The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 510: Closed love pupil, ghost second

When Lin Luo opened his eyes, he found that he had already walked into a thicket of trees. Moonlight seemed unable to shine here, and his eyes were pitch black, but he still found the "thing" he cared about, and that was the girl in front of him. This made Lin Luo very excited. At this moment, he was more or less certain that his magical "feeling" was Mo Na Consciousness, that is to say, he could use Mo Na Consciousness to some extent!

Don’t underestimate this seventh consciousness. Although Muna consciousness is just a vain thing, it belongs to the scope of the subconscious. It is attached to the self and is the source of all biological troubles. However, the "I" that Muna consciousness is attached to is nothing else. The thing is the eighth consciousness-Alaya!

When he was in the Moon World, why Lin Luo fled in embarrassment, it is precisely because of Gaia and Alaya's appearance, the two made him unable to resist at all, so he could only use the Avenue of Stars to escape. For this reason, He didn't have time to complete many things, the entanglement with Heihuiji, the agreement with Eliya, and even the chance to say goodbye to his parents and sisters with Linlian, so he left Xingyue World quietly.

Although Lin Luo never had the feeling of mentioning this to anyone, the regret has always existed in his heart. He also knows that Rin feels mostly the same. After finally reuniting with his relatives, he still feels unhappy in the end. No separation, but her optimism made her never complain about it.

At this moment, Lin Luo finally found out how to defeat the two major restraining power sources.

Alaya, one of the two restraining forces, is precisely the tangible entity that gathers all the consciousness of human beings to reach the eighth consciousness, and then the eighth consciousness manifests. As long as Lin Luo, who possesses Mana Consciousness, fully grasps Mana Consciousness, he can sprint towards the Eighth Consciousness Alaya. Once he reaches the Eighth Consciousness, he will have enough capital to match the two restraining powers of the Moon World. Resistant, completely fearless.

Although he has not yet found a way to return to the Moon World, he believes that one day he can enter the Moon World again. If he can gain the power to resist inhibition before then... No, it must be obtained!

While Lin Luo secretly vowed in his heart, he was also surprised at the girl who appeared in front of him.

Although she was in the dark, Lin Luo could still see the girl in front of her clearly...The girl was slightly petite, she was wearing a beautiful dress, and she had short white shoulder-length hair and a top on her head. The hat and the delicate face showed a hint of surprise and curiosity. The most special thing was that there was an eye hanging from the two tentacles extending from her back to the chest, but the pupils of the eyes were tightly closed.

Lin Luo didn't expect to meet her in such a place, because this young girl is the sister of the master of the Earth Spirit Hall, and the closed love pupil, Gu Ming Dilian, is also one of the three big ghost sisters who are as famous as Flandre. She is a monster, and a very special conscious monster, with a race of "jue".

This kind of monster is not only powerful in itself, but also able to read the human heart through the third eye on his chest. Whether it is a human or a monster, there is no secret to "Je".

There are very few monsters like "Je" now, and only a pair of sisters in the Di Ling Temple, Gu Ming Di Jue and Gu Ming Di love. Because of the ability to read minds, almost all monsters are afraid of Gu Ming Dilian, but the monsters in the Di Ling Temple are not afraid of Gu Ming Di Lian, because she sensed that people's disgust for their own thoughts being easily perceivable, so she shut down The third eye that can read the heart.

For a monster like "Je", insight into the human heart is also the ability to stabilize the mind. Gu Ming Di Lian who loses this ability means that her mind has been completely closed, and even Gu Ming Di Jue cannot perceive her thoughts, but , This is not without return.

Because since then, she has gained even greater power...manipulate the unconscious.

If Gu Ming’s Di Lian is the apex of the sixth consciousness, then Gu Ming’s Di Lian has already reached the seventh consciousness.

Lin Luo was surprised, but Gu Mingdilian was even more surprised than him. Since being able to manipulate the unconscious, as long as she is able to rely on this ability, no matter where she goes, she will not be noticed, even the intuitionist maiden, even the eyes and ears. Ling's Tengu, as long as she doesn't think about anything, no one can find her.

But this time, her unconsciousness was actually cracked!

"Why did you find me? How did you find me?" Gu Mingdi walked towards Lin Luo and asked curiously, his face faintly excited.

"Tell me first, why did you come here?" Lin Luo asked with a smile. The same user of the seventh sense makes him have a good impression of the girl in front of him. After all, people who can use the seventh sense are too many. Missing...Of course, he still doesn't know, this is also a kind of unconsciousness.

