The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 398: The origin of the magical world and...daughter!

When he woke up, he didn't pay attention at first, but when Lin Luo was about to get out of bed and walk around, he suddenly froze, because he found that there were many people besides himself on this bed...Evangelin , Mikoto, Mercury Lantern, Mu Nao Xiang, Setsuna, Little Saber, Sakuya, and even super ringtones.

Of course, not everyone was lying on the bed. The farthest from the bed was Sakuya. She sat on a chair by the window, crooked her head with her arms, and looked like she was asleep. A little closer was the super ring tone, she was lying directly on a computer desk, and fell asleep.

Setsuna and Munaoka are cuddling on a sofa, their posture looks extremely intimate, Mikoto is lying on the bedside with a trace of saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth, and Evangelin is lying on a bed next to him, seeming to sleep very well. Cooked.

The only people sleeping on the same bed with Lin Luo were the mercury lamp and the small Saber. The mercury lamp was lying next to him, curled up with a petite body, and his face was full of happiness, while the small Saber was lying on the pillow in a large font, tusk from time to time. Mouth, as if he was eating the Manchu Banquet in his dream.

"..." Seeing this scene, Lin Luo was speechless. These guys are really too personal. Because there are too many slots, he doesn't know how to vomit. Anyway, even if this is a companion room, why a Can't you leave a awake person when all of you are asleep?

...Ah, I still can't help but complain.

The first to wake up was the mercury lamp. After all, she was the closest to Lin Luo. Lin Luo's turning over shocked her. The moment she opened her eyes, she immediately rushed towards him, "My Father!"

Lin Luo touched her head and looked at her as if she was about to cry. He couldn't help but laugh softly: "Don't worry, I just slept a little, and it's all right now."

"Yeah." Mercury Lantern nodded heavily, then buried his body in Lin Luo's arms, as if he was afraid that he would leave her, Lin Luo couldn't laugh or cry.

The second one who woke up was Little Saber. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, muttering in her mouth: "Oh... it's so delicious. Give me a thousand cages of steamed buns... Bang!" Fell down.

Well, she is not awake yet, just talking in sleep.

The other few woke up at about the same time. Seeing them cast a concerned look, Lin Luo suddenly showed apologetic eyes and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I worried you."

Although he was right in the gambling this time, and the result was not too bad, it was really too risky for the situation at the time. After all, these girls are closely related to his life. In case he accidentally hangs up, That is a dead body.

"I'm not worried, just in case you die, we will be very troubled." The six girls almost unanimously.

Do you want to be arrogant together? Having said that, there are a few attributes that are obviously wrong, are they possessed by the Tsundere God in an instant? Lin Luo was completely embarrassed.

After that, Lin Luo was taken for granted by the girls and accused him of taking his own life for being too adventurous...Uh, according to their arrogant original words: actually taking their lives to do such a dangerous thing This is really irresponsible, and this kind of behavior will be listed as a prohibited matter in the future.

Lin Luo had to accept the criticism honestly. After half an hour, the fatigue bombing finally ended. During this time, he had gotten out of bed neatly dressed and had a full dinner...By the way Mention, it is night.

"So, what is the chance of victory you mentioned?" After several "turns and turns", everyone was sitting together and Evangelin asked immediately.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say." Before Lin Luo could answer, Chao Lingyin raised his hand and said with a smile, "Actually, I got some unexpected information during the previous battle. I want to talk to the teacher as soon as possible. Explain, that's why I stayed in this room all the time...Look at it everybody."

As she said, she put a computer screen in front of everyone, and then everyone looked at the screen, and the atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

"What does this mean?" Lin Luo finally couldn't help asking after ten seconds.

"Oh? Can't you understand?" Chao Ling's tone was puzzled.

"Nonsense." Lin Luo is not polite, except for dots, lines, squares, circles, etc., on that screen, there are no words or images. Don't say he doesn't understand this kind of high-tech super-dimensional stuff. Mikoto was also confused.

"Well, it will be troublesome to explain." Chao Ling Yin scratched his head, seemingly not sure how to explain.

"You just need to tell us the conclusion, the theoretical things don't need to be explained." Sakiya laughed. After all, she has worked with Chao Lingyin for a period of time and has a certain understanding. Of course, that kind of high-tech She can't understand either.

