The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 432: 9 knights, secrets and truths in the battle of gods

The walker named Arthur in front of him would be a descendant of the Knight King. No matter what, Lin Luo felt very embarrassed. Although Altria and her sister Lily, her sister gave birth to a son... Or maybe it was a daughter, but the child who didn't know whether it was a son or a daughter was killed by her. It is logically impossible to have offspring, and there is no record in history that King Arthur had any offspring left.

Well, of course, there is no one-hundred-percent authenticity in history or something, and even fifty-percent authenticity is considered very good. After all, history is written by victors. Who knows if there are frauds in it? There are not so many saints in this world, who will record the bad things they have done one by one. It would be nice not to do everything possible to sing praises.

Therefore, entanglement in the truth of history is entirely asking for trouble. In history, King Arthur was male, but in fact he was female. And there are parallel spaces in this world... the plane of the magic teacher, the plane of the moon world, the plane of the magic forbidden book catalog, and even this zero-eating plane, all exist in the same plane on different planes. Earth, then, maybe this Arthur in front of me may be a descendant of King Arthur on other planes.

So Lin Luo didn't care about which knight king's descendant he was. If this kind of question goes deeper, let alone whether he can find it, it will be endless.

However, since he is the descendant of the Knight King, Lin Luo's affection for Arthur has improved a lot. After all, there are several Knight Kings in his harem, plus there is an original book that has been ordered but has not been collected. Stay Mao Wang.

"By the way, since Arthur is just your last name, what is your real name?" Lin Luo looked at the sky and asked.

"Well..." As soon as he heard this question, the boy who was still dignified and serious turned his face away in embarrassment, scratching his head, seemingly embarrassed, with an expression that hesitated to speak.

Lin Luo originally just asked casually, but when he saw his appearance, he became more curious. Is it so difficult to say a name?

"I said yes, but Brother Lin Luo, don't laugh at me..." Finally, after Lin Luo asked again and agreed not to laugh at him, Arthur finally said hesitantly, "That's it, because I am ranked ninth among the 36 generations of descendants in the clan, so my name is Easejiu. Although there was nothing wrong with the name at the beginning, the word nine seemed to have another meaning later, so I just kept I'm not using this name anymore..."


Arthur Nine, Nima! This name is powerful enough, and the guy who takes it is also awesome. Lin Luo really wanted to laugh, but he had promised the other party before. If he laughed, he would be a little bit unbelievable, but... the nine knights, it's really an explosion!

Lin Luo's face twitched a little, he desperately held back the smile in his heart, to be honest, it was very hard.

Lin Luo felt that this guy was just for complaints. Whether it was his name, life experience, or personality, he was full of grotesques. It's a pity not to spit it out a few times.

Of course, it’s a pity, but now it’s not the time to complain, but to ask: "What the **** is going on with the Three Kings you mentioned before?" Regarding Shenzhan, what Lin Luo knew was that he got it from Liu Ziwen at the beginning. A little bit of information from, the others are still vague up to now, but Arthur seems to have a good understanding of God War. Of course, he can't miss such an opportunity.

"The three kings are the kings of the three worlds that have won in the battle of gods so far." Arthur did not hide it, and said immediately, "the person who won the first battle of gods is the eldest brother you, and the walkers call you the king of Ming. , The evil king won in the second game, and the dark king won in the third game. The three of you are currently the strongest three of all walkers, and the three kings standing at the top of the pyramid."

"The battle of the gods has been held for three times?" Lin Luo was shocked. Although he had heard the other party say that there are three kings of the world before, he still couldn't believe it, but it was only in such a short time. After three games, I didn't get any news.

"Brother, you don't even know this?" But it was Arthur who was even more surprised. He thought that Lin Luo was just a low-key person and didn't know how famous his reputation was. However, "These are the most basic information in the battle of Gods." Ah, everyone who walks will know."

"The most basic information? Where did it come from?" Lin Luo felt even more weird. He might have never received any information.

"Of course it was the Acting God told us." Arthur said naturally.

"Agent God?" Lin Luo was taken aback, and immediately remembered the woman who was about to be forgotten by him when he returned. "Could it be the one who told us strange things when we got the heart code?"

