The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 443: Chivalry is my body, it is possible to succeed

Under Lin Luo's leading efforts, after a while, the four finally broke out of the living dead and came to the roof of a building. Although there are still groups of dead souls on the street below, they are on the tens of meters high building. I didn't see much, and occasionally a few flying ones were solved by Lin Luo in the first place.

For the four people on the rooftop, Lin Luo is not bad. Although there is no rule to restore his physical strength, an enemy of this level, only fighting for half an hour, is not enough to make him tired, and Arthur has the power of immortality. The body is also not flushed or breathless.

However, Huangquan and Kagura are a bit of a problem. They are girls after all, and their physical strength is a little worse than that of men. Besides, it takes less than half a day to become a beginner in the spirit level. Although they are handy when fighting, they have many abilities. You have to gradually realize in the battle that the physical exhaustion will be even greater when you come and go. At this moment, when they relax, both of them are sitting on the ground and panting heavily.

The creation rules are useless, and Lin Luo can’t help them regain their stamina, and the fourth dimension also told them at the beginning, but they won’t go in until the most dangerous moment, so Lin Luo had no choice but to let them. It’s not bad to take a break now.

Standing on the rooftop, looking over from the top of the building, the surrounding environment is clear at a glance. Through the perception domain, Lin Luo can also tell where there are more evil spirits and where there are fewer, but the location is messy. It is probably impossible to predict the location of Nether from the distribution of evil spirits.

After searching for about five minutes, there was no clue. Lin Luo sighed secretly, and no longer wasted his efforts, but he was somewhat disappointed in his heart, and Arthur was also depressed like him.

"It seems that I have to find a way to increase my strength. I am the only one holding my back..." Arthur sat on the ground with a look of loneliness. As a knight, he couldn't protect others. Instead, he had to be protected by others. It was unbearable for him.

"Walkers need the Heart of the World to upgrade their level?" Huang Quan glanced at him, and after he nodded, he asked again, "You won't get the Heart of the World if you don't hunt the host. How can you increase your strength if you can't upgrade? "

Huang Quan's question was very direct and sharp. It wasn't that she had any opinion on Arthur, but that she was telling the truth. After all, judging from the current situation, Arthur had no possibility of becoming stronger.

"This..." Arthur opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Lin Luo frowned slightly. He has the Heart of the World here. Although one has been booked, the other is still unowned. Anyway, there is no host, and it is useless to him. If it can help allies to increase their strength, even It's not a bad thing to give it to Arthur, it's supposed to repay his life-saving grace to Huangquan and Kagura. But... people's hearts are unpredictable. Although he trusts Arthur ninety-nine percent now, he still has one last doubt.

Lin Luo intends to test him a little bit. Although this approach is a bit of a villain’s heart to save a gentleman’s belly, but this matter is not only related to him, but also the people around him and other hosts. He must ensure their safety and reduce their enemies as much as possible.

"Arthur, if other walkers get the heart of the world, and you kill that walker, then you can use the world in the hands of that walker, right?" Lin Luo looked at him with a face Calm, "You said that Netherworld has the heart of the world in his hands. As long as we take it over, you will be able to ascend to LV3."

"No, I can't do this!"

Since he was not the host who killed himself, it shouldn't violate his knighthood. Lin Luo would at least hesitate even if Arthur refused, but he didn't expect that he would just shake his head without even thinking about it. This not only made Lin Luo quite awkward. Perplexed, even Huang Quan and Kagura were at a loss.

"Why, this doesn't violate your chivalry?" Kagura asked his doubts.

"Yes, taking the unowned thing does not violate my knighthood, but!" At this point, Arthur said solemnly, "The heart of the world is left in this world after the death of the original host. The only relic, every host who was deprived of the heart of the world should have died with resentment. Their relics retain their anger and vengeance towards those who walked. If I take it as my own, That anger and hatred will make my chivalry unquenchable. Not only does it make me unable to approve it, I think I can't even approve of the remnants of the original host’s thoughts, so I will not take the remains of the dead as me. the power of."

Arthur said decisively, without a trace of hypocrisy or deception in his tone.

"This..." After hearing her words, Huang Quan and Kagura were both shocked, looking at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo nodded. This is indeed the case. Take Maiye’s World Heart as an example. It contains the original host’s anger and revenge. He sent the World Heart to him before he died, also for the sake of Look for a second host to avenge her, but if you change other walkers, you won't let it out even if you die.

