The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 448: Perfect inheritance, black and white witches and black and white beasts

When he saw that his entire body had been wrapped in black flames, Nether knew that he was finished. The unpredictable flame burned his little power like tofu dregs, and burned it dry in an instant. It is clean, and spreads from the body to the depths of the soul, where the pain cannot be expressed in words.

"A man who made a lot of mistakes will fail!" Under the double attack of the light of purification and the black flame, countless dead souls left his body, and those resentments and hatreds also drifted from his memory. At this moment, the ghostly mind Finally recovered, looking at Lin Luo with bloodshot eyes, ignoring the pain deep into the soul, grinning and saying, "Ming Wang, it is a pity that I failed to fight you in the battle of God, otherwise the result may be different, but ...If you lose, you lose! You won, King Ming!"

Lin Luo looked at him indifferently, without saying a word. Although Youming smiled freely, but there was obvious unwillingness in his eyes. Also, almost 90% of the reason for this defeat was due to his greed. Before that huge benefit, it was impossible to distinguish what was the point, and if you rushed to get close, you were simply seeking your own death.

If he can hold back that greed and unwillingness to the three kings of the world, and use a formal method to analyze the rules of the world as at the beginning, the ending is really hard to say.

"Is it you or someone else who comes next? I will keep hell!"

After saying this, there was a crash, Nether's body was completely exhausted by Black Flame, a book entwined with the power of death was floating in the air, besides there was a heart of the world with supreme yellow.

"This is the heart of the world that Nether gets..." Although the heart of the world is basically wiped out of the original host after being absorbed by the walker, as Arthur said, the residual thoughts and The sadness of death will not disappear, which is very depressing.

The more he experienced, Lin Luo also looked down a lot. The fame and wealth and wealth in the world are like clouds to him. Power is only a means of protection. If you don’t need to participate in the battle of Gods, you can stay in your own world forever without incident. It doesn't matter to give up this power, but the remnant thoughts of the heart of this world make him unable to look down anyway, it is a kind of tingling deep into the soul.

"Are you conveying this longing? The original host." When the fingers touched the heart of the world, Lin Luo clearly felt it tremble, and couldn't help but smile, as if comforting, and said softly. , "Don't worry, I will not hand you over to anyone who walks. I will definitely find someone you can identify with, and let your residual thoughts go on with that person and continue your second life."


The Heart of the World uttered a soft cry, as if it had understood Lin Luo's words, took the initiative to fly towards him, and then turned into a ray of light into his body, temporarily fusing with the book of contract.

"The system found the eighth-numbered heart of the world-the heart of the king."

"The system found that the book of ghosts in the heart code has no contract owner and can be absorbed. Is it absorbed?"


Lin Luo refused to absorb the Netherworld's heart code, but temporarily stored that heart code. Now, even if he absorbs the book of ghosts at his own level, it will not be of much use except for adding an ability. It will be of great use to him. Ascending LV4 is not helpful, it may be more useful to others.

After collecting the two trophies, Lin Luo raised his head and looked around. He could no longer feel the breath of any evil spirits in the perception domain. The surroundings were empty and silent. In the sky, the black and white light had begun to fade. Up, the process of purifying the world seems to have come to an end.

"I have to get them back, but one is in the extreme east and the other is in the extreme west. I really have to run and break my leg..." Lin Luo shook his head helplessly, and then used the Void Momentum to add the law of fantasy. With the support of, ran toward the west of the world at the fastest speed.

The ability of fixed-point teleportation can only be used three times at this level. One time was used at the time of Mu Naoxiang, and the other two were used before. Now, he can only use his feet to drive on the road... The world ran back and forth from the extreme east to the extreme west, and it was estimated that it would not be possible within a day or two. This made Lin Luo very depressed. He felt that sending them there was completely asking for trouble.

But things were not as troublesome as Lin Luo imagined. Just before he ran far, the eleven killing stones suddenly rose to the sky and burst into bright light, as if they were attracting something, and the black and white light immediately resonated.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo hurriedly stopped... He remembered that in the memory of the inheritance of Huangquan and Kagura, after the world has been purified, the killing stone will return to its most primitive state, that is, it will be changed into a whole. , The black and white witch will also gather with the killing stone, and then use this power to merge with the world.

"It seems that I don't need to pick it up." Lin Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he thought of this. There are eleven killing stones here. As the saying goes, the minority obeys the majority. Of course, the meeting point is here. Just wait for them to come over. , As for the black and white witches and the world merged into one... Lin Luo didn't worry at all, because the heart of the world would not agree.

