The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 467: Is the close contact with the second lady a feast or a disaster?

The underground library of the Red Devil Hall.

"Strange, why hasn't that guy come over yet? It's really slow." Marisa complained while flipping through the books on the library shelf. When she was talking, she would touch her pocket from time to time, probably the "book-holding" hand. The addiction has occurred, but because of the need to ask for something now, I dare not act rashly.

In front of the desk behind Marisa sits a girl in a large pink magic robe with long purple hair, holding a book in her hand, watching carefully, and issuing a warning without looking back, "Don't If you take my book any more, I will be angry."

She is the brain of the Red Devil Mansion and one of Gensokyo's outstanding wise men. Archmage Pachurinuo Reki is also the target of Lin Luo and Marisa's trip. Although she looks like a human being, she is a witch.

Her hobbies are magic and books, not only good at many kinds of magic, but also dedicated to developing new magic, and then making a magic book. Most of the books in the library are written by her. Generally speaking, there is nothing special. She will not leave the library. She is one of the three otakus in Gensokyo.

"Don't worry, I won't take your book today." Marisa smiled awkwardly and put the book back, but the meaning in her words is that everyone can hear it. If you don't take it today, it doesn't mean you won't take it next time.

"It would be best if you can borrow and repay it." Paqiuli also knew that it was impossible to prevent this guy from stealing the book, so she continued to read the book without saying anything.

"By the way, didn't you really analyze the box?" Marisa couldn't help walking to her side when she saw that she was not talking, leaning her hands on the desk and lowering her head.

Paqiuli looked calm, her tone of voice was full of her intellectual aura, "There are already some eyebrows, but the intelligence is not enough, and it is impossible to make a conclusion. Only after seeing the symptoms of the person you just mentioned, I can Make the most correct judgment."

"But that guy hasn't come here yet. It shouldn't be possible to be defeated by China. He didn't meet his sister, right? Haha." Marisa laughed, but she didn't know that she really guessed it right.

At this moment, a figure in a maid costume suddenly appeared in the library. It was Sakuya, but her face seemed to be less calm. As soon as she appeared, she asked the two of them: "Miss Pachuli , Marisa, Lin Luo hasn't come over yet?"

Paqiuli nodded and Marisa shrugged, but both of them had a weird look in their eyes, because they heard the worry in Sakuya's tone, but how could the other's character worry about a stranger?

"Do you know him?" Marisa asked straightforwardly.

"Well, it was a bit of contact some time ago." Sakiya casually perfunctory, then frowned slightly, "It's really strange, the fairy said that he didn't find him, and he's not here, so where did he go?"

"After Marisa sneaked in, did you bring him in?" Paqiuli asked.

Sakuya nodded and said the previous story again, "Because the eldest lady is looking for me, I asked the fairy to bring him here, but the fairy said that after he went to the toilet, he didn't come out again. I found him, I thought he was already here..."

Hearing what Sakiya said, Paqiuli also felt weird and put down her book. "The terrain of the Red Devil Mansion is indeed a bit complicated. It is normal for outsiders to get lost the first time they come in, but Marisa said that he is very strong, so it shouldn’t be. This happens...wait!"

Speaking of this, Pa Qiuli suddenly thought of something, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Sakiya, "Sakiya, which direction is the toilet referred to by the fairy?"

"East, is there any problem?" Sakiya looked puzzled.

"...Then the problem is big." When she heard her answer, Paqiuli suddenly lost her voice, and then immediately got up from her seat and walked out, "We have to go there quickly. of."

"What do you mean?" Sakiya and Marisa were confused by what she said, and followed up and asked.

Pa Qiuli explained as she walked, and soon they understood the reason Pa Qiuli was worried...Because of Saki Ye’s disappearance some time ago, the Red Devil Mansion lost her power to maintain, and the entire space in the Red Devil Mansion shrank sharply. Not only did these people who were accustomed to live very uncomfortable, but even had a little trouble in the basement, so Flandre was rushed to the upper floor and lived in the room on the east side of the Red Devil Mansion.