Huang Quan and Kagura immediately understood, and then asked, "But what if the original host agrees to hand it over to you?"

"My sister once said to me that to take the deceased's things must be approved by the deceased, or approved by the deceased, otherwise it is a trick. Therefore, if the host agrees to give it to me, I will of course accept it, but..." Arthur looked on For a while, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, "Who would forgive each other with a tolerant attitude after being killed? And which host would give his only heart of the world to the walker? That was what they once existed. Prove, how can one willingly use this existence as power by other walkers?"

"So, neither the world heart of the living nor the world heart of the dead, I will accept, the former violates my chivalry, and the latter violates the teachings of my sister to me, whether it is chivalry or my sister. The teachings of "are the most important existence for me. Even if I can never become stronger, I will not let these two disappear in my heart. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, my approach is stupid. But no matter what others say, I will always stick to this spirit, because that is also the proof of my existence!"

"..." Lin Luo and the others have nothing to say. If Arthur's chivalry spirit only moved them before, then they would have been shocked now. For Arthur, chivalry was not only his creed, but also deeply penetrated into the depths of his soul and became his existence.

In a sense, his chivalry spirit may have surpassed his ancestors. The spirit is him, and he is the spirit. Therefore, his immortal body cannot even break through the rules. This is not unreasonable. of.

But having said that, he put the chivalry and the teachings of his sister in the same place, and it turned out that he was still a sister...This is exactly the same as his ancestors.

"But then, don't you have the chance to become stronger?" Lin Luo asked aloud, Arthur clearly rejected the Heart of the World, so even if he gave it to him, he wouldn't want it, because the original host didn't want it. Will not agree, "You can't reach LV3 without the Heart of the World. Sooner or later, you will be eliminated in the battle of God."

To tell the truth, Lin Luo still has a good impression of such a cute knight who is so cute, and if he can, he really wants to help him.

"No, brother, it's actually not impossible..." But Arthur shook his head and looked up at Lin Luo. "Big brother, do you remember the Dark King I talked about before?"

"Of course I remember, does this matter have anything to do with him?" Lin Luo couldn't help asking.

Arthur nodded, "Because the Dark King had a gentle personality at the beginning, and he never hunted down the host of the Heart of the World, so he was the weakest in the second battle of God. After the fiasco, he experienced multiple sufferings. He entered the nightmare level. The world, although I don’t know what kind of training he has undergone in that world, the only thing that is certain is that there is no World Heart Overlord in that world. However, after coming out of that world, he immediately participated in the third battle of God. LV3's absolute strength crushed all walkers and became one of the three kings of the world in one fell swoop."

"I can reach LV3 without the heart of the world?" Lin Luo was shocked when he heard this. You must know that the walker wants to reach LV3 with his own strength, but the probability is infinitely close to zero. What did the dark king do? Arrived? Even, just going through a world and going from the weakest to the strongest, it's just... too exaggerated!

However, the more exaggerated things are still to come.

Arthur continued: "And according to my acting god, there was only one host who entered the third battle. After defeating all walkers, the Dark King fought with that host, and finally defeated that host, but he did not Kill that host, but throw her out of her world."

"Arthur... is it serious?" Lin Luo asked in a deep voice with a shock.

"Absolutely true!"

"..." Hearing Arthur's answer without hesitation, Lin Luo couldn't sit still. With his own strength from LV2 to LV3, he could still be regarded as the Dark King with huge potential, and he would die and resurrect, as long as he hoped. It is not absolute zero, nor is it impossible, but!

To be able to resist the temptation of the Heart of the World and let go of the defeated host. This kind of temperament is definitely not comparable to ordinary people, it can be said to be as strong as steel!

Lin Luo didn't pay much attention to the Dark King before, after all, the two were only five points short of combat effectiveness, but now...Perhaps, this Dark King is even more terrifying than the evil King!

It seems that the walkers are not only arrogant like Mo Xinming and Sige, but also people with great perseverance and persistence. In this war game set by the gods, who is the protagonist and who is the one? supporting role……

"Haha! Hahaha!" Suddenly, Lin Luo laughed fiercely, and then ignoring the incredible eyes of the three people next to him, and said loudly, "It's so interesting, it's only this way to be interesting, the dark king, the evil king, that's the only way Talents are worthy of the title of the king of the world, but I can't be too far behind, so let's take the four of you for surgery first!"

As he said, Lin Luo's eyes shot two cold glows, and the point of his sight was four black figures flying at a positive speed not far from the right side.

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