The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 422: Xiaobai who left the Lord, the first wave of kills

What is the opposite of love? It should be disgusting, no matter whether it is right or not, Lin Luo was disgusted as soon as he came out of the Avenue of Stars, because he saw a man who was almost decomposed, had no face at all, and whose eyes had fallen off, rushed towards him viciously. ...That should be a corpse to be precise.

"I wiped it!"

It takes only one minute for the Avenue of Stars to travel from one world to another. The one who rushed to him a minute ago was a beautiful girl, but after a minute, what he rushed over became rotten and rotten. Corpse, this extreme contrast almost made him vomit, and this carrion corpse also regarded himself as food. To borrow a word from Big Brother Egg, it's **** dead!

Lin Luo didn't even look at it, and directly shot out an atomic collapse. The living corpse hadn't hit a meter in front of him before it had been wiped out... With his current computing power, although it could only be from Mai Ye Bian copied to LV4, but its power is not inferior to LV5.

However, after destroying the living corpse, Lin Luo was not happy because he found that he had actually landed among a bunch of living dead... This seemed to be a street with hundreds of living dead on this street. Wandering, he immediately surrounded him after finding a good figure, and soon surrounded him, and there were more living dead rushing out from the alley or the houses on both sides.

Lin Luo felt extremely lucky. Fortunately, he had not eaten enough before entering the Avenue of Stars, otherwise it would not be as simple as vomiting.

"Did I enter the School of Apocalypse? Is there such a cheating!" Seeing so many living dead, or can be called zombies, Lin Luo immediately remembered the plane of the Academy of Apocalypse. , After all, the milk shake of that anime is very impressive, anyway, Lin Luo has never seen milk shake so rippling in other anime.

Lin Luo raised his hand, intending to wipe out all the disgusting creatures who used him as food, but before he could do anything, a loud roar came from above, Bai Rui was faster than him, and in the roar, The huge body had already rushed out, only to sweep back and forth, almost half of the living dead were bitten to pieces.

"Good job, Xiaobai...Hey, where are you going?"

It deserves to be the strongest spirit beast that specializes in dealing with evil spirits. This method is much simpler than himself. Lin Luo couldn't help but praise it, but before he finished speaking, he saw Xiaobai roaring into the sky and immediately said Flew to the distance at an extremely fast speed.

"Damn, you actually left the master to escape. You really do." Lin Luo couldn't help cursing. Of course, he was just spitting out casually. When he could suppress it, Bai Rui was absolutely loyal to the master. , Won't run away due to any danger, just say now, it also wiped out two-thirds of the living dead for him and left.

It’s easy to take back Bai Rui with Lin Luo’s ability, but he doesn’t want to do it. Bai Rui has such a weird behavior. To be honest, he cares very much, so now it’s better to let it act according to his own will. This is also convenient for oneself to understand the cause of the incident as soon as possible.

With Bai Rui's flying speed, Lin Luo was soon out of sight of Lin Luo's naked eye. At the same time, the living dead that constantly emerged from all around also surrounded Lin Luo again, which caused him quite a headache.

"Ah, forget it, let me solve you disgusting guys as soon as possible, I'm very busy." Lin Luo sighed, reached out and pointed upwards, the light of fantasy shot out, "Let me think about it. Um, this trick is called... Cutting Blade·Scatter."

The light of fantasy condenses into a huge ball of light with a diameter of half a meter in mid-air, and then countless white lights shoot downwards like raindrops. All the living dead hit by the white light are all taken away from action in an instant. Ability, the body gradually turned into smoke and disappeared while falling to the ground.

Afterwards, Lin Luo increased his speed to three times that of normal people, and ran in the direction Bai Rui flew, and the sky ball of light also followed Lin Luo at the same speed. He did not need to do it himself, the light of fantasy. All the living dead will be wiped out for him, and no "life" can walk within three meters of him.

Before running away, Lin Luo found that the city had completely become the city of the living dead, and there was no normal living person to be seen at all, and the houses on both sides of the street were also dilapidated. It was shocking to see.

Lin Luo can conclude that this is definitely not the plane of the academy's Apocalypse, because the academy's Apocalypse is just a purely modern world of technology, and here... whether it's the living dead or some traces of battle left on both sides of the street , He faintly felt some magical fluctuations. It is not the magic power of magic, but more precisely, it is magic.

This is completely inconsistent with the academy's revelation, and the most important thing is that I came into this world because of Bai Rui's strange actions, so there is only one conclusion...this is the world of snacks!