"That's right." Arthur nodded, "Although they only consider themselves administrators, we walkers call them acting gods. Some basic information about **** wars will be told to walk by the acting gods in various ways. Moreover, half a month before the start of the battle, the acting **** will also tell us in advance, let us be prepared... Brother, don't you know this?" Arthur looked at Lin Luo uncertainly.

"..." Fuck me!

Lin Luo's face was pale. He wanted to scold his mother very much now. He knew a hairy. He and Kuailaixi only met twice, and the other Shenlong saw the head but not the end, although he secretly helped in the first battle of God. I lost myself, but there has been no news since then, let alone notifications, I can’t even see a shadow!

Lin Luo felt that the woman who came back must be in the Geng period, otherwise it would not be so painful...Forget it, just leave it alone for the time being.

"My acting **** has never told me these things. By the way, since you know it, tell me a little bit about the basic information about this **** war." Lin Luo calmed down a bit and asked Arthur. Tao.

"What? Brother, your acting **** never told you, he is too irresponsible!" Arthur showed considerable indignation, which made Lin Luo's favorability for him once again increased by one point, if It would be better to be able to curse a few more words.

"Yeah, so I have to count on you now." Lin Luo said helplessly. He was sincere in this sentence. Since he can't count on returning home, he can only count on this... his own fan?

"There is no problem at all!" Listening to Lin Luo's words, Arthur seemed to have been recognized by his idol, and his excitement value was simply exploding. "As long as I know, I promise to know everything about my eldest brother. ."

Then, after Arthur's words, Lin Luo gradually learned something he didn't know.

What is the purpose of the **** war? Is it to make the acting gods behind their walkers become gods? Or choose a **** from these walks? Or for some other purpose... Not only Lin Luo didn't know this, but even Arthur and the other walkers didn't know it.

All they know is the passing.

Generally speaking, the walker is not always in the battle of the gods, only at a certain time, the battle of the gods will start, and the time difference is not stable. During the time before entering the battle of God, the walkers will go to other worlds to improve their strength. If they are lucky, they may be able to meet the host of the Heart of the World...Of course, even this depends on luck, because some worlds The host of the heart is far stronger than the walker.

When hunters deal with their prey, sometimes they will be killed by the prey.

Moreover, the walkers are not aimless to improve their strength. In addition to not telling them where the host of the Heart of the World is, the acting gods behind them will point out several worlds where they can quickly increase their strength. For example, walkers who are good at magic must go to the world where magic is prosperous, walkers who are good at technology go to the high-tech world, and walkers who are good at martial arts go to the world of Gaowu.

The world is diverse and diverse, so the world specified by the agent **** for the walker is also difficult or easy. Whether to choose a world with a high degree of danger or a world with a higher survival rate, these choices are in the hands of the walker. .

Generally speaking, as long as they are not particularly afraid of death, most walkers will choose a slightly more difficult world, because crisis also represents opportunities, which can make them stronger faster.

In addition to these, there are some things that need to be paid attention to in the battle of Gods. Anyway, there are many miscellaneous things. Arthur said these contents for half an hour before it is over, and then the most important battle of Gods.

So far, three battles have been held, and three kings of the world have been determined.

"Not all walkers will participate in the battle of gods. Every battle of gods will randomly select five to ten walkers, and then let them enter the same world to fight. Once they leave that world before the battle of gods ends, it means Withdrawing from that great battle also means defeat."

Arthur looked at Lin Luo and said, "Big Brother, the battle that you participated in was the first, so you who won in that battle were the first king of the world, but!" Arthur's face sank, and he seemed to be a little angry, "The first battle of God was actually abnormal, no, or it should be said that it was unfair."

"How do you say?" Lin Luo was slightly surprised.

"Big brother, you should have encountered two walkers on the peak of the spiritual stage after the end of the battle?"


"That's it. Although those two people are also walkers, they did not act according to the rules. Instead, they used cheating methods. It was the acting **** behind them that used a special method to forcibly promote them to the peak of the spiritual stage. The purpose is In order to get the most benefit in the first battle of God."

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