The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 494: If you want to borrow a rabbit, you have to exchange it for a turkey

"What do you think of Yonglin?"

"very powerful."

"What do you think of me?"

"……very beautiful."

"What do you think of Ling Xian?"

"...Very soft and very bearable."

"What do you think of the emperor?"

"A deceptive black-bellied rabbit."

"What kind of person is Hakuli Miko in your heart?"


"Have you kissed the black and white magician?"



After playing for more than 20 games, Lin Luo was about to collapse. He had to admit that in front of Hui Ye, his so many years of Dongfang Project had been played for nothing. He abused and asked again and again, and his underwear was almost lost. Ask it out. Fortunately, Huiye was a little bit ethical, and didn't ask him "Is it a virgin", "How many women have you been to", "Have you ever hit a plane often" or the like, otherwise he could only find a piece of tofu to kill him.

But this is the case. Lin Luo has already said many things that shouldn't be said. He believes that if these things are exposed by Kaguya, the degree of goodwill he has built up in Gensokyo will be greatly reduced. At least "Remilia is a cute and cute girl who is good at squatting and defending." If the eldest lady knows this sentence, her sharp spear will probably fly over from the Red Devil Hall.

"So weak, didn't you say that you are a game master? Why don't you have any passion?" Hui Ye shook his head and sighed, his tone seemed very disappointed, but his face was radiant, and there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

This guy has a high level of black belly!

Lin Luo once again stated that Gensokyo’s women are not easy to provoke, especially those who don’t show up. If they bully people, they are far more terrifying than those "notorious". Let's talk about Huiye, her belly blackness is really many times higher than that of Emperor Inaba.

This is a woman who is good at conspiracy!

In fact, this is also normal. Except for the few heartless humans, every woman in Gensokyo is an old monster who has lived for hundreds or even thousands of years. People of this level, as long as they are not real Idiots, the grasp of the human heart is definitely beyond the reach of everyone. How can the human experience for decades be comparable to the history of monsters for hundreds of thousands of years.

As the princess of the moon, Huiye is already proficient in the art of tactics, but Lin Luo must be careful everywhere because of the double pressure of bad luck and the eight meanings of Yonglin. If Huiye can’t eat him to death, it’s not normal. Up.

If I play with her, I will only lose so much that I don’t even have anything left. The only way to do this is to win with strength!

Lin Luo knew that apart from surpassing Huiye in the game, there was no second way to pry her mouth open. "I was just unfamiliar with this game system just now. I'm used to it now. I don't know why. I lose to you." As he spoke, he had already chosen a character who was most satisfied.

Lin Luo chose the role of Feng Jian Youxiang. In terms of strength, she may not be the strongest in Gensokyo, but if she is second, no one would dare to call herself the first, the undeserved uncrowned king. Since Kaguya’s game is adapted in the real style of Gensokyo, the intensity of Kazami Yuka should also be the most precedent in the game...unless Kaguya cheats and changes himself into a BUG character.

"Ah, I chose the Lord of Flowers for the Four Seasons." Hui Ye was not surprised, but gave Lin Luo a meaningful smile, "Although the character's intensity has been slightly changed, it is roughly based on our own. The strength is ranked, but the master of flowers is very difficult. If you want to use her to defeat me, it's better than the previous Yakumozi or Hakurei Reimu."

"You don't need to worry about this. I am quite confident in the speed of the game's characters. Kazami Yuka is good at physical attacks. She is unmatched in Gensokyo in terms of melee combat power. The power to suppress you is at best. It will be more than three rounds." Lin Luo said confidently. Although he had been abused just now, he was not doing nothing, at least he had a solid understanding of Huiye's ability in the game.

"Then let me see how you can beat me in three rounds." Hui Ye also has absolute confidence in herself. This game is carefully made by her, and the playability is MAX level. It's impossible for a person to beat her technical house for an hour.

In the first game, Lin Luo controlled Fengjian Youxiang to bully Huiye with absolute melee destructive power, but because he hadn't gotten started, Huiye had been knocked out at the moment of the attack. The price was a problem that made him blush.

