The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 505: You write your news, I hit my plane

This **** shout made it passionate and rippling like spring. Lin Luo trembled directly after hearing it, and almost made Jian Feng cut his fingers. He has a thorough understanding of what is called misfortune now. It is because of a misstep in the past that has caused the current hatred of the ages. The word **** will be difficult to erase for a long time, at least In this Gensokyo... Paparazzi, brother never finished with you!

Lin Luo gritted his teeth in a frantic heart. He secretly swears that if there is a chance in the future, he must catch the paparazzi. The ghost animal is three days and three nights, SM, whip, drip wax, all of them can't be less! Let her know what a real man is...wait, whip and candle exercise seems to be a queen's special skill?

Forget it, then change the tentacle and fasten it.

Let’s not mention Lin Luo’s wild thoughts, but the dog is very surprised. Although she is not the strongest on the Monster Mountain, she is considered the elite of the elite. Even if the sword attacked just now, it was almost her. Coming with all his strength, he didn't expect to be caught by the opponent's two fingers. This is simply an enhanced version of empty-handed.

This **** guy is really strong. No wonder that Lian Wenwen looked a little hesitant when he mentioned him at the time. He should have suffered a loss if he thought about it... Dog Zouzhen secretly said in his heart. Of course, she did not know why Sheming Wanwen would hesitate. It's not that I suffered a loss, but that I was disgusted by being hit by a plane.

Knowing that he was not Lin Luo's opponent, the dog didn't hesitate to walk, he made a decisive decision, and took advantage of the moment Lin Luo's fingers were loose, and immediately drew the sword back, then his body moved, turned and ran towards the mountain at a very fast speed... The Tengu clan was originally a symbol of speed, and she was one of the best, and she disappeared the moment she ran out.

"This little stupid dog runs really fast, I don't know which one is faster compared to Yaomeng." Lin Luo couldn't help applauding as the dog walker disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Aren't you going to chase her?" Inabadi blinked and asked curiously.

"No need, she should be back soon." Lin Luo smiled faintly. As a guard on the Monster Mountain, the dog walker acts as a sentry, equivalent to a scout. After spotting an intruder, she will first Using a threatening attack to drive away the opponent, if it doesn't work, she will not call her friends, but will run as fast as possible to report to the big tengu, and then get the order for the next action.

Lin Luo didn't know how the Great Tengu would deal with it, but he also said just now that it was not an invasion of the Monster Mountain, and the dog walker understands it. As long as the Great Tengu is not old and confused, it will probably not be too difficult for him. The individual is monitoring his actions.

So at this moment Lin Luo did not leave immediately. Once he came, he had to act according to other people’s rules. This is the most basic question of politeness. Starting a fight indiscriminately will only attract the stick of the city management. Secondly, He only knew that Jianshan Hina lived in Monster Mountain, but he didn't know exactly where it was. It would be best if a tengu could lead him.

Taking advantage of this free time, Lin Luo took out a little food from the storage space, and then sat on the grass while eating while waiting...First he had a fierce battle with Youxiang, and then he was preached by Four Seasons for several hours, both mentally and physically devastated. It has made him a little hungry, so let's add his vitality by the way.

Emperor Inaba looked at Lin Luo's food, and then at the carrots in his hand. He was a little bit hesitant in his eyes... Carrots are delicious, but Lin Luo's food looks delicious, but her The stomach can't eat too much. Which one to eat? It's really tangled.

Finally, after hesitating for a while, Emperor Inaba still chose carrots.

After about ten minutes or so, Lin Luo felt that someone was approaching quickly. When he looked up, he saw a slightly familiar figure flying down from the mountain. It was not the kind of straight flight, but bending forward and going around. The big trees, one by one, are fast and fly very steadily.

Where did this guy seem to have seen it... Lin Luo thought in his heart, until the person flew a little closer, he suddenly saw that the person who flew was not someone else, it was his great enemy—Shooming Wanwen!

Good guy, did the big tengu send this to watch me? This is really a narrow road for the enemy.

Lin Luo's mood is very complicated, on the other hand, Shemei Wanwen's mood is also quite complicated. The result after Inu Zouzhen reported the matter to the Great Tengu was that she was responsible for monitoring Lin Luo. Originally, if she was only responsible for monitoring, she would not need her to go out. The problem was that Lin Luo's identity was more complicated.

Although he has never seen him before, he has been very active in Gensokyo recently. Not only did he have a close relationship with the Crimson Devil Mansion, he also had contacts with Hakuri Shrine, and he also had an unexplainable relationship with Yakumo Zi, even the Underworld, Forever Pavilion seems to be involved. With such an intricate network of relationships, Big Tengu is not assured of handing over this task to the newcomer Tengu. It is hard to imagine the consequences if it is not handled properly.

