The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 402: The last battle in this world is a challenge to the ground

Two months are long or short, but they will always pass. For Mikoto and others, although the two months have been very tiring, the gains are also great. They can clearly feel it. His own power has made a further leap forward. Other people don't say, at least Mikoto and Mercury Lantern can faintly see the threshold of advanced spiritual level. The next question is how to cross it.

In the past two months, Lin Luo also had a very hard time. During the day, he had to practice with Mikoto and the others, and at night he had to fight Evangelin. That monstrous war lasted a long time each time, sometimes He didn’t even have a rest for the whole night... But his gains were great. Not only did he enjoy the supreme physical body, he also solved the rules 100% as he wished. This is the first time he has completely solved the rules with his own power Open, the battle of the gods was regarded as a reward, not his own effort.

Of course, this time I really didn't really rely on his own strength, but Evangelin's hard work.

In addition to Lin Luo, Evangelin has also gained a lot. First, she has become a real woman. She has lived for more than 600 years, and now she has become a real woman. Is it a sad thing? For the time being, she has become more beautiful anyway, her skin is brighter, her complexion is more rosy, and the curve of her body...well, this is still the same, although she still somewhat minded, but Lin Luo like very much.

In fact, in the last half month, in order to speed up the analysis of the rules, Evangelin was still defeated by Lin Luo's soft and hard foam, and half-pushed and half-heartedly played a rolling bed game with Lin Luo. Of course, this state is very painful at first, and it's not even easier than the first time she broke her body, but after all, she is not an ordinary person, and after coming down a few times, she is completely able to bear it.

In the last half month, she had hardly used illusion, all of which was entangled with Lin Luo.

The second harvest, she is the same as Mikoto, the seal of the dark heart is finally unlocked, and now her status is: Contractor: Evangeline AK McDowell (the true ancestor of the vampire)

Status: normal

Body strength: S

Mental strength: S

Heart of the World: Heart of Darkness (No. 30, Morphology)

World Heart Level: Initial Heart

Comprehensive strength level: the peak of the spirit stage

There is no change in her physical strength. In fact, in terms of her nature, if it were not for a qualitative change, her physical strength would not have been enhanced at all, but her strength had already moved to a higher level. At the peak of the spirit stage, apart from Kai Lin Luo, in this world, she is already second only to the Creator.

However, she didn't get the "Mind Light" skills like Mikoto's. Although she didn't understand at first, but after analyzing with Lin Luo, the two felt that the Mind Light skill should be for the host. A kind of compensation allows them to have the power to fight when facing the rule-level walkers, instead of being caught immediately.

But Evangeline herself is a rule-level powerhouse, so the light of the soul is naturally dispensable.

Regarding this, Evangeline was depressed for a while, but soon she didn’t care about it. After all, her strength didn’t need to be supported by the light of the soul, and... she had already got the most important thing. As for the combat skills of the heart, maybe there will be some progress in the future.

"Then do you have the confidence to win the Creator now?" Knowing that Lin Luo's rules of creation have been completely solved, Mikoto asked immediately and couldn't wait, and the others looked at him expectantly.

Lin Luo smiled and shook his head, "This kind of thing is impossible to be absolute. I am not confident that I will be able to defeat the Creator. I just got the strength to fight him. Who wins and who wins? I know it after playing."

Although Lin Luo said that he had no confidence, there was no uneasy expression on his face, and everyone immediately felt relieved.

"Then we will go to complete the final battle with the Creator."

"Don't you need to contact the people outside? They are all ready, battleship or something."

"I don't need it now. They can't intervene in my battle with the Creator. Just let them clean the battlefield afterwards."

"Clean the battlefield? Aren't we going to waste capital?"

"Of course it's an abandoned city, but... the war may spread to the entire world. Well, don't worry, it won't affect the pond fish, as long as you cover your ears at that time."


Listening to Lin Luo's words, whether it was Mikoto or Al, they all showed puzzled expressions. They didn't know what he meant by covering their ears...what's this?

However, Lin Luo didn't want to explain at all, and everyone had no choice but to give up, and then they went out of the Time House together.

In three days, New Ostia has also changed a lot, but Lin Luo did not pay much attention to these Lin Luo, and immediately flew towards the abandoned city after boarding the airship that was prepared long ago...

