The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 450: Do not touch! The true face of the five-color stone

Just like her name, coming back and forth come in a hurry, and go in a hurry. In addition to the inexplicable, she is completely confusing. When Lin Luo reacted, she had completely disappeared from this world, and he even said " Wait a minute." It was too late to say, this really made him unable to calm down.

"This guy... even if you are passing by, at least you have to finish talking before leaving!" Looking at the empty environment in front of him, Lin Luo couldn't help complaining, but he still has a lot of questions to ask, even if there are some things. I can't say, but the Lola Leia incident, the guarding dragon race and the holy stone seed incident, and the most important mind and eye power... can't these also be revealed at all? or……

"You can't help me a little bit. This really cuts off all hope. It seems that I can only comprehend it by myself." Thinking of what Huiguilaixi said before, Lin Luo couldn't help frowning, his own uniqueness The difference really made me fall into a very bad situation. Not only did it have no help, but was restricted everywhere... No, it can't be said that there is no advantage, at least the hosts of the Heart of the World are all on their side.

"Maybe this is the reason." Lin Luo faintly felt that this was the reason why he could not get the help of the agent god. After all, the host was on his side, which meant that the heart of the world indirectly belonged to him.

Just a heart of the world in a sealed state can reverse time and space and change the world under the influence of the wishes of its host...Because of Mikoto’s desire, the heart of the world stops the time of that world, and then changes a whole future. Because of Rin’s desire, the Heart of the World allowed them to go back ten years ago, erasing the original history, and recreating a new future, while she was out of time and space, and would not cease to exist due to the disappearance of the old history. Nor will it exist in the new history. Such power is omnipotent!

So, what if you have all the heart of the world that can be unlocked and can be controlled by the host?

"!!!" When he thought of this, Lin Luo trembled, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore. He faintly understood where his advantages lie...a world heart is enough to change the world, if Having more world minds is enough to change everything. If this inborn heaven is immortal, if this earth is annihilated, the earth does not exist, if the three thousand worlds are separated from time and space, it cannot stop within the six realms!

More than just destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it is simply that everything is my wish.

"So, it's no wonder that even when I return home, I feel the pressure. This is not a joke." Lin Luo finally understood. Although I don't know how powerful the proxy gods can be, but with this advantage alone, he At least it can be as powerful as the acting gods, or even beyond them.

And there is a heart code that can contract the heart of the world, which has a greater potential than the heart of the world... As the saying goes, not inviting envy is mediocrity. This double potential has been placed here from the earliest moment, even if it is a proxy god. Will be jealous.

But having said that, why is such a powerful thing against the sky obtained by oneself? Isn't this chosen by the acting god? Or is it a self-selection from the heart?

"No, I can't think about it anymore!"

Lin Luo shook his head fiercely, and immediately threw these thoughts out of Jiu Xiaoyun. He felt that he had faintly touched the core of God War. Although it made him excited, it was more of an inexplicable fear. The fact that he has two levels of potential has already made the acting gods jealous. How to reach the core of the battle, God knows what will happen.

As the saying goes, the more you know, the faster you will die. Until you have enough strength, you can't touch those too huge secrets anyway.

"Forget it, let's forget about the matter just now, but what makes me care more is what does the last sentence mean when I return?"

‘Boy, go and die once, how about it? 'Although this sentence is said in a joking tone, Lin Luo feels that there is a faint seriousness and warning in her words. Does she mean to let herself die once to avoid all hidden dangers? ?

What a joke, it can't be so!

If you die, you will have nothing. This is not a game. There is also the saying of deleting the account and re-practicing it.'s a joke.

"Ah, forget it, the more I think about it, the more chaotic it is, the boat will be straight at the end of the bridge, I believe this sentence for a while." After thinking for a long time, Lin Luo didn't get any clues, and finally did not think about it. With these complicated questions, he shook his head, calmed his mood, and then flew towards the city in the sky.

After a while, before he could fly to the Sky City, he saw that the girls were all standing in the atrium from a distance. When they landed, they all greeted them and asked with open mouth.

"What the **** happened?"

"Did that person treat you?"

"What happened to the change in the Avenue of Stars this time?"