"Well, that's okay." Chao Lingyin nodded, and then said in a deep voice, "After my previous investigation, I found something in Fudu. I don't know exactly what it is, but if it's correct If it does, it should be something like a magic power block, but that magic power block is extremely large. I boldly speculate that if it explodes, it can destroy the entire world!"

"There is such a thing?" This sentence not only stunned other people, even Lin Luo was surprised. He had never heard of such horrible things in the abandoned city, although he was also in the original plot. I know that the magical world is facing a crisis of destruction, but what is the reason is not elaborated, is it the magic block?

Chao Lingyin continued: "In fact, I was surprised when I saw that thing, because there is no record of it in the history of our time, and of course I haven’t found its existence, but it’s stored now. There, and according to my guess, it cannot be eliminated with the power of technology and magic, so I am very curious about where it will go."

"Will it disappear slowly through the passage of time?" Mikoto asked.

"Impossible." Chao Lingyin shook his head decisively, "That magic block has existed for a very long time. Our era and modernity are only a few hundred years away, and it is not enough to make it disappear. Besides... I doubt the creator. Isn’t the purpose of destroying this world?"

Hey, you jumped too much. You said the magic block just now. Why are you now involved in the Creator?

Everyone couldn't help but vomit, but Chao Lingyin's words have always been targeted, and they didn't ask, but waited for her to continue.

"In fact, I prefer the purpose of the Creator to make this world live longer."

"Huh?" Except for Lin Luo, everyone was stunned. According to the super ring tone, is the Creator protecting this world? Is there any mistake? Whether it was the previous battle or the incident 20 years ago, what the Creator did was destroy the world.

"Well, I'm just a guess. After all, there is not much evidence. You are right if you don't believe it." In the face of everyone's puzzled eyes, Chao Lingyin spread his hands, showing a helpless expression.

"It's up to me. Actually, when I was fighting with the Creator, I also found some very strange things." Lin Luo's voice once again pulled the girls' eyes back, "Super Ringtone's words are right. Half, half wrong, the purpose of the Creator is not to destroy this world, but to destroy the human beings in this world."

"What do you mean?" Everyone couldn't help being even more at a loss.

But Lin Luo shook his head, "No, this seems to be wrong, how do you say this?"

Well, they are completely confused.

"Well, I'll start from the beginning." Lin Luo said after catching everyone's taste for a moment, "The Creator is the only person left from the ancient times. It can be said that it has spanned two eras. As for how long humans have existed, no one knows except the Creator himself. Let’s just say the ones that are far away. Let’s just say that the ones are near, probably five or six thousand years ago...

At that time, the earth was also in a very old stage, but the magical world was already very prosperous. After all, it was the world projected by the creator. It could not be desolate. In fact, the magical world at the beginning and the ancient world still had five or six points. This is the subconscious behavior of the Creator, which is inevitable.

But just because it is similar to the ancient times, the path of history is also very close, that is... war!

Almost a thousand years later, the magical world is full of smoke of war. Because of people’s desires, ambitions for power, and greed for material things, powerful people continue to invade, and weak people swear to resist. ...In this way, the entire magical world was caught up in the raging war.

In this regard, the Creator was extremely disappointed, because the world he created was following the ancient path and would perish at any time. Of course he would not accept this situation. Therefore, in order to prevent war, the Creator "made" a daughter with part of his own flesh and blood, and that person was...the first queen of the wizarding world-Amadir.

This daughter did not live up to the Creator’s expectations. Under her leadership, the magical world gradually restored peace. People no longer have to fight each other. The weak and the strong can live in harmony, and even create a magician’s life. Buddy system, the whole world is thriving.

It should have been developed like this, but...Although Amadiro inherited the power and magic of the creator, she did not inherit the nearly infinite life of the creator. She is just a person who can live hundreds of years longer than human beings. People who live longer.

Therefore, when Amadiru died, the world fell into chaos once again. Although it was not visible on the surface, it was already turbulent in the dark, and those who were unwilling to be lonely began to move around.

In desperation, the Creator could only find another way. In the end, he finally found a sure way.

"What way?" everyone couldn't help asking.

"The Creator’s method is very simple. The world will be chaotic because there is no Amadir. Then, just create another'Amadir.' It can be as powerful as Amadir, and will not be injured or killed. A...daughter with almost infinite life!"

"Ah!" Hearing these words, all the girls looked at Evangelin.

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