The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 470: MQ, your storytelling ability is really powerful!

Speaking of it, Lin Luo has already had two "confessions" to Sakiya, but I don't know if the time between the two is too short, or because his strategy is not in place, or because Sakiya's personality makes the two The relationship between people has always been tepid, above friends, but below ambiguity, how to put put it in a sentence, their favorability is a bit cold.

In this regard, Lin Luo is somewhat entangled. Although he also wants to improve the relationship between the two after coming to Gensokyo, he is helpless now that he is surrounded by "vulgar things", not only has a big boss like red and white, but even has a curse. Zhi He is such a big trouble, the matter of picking up the girl can only be postponed temporarily. Anyway, the problem of curse must be solved first, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

After all, he has seen red N times in less than a day.

Therefore, after the blood was drained, apart from a few conversations about official business, there was no chance for anything ambiguous to happen, such as the teapot suddenly tipped over and the clothes were wet, and the feet suddenly slipped and fell. Exposing her underwear, or accidentally taking an aphrodisiac, beep beep... I'm sorry, Sakiya is perfect as a maid, even if the sun comes out from the south, she will not make such a natural mistake.

In addition, because of Sakiya’s loss, he recovered. Before he came, the Red Devil Mansion had a small celebration. Lily ate and drank at the celebration. In the end, she was miraculously drunk. She is currently lying in the Red Devil Mansion. There was a lot of sleep in this room, and Lin Luo could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Then, after the blood-added black tea was brewed, Sakuya took it outside the hospital and fed it to Miss and Miss. As for how to feed it, please make it up by yourself. And Lin Luo was led by the little devil to the underground library... The little devil was a demon summoned by Paqiuli, not under the control of the Red Devil Mansion. He only worked for Paqiuli, which was to help manage the library, even though he was a demon. One of them, but the strength is very weak, with two pairs of wings, a long red hair, wearing a black gothic costume, looks like a fifteen or four-year-old girl, in fact, is indeed a child.

The little devil's personality is more mischievous, and she likes to mischief. This was vividly shown when she took Lin Luo to the library. Although on the surface she looked respectful, but whenever Lin Luo didn’t pay attention to her, her mouth would He whispered thoughts, grimacing and sticking his tongue out.

The little devil thought that Lin Luo hadn't seen it and was very diligent, but in fact, her every move was within Lin Luo's "line of sight", which made Lin Luo very speechless. Originally, he wanted to tease this a little bit. A purely naughty little guy, but before he can think of a way, the library has already arrived. This can't help but make his plan dead, and he has no choice but to "retaliate" in the future.

"Master, I have brought the guests." In front of Paqiuli, to be correct, when there are too many people, the little devil's naughty has been restrained by herself, and she appears quite polite.

"Well, I see, you can go to work." Paqiuli was still sitting at her desk, seeming to be studying something, she looked attentively, and didn't look back, she said lightly.

The little devil responded, and then she flew to work elsewhere in the library.

"It's okay for you?" Marisa was originally by Paqiuli's side. After Lin Luo arrived, she ran up to ask. It was not how much she cared, but she was a little bit curious. What will happen after the blood rise?

"Strange, I don't think you have changed much." To Marisa's surprise, Lin Luo was not as weak as she thought, but was as energetic as when she came.

"...Why do I think you seem a little disappointed?" Lin Luo gave her a painful look.

"Hahaha, are you there?" Marisa suddenly smirked.

"..." Well, it would be a very stupid thing to be true to this guy who lacks muscles.

Lin Luo no longer entangled with Marisa, walked to the desk, and asked the girl who was still looking down in the book, "Is there any detailed progress on the curse? Miss Paqiuli." Lin Luo There is a trace of respect in his tone, after all, the basic courtesy is still necessary to ask for help.

"Yeah." Paqiuli nodded, her eyes still falling on the book, "I have seen your symptoms just now, and found a few clues. If you are lucky, you will be able to draw a conclusion soon."

