The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 492: I just want to say: Everything in the eternal pavilion is against harmony

Penglai Mountain Huiye, the former moon princess, is now the owner of the pavilion forever.

Because she has been living in seclusion in the eternal pavilion, almost staying at home, and living a life like someone outside the world, her reputation in Gensokyo is not very big, but her strength is absolutely incomparable. There is no doubt about this. . First of all, as a lunar man, she was almost immortal. In addition, after taking the medicine of Horai, her immortality is also at the forefront in Gensokyo, even if it is Frandora’s ability that is more terrifying than death. Can't kill her!

In addition, she also has the ability to manipulate eternity and need. Forever is a world without history, and the future will never come. Like the literal meaning, her existence is always forever no matter where it is, and there will be no change. Suspension is a moment, combining moments that humans can’t perceive, using and acting to create multiple different histories... Whether forever or for a while, this is the ability to manipulate time, but compared to Sakuya’s time Manipulation, the nature of the two is still somewhat different, because Huiye is not pure time control, but back and forth between eternity and necessity. In a way, time is meaningless to her.

Probably because of this ability, Huiye pays more attention to the present than the millennia in the future, so apart from the things of himself and the eternal pavilion, everything else will not be cared about, and it will be almost closed. Life, as a result, she also won the title of one of Gensokyo's three otaku girls.

But what makes Lin Luo feel strange is that Huiye, an otaku, doesn’t care about everything. The source of the information is only a few rabbits in the family, but her tone seems to know a lot... There is no doubt that she knows. The so-called secret should not be a matter of Gensokyo, otherwise there is no reason Yeongrin doesn't know.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help but feel his heart beat. Could it be that Hui Ye knew about the Heart of the World just like that fallen angel? Although it’s incredible, it’s not impossible. After all, the strength of the fallen angel is only a high-level spiritual level. It’s just that the world she lives in is special, coupled with the fast pace of unblocking the heart of the world, that makes her treat God. The concept of war has a vague cognition, but Hui Ye's strength is a complete level, not to mention her ability is quite special.

How far is it forever? For Hui Ye, it was only a moment... Lin Luo faintly felt that Hui Ye's fit might be too high, or she had reached the level of her original intentions.

"One hundred percent." While Lin Luo was thinking like this, Hui Ye said nonchalantly. Yong Lin heard this sentence inexplicably, but Lin Luo almost jumped from her position. He stared at Hui Ye dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief.

"One hundred percent, don't you?"

"Oh, did I just say anything?" Facing Lin Luo's question, Hui Ye looked blank.

"..." This guy is definitely pretending! Lin Luo knew that Huiye must be deliberately hanging her appetite, so she suddenly said a word and pretended not to know, but looking at her expression, she really couldn't tell that she was lying. Even Lin Luo had it when she watched it. It was the illusion of auditory hallucinations just now...If this is Kaguya's acting skills, then all the queens and actor in this world can hit the wall.

"Princess, what do you mean by this?" Fortunately, Lin Luo was not the only person who heard Huiye's words. Yonglin's question made Lin Luo Jiucheng sure that Huiye knew the heart of the world.

"It's not interesting, I just said it when I suddenly thought of it." Huiye really didn't cry without seeing the coffin, still pretending to be confused, and smiled, "Yonglin, you don't have to worry about this person. With his strength, even If you really want to shoot at me, you can't kill me at all, right?"

This kind of jumping thinking is difficult for Lin Luo to adapt, but Yonglin seems to have gotten used to it. She stayed on Lin Luo for a while before nodding slowly, "This is true. Humans have the ability to suppress absolutely, but they are not afraid of ten thousand just in case..."

After hearing her words, Lin Luo wanted to find Fengjian Youxiang to fight her to see who was suppressing whom.

"If you start a war in Gensokyo at will, you will become a public enemy. This is what you told me, Yeongrin." Before Yeongrin finished speaking, Kaguya had already talked, and there seemed to be some orders in his words. Tone of voice.

"...Well, since the princess said that, I won't embarrass him for the time being." Yonglin was stunned for a moment. Although she was still a little unwilling, she had no choice but to compromise in the face of Huiye's smile, and then the conversation turned around. "However, if he does anything wrong, even if he becomes Gensokyo's public enemy, even if the princess will blame me, I will still put him to death!"

"Well... from a certain point of view, there should be unruly behaviors, right?" Hui Ye took out a newspaper from under the table, fixed his gaze on one of the pictures, and an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes.

Ka! Yonglin's fist rang lightly, her eyes were directed at Lin Luo, her murderous intent was not concealed.

