The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 524: The transformation of the state of mind, starting from today to return to the self

"Haha! Time flies really fast. In a blink of an eye, half a month passed like this. I really don't have any feelings about it. Drinking and fighting every day, this happy day really doesn't want to end like this." In the old place of the Spirit Hall, Xingxiong Yongyi bravely drank the wine and laughed, with excitement and some loss in his tone. The excitement was for every day that was so refreshing in half a month. What was lost was that such a day was about to come. the end.

"Didn't you hate it at first, but now you have become so reluctant. This is not like the style of the ghost clan." Next to him, Gu Mingdi felt ironic at the right time, but with a faint smile in his eyes, he held up the wine glass. Take a few sips lightly.

"Isn't it different from the current situation?" Xingxiong Yongyi tilted his head and thought for a while, then waved his hand refreshingly, " guys can read minds, just come here. Help me explain it, I can’t say what Wen Huhou said."

"I said that you will close your eyes in the past half a month, and not only you ghost clan will keep your promise." Gu Mingdi glanced at her, and said with a slight displeasure.

Xingxiong Yongyi nodded, and said unceremoniously, "Ah, that's also true. If you don't read people's minds, you can get along well, but sometimes it makes people a little disgusting."

The conversation between the two made Lin Luo couldn't help laughing. In the past half month, Yongyi and Jue were still the same as before, often tit-for-tat, but the atmosphere was a little different. , Beating and scolding, it looks more like a pair of happy friends...Time is indeed an invincible power. In just half a month, the two have more or less gratifying changes.

"Lin Luo, are you really going to the earth on earth?" Gu Mingdi sat beside Lin Luo, and now he raised his head, leaning half of his body against him, looking at him with dismay.

Lin Luo smiled slightly and touched her head. There was no desire in her eyes, only a bit of love and cherishment, as if she was facing her sister, "Yes, anyway, I am a person from the earth and the world, and there are still many things to do. Do it or not, but I promise you that as long as I have time in the future, I will definitely come to the Earth Spirit Temple again."


"of course it's true."

"Then it's agreed." Gu Mingdi smiled and stretched out his fingers as if to pull the hook.

"Well, it's agreed." Lin Luo stretched out her finger, hooked the girl's finger together, and smiled at the same time, "But you shouldn't run around like before. Stay at home more usually, don't let your sister be alone. People stay there, you know?"

"Well, I will, but occasionally I will go to the earth world to play." Gu Mingdi Lian smiled happily, with a hint of mischief in his tone.

Lin Luo smiled softly, but didn't care, rubbing the girl's head fondly... Needless to say, his growth in strength in the past half month is naturally obvious, as is the seventh consciousness. Shao is no longer as at a loss as before, but what is more important to him is another thing-xinxing.

Before getting the book of contract, Lin Luo thought that he was a person with little desire, as long as he had a peaceful life every day, had a good job, and had a good wife, he didn’t need to be very rich. In order to have money to eat, and occasionally spare a little time to play games, that's enough... That is his wish for a real world or an ordinary person.

In the first period after receiving the book of contract, his desires were not strong, he had never thought of dominating the king, or unifying the world. Although he was talking about the king of the harem, he never thought about the unrealistic thing of conquering countless women. He only thought that if he could do something for the people around him with his own power, he could protect himself. The people who value it can ensure the safety of the hosts who are in danger...It is just such a small heroic dream that is impossible to achieve in reality.

Therefore, at that time, he could choose without hesitation and only had a 5% chance to enter Mikoto's heart-like world to save her. In order not to get her hands dirty, she could kill the crazy Liu Ziwen with immature power. In order to save her desperation, she blamed herself, and in order to save the Misaka sister who would be brutally killed at any time, regardless of her own life, she challenged the strongest superpower in the school city to pass through with a mortal challenge.

Therefore, at that time, he would use uncertain power to save Lily who only existed in fantasy. At that time, he would wholeheartedly help Rin find her lost home. At that time, he would meet. He didn’t shrink from the incomprehensible things of the evil of this world. At that time, he would use strong means to protect the helpless buds. At that time, he would say "No matter what, We can't insult the dignity of the Knight King" such words!

All these things were done and succeeded, making everyone happy. Maybe he did not do it perfectly, but in fact, he did his best to realize their wishes one by one.

And it is not his desire to realize these wishes, but his purest wish.

But, I don’t know when it started, some things seem to have gradually changed... His power is getting bigger and bigger, and with it, his desires are getting bigger and bigger. The purest wish has gradually become The desire of all people to possess things.

Although his nature has not changed, but...the original thing has really been lost.

As I said, the foundation is not solid, the greater the strength, the greater the desire. Such obvious loopholes, she has clearly reminded me of this, but she does not take it seriously, and she still does not take it seriously. With that desire erupting from his body every moment, he went further and further away from the original path.

However, that only ends today!

Closing his eyes, Lin Luo smiled. He could see that the crooked road had become straight again. He could move on to the original path...Yes, he still has desires in his body, as long as he has a self. For people who think, desire is inevitable. If there is no desire, people will no longer be human. However, that is his own desire, not a desire imposed on him in any form or any force.

In four words, he is now completely reborn!

"Is it an illusion?" At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly heard the voice of Xingxiong Yongyi, turned his head and looked around, but saw that she was looking at herself suspiciously, "I feel that your temperament is different from half a month ago. ."

"Isn't that of course." Lin Luo smiled happily, "If I'm still the same as me in the past, wouldn't the hard training for half a month be meaningless?"

"Well, that's true, anyway, congratulations." Xingxiong Yongyi laughed and didn't care, picked up the wine bowl and had a drink with Lin Luo.

