The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 496: In the deepest part of the lost bamboo forest, there lives a arrogant sister Hong Tan

What kind of relationship does Huiyi have with Meihong? Why does Huiyi take the protection of Meihong as her own responsibility, and does not like Meihong who stays with humans and monsters, but she is very good with Huiyi. These things have always been A mystery, apart from them, no third party should know it.

For one thing, Lin Luo was very curious about it. Secondly, he had nothing to do now. Therefore, during the time he was walking with Huiyin, the heart of gossip in his body was burning, and his eyes were constantly changing. I glanced at the teacher next to me, wanting to find a clue.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? It's very impolite." Huiyi frowned slightly, Lin Luo didn't deliberately hide his sight, she could see clearly, she hated impolite people.

"No, I'm just thinking about why you have such a good relationship with Meihong." Lin Luo said truthfully. Huiyin is a very old-fashioned person and doesn't know how to work, but he is upright. To deal with this kind of person, speaking honestly is far more than lying. It's much more useful, of course, it will be troublesome if you upset her.

Fortunately, Huiyin didn’t resist talking about Meihong. In other words, she subconsciously regarded Lin Luo as Meihong’s alternate boyfriend...Oh no, it’s alternate friends, so in order to make this pair of friends get along Better, there are some things that you can't help but say, for example, what does Meihong hate and what she likes. But she only talked about some trivial matters in life, and she avoided talking about Lin Luo's questions.

Lin Luo didn't reluctantly, after all, it was just a gossip heart that suddenly emerged. There is no need to ask the roots. He is not a paparazzi, and it is quite good to be able to hear the funny things between the pair of "lilies".

In this way, the two of them said as they walked. Of course, Lin Luo was basically listening to Huiyin. In addition to talking about some younger sisters, she would also talk about her own situation in the temple. But when she talks about her own affairs, her tone will turn into complaints. For example, because her temper is hitting the wall everywhere, she is often said to be rigid and not flexible, and even students don’t understand her good intentions... Anyway, I'm so bitter, saying that life is over.

"Well, actually don't need to be pessimistic, the future will be better..." Lin Luo smiled bitterly and tried to comfort him. It seems that Huiyin is still under a lot of pressure when he is a teacher, "Maybe you can try it. , Make the lecture a little more interesting, so that the students will listen carefully."

"How can this be!" Huiyin immediately scowled and said angrily, "Knowledge is not an interesting thing. You can't learn knowledge in a class that makes people feel interesting!"

"……"how to say? Lin Luo felt that she was surprised if she didn't hit the wall with this bullish temper.

Probably because of too much pressure, he was eager to vent, or was affected by the preaching of Four Seasons. Lin Luo had been trapped in Huiyin’s "knowledge teaching" for a long time. His boring education made his ears almost cocooned. , Until you enter the darkest place in the depths of the bamboo forest...

"Tonight's moonlight is much brighter than usual, and the turmoil of monsters is inevitable. At night, on the absolute road to death, there will be idiots coming to this place."

Before getting closer, Lin Luo heard a slightly neutral voice coming from the darkness. The moonlight couldn't reach the place where the sound was coming from, but there were two points of light that seemed to flicker if there was nothing, but such light not only made it impossible for people to see clearly, but even more obstructed the vision of the eyes.

Lin Luo directly activated the Eye of Reality when he heard that voice. At this time, he saw a young girl sitting on the ground with one knee up and sitting cross-legged on the ground with her back leaning on the bamboo behind her. With her hands in her waistband, her gaze seemed to sweep over her casually, unable to see whether it was hostility or friendliness. The two faintly flashing lights were precisely her red eyes.

The girl has long white hair and a lot of bows in her hair... Probably the bow is in Gensokyo's style. Almost everyone will tie it, some tie hair, some clothes, and some even tie in the gaps. On, I won’t complain about this for the time being.

Of course, this girl is Lin Luo’s target. Fujiwara is red. She is wearing a white shirt with a half-open collar and a pair of flared trousers on the bottom. Although she is a girl, she does not seem to be at all about her outfit. Not only did the clothes on her body look a little dirty, but she also dressed casually, giving people the feeling of being a bad young lady on the street.

"Aren't you in this place? Since you can come here as a human, of course I can also come as a human." Lin Luo smiled lightly and walked up casually.

No hostility was felt, Meihong didn't make any move, but her gaze shifted from Lin Luo to Huiyi, as if she was asking. Hui Yi shook her head, indicating that she didn't know. In fact, her answer was not false. After all, she had no knowledge of Lin Luo's identity and real purpose.

