The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 430: This is the real understanding

"It turned out to be such a thing."

In half an hour, Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura had already told Lin Luo all the things that had happened to them. They didn’t know much, but Lin Luo learned from their words and what they had done. Knowing the information leads to a simple guess.

Because of Liu Ziwen’s call, Tugong Kagura’s father died early. From that time on, the story of this world has been developing in a direction that he is not familiar with, especially the incident more than half a month ago. In the original plot, Jianshan Huangquan would be defeated by Sanhetu and planting killing stones after that, and Tugong Kagura would inevitably fight Jianshan Huangquan and kill her, but now none of these tragedies have happened... ...Speaking of which, I should really thank Liu Ziwen. Although he was already dead, he was still helping himself after his death. He was really a good person.

There is also the person who rescued Jianshan Huangquan from Santuhe. Without that person's cross-cutting, Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura would still not be able to avoid their tragic fate. But having said that, who is that person, not only saved Huang Quan at that time, but also helped them after such a terrifying spiritual phenomenon broke out, and even died for them several times...have an immortal body In the original work, there is only one person in Santuhe's ability.

Since it is not Santuhe, are they other hidden strongmen or walkers?

No, Lin Luo shook his head secretly. He can now be sure that what happened in this city must be a good thing for walkers. After all, people who can make Santuhe willing to act on orders do not exist in this world.

A walker controls the evil spirits in the entire city, and even affects the humans in the entire city. It is certain that Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura will be hunted down. But the strange thing is, since he has so much power, why not take action against them himself, wouldn't it be faster?

Then, suppose there is another walker... the probability of two people working together is very high. The two have the same goal but each is an enemy. This is the most likely. However, if the other walker is helping the host, he will I don't believe it anyhow.

In this kind of divine battle that concerns one's own life, who else would save his "prey" regardless of his own life? If you kill the host, you can get the heart of the world and become stronger. If you save the host, you won’t get anything, and will even be killed by other walkers... If there is such a person, then there is nothing else except the brain-dead stupid Lin Luo. Of adjectives.

Therefore, Lin Luo can be sure of two things now. First, there is a very dangerous walker who arranges everything in secret, with the purpose of killing Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura. Second, there is someone who may have a certain relationship with these two girls who has been helping them secretly.

However, Lin Luo has no way of knowing the identity of that person. Having such a powerful ability as the immortal body has never appeared in the original work. The only person with that kind of power is probably the land **** of this world, but the land **** is not there. It won't appear when the world is destroyed... The identity of that person is unpredictable.

Forget it!

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Luo didn't know a reason, and finally gave up decisively, and stopped arguing. That person has now exploded and died. Even if he has an immortal body, he may not be able to survive. If he does come alive, he will probably show up again, and things will be clear at a glance.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo looked towards Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong God happily, and found that both of them were very depressed, and there was a faint sadness on their faces. Lin Luo knew what they were thinking about.

In this spiritual incident that affected the whole city, their relatives, friends, and work partners all became their enemies. In order to save their lives, many people died in their hands, and their relatives of the same race were beheaded by them. , The friends who used to go shopping with them were beheaded by them, the partners who had fought side by side with them were beheaded by them, and even... even Jianshan Huangquan's fiance was cut in half by Jianshan Huangquan while fighting them.

Although it was just a family marriage, it was just a decision of the parents. There was not much feeling between the two, and it could even be said that the relationship between the two was quite bad, but in any case it was a nominal unmarried couple and killed him personally. , Jianshan Huangquan's heart will definitely not feel good.

At this time, Lin Luo didn't know how to comfort them, maybe it was the best way to stay with them quietly.

The three of them did not speak any more, and the atmosphere fell into silence for a while, but after all, they were also people who had experienced life and death several times. After a few minutes, Jianshan Huangquan's mood had recovered from the depression, and looked at Lin Luo with a look. Calmly, "We have finished talking about our affairs, so can you tell us about your affairs? Will help us at this time, although your strength is very strong, for you, helping us is just a matter of effort, but I think you should have your own purpose, right?"