"Ah, it really is." Just thinking of this, Lin Luo suddenly saw seven or eight figures running out of the other end of the street corner. They were not the living dead, but humans, holding all kinds of Weapons, there are swords, swords, talisman paper, and a few strange beasts.

Lin Luo immediately judged their identities. If this is the world of snacks, then these people are so-called spirit-eliminators.

"It seems to have come to remove the spirits, but now the city is full of living dead. How should these guys get rid of them? Forget it, if they are in danger, please help them by the way. You can also ask about this world by the way. What happened... My day! The whole city is alive, and Bai Rui is so panicked. Could it be that the Lily sisters are in danger?"

Lin Luo suddenly realized that something was wrong, and thinking about it this way, the anxiety in his heart became greater and greater, and the speed under his feet subconsciously accelerated...Unfortunately, his creative rules in this world are so limited, except for the use of electric current to accelerate. His own mobility does not have the ability to fly and teleport, otherwise it would be enough to directly lock Bai Rui and teleport in the past, how can he still use two legs to drive on the road like now.

"Oops, I was too careless. I knew I should have asked Super Ringtone for a lightspeed skateboard."

Lin Luo couldn't help cursing that he had no brains, and that there was a genius scientist by his side such as the super ringtone, and he didn't even ask her for some transportation. It was really weak!

Although it is more convenient to have rules of creation than any means of transportation, when the rules of creation like this are not available now, wouldn't it be much easier if you had a light-speed skateboard.

Just when Lin Luo ran towards the spirits eliminators, the other party also found him and rushed up immediately, but to Lin Luo's surprise, although there were countless living dead around, those spirit eliminators did not have any. Beware, walked directly by the living dead, and those living people turned a blind eye to them, without even launching any attacks.

This weird scene made Lin Luo totally incomprehensible. The spiritual master is the natural enemy of the living dead. The purpose of this profession is to eliminate all kinds of spiritual events, while the living dead are a kind of evil phenomenon. The encounter between the two did not happen. Fighting is nothing short of a fantasy!

And what surprised Lin Luo even more was that the spirit eliminators had launched a fierce attack on him before they rushed in front of him...Machine guns, talisman papers, spells, and slashes were all thrown at him.

"Hey, I said you made a mistake about the enemy." Lin Luo frowned suddenly. Although he was protected by fantasy light, he was completely fearless in these attacks, but he was beaten for no reason, and no one would be happy.

"What you have to deal with are the disgusting guys next to you, I'm a living human!" After knocking out all the other's attacks, Lin Luo looked at them blankly, with a threat in his tone.

However, the spirit eliminators completely ignored what he said, seeing that the first wave of attacks did not work, and immediately sent a second wave of attacks on him.

"Damn it, you are seeking your own death!"

Seeing countless bullet spells flying towards him, Lin Luo suddenly became angry, ignoring the attack of the other party, and rushed to the side of the spiritualists in a flash, pinched one of them by the neck fiercely, and lifted him up. He said coldly, "Don't you understand what I said?!"

"Uh...uh!" After absorbing the book of strength, Lin Luo's grip strength is no longer comparable to that of ordinary people. Just being pinched in this way, the person is already speechless, his face is pale, his eyes are protruding, and his legs are standing. Trembling in mid-air.

However, even so, he still did not give up his plan to attack Lin Luo, tremblingly raised the knife in his hand and stabbed Lin Luo, while the other spiritualists also completely ignored the life and death of their companions and attacked Lin Luo.

"That's it, I already understand that you are the same as those disgusting guys."

Seeing that, although Lin Luo didn't know what had happened, so that these spirit eliminators could not distinguish between us, but he had no scruples. Since these people were determined to kill him, there was only one way for them.


Lin Luo gave a soft drink and pinched hard with his right hand, and immediately crushed the man's neck bone and died unfavorably. The fantasy light above also expanded the target, shooting white light towards the rest of the spirit removers.

In Lin Luo's eyes, these spirit eliminators were just scum with a combat power of five, without any suspense. They were all killed by the light of fantasy in an instant, but Lin Luo's expression did not improve.

"It's too weird. The spirit-eliminator didn't eliminate the spirit, but killed the human beings, and Xiaobai was panicked...I can come to this world by no means Xiaobai's power. It can only be a lead, then the lead The source of...bad!"

Lin Luo suddenly thought of something extremely unpleasant, no longer caring about these living dead, and immediately chased after Bai Rui disappeared as quickly as possible.

If he thinks right, the world may have become very dangerous, at least for them!

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