"I'm here to play." Gu Ming Dilian, who has a closed mind, doesn't have any scheming. She will do whatever she wants, and will say whatever she wants to say. Therefore, there is no concealment of Lin Luo's problem." Although I don’t know why I want to come to this place, no one will find me. No matter where I go, no one can see me. It’s very interesting.”

"That's really interesting..." Lin Luo nodded slightly. In fact, he also knew about Gu Mingdi Lian. Since closing her heart, she has become a monster wandering around without purpose. She acts unconsciously like an invisible person. No one can feel her. Although this is a very interesting thing in her own view, it is very lonely and desolate in the eyes of others, at least her Sister thinks so.

In fact, this is also true. No one will find her, which means that the whole world is only left with her. The loneliness and loneliness are self-evident.

However, Gu Mingdi Lian who has closed her heart has no feelings, and naturally she will not know the kind of loneliness. No matter any action, as long as she thinks it is interesting, she will do it unconsciously.

"I have already answered you, you should tell me too, and please say it a little louder, because I can't see through other people's hearts like my sister, and I won't hear if I speak too softly." Seeing that Lin Luo seemed to be thinking but not speaking, Gu Mingdi couldn't help but say loudly.

Sure enough, I just said whatever I wanted... Lin Luo smiled bitterly, and then said, "I came here by unconscious action. In fact, I didn't find your existence. I just walked over and saw is you."

"Huh? You can manipulate the unconscious too?" Gu Mingdilian was even more surprised.

"No." Lin Luo shook his head, "It's just an unconscious feeling, and I can't control it yet."

That's right, he just can feel it and cannot manipulate it freely like love. Therefore, love is much higher than him in the seventh consciousness realm. If you use martial arts novels to locate it, love is the realm of Dacheng, and he has just started.

But even this is enough to make Lianda interested. He looked at Lin Luo carefully, as if he wanted to see him through, "Humans are really interesting. You are the first person who can find me. It's really fun." "

Lian said with a smile, but she was somewhat lost in her eyes. She wanted to know all the things about interesting people, but she could no longer know when she closed the third eye... This is the second time she has closed her heart. Feeling regretful, the first time was when I met Hakuri Miko.

"Would you like to play with me?" Gu Ming Dilian invited Lin Luo, "There are so many interesting things in the Di Ling Temple, and there are many cute pets. Do you want to go there with me?"

"This...I'm afraid it won't work." Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head. He didn't expect that the other party would invite him.

"Why?" Gu Mingdi Lian looked very lost.

"Because I am also a bit troublesome..." Lin Luo explained. In fact, he also felt a little regretful. Gu Mingdi loves the seventh consciousness at a very high level. If he stays with her for a long time, he may be able to help him completely master the seventh consciousness. However, the curse cannot be delayed, "So, I cannot play with you for the time being."

"That's really a pity." Lian looked disappointed, but soon she seemed to think of something again, tilted her head and said, "Do you think the Jianshan young bird you are looking for is surrounded by a lot of grievances and loves to play with rotation? girl?"

"Yeah, do you know her?" Lin Luo asked in a sudden shock.

Lian nodded, "I saw her last time, she was also very funny."

"Where is she?" Lin Luo hurriedly asked. If Gu Mingdi Lian knows where Jianshan Chin lives, then he doesn't have to be like dawn, he can go to her now.

"Forgot." Lian shook his head, speaking very simply.

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, isn't it the same as not saying it, making him happy for nothing, but Gu Mingdi's next sentence made him hope again.

"But I can find her."


"Well, as long as you search for it unconsciously, you can find it." Lian's face was full of confidence.

"Then how to find?" Lin Luo was at a loss, unconsciousness can make others unable to feel that he knows, but he has never heard that unconsciousness can be used to find people.

"Because I met her once, my unconscious has already written her down, and I can find her as long as I keep walking." Koi said naturally, but what she said was somewhat absurd.

"There is such a thing?" Lin Luo was taken aback. This is almost the same as the search function of his perceptual domain. Although it is difficult for him to imagine such a thing, the seventh sense is too weird and impossible, and the other party shouldn't. Will lie... It seems that Gu Mingdi's love for the seventh consciousness is far beyond his imagination.

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

"Then you are willing to help me find her?" Lin Luo asked immediately, since Love can be found and looks like a good talker, then there is no need to trouble the two gods.

"Yes, but you have to promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"Come with me to the Earth Spirit Hall to play."


Lin Luo is speechless, is this just bargaining to pay back the money? Lianlian, you really have the potential to be a businessman.

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