The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 438: Creation and destruction, the power of the mind and the eyes

Everyone rested on the grass in the depths of the forest all night. When they opened their eyes, the sky was already bright.

For one night, Lin Luo didn't fall asleep, but kept analyzing the rules of the world. He cannot use the rules of creation. This is a huge flaw. Although the rules of creation are not as good as the rules of destruction in terms of offensive power, his rules of destruction cannot be used to his fullest under the circumstances that the rules of creation cannot be used.

Of course, this is not to say that creation cannot be used, and destruction cannot be used. The two are actually not very related, and it can even be said that they are two completely opposite forces. But the problem is that the rule of destruction is the power to hurt others and yourself. If you do it with all your strength, Lin Luo himself will also be injured. At this time, if there are rules of creation, you can largely offset the damage. , So as to maximize the effective killing.

With Lin Luo's current ability, the rules of destruction can only exert 70% of the power, and if he goes up, he himself will be in danger.

In his own world, Lin Luo didn’t want to increase the intensity of the rule of destruction in the past... Originally, the rule of destruction was a reversal of the one-tenth of the creation rule, so just go and reverse the tenth in the same way. Two, three-tenths or more. Although it is difficult, it is not without the possibility of success.

But in the end Lin Luo did not do this, because the destruction was too dangerous. Although it belonged to his power, even his own subconscious was a little bit afraid. Now, even one-tenth cannot be completely controlled, let alone more. many. If the time comes for destruction and violence, he will probably not be hurt alone.

Without the support of creation rules, he can completely control the existing rules of destruction, which is the lowest limit for him to increase the intensity of the rules of destruction.

Of course, what Lin Luo wants to improve now is not destruction, but creation, but the result is not satisfactory. Whether it is pure strength or mystery, the level of this world is relatively low, let alone. To analyze, even cognition can't do it.

"It seems that there is no hope of creating rules in this world. It is really troublesome..." Lin Luo couldn't help but sigh secretly. In the past, whether it was in the moon world or the magic teacher's world, it was troublesome to analyze the rules. , But he can faintly feel the real existence of the world, but here is completely chaotic, similar to the world of weapon races.

Perhaps it is because the time to come to this world is too short, but in this state, even if it is given to him for a year, it may not be able to analyze it smoothly, and...will the enemy give him a year?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help frowning, he felt that the situation was a bit tricky.

"By the way, Arthur, how long will it take you to analyze the rules of the world?" Lin Luo looked at the Nine Knights who had just woke up and was yawning next to him, but he shook his head and smiled bitterly as soon as the words were spoken. He was rushed to the doctor, and Arthur was only LV2. He had no rules at all, so how could he analyze the rules of the world.

"Well, this..." What he didn't expect was that Arthur actually answered. He scratched his head to think, and then said, "I don't have the rules, so I am not very clear, but I have I heard a few walkers boast that they said that the rules of the world can be resolved within a month at most, and if it is 100%, the slowest will not exceed three months."

"Huh?" Lin Luo was completely stunned. It would be difficult to unlock 100% of the rules in three months. This is too exaggerated, although he can solve 100% of the rules in the world of the magic teacher in less than three months. Time, but that half is due to the credit of the Time House, and the other half is the book of the roots, and the credit of the creator and Evangeline, otherwise, his time is much more than that.

Imagine being in the Moon World, contacting so many high-level powerhouses, and traveling almost the entire world. It took nearly a year, but only 50% of the rules were solved. One hundred percent is even more distant indefinitely... In such a comparison, the king of the world is simply mediocre!

"Wait, why did they tell you this kind of thing?" Lin Luo looked at Arthur very weirdly, with questions full of questions, "Rule power should be the biggest secret of a walker, how could they deal with this kind of thing? Tell you?"

In Lin Luo's view, this is simply incomprehensible. In other words, he will never tell other walkers the time it takes to resolve the power of the rules.

But Arthur's answer shocked him again.

