The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 529: Once upon a time, the majesty and dignity of the eldest lady

Lin Luo knows, this unknown ghost formation in Lost Bamboo only works on himself.

In fact, this matter can be guessed by just thinking about it. Forever Pavilion is now hosting the Monthly Capital Expo. According to the unprecedented grand occasions of the previous few times, plus today, all kinds of people in Gensokyo have gone to the building, even the red and white ones. He Mu Q's kind of squatting at home, as well as the second lady, a ghost girl who can't be released casually, went there. It can be imagined how many people participated in this event.

And so many people will certainly not arrive at the same time, and it is impossible for Bayi Yonglin to pick them up in person, so she arranged such a formation in the lost bamboo forest, and it is estimated that more than 90% of the people will be blocked outside, even It is possible to be crushed directly into slag... but this kind of thing is obviously impossible. From this, it can be concluded that the super fierce formation that can crush all the basic powers of the ground level will not attack Gensokyo. People work.

On this point, the emperor has already made a good demonstration.

"So, does this formation only work for me? Damn it!" Lin Luo gritted his teeth a little bit, this is simply plane discrimination... or **** discrimination?

There is only one outsider in Gensokyo. He thinks that Eirin Bayi did not want him to be close to Kaguya, so he made such a ghost formation. Otherwise, they would have lived in Gensokyo for more than a thousand years. Why don’t you make it early or late, but it’s only now arranged?

Everyone knows the heart of Sima Zhao!

"It turned out to be you, I thought it was someone who was blocked by my formation, and even broke twice in a row." In Lin Luo's heart, he cursed Bayi Yonglin and vowed to **** her a hundred times. At that moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the bamboo forest opposite, and when he looked up, it was Bayi Yonglin.

Lin Luo didn't expect Bayi Yonglin to come out at this moment. When she looked at her, her eyes were somewhat uncomfortable, "Couldn't your formation be to block me?"

"I don't have so much idle time. I spent all my effort to arrange this mountain and sea scroll for you alone." Bayi Yonglin said calmly without paying attention.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the emperor blinked and couldn't help asking Bayi Yonglin, "Is there really something dangerous in this bamboo forest? Why can't I feel it at all?"

"You little celestial being is here too, but it's a little bit late." Bayi Yonglin was expressionless when facing Lin Luo, but when she spoke to the emperor, she showed the elder's amiable smile. , It is simply the difference between heaven and earth, which makes Lin Luo feel even more depressed... He hates to treat them differently!

Heaven and human beings are immortal. Although no one knows how long it took for the emperor to become a deity, at most it will not be more than a thousand years old, or even less, and this time is relative to the arrival of Ei Rin Bayi Said, it is estimated that it is only worth a little finger of her, so it is not an exaggeration to call the emperor to make a small heavenly person. In fact, among the celestial beings living in the heavens today, there are not many who can survive more than Hachiyi Yonglin, because according to rumors, Hachiyi Yonglin belongs to the first group of prehistoric humans who are over 100 million years old. Although I don't know if it is true or not.

"There is indeed a very dangerous formation here, but it doesn't matter to you. You should go to the eternal pavilion first. The activity has just started." Bayi Yonglin said to the emperor again.

The emperor nodded, and immediately ran towards the eternal pavilion. During the last time she created the mutation process, she originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of inserting keystones at Hakurei Shrine to take the opportunity to live in the shrine, but in the end she was forcibly driven out by Yakumo Zi. The two seemed to have a problem. A well-known relationship, so at this moment, facing the Yakumo Eirin who is at the same level as Yakumo Zi, she didn't dare to be as small as Lin Luo.

After the emperor left, Bayi Yonglin gave Lin Luo a look, then turned and walked towards the bamboo forest. Lin Luo knew what she meant, and immediately followed.

"Do you want to say something?" Lin Luo and Bayi Yonglin walked side by side and asked aloud. If the other party simply came to take him into the eternal pavilion, then there would be no need to open up the emperor, so Lin Luo knew that she must have something to say.

"I haven't seen you for a few days in a blink of an eye. You seem to have changed a lot." Bayi Yonglin didn't answer directly, but instead talked about Lin Luo.