In the second game, after getting a little proficient in Fengjian Youxiang's ability, Lin Luo was able to use her and Huiye to perform two tricks, but in the face of the opponent's overwhelming skills, he eventually lost, so he answered one. Slightly embarrassing question.

Through the use of the two rounds, Lin Luo has a complete understanding of Fengjian Youxiang’s ability. Next, he will only look at his operating skills. On the one hand, he is very proficient in the game, on the other hand, he is also a melee type. So Huiye felt tremendous pressure at the beginning of the third game, and she never dared to despise Lin Luo again.

"It's amazing. You can reach this level the first time you play this game. Are you a technical man?" Huiye asked, pressing the handle violently, and under her precise operation, she used her abilities in the game. Incisively and vividly.

"No, I'm just a two-dimensional house." On the other side, Lin Luo also tried his best. Feng Jian Youxiang flew up and down the wall under his control, babbling dumbly.

Because there is no HP deduction for blocking moves in the game, even the secret skills can be dodged by the body, and there is no time limit, so the third round of the two players is difficult to solve, ten minutes have passed, there is no Drop a drop of HP.

"It's not bad, do you want to know my secrets that way?" Hui Ye smiled, but his eyes seemed to flash a provocative look. Of course, Lin Luo knew that she did it deliberately, just to reduce her concentration.

"Yeah, I'm very curious about the secret you said." Lin Luo said indifferently. At this time, he won't fall into Huiye's plan. If he loses, God knows she will ask some weird questions, but There is one thing that makes him very concerned, "By the way, you set up this game according to their own abilities. Then, where did you learn about their strength?"

Except for some people who often show up in Gensokyo, or have contact with Kaguya, others such as Shiki Yingji, Jilinjeon and the Singryen Boat and others, it should be impossible for Kaguya to have a deep understanding of them. But their abilities in the game are exactly the same as their own, which is really strange.

"Oh, it's very simple, because Everlasting Pavilion has a monthly Vientiane Exhibition." Kaguya said while calling, "Whether humans or monsters are looking forward to this banquet, almost most people in Gensokyo will come to participate. It was an unprecedented grand occasion, so I took the opportunity to write down everyone's abilities."

"...You really know how to seize the opportunity." Lin Luo felt very speechless, but when Jing Huiye said so, he also understood.

Ever since the end of Eternal Night’s copy of the mutation, Eternal Pavilion has gradually become known in Gensokyo, because Eternal Pavilion is too mysterious, causing many people to feel jealous. Therefore, in order to let more people know Eternal Pavilion, Hui Ye decided to make public the items and materials collected from Yuedu. This is the Yuedu Vientiane Exhibition.

Because Woldu and Gensokyo hardly communicate with each other, Kaguya’s move immediately swept Gensokyo, and naturally attracted countless monsters and humans to come. The energetic monsters saw the civilization of Woldu, and the Vientiane Exhibition was greatly affected by it. Praise, even once a year.

"By the way, this year's Vientiane Exhibition will be held some time later. Last time I promised to prepare for a new event, um... it's better to have a fighting competition, it will be very interesting... Ah, you shit!"

Hui Ye's face suddenly changed in the middle of it, and she yelled softly, because while she was thinking a little lost, Lin Luo actually launched a crazy attack on her, and a continuous skill slaughtered her game characters.

"I'll be angry when I don't pay attention to attacking me!" Hui Ye wrinkled her nose.

Lin Luo shrugged and smiled, "This is also a kind of tactics, and you picked up the topic first, and it has nothing to do with me."

"...Well, you won."

"Then it's time to answer my question now?"

"I would like to lose the gambling, just ask what you want." Hui Ye frowned and said reluctantly.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded, then said sternly, "What did you mean by 100% at the beginning?"

"What, is it such a boring question?" Huiye seemed to be a little disappointed, and then smiled and said generously, "It's the same as what you think."

