... Good luck!

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