"That's great. Regardless of success or failure, I will definitely repay you." Lin Luo was overjoyed. Although the price of asking Pa Qiuli for help has been paid in his own blood, it was for Remilia. It has nothing to do with Pachuli, and Remilia is the type who takes money and doesn't do anything.

As for how to repay, he was fully prepared before he came to Gensokyo... Although Gensokyo has many strong men, most of them have "fatal" weaknesses, and they only need to "attack" their weaknesses. , No matter how strong it is, it can be easily defeated.

For example, Reimu’s weakness is incense money, Marisa’s weakness is magic research, Cirno’s weakness is an idiot, Missy’s weakness is naturally his blood, and Pachuli’s weakness is undoubtedly hers. Asthma.

As a magician, Paqiuli is quite strong. She moved the entire Red Devil Mansion to Gensokyo by herself, which fully reflects her strength. In terms of combat power, it is even ranked first in Gensokyo. The ladder is also possible, but in fact, if she really fights, she can only be ranked in the second ladder. The reason is that she suffers from hereditary asthma.

This disease cannot be cured by magic. Not only does it prevent her from fighting for a long time, she is also easily interrupted when she chants spells. Even her physique is not as good as that of ordinary humans, and she cannot do strenuous exercise. If she loses her magic, even if Even an ordinary strong man can push her down Beep Beep...

But having said that, Beep Beep is also a strenuous exercise, so Paqiuli cannot be Beep Beep.

Because of the existence of asthma, Paqiuli did not go out easily, did not walk around casually, and did not do some strenuous exercises. Almost all of the more than 100 years have been spent in the library, so she developed her. The habit of the house...the big library that does not move, this title probably came from this.

However, in Lin Luo's eyes, this disease can be cured with a single move. He originally planned to use this to increase Pa Qiuli’s favorability, but now... But Lin Luo has a more sinister idea, that is, points. To approve the treatment of Paqiuli’s asthma is not only to show the difficulty of curing the disease, but also to show his hard work. In this way, Paqiuli’s favorability is not smashed, but also through physical contact. , If you are lucky, you may be able to directly rise to the level of rushing.

Of course, Paqiuli didn’t know his “sad motives”, nor did he know that he had the heaven-defying ability of sacred healing arts. She thought that Lin Luo was just polite and didn’t care. In fact, she did not expect Lin. Luo thanked her for having a certain interest in the Cursed Box.

"Yeah." Pa Qiuli replied casually, and Pa Qiuli continued to pay attention to the materials in her hand. Lin Luo did not bother her. Like Marisa, she was idly looking through the magic book in the library. It was strange, he I found a doujinshi here, the title is Oriental Three-City Guan vs. Double Paparazzi...

After about half an hour, Paqiuli finally closed the book and raised her head, "I found it. I already know the source of this cursed box and the reason for its curse."

"Really!" Upon hearing these words, Lin Luo and Marisa immediately put down their gadgets, ran to Paqiuli's side, and said in unison, "Did you find a solution?"

Paqiuli nodded and said: "The way to solve the curse is related to the cause of the curse box. Now I will talk about this reason first. A long time ago, there was a man and a woman, the man was Romeo and the woman was Juliet. ..."


Lin Luo fell to the ground without standing still, Nima! This is Gensokyo, not a stage play, where did Romeo and Juliet come out? M Q, are you telling a story? Which world did you travel from? He is dead!

"Sure enough, let's bleed too much." Marisa smiled gleefully when he fell on the ground, while Paqiuli asked with a calm face, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine, but my feet are a little slippery." Lin Luo stood up and waved his hand, his face was calm as usual, "Please continue to speak."...Brother has experienced so many broken worlds, just a little bit. Nothing to say to Romeo and Juliet.

So Paqiuli said again: "The man and woman are lovers who are in love, but the woman is a nobleman while the man is a commoner. Because of the difference in status and status, their relationship is greatly hindered..."