"Well, I have grown a little bit." Lin Luo was noncommittal.

"Yes, at least it doesn't look as naive as before." Bayi Yonglin nodded, her tone was calm, but what she said made the corners of Lin Luo's mouth twitch.

"...I think it's not the time to talk about me now, right?"

"Do you mean this formation?" Bayi Yonglin asked rhetorically, and then before Lin Luo could answer, she said, "This is a mountain and sea scroll. I used to study a formation on the moon. The mystery of the formation will tell you. I'm afraid you don't understand it, so I won't explain it."

"..." Lin Luo was really speechless and didn't see it. It turns out that the masters and craftsmen have such a dark belly, "Then what is the purpose of you to arrange this mountain and sea scroll? Since it is not because of me."

"Of course the formation is used to trap people. Does this still need to be explained?" The black-bellied master and craftsman asked on the surface, but secretly satirized his ignorance. Lin Luo understood a little bit. The reason why Hui Ye was so black was probably due to her. She only hoped that Ling Xian would not follow her bad studies.

"It looks like you are very confused. Since you still can't hear it, I'll just tell you the vernacular." Yai Yonglin's face was straight, and Lin Luo no longer ridiculed Lin Luo, and said solemnly, "Recently, Gensokyo There have been a few foreign visitors. The strength of these foreign visitors is about the same as you half a month ago. Now you know what it means."

"Who is it?" Lin Luo asked. There is hostility hidden in the words of Bayi Yonglin, so her intention to arrange the mountains and seas is not self-explanatory, but the same as herself half a month ago, that is... Elementary level!

"Four Holy Beasts."

"..." Lin Luo's expression suddenly changed. Although Bayi Yonglin only said three words, he thought of a lot. There are no four sacred beasts in Gensokyo, and Hachii Eirin describes them as foreign visitors, which means that they have only appeared recently, but the four sacred beasts will not appear for no reason, and if they are only the primary enemy of the ground level, Hachie Eirin It's impossible to put it in the eyes, there is no need to arrange such a large array... Thinking of this, a person's name suddenly popped up in his mind-the dark king!

Although there is no basis for this conjecture, Lin Luo intuitively believes that he has a good guess. The Dark King’s heart code is the same as Liu Ziwen’s heart code. They are both the book of controlling the beast. Of course, Liu Ziwen’s one must be a pirated product. It will reach LV2, and it can’t even reach the peak of the human rank. If it’s a real heart code. It can't be this dish.

Only the pirated book of beast control can summon so many strange beasts, so it is not surprising that the genuine book of beast control can summon the four sacred beasts. The four sacred beasts at the elementary level, this force can be said to be quite powerful.

When the dark king came to Gensokyo, let's not say whether this guess is correct, and analyze it with the ability of the heart code...The dark king is a summoner. Generally speaking, the summoner only makes the summoned beast fight, but he himself is pitifully weak. Therefore, as long as you deal with the summoner himself, there is nothing terrifying.

Yes, it is normal, but!

Lin Luo would not put this "normal" on the Dark King. First of all, when the opponent entered the nightmare world without any summoned beasts, and entered in a very poor state, then the most important guarantee for his survival is Not the summoned beast, but himself.

Secondly, one of the three dignified kings, if he can only rely on summoned beasts, he is absolutely not qualified to sit in this position!

Lin Luo's heart sank. If the Four Sacred Beasts were really summoned by the Dark King, then his own strength is at least at least the elementary level, and even the intermediate level is possible...I don't believe Lin Luo will be killed. , The Dark King will be weaker than his own summoned beast!

"Did you think of something?" Seeing Lin Luo staying silent, Bayi Yonglin asked suddenly.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded and said solemnly, "If things are really as I imagined, there may be a bit of trouble, but generally there should be no need to worry."

There is no anxiety or anxiety on his face. Yes, he can estimate the horror and strength of the Dark King, but... as long as the Dark King does not reach the heavenly rank, no matter how strong he is, don't want to stir up in Gensokyo. Regrettably, let's not say that his current strength may not be weaker than him, just these BOSS-level characters such as Bayi Yonglin, are not the Dark King can deal with.

Of course, not being afraid does not mean that you can relax. The necessary vigilance is still needed.