"You mean you already know..." Lin Luo's face changed slightly, guessing is one thing, and confirmation is another. Sure enough, Hui Ye knows the heart of the world, and the fit reaches 100%, so, so In other words, she has reached the level of her original intention?

"It's really acute. This is already the second question." But before Lin Luo finished speaking, Hui Ye had already stopped him, "The game is not over, if you want to know more, come and beat me again. Right."

"……no problem!"

Lin Luo smiled happily. Now that Huiye knew about the existence of the Heart of the World, everything was much easier, and it seemed that she was not unfavorable towards herself. It is estimated that this kind of behavior is just playing sex. Think of it as playing games with her.

Next, the battle between the two people was a win or lose, and the outcome was about five to five. Lin Luo was asked by Hui Ye a lot of embarrassing and depressing questions, and he also got most of what he wanted from Hui Ye. Knowing things, such as the degree of unblocking of the Heart of the World, and most importantly, Yongrin's speculation.

That speculation is not only the result of Yonglin’s calculations, but also Kaguya’s foreboding... Even ordinary people will have a certain omen when their lives are threatened, and Kaguya, as a strong ground-level, is immortal. People, the hunch is even more obvious.

But all she can foresee is this. It is completely unclear where the danger comes from, and of course, how to prevent it is also unknown.

When Hui Ye said these words, her expression was very relaxed, as if the person facing death was not her... But from her point of view, it is understandable. After all, she has lived for thousands of years. What will happen to her in the future? Don't care, grasping the present is the most important thing. The immortal does not fear death.

Although she is very relaxed, Lin Luo can't. If Huiye's premonition is true, then the only person who can bring her death is the walker, and it is still quite powerful...according to the current walker's strength In terms of distribution, only the evil king and the dark king can do it.

If it's the Dark King, it's better. After all, his strength is only slightly stronger than his own. With Bayi Yonglin by Huiye's side, the Dark King definitely can't ask for a bargain. So, the evil king is more likely!

"Maybe it's a little troublesome..." Lin Luo frowned slightly. How the evil king's strength is still a mystery, no one knows whether it is stronger or weaker than Bayi Yonglin.

"There is no need to be nervous. Gensokyo is not easy for anyone to cause trouble. Last time, the plan between Eirin and I was not destroyed by the combination of humans and monsters. Even if it is really dangerous, there is no need to worry." With a smile, she turned into a virtuous princess now when she put down the game.

"That's true." Listening to what she said, Lin Luo was somewhat relieved, not to mention the strength of the evil king. If he really dared to run wild in Gensokyo, Reimu and Yakumozi would not let him go. Reimu shot, Black and White and Cuixiang couldn't sit and watch, Yakumo moved, Baiyulou was bound to join the battle, Black and White, Alice and Mu Q would probably also be out of the palace, anyway, the Red Devil Mansion must be out, and then, if Alice is crazy , It is very possible to lead to hidden BOSS Kanzaki. In addition, Sanae Tofutani, one of the three major city governors, will probably be involved, and the two pillars of Moriya Shrine will naturally follow, so Tengu and Kappa who believe in these two gods...

Well, Lin Luo can't imagine that no one in Gensokyo is lonely. If these networks are connected one by one, every force in Gensokyo can be connected together. The evil king and the dark king will not come and pay. Well, if it comes... once again borrow a word from Big Egg, you are seeking your own death!

"The game is over, you should leave, too." Hui Ye issued a eviction order.

"Wait a minute, I have one more thing I need your help..." Lin Luo was taken aback, and then immediately explained the curse in detail. In order to prevent any accidents, this matter must not be delayed.

"It turns out that you came to the Everlasting Pavilion to borrow the emperor to use it." Hui Ye suddenly flashed a flash of brilliance in his eyes, "It's okay, but as a condition, you must do something for me."

"what's up?"

"Tonight is a full moon, and the time is just right. Go and catch a turkey on this full moon night."

"..." Lin Luo is embarrassed, Turkey... Isn't that Meihong?

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