Strange, aren't both Romeo and Juliet nobles? Their tragedy is because the two families are enemies... Lin Luo secretly complained.

"However, the lovers did not cut off contact because of the influence of the family. Instead, they loved more deeply, but the obstruction of the elders became more serious. In the end, the woman's family even betrothed Juliet to another noble with family ties..."

Lin Luo frowned, he thought he had heard this story routine in another tragedy.

"Originally, Romeo and Juliet were going to elope, but due to various reasons, the communication between the two could not be reached. In the end, Romeo died before Juliet got married..."

No, I really feel that this is not the Romeo and Juliet version... Lin Luoxin said.

"Then, Juliet went to the toilet on the way to get married, and then ran to Romeo's grave without being noticed. Because the death of her lover made her desperate, she hit her head to death on the grave. In the end, the two turned into butterflies and flew towards distance……"

Nima! This is Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai!

Lin Luo heard it out, this script was definitely compiled by Mu Q combined with Eastern and Western cultures!

"What a poignant love story." Marisa seemed to be touched and wiped the unnecessarily tears from the corners of her eyes.

Lin Luo said he couldn't complain.

"Well, this love story is indeed very beautiful, but what does it have to do with the cursed box? Is it Romeo and Juliet's revenge after their death?" Lin Luo forced himself to be calm, and then asked.

"No." But Paqiuli shook her head, "It's not them that cursed, but the fiancé of Juliet of Romeo NTR, Dongfang Xiu."

"Dongfang Xiucai..." Lin Luo's mouth twitched, Mu Q, do you dare to break it more thoroughly?

"Yes, in fact Dongfang Xiucai loves Juliet very much, but because Romeo NRT made him vomit blood and died, he turned into an evil spirit after his death because of his love and hatred, and packed all his grievances in a box. , It's the cursed box you smashed."

Really bullshit... Lin Luo didn't want to complain anymore.

"Actually, if ordinary people open the curse box, their luck is just a little bit bad. At most, it is the kind of depression in the first episode and not the next episode of doujinzhi. It will not turn into bad luck, but if the person who opens the curse box is a couple Loved couples, then the problem is very troublesome... I think, when you opened the curse box, you should have acted intimately, right?"

"Uh..." Lin Luo and Marisa were stunned for a while, "'s true, but it was just an accident."

"That's right." Paqiuli nodded. "The resentment of the Dongfang scholar should be to treat you as Romeo and Juliet, so he cursed you to death, and this curse became doom."

"..." Lin Luo understood. He was shot while lying down. What a **** mistake!

"But why does my curse become bad luck, while Marisa is only a little bit?"

"It's very simple. Although Dongfang Xiucai hates Juliet, he also loves her. It is impossible to curse her to death. At most, he curses her for failing to escape in the future..."

"..." Marisa was embarrassed, didn't this cut her money.

"But you are different. You are Romeo who NTR him in Dongfang Xiucai's grievances. Do you think he will show mercy to a man who hates his wife?"

"...Then I am really a tragedy." Lin Luo wanted to cry without tears.

"In addition, this curse is actually not very casual. Under normal circumstances, just a small curse doesn't get in the way, but if you come into contact with a woman, then this curse will become a peach blossom robbery. In fact, Dongfang Xiucai’s resentment is a curse. You died on a woman."

"...Then I'm dead." There are not many other people in Gensokyo, but there are many women. At this moment, Lin Luoduo hopes that this is the women's clothing mountain range.

"Then what is the solution?" Lin Luo asked eagerly.

Paqiuli sighed, "I also just found its source. The specific solution needs further investigation, but I think you should go to the underworld."


"Yes, it is natural for Dongfang Xiucai to go to the underworld after his death. As for whether he is still or not, it is not clear, but if you can communicate with him, it would be a good way... By the way, the master of the underworld is Westbound. Si You Yuzi, if you can ask her for help, it will be much easier."


Well, I still have to find You Youzi, is it a reenactment of the Eastern Demon Dream?

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