And because of the news, Shemei Maruwen often left Yokai Mountain, and had some contact with the monsters and humans outside. There is no Tengu in terms of communication, not to mention that she and Lin Luo are quite familiar in certain aspects. Come, there is no more suitable person for this task.

"This guy is actually eating here..." Seeing Lin Luo sitting on the grass and eating and drinking without scruple, the originally depressed shooting pill text was even more uncomfortable, and when he flew over, he whispered in whispers. .

"Yeah, Wenwen, do you want to have a meal together?" Unlike the ghost animal who wanted her in his heart, Lin Luo looked very kind when facing Shooting Wanwen, beckoned, and greeted her enthusiastically. After all, it's too early to talk about ghosts and animals, at least I have to talk about it in the future.

"I don't remember when I was so close to you." Sheming Wanwen fell down beside Lin Luo, and the reluctance on her face was obvious. Whenever she thought of the three words "flying", she had something to do. The urge to vomit blood, she hasn't been very stable when she slept these days, always wondering if Lin Luo had hit a plane against her photos...

Now, the person involved is sitting in front of him. Sheming Maruwen wants to ask but dare not ask. Let’s not say if she has it. If she asks that kind of question, it’s too bad, and if Lin Luo answers yes, it’s even more so. It's disgusting.

"Your complexion is not so good, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Lin Luo was very calm. Seeing her hesitating expression, he couldn't help but smile and asked.

"Your concern is forgotten. I am in good health." Sheming Wan gave Lin Luo a blank look. What she said was somewhat insincere, because she suffered a small insomnia just last night. As for the reason, you know and I know. Everyone knows, of course, she would definitely not say this kind of thing, but asked, "Speaking of which, what are you doing here in Yokai Mountain? Are you here to provide me with news materials or come to get me revenge? A rabbit."

"Of course..." Seeing Sheming Wanwen looking at herself, Emperor Inaba's problem of wanting to deceive people has happened again, but before she finished speaking, Lin Luo put a carrot into her mouth and patted it. Her head, "You don't need to talk, just be a mascot."

"Woo Sa!" Emperor Inaba was very upset, but under Lin Luo's stick-and-carrot policy, she still shut up obediently. Of course, the stare attack of "killing you with your eyes" is indispensable.

Lin Luo didn't care about her, and looked at Sheming Wanwen, "Didn't that little stupid dog tell you, why I came to Monster Mountain?"

Sheming Maruwen naturally knew who the little stupid dog was in Lin Luo's mouth, and replied lukewarmly, "He said nothing but...someone broke in. If you have nothing to do, then please hurry up. Leave Monster Mountain, not everyone can come here."

She wasn't particularly kind to remind her, it was just that it was too embarrassing to stay with Lin Luo, and secondly, she also had important news to be interviewed, and the topic of the news needed her to trigger.

"Of course I will leave, but I have to wait until I finish my business..." At this time Lin Luo had also finished eating, and all the tableware was put into the storage space, and he stood up and asked, "Right, you know Where does the key mountain young bird live?"

"Jianshan Hina, what are you doing at Eshen?" Sheming Wanwen asked blankly.

"Are your eyes ornaments? Don't tell me you can't see such a strong bad luck on me?" Lin Luo raised his brows. Although most bad luck has been suppressed by lucky rabbits, it is just unconceptual luck. As for the curse on him, it never disappeared.

"That's really true..." After hearing Lin Luo's words, she took a closer look, and she found that very strong curse of doom on Lin Luo's body.

Although the curse is invisible, it is actually very easy to find for monsters or witches. As long as you use a little bit of demon power to perceive it, you can detect whether there is bad luck. Of course, if you want to eliminate it, you can only find professionals. .

"It's fine if you know, then do me a favor and take me to the Jianshan young bird."

"Why should I help you? It has nothing to do with me, I'm just responsible for monitoring you."

Lin Luo rolled his eyes and said, "You are ashamed to say, if it weren't for this curse, how could I have been taken such horrible photos by you? Where can you get such good news?"

"In that case, I can't help you solve the curse." Hearing these words, Shemingwanwan's dark eyes rolled, and then he smiled badly. The curse is on Lin Luo, then she There is an endless stream of news from ah, there is simply nothing more interesting than this.

Lin Luo knew a little bit about her thoughts, there was a flash, there was already something more in his hand, and he smiled evilly, "I still have your picture. I will fly."

"...This is really a naked provocation." Sheming Maru Fumi bowed her body, subconsciously holding the skirt with her hands, her smile on her face extremely stiff.

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