"When you came to this place on this full moon night, were you sent by that guy?" Meihong looked at Lin Luo again, although she couldn't tell, but based on her intuition and similar situations before, she also I have guessed how many things are going on. No human being will be so boring to go to the bamboo forest of the full moon to play, "What kind of courage is it this time?"

"No, no, it's not a test of courage this time, although that guy did call me over, but in fact I didn't have that idea." Lin Luo stopped a few meters before the sister red. Smiled.

"Huh!" Meihong snorted coldly, apparently a bit uncomfortable in her tone, "That guy's charm is really great, and there are ignorant fools who are instigated by her again and again, this one-way traffic You can’t go back to the bridge of return in your life when you’re ugly."

Speaking of this, Meihong has already stood up from the ground, her eyes showing an enthusiastic war spirit, she rolled up her sleeves, and seemed to be about to do a great job.

Huiye and Meihong are dead enemies. On the one hand, Meihong’s father was a certain prince Xiang Huiye had pursued, but was humiliated by Huiye with a difficult problem, and even caused the family’s ruin, so since then, she is still an ordinary person. On the other hand, she became immortal after taking Penglai’s medicine, resulting in her life of loneliness and helplessness for hundreds of years, which made her feel for Huiye. The hatred has deepened.

She hates Hui Ye. Because of Penglai’s medicine, Hui Ye also wants to get rid of her. The two of them are completely hostile, but it’s a long time ago. What kind of relationship do they have now? It's hard to tell...After all, the two of them live in the depths of the lost bamboo forest. This is a very ambiguous topic. If they are just enemies, neither of them can kill each other, so it should be right to die of old age and not to interact with each other. .

In fact, Huiye sends people to find Meihong’s ballast from time to time. Meihong will also find Huiye’s troubles whenever she has time. Even when someone asks Meihong to **** humans to the Everlasting Pavilion, she is obliged to accept it. It seems that there is a feeling that two people love each other because of hatred.

"You two...can't fight!" Before Meihong started her hands, Huiyin suddenly ran up with a serious face. Although she also knew that Lin Luo was sent by Huiye, she did not have any hostility. I hope the two can become friends. After all, ordinary people can't accept Meihong, and Meihong doesn't like monsters.

"I didn't want to fight, it's just that she suddenly became very interested." Lin Luo spread his hands and looked innocent.

"Huh, since you are that fellow's envoy, of course you have to..." Meihong made a fierce look, but before she finished speaking, Huiyi suddenly gave her a head hammer and knocked her into the wrong place. Su, then, said as a guardian, "Meihong, you are not allowed to fight!"

"Well, what are you doing, suddenly came the head hammer..." Mei Hong rubbed her forehead with tears on her face. Although she is immortal, ordinary people still feel pain, and it is still very difficult to be hit by a horned head hammer. painful.

"The disobedient children should be well educated. Fighting is not something girls should do, do you know?"

"...Okay, okay, I just don’t want to fight him." The sister blushed and turned helpless. Huiyin who became Bai Ze was very difficult to entangle. If she irritated her, she would have to have a hole in her head. .

"That's right." Huiyin nodded suddenly, showing a satisfied smile, "Since everyone is willing to be friends, let's eat hot pot together."

I'm not interested in making friends with human beings. I'm still that guy... Meihong slandered herself, but she didn't dare to rebel in front of Huiyin in the form of Bai Ze, and reluctantly sat back on the ground. With one hand resting on his chin, his elbow resting on his knee, the other leg was shaking, and it seemed a little impatient.

Then, at Huiyin's greeting, Lin Luo also sat down opposite Meihong, while Huiyin went to prepare the hot pot. Although Meihong has always used the sky as the stove, but as her guardian, Huiyin still stores some essential daily necessities where she lives. Of course, when she leaves, Huiyin warns again The two are not allowed to fight.

"You hate Huiye?" After Huiyin was gone, Lin Luo couldn't help asking, seeing Meihong looking uninterested. After all, it is not a simple matter to bring Meihong to Huiye. If she is not willing, there is basically no hope.

"Of course, I hate that guy the most!" Meihong said without hesitation, "My present inconvenient body is thanks to her, and from time to time I incites you guys to disgust me and make people angry! There must be a limit too!"

"Well, I won't talk about the last one, but you have become like this because you killed and snatched the medicine yourself, and you stole the medicine of Penglai. It seems that it has nothing to do with Huiye." Lin Luo smiled. Smiled and said deliberately.

"Uh..." Meihong was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it, it was indeed the case, but... her eyes widened, she said unreasonably, "Well, it's her fault to make that kind of medicine anyway, hate is hate !"


Okay, sister Hongtan is proud.

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