The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 465: Lori, the first ghost in Gensokyo

Protruding from the half-open door was a very cute little loli with blond hair and red eyes, light yellow hair with a single ponytail, a white hat on her head, and a red goth loli costume. If From the outside, this loli is indeed quite cute. It should belong to the type of human beings. With the innocent and a little dumb expression on the face, I am afraid that even if it is not lo*ic*n, it will give birth to it. I held her in my arms and felt a lot of love.

However, if someone does this, the result is probably very miserable. At least Lin Luo dare not do it, because she has a full understanding of the horror of this cute loli...not only a well-known house in Gensokyo. One of the female trio, and one of the most famous ghost trio in Gensokyo, she gave her the nickname "Ghost Girl".

The owner of the Crimson Devil Mansion is Remilia Scarlet, a wayward and arrogant loli vampire who has lived for five hundred years. The most important person in the Crimson Devil Mansion is Ikuyasu Sakiya, who takes care of everything in the Crimson Devil Mansion. The omnipotent maid of things, the wisest person in the Red Devil Mansion is Paqiuli Noreji, a sick housemaid and witch who has lived for more than 100 years. But to ask who is the strongest person in the Crimson Devil Mansion, it is worthy of being the second vampire in the Crimson Devil Mansion, that is, Flandre Scarlett, five years younger than Remilia’s sister. .

Because Flandre’s abilities were too dangerous, Remilia kept her in the basement of the Crimson Devil Hall, but since the Crimson Devil Village incident, her range of activities has expanded to the entire Crimson Devil Hall, sometimes in the Red Devil Hall. Nei wandered alone, but never heard that she still has a room outside the basement?

Lin Luo couldn't think of it. He was just going to the bathroom, and he met the scariest guy in the Red Devil Mansion-the legendary Ghost Beast Girl. This made him feel that...this can meet the second lady, he himself Damn it's harder than the spearman, no matter how lucky the spearman is, there is still an E, and he is directly negative!

Flandre is a magical girl who became a vampire...probably. Although he is 495 years old, he still belongs to the age of a little girl based on the years of life of the vampire. For unknown reasons, her wings had been damaged, probably related to her ability, replaced by a pair of incredible light wings emitting seven colors of light, with many magic crystals connected in series on the light wings to enhance magic power.

As a vampire, Flandre certainly has all the powerful powers of vampire, and even has forbidden techniques that other vampires do not possess. The strength is quite powerful, but the most terrifying thing is her unique ability... the ability to destroy everything in front of her!

Her ability is similar to the Eye of Straight Death, but in fact it is much stronger than the Eye of Straight Death. The Demon Eye of Straight Death can see the dead line of things, and then cut the dead line to kill things. If you don't really take over the things, things won't die.

But Fran’s abilities don’t need to be so troublesome. What she can see is the point of material destruction (also called the target), which is of the same nature as the dead line, and she can also concentrate these "targets" in her hands. By damaging these "eyes", she can quickly disintegrate touchable and untouchable things, which is an irresistible destructive power. Therefore, although she is a younger sister, her strength is far superior to that of her older sister Remilia.

In fact, from the perspective of the nature of the ability, Fran’s ability is the closest to Lin Luo’s Destroying Heiyan. After all, Destroying Heiyan is also capable of attacking touchable and untouchable things, so as to achieve complete “killing”. But the difference is that Fran is destruction, while Destroying Heiyan is Brahma Burn. Judging from the time and space of being able to burn the Brahma, it seems to be a higher level of destruction of Heiyan, but Lin Luo is not as convenient as Fran. After all, she can kill things as long as she squeezes a fist, which is impossible to prevent. , What a horror!

Therefore, when Lin Luo saw Fran, the first thought that came out of Lin Luo's heart was to run quickly...just kidding, playing with the ghost sister, he will be curious!

Because of the flaws in the spirit and thinking, Fran did not have a correct understanding of the things that can be destroyed and the things that cannot be destroyed, and will cause great damage to the surrounding things intentionally or unintentionally. This is also what Remilia locked her up. The most important reason, otherwise, once she was released, it would definitely cause blood to flow into a river. Moreover, even if there were very few people who dared to approach her in the Crimson Devil Hall, everyone was afraid of being accidentally ruined by Fran.

But this idea was rejected by Lin Luo as soon as he was born. The reason is that he is now suffering from bad luck... Reimu also said that this kind of bad luck must be guarded from time to time, but you must not be afraid. Once you are cowardly, then the bad luck will come more severe. On the contrary, if you go forward bravely, bad luck will also be "feared".