"You and the princess are basically the same." Bayi Yonglin said casually, and then walked forward without looking back.

Bayi Yonglin must already know about the battle of Gods, because Kaguya knew it, and there could be no secrets between the two of them, and there was no need to hide anything from Yonglin. In fact, for the guilt for not protecting Kaguya more than a thousand years ago, Bayi Yonglin still has it, and this guilt has gradually turned into an irresistible responsibility in the long stream of time. And feelings, so no matter when Bayi Yonglin will guard Kaguya, and Kaguya responds to her loyalty with absolute trust.

In a sense, the two can be said to have been inseparable.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo's heart suddenly became very complicated. In this case, if he gave Huiye a contract, wouldn't it mean that Bayi Yonglin had also signed it together? Not only Bayi Yonglin, but also Lingxian, because Lingxian can no longer be separated from them... So strictly speaking, signing Huiye means signing the entire Eternal Pavilion.

"I really don't know whether to cry or laugh?" Lin Luo shook his head helplessly, and walked to the Everlasting Pavilion behind Bayi Yonglin.

Along the way, Lin Luo pays attention to the steps and sequence of the Bayi Yonglin when he advances, because the mountains and seas are not closed at the moment, and the only road she walks on is safe to pass...Although the Bayi Yonglin is nothing. I didn't say, but Lin Luo understood what she meant.

After a while, the two finally arrived at the Forever Pavilion, and Lin Luo had already written down the law of breaking the formation.

Bayi Yonglin is regarded as the half host of this event, and she has something to do, so she has already left first, which is not bad for Lin, so she can visit freely without restraint.

The Forever Pavilion at this moment is completely different from when Lin Luo came for the first time. Several diagonal corners and railings of the house are connected to the nearby bamboo. There are lights and festoons. Numerous beautiful ribbons and silks sway gently in the breeze. The sisters danced in the air while playing music.

On the ground around the house, there are various utensils, but they are not products of Yuedu, but ordinary props of Gensokyo, because this is not an exhibition hall. Most of them are dominated by salutes, and there will be a few festive explosions from time to time, which looks like a Chinese New Year.

Many fairies flew up and down in the air following the music of the Three Sisters of Sao Ling, as if welcoming those salutes. Some of these fairies were known by Lin Luo, such as the fairy maids in the Red Devil Mansion, and they often followed on the Lake of Mist. A few of Cirno's side, even the Eastern March Fairy are here, of course, he has never seen most of the fairies.

The Moon Capital Expo is completely public. As long as they have the ability to pass through the lost bamboo forest, anyone can participate. Therefore, although seeing Lin Luo coming, these fairies and spirits are not surprised. They dance and play like children. With.

Then I walked into the gate of the Everlasting Pavilion. The already big room seemed to be bigger at this moment. I don’t know if it was because of the removal of the middle layers of screens. Except for the living room of Huiye and the others, the whole room The house is divided into three parts, namely the Classical Hall, the Military Hall and the Academic Hall.

There is a sign in front of each exhibition hall with a detailed introduction. What you want to visit, or what you are interested in, you can visit according to these introductions... In general, the classical museum displays It is the culture of Yuedu. The military hall displays the military power of Yuedu, while the academic hall displays the magical technology of Yuedu, including medical history, and even stereoscopic projection technology. It can be described as everything.

Lin Luo glanced at random, and then walked towards the military museum. Lin Luo was somewhat interested in the mysterious lunar weapons. After all, most lunar weapons were a combination of mystery and technology, and some even included Yakumo. Zi must be afraid of three points.

"Ah! You guy has finally come!" Across the corridor, Lin Luo had just walked into the military hall room. Before he had time to visit, he suddenly heard a familiar voice with a little excitement in his tone, but more But seems to be angry?

Lin Luo subconsciously looked towards the voice, only to see a petite girl in a white gothic loli suit leaping towards him at a very fast speed, and then he felt a pain in his shoulder. Looking down, she found that the girl was half-hanging on his body, two sharp teeth had been pierced into his flesh, and she was sucking blood...

......Miss, don't you want Nai's majesty and decency?

Lin Luo couldn't help being speechless for a while.

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