The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 571: This is something that only she can do

Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

"What the **** is it? Master told me to find..." Somewhere in the lost bamboo forest, Ling Xian walked cautiously. Every time she walked in front of a bamboo, she would squat down and fumble, seeming to be looking for it. She was looking for something, but her face looked a little dazed, because she didn't know what she was looking for.

There are many monsters and fairies around her, such as the Oriental March Fairy, the Great Fairy, the Emperor Inaba, and the Three Sisters of Sao Ling. They are all relatively weak ones, and there are many more that can’t even be transformed. The rabbit monsters that arrived, they all looked blankly like Lingxian... walked to a bamboo and knocked a few times, then left, then walked to another bamboo, and so on.

Although everyone found a lot of fun like playing games at the beginning, over time, this monotonous "game" has made them uninterested, especially Inabadi, who has been complaining constantly.

"Ah, it's so boring, I'm going to watch them fight over there." Emperor Inaba stood up and pointed his finger in the direction of the eternal pavilion. There was the place where Lin Luo and the evil king fought fiercely, even though the violent fluctuations It can be clearly felt in this kind of place.

"No, this is Master's order!" Ling Xian's expression suddenly shuddered, and she said in a deep voice. Although she is usually more uncomfortable, people will change after experiencing certain things. Witnessing Huiye's death, let the present Ling Xian can no longer treat others with her previous gentleness.

"... Wusa, just look for it, why are you so fierce." Emperor Inaba had never seen Lingxian so strong, and was immediately shocked. After all, in terms of strength, hundreds of her combined were not Lingxian's opponents. , But with a dark belly, she still couldn't help but complain a few words, muttering while continuing to look for it.

Although other fairies and monsters also find it a bit boring, it’s safer to do nothing here compared to watching such horrible places. After all, not everyone likes to watch the excitement, so after a lot of fun, everyone again Start the journey of "don't know what to look for".

"Bamboo, there's nothing. Why did Master say that?" Among the people, Ling Xian looked for the most seriously, because she saw the tragedy with her own eyes and heard the instructions of Yonglin Bayi... When Bayi Yonglin sent her to the lost bamboo forest, she spoke to her in a tone that only she could hear, and that sentence was: Huiye was in the lost bamboo forest, looking for bamboo.

"I also said that as long as you find it, you will know. What does it mean?" Although Ling Xian had some comfort to learn that the princess was still alive, she really couldn't understand the meaning of Hachii Eirin's words.

I don’t know how much time I’ve spent, Ling Xian gradually escaped from the “big army” and went to the depths of the lost bamboo alone. She carefully inspected every bamboo along the way, but she still didn’t find anything worth noting. When I was puzzled, I suddenly felt that I was slapped on the shoulder.

"Ah!" Lingxian seemed to be frightened. She instinctively jumped up and looked back. When she saw the person on the other side, her face suddenly changed, and she subconsciously stepped back, behaving at a loss, "You..."

"You don't need to be so defensive against me, things are not what you think." It was Lin Luo who appeared in front of Ling Xian. Seeing her panic and fear with a hint of vigilance, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Sometimes What you see is not necessarily true."

"What...what do you mean?" Although Ling Xian was talking to Lin Luo, he didn't look at him, but looked at other places expectantly, saying: Why didn't Master Master come?

Since Lin Luo appeared here, it meant that the battle was over. She could still think of this, and the violent fluctuations had indeed disappeared. Compared to Lin Luo, she now wanted to see Eternal Lin Bayi even more.

"It means that the truth is often hidden away from the eyes. By the way, have you found Huiye?" Lin Luo smiled slightly and said something that Ling Xian cared most.

The girl immediately cast her gaze on him, and hurriedly asked: "Is the princess really not dead?"

"Of course." Lin Luo replied decisively, "Don't you know that Huiye was originally immortal? How could ordinary attacks kill her."

Of course Lingxian knew this, but since she was an immortal, why didn't she come back to life after death? This is what she doubts most. It stands to reason that Penglai people will be resurrected immediately after death.

"You...what the **** is going on?" Ling Xian finally couldn't help asking.

"Well, let me just say it briefly. You know about the battle of Gods. In fact, Hui Ye's death was just a trick to confuse the eyes..." Lin Luo smiled slightly and explained to the girl.