"Brother, the time to analyze the power of the rules is not a secret at all." Arthur also looked at Lin Luo inexplicably, and said naturally, "It is common for two walkers to meet in one of the worlds. If the strength gap is huge. , Then the strong will destroy the weak, but if the strength is similar, the walkers will choose to live in peace, and even exchange information with each other, and the analysis of the world rules is the most exchanged item... Of course, our company They didn’t know what they told me. I have an immortal body. They killed me but couldn’t find my body and heart code. They thought I had escaped, so they just said nothing, but didn’t know. My spirit still stays in place, just in time to hear their conversation."

"Exchange...analyze information about the rules of the world...what the **** is going on?" Listening to Arthur's words, Lin Luo had more and more questions in his heart, and at the same time faintly felt that he seemed to be missing something, and asked quickly. .

Arthur touched his head. He also felt very puzzled by Lin Luo's puzzled expression. He didn't know that he was one of the three kings. It could be regarded as Lin Luo's low-key. He didn't know the rules of God's battle because of Lin Luo. The acting **** behind is not responsible. But in his opinion, since Lin Luo is the king of the world, at least it should be impossible not to know this matter. After all, that is the most basic thing for a rule-level powerhouse.

But doubts go to doubts, he still knows everything about Lin Luo, saying: "Although the nature and strength of the rule force will not be revealed by the walkers, the method of analyzing the rules of the world is known to every rule-level powerhouse. Yes, it’s just that even if you use your mind to perceive the truth of the world, sometimes you will encounter great difficulties. For example, some people will get stuck in question A, and some people will get stuck in question B. Then in order to facilitate their own growth and acceleration Analyzing the rules of the world, the two people will exchange solutions to the problem. In this way, both of the problems can be solved easily. As for who gets the greater benefits, it depends only on luck."

"It turns out that's the case." Listening to Arthur's explanation, Lin Luo understood a little bit. Simply put, it is equivalent exchange. If you don't understand, I understand. If I don't understand, you understand. How is that is another matter.

But when he heard this, Lin Luo had another question, frowning and said: "What are you talking about?"

He had heard the word Xinyan before. It was the information he got when he met Ling Yi, the first walker during the God War. At that time, he thought that Xinyan was the domain of perception, but it was not. It's just that the other party didn't reveal more, and ran away after knowing that there was no chance of winning, leaving Lin Luo at a loss.

After a while, Lin Luo had also done special research on Xinyan, but no matter what he did, he couldn't understand what Xinyan was, and he felt like there was nowhere to start.

And now he heard these two words again, the eyes of the heart...understand the world with the eyes of the heart...analyze the rules of the world...several broken lines are faintly connected together.

"Big brother, don't know Xinyan?" If you were just wondering before, then Arthur is completely shocked now. In any case, he never thought that Lin Luo would not know Xinyan. A LV3 walker didn't know Xinyan? This is simply a fantasy!

"Yes, I have met a walker before. She mentioned the mind and eye, it seems to be a certain skill of the walker, and she used the force of the mind and eye to break my incomplete rules and forces, and I was once in a hard fight. She even mistaken my rule power for the power of the mind, but in fact I don’t have the power of mind."

Lin Luo didn't conceal it, and told him about his battle with Ling Yi during the battle of God.

After listening to Lin Luo's words, Arthur looked at his expression as if looking at a monster. After a moment of stunned, he suddenly rushed to Lin Luo's body, and was as excited as a child with uncontrollable excitement, "Brother, You are too powerful. You can comprehend the power of rules in LV2. This is a miracle. Even the Dark King and the Evil King can't do it to this level. Brother, you deserve to be my idol!"

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, what does it mean to be your idol? However, he can understand how Arthur's excitement is, because he has heard Siegel said before that it is impossible for LV2 to have the power of rules, so...Is he getting stronger?

"You'd better tell me what is going on with that mind first."

"Oh, okay." Arthur calmed down his excitement a bit, and then explained, "Mind eye is a basic ability that the walker of LV2 understands, or it can be said to be a necessary ability, because as long as you reach LV2, Every walker has a mind-eye. The role of the mind-eye is to understand its own limits and see through the enemy’s weaknesses. Although it has no offensive power, it is a very strong auxiliary ability, both for its own growth and combat. Great help."

"The power of the mind and eyes is to further transform this invisible force into a tangible existence through the extension of the mind and eyes. For example, the power of my mind and eyes is...the immortal body."

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