But in view of the danger of Fran’s ability, Paqiuli arranged a barrier around her room. The function of this barrier is not to prevent Fran from going out, but to cut off the horizon... Let’s put it this way, if someone comes. When you get to Fran’s room, this barrier will play a different role according to that person’s strength. The weak will never see Fran’s room, and of course they will not be able to go to the door of her room, but the strong will do. Contact can not only lead to the normal room, but also enter Fran's room.

As for the judgment of strength and weakness, it is naturally the extent to which it can be easily destroyed by Fran and the extent that it cannot be destroyed by Fran.

With this explanation, Sakuya and Marisa also felt their heads big. Although Fran had some mental problems, she listened to her sister's words very much. Since Remy asked her to stay in that room, she would not run around, and the fairy We can’t see that room and won’t stray into it to avoid destruction, but Lin Luo’s strength is not comparable to fairies. He... can see Fran’s room, so if Lin Luo enters Fran's room, the fairies naturally couldn't find him.

In fact, it was exactly the same. The direction the fairy pointed Lin Luo was the normal direction, but Lin Luo saw a place that the fairy could not see. If it were normal, he might not go wrong, but now Lin Luo was trapped by bad luck and applied an advertisement...anything is possible.

"Sakuya, Paqi, where are you going?" Not long after the three of them walked out of the underground library, a voice rang in their ears. The source of the voice was a girl sitting in the lobby drinking tea leisurely...or Luo Li.

She is Remilia Scarlett, the owner of the Red Devil Hall. She looks like a girl about ten years old. She has double wings on her back, and her dress is similar to Flandre. She is also a Gothic Sakura Gothic Lolita. Lei Bud Hat. With light blue hair, tiger teeth and blood red pupils, the two sisters are very similar... After all, they are sisters, of course.

However, compared to the innocent Flandre, Remilia is a bit more dignified and arrogant, and pays great attention to decency. She seems to be a very strict and meticulous person... But it's just what it looks like, actually. She has the same age as her appearance, very capricious and childish, and full of curiosity.

Let’s just talk about it now. Seeing the three of Sakiya rushing out of the library, her exuberant curiosity broke out. She jumped off the chair with a bang and walked in front of the three of them, “Sakuya, I I told you, don’t just run around, there are still many things waiting for you to do.”

"Yes, Missy." Sakiya bowed slightly.

"By the way, what are you doing in such a hurry? Are you doing something interesting?"

"It's like this..." Sakiya said the matter briefly.

"Ah, that would be a little troublesome." Although Remilia said that it was troublesome, she showed a hint of interest in her eyes, plus a little gloat, and then turned and walked eastward, "Then let's go and take a look. Okay, save that kid by the way, hope he hasn't been badly played."

"This guy's character is still very willful." Marisa quietly said to the two people next to her.

"Have you seen when she was not willful?" Paqiuli looked accustomed to it.

"..." Sakiya said she was speechless.

…On the other hand, in Fran’s room, the barrage game between the two has ended. Lin Luo is very thankful that Fran can still communicate with words, and did not use the Quadruple Existence and the Magic Moon, but Rao is In this way, after dealing with the opponent's "495-year ripple", he also felt a little soft in his hands and feet.

After all, half a ground level is also a ground level, and his current strength is also the peak of the spiritual level. In terms of comprehensive strength, the ghost girl is suppressed across the board, and the opponent does not know how to be merciful. The ability to always guard against that destruction is a huge test for his mental and physical strength, but the harvest is not bad, at least the most obvious point, the second lady's favor with him has improved a lot.

"It's so fun, you really haven't broken it at all." Fran hopped to Lin Luo's side, with the excitement after the game still on her face, her eyes full of expectation, "You can accompany me again in the future. Play?"

"...No problem." Lin Luo laughed, feeling quite bitter in his heart. Facts have proved that it is very hard to beat a swollen face to fill a fat man. If you are not careful, you will really be beaten.