Since it was unlucky enough to encounter the ghost girl who could not be encountered, then simply face it bravely. If you run away, God knows if something more terrifying will happen.

So Lin Luo took back the steps he was about to take in time, looked at Fran with a cordial smile, and half lowered her body, "You are the second lady of the Red Devil Hall. Hello, I am a visiting guest. Call me Lin Luo. All right."

Although he wanted to move forward courageously, facing the second lady at such a close distance, Lin Luo was still somewhat scared... As a result of the half-month retreat in the Sky City, in addition to having a detailed understanding of his own abilities, his greatest The gain is the understanding and cognition of the ground.

In general, there are three components of a stratum, strength, realm and xinxing. Strength is the foundation, realm is manifestation, xinxing is consciousness, and the three are indispensable. Only when all three of them reach the ground level can they be the real ground-level powerhouse.

Power does not need to be explained, it is literal, while the realm is a change of nature, which is mainly reflected in coercion and life form. Take the creator, as soon as she appeared, she strongly shocked Yiwen and Sakiya. Five people is a kind of suppression on the realm.

A strong ground-level can kill people invisible with coercion alone, and the legendary killing with eyes is just like that.

As for the final xinxing, this is very abstract and difficult to explain with words. In layman's terms, it is a state of mind of a strong man. As the saying goes, you can understand how far you stand and see.

Lin Luo hasn't encountered a complete stratum yet, of course, it doesn't count as returning home, that guy is at least a celestial stage. Even if she is the strongest opponent, Creator, she has been in contact with before, she is just an incomplete level... Since the end of the War of the Ancients, her power has fallen to the lowest point in history, and the projection world has caused her power to fall again. Once, even the life form fell to the ground, and the only things that remained were coercion and xinxing.

Because of the lack of the most basic power, the creator who fought Lin Luo at that time could not even be considered a half-level. The most powerful period of the creator was in the ancient times. At that time, she was the truly complete level. It is almost omnipotent if you want the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain.

The next thing that can be connected with the ground level is Flandre in front of her. Her power has undoubtedly reached the level of the ground level. After all, her destructive power is second to none in Gensokyo. If you can’t enter the ground level like this, then Gensokyo doesn't need to be mixed up.

But in the other two aspects, it’s not enough. The realm barely reaches a quarter, the coercion and life form are half, and the character... a little girl with mental problems, if there is a ground-level character, then What a hell.

Therefore, Fulan Duolu is also an incomplete level.

In fact, according to Lin Luo’s understanding of Gensokyo, aside from the existence of Tengu, Heaven, and Hades, who can only hear his name but not see him, he can really judge the complete level of only four people, namely Feng Jian Youxiang and Eight Yun Zi, Bayi Yonglin, and Xixing Temple Youyouzi... Lin Luo is sure that these four people are absolutely complete.

As for the others, they can only be judged after they have actually contacted them. Of course, the two guys like Dragon God and Alice’s mother Kanzaki, there is no doubt above the ground level, but the two guys basically won’t show up, so they just ignore it. That's it.

To be honest, facing the incomplete level of the second lady, Lin Luo would rather face real level powers such as Fengjian Youxiang. After all, the latter is strong, but it will not hurt people at will. They can all be used. Language is used to communicate, but the second lady... She only uses "play" to communicate with others.

Lin Luo said that there is a lot of pressure. This king-level Red Devil Hall is really not easy to use, when will it drop?

"Are you going to play with me?" Very Cannian, this is not a game, there is no possibility of disconnection, but Fran's expectation and blank eyes, the weak voice is extremely affectionate.

Fran’s room was located at a turnaround. The fairy maid couldn’t see the situation here, so Lin Luo couldn’t count on someone to rescue him. Escape might lead to more dangerous things. In desperation, he had to be patient with the second lady. Communicate slowly, "Do you really want to play with people?"

"Yeah." Fran nodded slightly, her eyes showing a little bit of loneliness, "Because no one played with me all the time. Although there were occasional guests who came to play with me before, the guests disappeared soon afterwards, and the room became too. It was messy, and then my sister got angry and made Fran unable to do this..."

Having said this, the girl’s tone suddenly showed a bit of grievance, "But Fran did nothing. Fran is a good boy and always listens to her sister’s words, but everything is not very strong, as long as you touch it. It will break, you see."

With that, the girl reached out and pressed the door, and then with a crash, the door was completely broken.

"..." Lin Luo's head was sweaty, and he knew very well about Fran's abilities, but he didn't know at all about Fran's character, whether it was ignorant and natural, or was he who had an extremely rich inner world. Li...probably only after in-depth contact will you understand it?

But what should we do? Is it to play or not to play?

this is a problem.

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