Lin Luojiu was not drunk in his abdomen, but his heart became clearer. Wherever his eyes passed, he suddenly found that there was a trace of loneliness in Gu Mingdi's eyes, which could not help causing a trace of guilt in his heart.

Through the two months of getting along, Gu Mingdi feels that he has really fallen in love with him, and he himself also likes this lonely girl with a little bit of black tongue. If it is himself half a month ago, he only needs to come here for a while. With a little temptation, she might be possessed without hesitation.

But now Lin Luo would not touch her, because he could not give her any promises.

The future is unpredictable. The evil king and the dark king, the **** war and the proxy god, these are all he needs to face. If the host has such a co-existence and death relationship, it would be fine, but Gu Ming felt that it was not the host, so it would only involve her. It will harm her...At least, he won't touch Gu Mingdi until those problems are completely resolved. That is responsible for him, for himself, and even more for the host.

"Yes." Lin Luo called to him, then squatted up and poured the wine into her glass, looking at the girl's clear eyes with a smile, "You should know what I am thinking about now."

Gu Mingdi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously opened the third eye. When Lin Luo read something in Lin Luo's heart, there was a hint of joy in her eyes, "Is this...really?"

"Of course, I use my life guarantee." Lin Luo said decisively.

"Okay, I'll wait for that day." Gu Mingjie chuckled and nodded, his eyes were less disappointed, and he was looking forward to it.

"Hey hey hey, what are you two whispering? Don't let us listen. It's too unfair. I refuse to treat them differently." Xingxiong Yongyi suddenly yelled uncomfortably, and even the Gu Mingdi love on the other side was also poked up I was angry for not whispering to her.

Lin Luo suddenly became the first two big people. Whispering is not something that can be said casually. He smiled and began to change the subject, "Didn't you find out? Today's weather is good."

Xingxiong Yongyi pointed to the countless karma fires around him, "Isn't it the same as before, it's burning."

"It's not the same, it's different. Today I deliberately increased the firepower." At this moment, a young girl's voice came not far away. They didn't need to look back, they knew who came.

"Akong, it's really the ghost you're doing. No wonder I think it's so hot today." Gu Mingdi felt that he looked at the voice, with a slight reproach in his tone.

Coming from there are two girls, one of them is a flame cat, and the other is a black-haired girl with big breasts. There are two black wings on the back. The body looks like fully armed, only the left hand is empty, the most special one. It was a huge red bead inlaid in the middle of her chest, exuding scorching energy.

She is also Gu Ming’s pet. She is a **** crow called Lingwu Lukong. Because she swallowed the **** Yata bird with the power of the sun, her power has grown unprecedentedly and never before, and that ultimate power is Nuclear fusion, in terms of destructive power alone, she is still above Xingxiong Yongyi.

"Hehe, I just want to make the atmosphere livelier." Facing Gu Mingdijue's questioning, Lingwu Lukong sneered, and couldn't help complaining as he walked over, "It's rare that A Lin and I finished the work ahead of time and hurried over. , You guys are already drinking, so disappointing."

"We don't have to wait for you." As he said, Gu Ming took a sip of wine, calmly and calmly.

"Oh, it's too much. Wouldn't it be a fight?" Lingwu Lukong yelled, then ran over quickly and ate the food on the ground.

She didn't seem to respect her master at all, she was not big or small, and Gu Mingdi didn't care, because the other party was just an idiot...well, even though she possessed great power, she was just an idiot after all.

"A-Lin, don't you want to eat?" Lin Luo looked at the Flame Cat-Ling standing next to Gu Mingdijue. Compared with that, A-Lin, who was in awe of Jue, had more duties as a pet.

"When it's not working, there is no need to be cautious." Gu Mingdijue said.

"Hehe, then I will eat this fish." Hearing what she said, A Lin suddenly laughed.

In the past half month, in addition to Gu Mingdi and the three of them, these two pets sometimes joined the battlefield for a one-vs-five battle, although from all aspects they brought great pressure to Lin Luo. But they are also indispensable for his ability to grow to his current character and state.

This small banquet lasted from the evening to the morning of the next day. Although everyone was a little bit sad, it had to come to an end in the end. When the banquet was over, Lin Luo naturally also set out to the world on earth.

When they parted, A Lin and A Kong took the lead to return to their jobs, and then Xing Xiong Yongyi also left the Di Ling Temple. Of course, she took away dozens of bottles of fine wine from Lin Luo by the way, and then Gu Ming Di Lian also went there. I went to play with her pet, only Lin Luo and Gu Mingdijue were left in the field.

The two looked at each other, and no one spoke. In the end, Gu Mingdi felt suddenly rushed up, hugged Lin Luo tightly, and then sent a fragrant kiss.

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, but did not refuse. He hugged the girl with his backhand and kissed her passionately. However, apart from kissing, the two did not do any aggressive actions, and Lin Luo's hand was only placed on her waist, keeping himself safe.

After a while, his lips parted, and Gu Mingdi looked at him deeply without saying anything, then turned and left. She had already received Lin Luo's promise, and the rest was not important anymore, and everything was left to be said in the future.

However, this situation made Lin Luo a little uncomfortable, and it was the most difficult to accept the grace of beauty. He understood a little bit now, but the feeling of the other party was temporarily impossible. He was no longer the one he used to be. .

"Fine, go back to the earth world first."

Lin Luo shook his head and sighed. When Gu Ming Dijue's back disappeared from his sight, he also turned and flew towards the earth world.

In the Earth Spirit Temple, he got a lot and left a lot, but the two are not directly proportional, because what he gained is far more than what he paid. Although somewhat guilty, he believes that one day he will be able to pay back. of.

Lin Luo was so sure.

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