Soon after, the airship flew over the abandoned city. From a distance, they saw the huge island floating in the air. It was the palace of the tomb guard.

"The spacecraft will stop here, and then I will go in alone." Lin Luo said suddenly.

"Are you alone?" Lin Luo's proposal immediately stunned everyone, and they expressed their opposition. Although the Creator gave Lin Luo the responsibility for them, they have no objection, but there are many helpers under the Creator. If they come out to hinder it, it will be very troublesome. .

Lin Luo smiled and waved, and didn't care at all, "Don't worry, the creator's dolls will not be shot. They will not defy the master's will. For the creator, the humans who destroy this world are just second. It's just a bit."

"Do you mean to let us watch the game here?" Evangelin's tone was filled with dissatisfaction.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Watching the battle is also very interesting, but then you'd better stay away a little bit, because the stay may be very intense."

After speaking, Lin Luo disappeared without waiting for everyone to react, and then a light flashed far away, and they saw that Lin Luo had flown towards the palace of the tomb guard.

"What do we do next? Do you really want to watch the game here?" Rakan asked.

"I believe my father, he will win."

"Although I am a little worried, since he is so swearing, let him go."

Hearing both Mercury Lantern and Mikoto said this, everyone thought for a while, and finally decided to stay here temporarily. If Lin Luo wins, then everything is easy to say, otherwise, it depends on the situation.

"Huh, why did he stop?" At this moment, the Super Ring Tone sitting in the control room suddenly made a surprised sound. Everyone was taken aback, and then clearly saw through the future technology of Super Ring Tone, Lin Luo did not enter the tomb-keeper's palace, but instead stopped a long way away.

"What is he going to do? Don't you go to fight the Creator?" Everyone was puzzled, and then the super ring tone turned on the remote monitoring system. In an instant, a huge voice sounded in the airship, "The Creator, I have already come as agreed. I'm looking for you, hurry up and die for me within ten minutes, otherwise, I will bounce your house!"

"..." Everyone was suddenly embarrassed, calmly unable to, so provoking the Creator is really...

But what makes them even more incredible is that the Creator really came out of the palace of the tombkeeper. He was still dressed as he did three days ago, but this time he did not cover his head. The handsome red-haired boy's appearance was clearly revealed. On the screen, everyone immediately paid close attention, and dared not look away for a moment.

On the other side, in front of the tombkeeper's palace, Lin Luo stood in the void and looked at the strongest opponent in the world. He smiled pointedly: "Creator, do you plan to use this body to fight me?"

The Creator was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed, "So, you already know so much, but it doesn't matter. With your current strength, this body is enough."

Lin Luo suddenly shook his head, "No, no, you have obviously changed your life form with this body, and it is impossible to exert the power beyond the peak of the spiritual stage, so you have no hope of winning, why not come up with a higher level What about strength?"

A higher level of power than the peak of the spirit stage is the ground stage. Yes, if the Creator is in a state of heyday, then he is a strong ground-level, that the Creator occupies the human body, his life form becomes the human body, and the human form that occupies others is not It is possible to exert the power of the ground level, because the essence of the two lives is different, unless that form is his own.

It’s like an elf without a form. It’s impossible to harm him with a physical attack, but if the elf enters the entity, then when the entity is destroyed, the elf will also die, but if it is an entity cultivated by the elf, then There are two different things.

Originally, the Creator also possessed an entity, a real level body, but his entity collapsed a long time ago. In the following thousands of years, his body was completely condensed by magic, and the reason why it was occupied. Ji's body also wanted to re-train his own entity through the source in Najib's body... However, even with the ability of the creator, it is very difficult to re-train the entity within ten years.

Therefore, like Lin Luo's rules of destruction, the Creator is also incomplete.

"Hehe, even if I am in an incomplete state, it is not something you can easily defeat." The Creator smiled faintly. He didn't believe Lin Luo could defeat him. Just feel it. Lin Luo's current strength is no better than three. A lot stronger days ago.

But is this really the case?

Of course it is negative. The rule of creation is not a force that can be felt by perception. Creation is a life, silent and silent, just like the beginning of the world and no one can feel it. However, this is not important, the important thing is...

"Since you are so confident, then I will blast you out of that body!"

Lin Luo roared, and the whole person rushed towards the Creator, and with him was the overwhelming white mist like a tsunami!

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