Everything revolves around Huiye's heart of the world-the heart of eternity. As the first known host, the only host with a 100% fit, Kaguya knows more about divine warfare than the walker, especially in the aspect of the host and the walker. She knows better than anyone how good the eternal heart in her is for other walkers. She knows that if other walkers learn about her status, they will definitely attack her unscrupulously. For example, the evil king would rather give up a large number of subordinates in order to gain eternal heart.

Bayi Yonglin’s prophecy is infinitely close to reality, and Huiye understands more clearly that she is mortal this time through the power of the Heart of the World, and the so-called death cannot be resolved... Although the Penglai people cannot die, they are becoming After the host of the world heart, this greatest potential has become the only weakness of the immortal body. Walkers can kill the host’s life by absorbing the world heart. Once the world heart is lost, the immortal body must die. , Because the heart of the world represents existence.

"Then, I only have to die once." At that time, in the month of hypocrisy, facing the shocked eyes of Lin Luo and Bayi Yonglin, Huiye smiled like this.

Just as order can be destroyed with power, so can absolutes. After all, there are never absolute things in this world. The so-called inevitability is composed of countless accidents.

As far as Huiye knew, there was only one way for her to crack this death catastrophe, and that was death.

The ability to activate the heart of the world puts all her existence in the heart of the world, and her body becomes an ordinary body that will grow old, sick and die. In this way, she becomes a host without any fighting ability. When dying, it means the death of the first host.

Because of such a fragile body, Lin Luo's Destroying Black Flame could burn her down in an instant.

At the same time, at the moment of being killed, the existence placed in the heart of the world will use the power of the heart of the world to actively unlock the immortality of the Penglai people, just like when they were exiled to the earth by the moon a thousand years ago, the night of Penglai Mountain Will welcome her new life in Takenaka.

"In that case, the princess will die because of her own cause, and the real she is not dead, just in the bamboo?" Ling Xian was stunned after hearing Lin Luo's words, with an unbelievable look on her face.

Lin Luo nodded, yes, Hui Ye’s death was her own proposal. It was not only used to resolve this death catastrophe, but also a deception set against the evil king. After all, the first host was really dead. Even the existence is gone, and it is impossible to resurrect in any case. The evil king can see this clearly.

Therefore, the evil king instinctively thought that Lin Luo would kill Huiye in order to prevent him from gaining eternal heart. Then find a second host to fuse. At that time, no matter how high the fit of the second host is, it will become an ordinary heart of the world for other walkers, and the evil king will no longer have a heart for eternity. Pursue.

This is what the evil king takes for granted, but the facts are also true. As long as Lin Ge can beat the evil king back and keep his heart forever, there will be nothing about Huiye... but the evil king does not understand. The existence of Huiye, the first host, has been placed in the heart of eternity, and only the first host died, but not Huiye.

Once Eternal Heart merges with the newborn Huiye again, she will still be the first host, and there will be no change... The only thing that changes is that other walkers no longer feel that she is the first host.

This is something that only Kaguya can do, because apart from her, there is no second host who can have 100% fit and immortality at the same time...It is precisely because of these two abilities. The co-existence of Hui Ye can deceive the evil king in this situation.

"It's complicated..." When Lin Luo finished explaining, Ling Xian couldn't help frowning. She could not understand most of what she said just now, but as long as she knew that the princess was not dead, then everything else was not important.

"Complexity is a little more complicated, but because of this complexity, the enemy would not think that this is a scam." Lin Luo smiled.

"Yeah." Ling Xian nodded happily, and she was finally relieved now.

Seeing her sincere smile, Lin Luo also let go of a stone in his heart. The reason why he came to Lingxian alone was to explain all this to her. After all, she would definitely have a shadow when she saw that scene. If you don't explain it yourself, you will inevitably have grievances... For him who may accept forever in the future, such grievances are undesirable.

"But, why didn't you tell me earlier? This saves me from worrying."

"If you want to deceive the enemy first, you have to deceive yourself first. If you were not surprised at the time, but acted like a okay person, the enemy would definitely be suspicious. Then, our game would be half defeated."

"So that's it." Ling Xian nodded as if he didn't understand.

"Well, let's go to Hui Ye next, she must be in some bamboo."


Ling Xian nodded heavily and followed Lin Luo with a smile on his face.

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