Because of the excessive use of Destroy Black Flame before, it caused a lot of damage to his body, and coupled with the huge consumption of physical strength, after speaking, Lin Luo was already sitting on the ground, recovering his physical strength while using healing techniques to repair his injuries. .

Fran didn’t know what he was doing, she looked at him curiously, and then squatted down beside Lin Luo, and at the same time stretched out her slender hand to grab Lin Luo’s face...

"Damn!!!" This shock was not trivial. Lin Luo jumped up directly from the ground, but it is estimated that it was because of the unstable bottom plate or bad luck. Instead of standing up, he fell behind him.

"Ah." Fran exclaimed, and instinctively stretched out her hand to pull him, but in non-combat state, her strength was at the level of ordinary people, so instead of pulling Lin Luo up, this pull did not pull Lin Luo up, but she also fell. In the past, the whole person fell on Lin Luo.

At this moment, Lin Luo was lying on the ground with both hands supporting the ground, while Fran was sitting on his lap, leaning forward, pressing his hands on Lin Luo's chest, the two faces were less than 20 centimeters apart.

It's warm, it's really warm now!

"..." Looking at the devil girl sitting on her body, Lin Luo's mood was very complicated. It should have been a happy thing to have close contact with such a cute little loli, but the destruction of the little loli The force made him unable to ignore, the little hands that were in close contact with his body, shocked him in a cold sweat.

"That...Fran, you stand up first." Lin Luo forcedly suppressed the anxiety in his heart, with a soft tone and a smile, trying to appease this cute and dangerous little Lolita.

"I still want to continue playing games." I don't know if Fran is really ignorant, or deliberately black, she continued to lean forward a bit, looking straight at Lin Luo, with expectations and grievances in her eyes.

"I know, I will definitely play with you again next time." On the one hand, there was a slight physical enjoyment, and on the other hand, there was a great mental torture. Lin Luo wanted to cry without tears.



"Narago?" As she said, Fran handed her hand to Lin Luo.

What age are you still playing with Lagou...

Lin Luo felt very speechless, but at this time it is better not to violate Demon Girl's words, so he also stretched out his hand and hooked his **** together... To be honest, Lin Luo was under a lot of pressure.

"Hehe." After pulling the hook, Fran laughed happily, and then her gaze fell on Lin Luo's shoulder. Because of the previous game, the part of Lin Luo's shoulder was scraped by the barrage, and blood was shed. At this time, he had not completely repaired it, and looking at the bright red blood, Fran could no longer look away. , An instinct breeds in her heart.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo was shocked. Fran had no common sense of attacking humans. If she sucked blood, she would **** up a drop of human blood!

Lin Luo subconsciously wanted to push her away, but it was too late. Under the control of instinct, Fran had already bitten on his shoulder first, sucking his blood.

Lin Luo's face changed drastically. Now he has no regular power to produce blood. Although the restoration of the sacred healing technique also has the function of increasing blood, the devil girl can resist it without the healing technique, so Lin Luo immediately took her Push away. Of course, he didn't use much strength, just let the Devil Girl leave his shoulder, and then heal the wound on the shoulder as quickly as possible.

"I want to eat!" Fran was dissatisfied at once, but this dissatisfaction did not last long, because she saw that Lin Luo's mouth was bleeding too, so she rushed again. Before Lin Luo could react, the devil girl had already His lips bite tightly...

This, this, this... Can this suck? !

Lin Luo was completely stunned, the Devil Girl sucked very sensually, not only using her lips, but also sticking out her tongue to lick, so that he could not calmly. Feeling the softness and moistness on the mouth, struggling between pushing and not pushing.


At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly heard four cries of surprise in his ears, and subconsciously looked over, he saw four girls standing at the door, each of which he knew very well... Remilia, Sakuya, Paqiuli and Marisa.

Lin Luo's face changed drastically, he knew this was real bad luck!

Without any hesitation, Remilia had a bright red spear in her hand, pointing directly at Lin Luo.

"Sharp Gun! Shoot him!"

Miss PS: Don't complain about my moves, you will lose if you are serious.

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