Jianshan Huangquan is not an idiot. On the contrary, she is quite smart. Although young, she has not been in the society for a short time. She is also very familiar with the worldliness of people. In this special period, she will lend a helping hand to them. , She didn't believe in killing her.

Hearing her question, Lin Luo hesitated slightly, wanting to say what purpose she had... At first, there was really no purpose, but now the purpose...

Lin Luo raised his head and said to the other party solemnly: "If my purpose of helping you is to want you, do you believe it?"


Hearing these words, not only Jianshan Huangquan was stunned, but even Tugong Kagura, who was still in grief, suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Luo dumbfounded. His face flushed.

She was only fourteen years old, how could such a shocking confession bear!

"This..." Jianshan Huangquan snorted, not knowing what to say. She felt that the topic seemed to be drawn to a very strange place. Why was there such a development? Inexplicable!

After a while, Jianshan Huangquan suddenly mustered up the courage and solemnly said to Lin Luo: "If you can protect Kagura and keep her from harming me, I can agree to any request from you."

"Sister Huang Quan!" These words moved Tu Gong Shenle. Before Lin Luo could react, he said to him anxiously, "No, as long as you can make Sister Huang Quan safe, I...I can do it for you too. anything."

When Tuguong Kagura said this, her entire face was already flushed, which obviously required great courage for her.

"Kagura, this is my business, you are still young now, don't get involved."

"No, this is my business."

"Kagura, I don't want you to be hurt. If you can be happy at the expense of myself, this is also the happiest thing for me, so don't fight with me."

"That's not the case, Sister Huang Quan, you even killed Ji Zhi to save me. I don't want to see you sacrifice for me again. Even if it is my turn, I hope you can be happy."


"Sister Huang Quan..."

Seeing that the two people's voices have become more and more intense, they are almost about to quarrel, Lin Luo is speechless, what should I say? He felt that he seemed to have done a bad thing, he was taking apart a pair of loving lilies abruptly, which made her extremely embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, I just made a joke just now, don't quarrel anymore." Lin Luo stretched out his hand and opened the two bodies outward, weakly saying, "None of you need to sacrifice, I will help you It's also out of my own will and I won't do excessive things to you."

To be honest, Lin Luo was a little depressed. He even called following himself a sacrifice. Really, is he so bad?

I want a house, a house, a look, a car, a car, and a fortune... This is a change of heaven, and it is the perfect destination for any woman!

Hearing his words, the two suddenly stopped "arguing", and then Tugong Kagura looked like a little rabbit, looking at Lin Luo pitifully, "Is it really a joke?"

"Ah, it's a joke." In fact, it's also telling the truth.

"So, I knew Lin Luo brother is a good person." The girl smiled like a flower.

"..." Lin Luo couldn't answer, he was issued a good person card so quickly, tragedy.

After such a disturbance, Jianshan Huangquan no longer entangled with the problem just now. She thought, if it leads to a stranger direction again, it will be embarrassing. Just treat the other party as a good person who is righteous. Anyway, no matter what the other party has. No matter what purpose, neither I nor Kagura can resist.

But having said that, he doesn’t look like that kind of evil person. In addition to this dangerous time, if he really likes Kagura, it’s not impossible to let him be with Kagura. At least, with his power. It protects Kagura very well, and keeps her safe and happy... I glance at Lin Luo from time to time, Jianshan Huangquan thought.

Brother Lin Luo is very powerful and he is not a bad person. Sister Huang Quan’s injury is not completely healed. If it is Brother Lin Luo, she can be cured, and sister Huang Quan’s fiancé is also dead. Now he must be very sad. If Brother Lin Luo I really like Sister Huang Quan, then I must help...At the same time, Tugong Kagura, who was buried in the blush, secretly made up his mind.

Lin Luo didn't know. Before he knew it, the two girls had already made plans for his "marriage event". If he could know, he would be very happy...

However, Lin Luo couldn't be happy now, but had a murderous intent, because he felt that there was a person approaching here, not someone else, it was the...walker!

Haha, it was delivered to the door, it won't work if you don't kill it.

Lin Luo sneered in his heart and stood up from the ground.

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