The girls were chattering, but Lin Luo couldn't answer them one by one. Finally, under his sign, everyone stopped asking. Of course, he still didn't leave a word on what he should say, about eating snacks this time. The things the world has encountered, there are things that come back and forth... But the only thing that made him die once was not said.

When I heard that Lin Luo was only ranked in the top three among the walkers, and even the gap with the top two was still very large, the girls' faces became serious. After all, this matter is closely related to them and made them aware of the problem. Seriously, such a gap can no longer allow them to continue to "lounge".

As for the series of things after returning to the Sky City, Lin Luo also heard from them. Simply put, she was like a robber and directly attacked, if it weren’t for Mikoto and Long Wanxuan. Knowing her, I guess the damage to the Sky City is not just a door...

After briefly talking about their respective experiences, Lin Luo released Huangquan and Kagura from the fourth dimension...Anyway, every time Lin Luo came back from other worlds, he would bring one or two girls, which is also strange for this kind of thing. No wonder, coupled with the previous sense of urgency, the women didn't say much except for introducing themselves.

However, Huang Quan and Kagura were obviously shocked. Although they had heard Lin Luo talk about the Sky City for a long time, they never expected that there would be so many girls here. For a time, the two looked at Lin Luo. Luo's eyes were a little weird.

Lin Luo had nothing to say besides embarrassment and laughter. In fact, he was somewhat affected by what he said when he returned, which caused a heavier mood.

After everyone chatted for a while, Lin Luo looked at Chao Lingyin and said seriously: "Chao, can you make an absolutely vacuum container?"

"Absolutely vacuum container?" Chao Lingyin was taken aback for a moment, somewhat unclear.

Lin Luo nodded, "Yes, I need an airtight container. It doesn't need to be very large, as long as it is the size of a palm, but it must be vacuumed."

Although I don’t know what Lin Luo wants the vacuum container to do, but seeing his serious look, Chao Lingyin is also cautious, frowning: "I can’t make an absolute vacuum container, but I will try to be as close as possible. Absolute vacuum, no matter if it is energy, light, sound, or fluctuations, it can’t be conveyed into it. Is this okay?”

"Well, it's okay, as long as external forces can't cause fluctuations inside."

"Then it's okay, wrap it on me... Adart! Super assembled empire!" Hearing what he said, Chao Lingyin suddenly looked confident, and the voice fell and flew out of the ring in her hand. A glassware with the size of a palm cube, although it looks ordinary, it is vaguely visible that no light energy or anything can enter it.

"That's it." Lin Luo was overjoyed, and had to say that the super-ring tone contract items were really too useful, otherwise, it would take at least a long time to make such a vacuum container.

At the same time, Lin Luo also opened up his storage space, and then a colorful stone flew out of thin air. The next moment, Lin Luo shook his hand like lightning, and the vacuum vessel had disappeared, waiting for it to appear again. At the time, the colored stone was miraculously covered in it.

Although Lin Luo's storage space is also in a vacuum, every time it is opened, the colored stone will fluctuate slightly due to his influence, which makes him unable to rest assured, so in order to improve safety, he must arrange another vacuum. In this way, the influence can be minimized.

Everyone is already familiar with Lin Luo's abilities, but when they saw this scene, some people were still surprised. After all, the container was completely closed. How did you put the stone in? But it was the stone that made them more curious, and could faintly feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

"This stone..." Just when Lin Luo put the colored stone into the vacuum vessel, Long Wanxuan exclaimed fiercely. Everyone couldn't help but look at her when they heard the voice, but her face changed unexpectedly. He was ashamed, staring straight on the colored stone, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Not only her, but the other four strongest dragon girls who followed her also showed a scared expression.

"Do you know it?" Seeing their expressions, Lin Luo suddenly thought of something, his heart jumped sharply, and couldn't help asking. The other girls also cast their sights on Long Wanxuan, after all, this is the first time this super expert showed such a look of fear.

Long Wanxuan nodded solemnly, his face was unprecedented seriousness and caution, "Where did you get it?"

"Just before, I just said it."

"It turns out that, although the colors and shapes are somewhat different, this feeling can't be wrong..." Long Wanxuan raised his head, looked at Lin Luo, and said word by word, "It has destroyed much of our dragon clan. The seed of the holy stone of this world is exactly the same!"

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