"That's just a misunderstanding, the fact is not what you think..." Lin Luo wanted to cry without tears, because the picture Huiye saw was the scene where he pushed Marisa down. Although he never believed in gods and Buddhas, at this moment he really had to ask gods to worship Buddha, and bless him not to let that bad luck come out to cause trouble.

Marisa is a little weak in knowledge of sex. It’s okay to touch her. The Red Devil’s Mansion has its own internal response, plus reasonable people. The eldest lady can be fooled. It’s not a big deal to touch the second lady. Reimu is a kind of unscrupulous behavior. It's easy to talk without suffering a big loss, but Hui Ye... he knows that if he dares to accidentally touch Hui Ye, he will really die, and most of it will be sucked by the black hole!

"Yonglin, you should still take medicine, you can go to your own business." Seeing Yonglin still a little worried, Huiye smiled, "No one would be so stupid to run to someone else's place. There are not many people who are making trouble, like that old monster. As for the doubts in your heart, I will explain to you later."

"Understood, then I will retire first." This time Yonglin nodded readily, stood up and pushed the door and walked out, then closed the door, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

"..." Yonglin left, but Lin Luo felt very disagreeable. The Moon Sage did not look like the Moon Sage at all. He seemed to be "played between applause" by Hui Ye, and Hui Ye was clearly A spoiled princess seems so wise, is Huiye growing up, or Yonglin regressing? Or is Yonglin's concern and chaos? Or is Yong Lin still deliberately showing that she is not as good as Kaguya?

Lin Luo didn't quite understand, of course he didn't see it either. In the courtyard of the Everlasting Pavilion, Bayi Yonglin looked up at the sky with a smile of relief in her eyes, muttering to herself in a voice that no one could hear: " So that's it, it's such a thing, Huiye has really grown a lot, even I was taken aback. But having said that, I have been accustomed to the thinking circuit of the wise, and suddenly changing from another angle is really fresh. After so long, this feeling of growth has gradually been forgotten. Is this the reason why I will lose to Yakumozi in the Second Lunar War?"

"I saw that Yakumo Zi saw the devil, but she was actually looking at myself. She was my mirror and reflected my heart. Yakumo Zi looked at me and saw the wise man. I was also her mirror, which reflected her. The future of... Ha ha ha, it’s really interesting. For more than a thousand years, I have witnessed the growth of a monster, from insignificant to beyond me, but Kaguya has also grown, but I don’t know when she can really treat me It's really looking forward to the comparison."

"What are you talking to yourself here, cosmic man." Just as Yorin Bayi's words fell, Reimu walked out from the other side of the house, somewhat curious.

Bayi Yonglin turned her head and smiled indifferently. At this time, her eyes showed wisdom that ordinary people could not see clearly, "Bori Miko, are you going to test my new medicine?"

Reimeng was taken aback for a moment, then gave the other party a blank look, "You are sick, I am not sick."


"Are you interested in going to my room to play?" On the other side, in the eternal pavilion's room, when Lin Luo was in distress, he never expected that Hui Ye would send him a lovely invitation.

"This...isn't it great?" Lin Luo was somewhat calm, he felt that his life was still more important, so close contact with Hui Ye was already very dangerous, if he went deep into her boudoir, That **** doom must be making waves again.

"You think too much, but I suddenly feel itchy and want to play in the room, but I can't leave the guests alone here, so I invited you. Of course, I don't care if you don't come. "Hui Yeman said nonchalantly, then, without paying attention to Lin Luo, he got up and walked to his room.

"..." Lin Luo felt that Du Niang was right when she said something: Hui Ye acted unpredictably and ordinary people would not know it.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally followed. After all, there are many things he still needs to verify from Huiye. For example, does she know the existence of the Heart of the World? Guessing is always just a guess.

In a certain way, Lin Luo was also played by Huiye between applause, but as the princess of the moon, after so many years in the officialdom of intrigue, Huiye himself is good at strategy, and he has always stayed in the moon. Next to the sage, she is very proficient in the way of black belly.

The Everlasting Pavilion is not very big, and Hui Ye’s room and living room are only half a minute away. After gently pushing the door open, Hui Ye looked back at Lin Luo and said with a smile: "Please."

Although it was not the first time I saw a girl’s room, Lin Luo was still a little nervous when he was about to step into the dignified moon princess’s boudoir... Mainly because of bad luck, he subconsciously took a deep breath, just when he looked at that room. At that time, Lin Luo completely petrified.

Nima! This is Huiye's room? Cheating!

Lin Luo finally knew why she said her hands were itchy, should she say...Is it really NEET Ji?

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