The host chosen by the heart of the world, no world power can interfere with their existence.

So Lin Luo immediately retreated to the original position. Huang Quan and Kagura will soon be attracted, and there is a killing stone in Bai Rui's body will come. Chaos Honglian is the spirit beast in Huangquan Sabre. Just put it in. It doesn't matter if you are a clone, but Arthur It is probably in trouble. He has nothing to do with the black and white witch and the killing stone. He can only rely on his own feet to come here from the extreme west of the world...

"Tsk, he might break his leg, right?" Lin Luo shook his head and closed his eyes, and mourned for Arthur for three seconds.

The eleven killing stones in the sky have been gathered together, they are arranged in a circle, just like the hour hand on a clock, but because there is one less, they can't fit together for the time being, and they keep rotating.

Of course, this situation did not last long. About five or six minutes later, Lin Luo had seen two black and white lights coming from east to west at an extremely fast speed. Soon, he saw Huangquan and Kagura in the beam of light. .

The twelfth killing stone seemed to have separated from Bai Rui's body and came here first. Then, all the killing stones merged together and instantly turned into a small multicolored stone, with a faint light spreading outward like water waves... …This scene made Lin Luo very familiar.

"It turned out to be like this!" Soon, he remembered that the stone he had placed in the storage space was of the same type as the complete killing stone! It's just that the destructive power is even greater, and the complete killing stone appears to be much milder, probably because it is assimilated into this world, but the essence of the two is the same.

In this way, it can also explain why the stone has no effect on Huangquan and Kagura, because they are black and white maidens, the masters of the killing stone, and the stone is equivalent to distant relatives.

"But having said that, what were those two stones in the beginning?" Lin Luo couldn't help but wonder again. It was obvious that the previous stone did not belong to this world because it had the power to explode this earth, and it was extremely powerful. Instability has seriously threatened this world, how can the world's will accommodate it.

But it is homologous to the complete killing stone... Lin Luo felt that it became more and more difficult to understand, and his head was a mess.

Shaking his head, he stopped going deeper and continued to pay attention to the killing stone in the air. At this moment, the black and white witch had also come to it. The two closed their eyes and seemed to have fallen into a coma, surrounding the killing stone.

Lin Luo knew that at this moment, the world was assimilating the black and white witches. Once they were assimilated, they would cease to exist and become part of the inheritance, and then wait for the next inheritance and lodge on the next pair of black and white witches... Of course, that's just For ordinary black and white witches, now they are selected by a higher level of the heart of the world, assimilation will be strongly resisted by the heart of the world.

"It should be over soon..." Looking at the scene in the air, Lin Luo couldn't help frowning. Although he believed in the power of the Heart of the World, he was still somewhat nervous.

About less than a minute later, there was a sudden click, and the killing petrified into two black and white ones, which penetrated into the bodies of Kagura and Huangquan respectively, and then the two floated down... It was obvious that the heart of the world was perfectly suppressed. The assimilation of this world, and the killing stone was also taken.



Suddenly, two loud roars sounded, and a huge figure emerged from behind Kagura. It was Bai Rui, but it was different from the original Bai Rui. It has two heads, which are **** by iron chains. It is more than 30 meters in length. It has a terrifying momentum and mighty power. There are three killing stones on the foreheads of the two heads.

Now Bai Rui is no longer Bai Rui, but Bai Rui!

On the other side, a black figure pouring out from the knife in Huang Quan's hand, it was Chaos Honglian. But at this moment it has also undergone a huge change. Although it is not as huge as Bai Rui, it is covered with a layer of black armor, and only a pair of copper bell-like eyes exudes a terrifying gloom, standing in the void, and also on the head. Six killing stones.

The chaotic red lotus with the killing stone is now a black beast!

This made Lin Luo extremely surprised, and Bai Rui had evolved. He didn't expect that even Red Lotus would have evolved. Moreover, the two beasts were both quite powerful. Faintly was about to reach the intermediate level of the spiritual level... Sure enough, the Heart of the World has something to change everything. Strength!

However, Lin Luo was already quite familiar with this, and quickly rushed forward, stretched out his hand, and took the two girls in his arms. Although they still did not wake up, they were not in any abnormal state. They were just sleeping because of weakness. That's it, this made Lin Luo completely relieved.

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