The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 577: It only takes one night to change from a girl to a wife...really one night, as long as

Of course, Reimu's lower body is also completely naked, and its messy traces are not much different from the upper body, or even worse. The smooth thighs were slightly open, and white stains were everywhere, and the eyes were smooth over the base of the legs, and you could clearly see that the girl's most private part was mixed with all kinds of bad things.

In addition, the quilt under her body is also red and white. The girl's falling red and some kind of bad thing form a unique landscape... This time, the red and white witches really become Red and white!

Reimu has not only lost her integrity, but now she has no virginity... By the way, can she still be a witch?

"Damn it, I'm done!" After realizing that he was really beeping Reimu, Lin Luo pressed his head in pain. He never expected that he would push down the red and white at this time. But something terrible... when he thinks of the terrifying ghost witch yesterday, his heart becomes cold.

Lin Luo walked off the bed gently, then picked up the messy clothes on the ground and put them on quickly. At the same time, the thoughts in his mind were also spinning at a high speed: How could he knock Reimu down last night? That kind of thing is totally impossible, because when I came in yesterday, there was no one here at all. Want to say that Reimu went to bed? She can't be so unlimited, then...

"If you combine the mystery of Gensokyo with your mystery, what do you say will happen?"

"Although there is indeed something to do, it should be considered a good thing for you."

Suddenly, Lin Luo remembered what Yakumo Zi said yesterday. He was shocked, and even the movement of his hand stopped, "Difficult...Is that what the purple mother was referring to?"

"Isn't it possible?" Lin Luo felt a little absurd. The existence of Reimu is very important to Yakumo Zi, and she clearly knew that she had ideas about Reimu, and she clearly hinted to herself, anyway. I wouldn't let myself abduct Reimu, so how could I push Reimu onto his bed in a blink of an eye? This is illogical!

"...Since you can't find an ideal successor, you can make one yourself. If you combine the mystery of Gensokyo with yours, what do you think will happen?"

"That's right!" Thinking of what Yakumo Zi had said again, Lin Luo slapped his thigh fiercely and made a violent noise, which made him startled with a few drops of sweat. He turned his head and looked on the bed and found that there was no Reimeng. Signs of waking up, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Yesterday he still didn’t understand what Yakumo Zi’s words meant, but now he finally understands that the so-called combination of his mystery and Gensokyo’s mystery refers to him and Reimu...Reimu’s aptitude There is no doubt, and Yakumo Zi also knows his identity, so what will happen to the offspring born of these two?

The successor that Yakumo Zi found was the child of him and Hakuri Reimu!

"Damn it! I knew... that purple mother wasn't making a good idea, but I just didn't think she would have such an unlimited lower limit!" Lin Luo was desperate, desperate for Gensokyo's various unscrupulous behaviors.

Although there is no definitive proof of the drama, from all aspects, I guess the probability of more than 90% is not wrong. After all, Zi Ma possesses the power of the realm...the realm of reality and dreams, both visible and invisible. Realm, the realm of overthrowing and reverse pushing, the realm of prospering and not prospering...Well, the last two are purely verbal, but the motives and conditions are all there, and Zi Ma’s shady scene is almost a certainty!

The only thing that makes him uncertain is that... he and Reimu only spent one night. Although there are many times, he has done many times with Evan Mikoto before, and he didn't see them pregnant, Zi Ma How can you be sure that you can definitely make Reimu pregnant? Okay, let’s take a step back. If you are not a girl in your life, obviously you can’t be a Boli Miko. Wouldn’t it be a waste of effort?

Does Zi Ma still have the power of pregnancy and non-pregnancy, the realm of giving birth to boys and girls?

Leave him alone, Lin Luo almost guessed the cause and effect. Indeed, this should be considered a good thing for myself. Since I have this kind of substantive husband and wife relationship with Reimu, it should be much easier for me to contract with her, and if I do have a child, then the child is just one. An absolute breakthrough point, but... all of this must be based on whether he can live today!

Yesterday, Reimu turned into a ghost witch after being attacked by the evil king in the chest. She tortured her as miserably as the flower. But last night, she "eaten" her completely, exploding before and after the mouth exploded. All kinds of explosions, if Reimu's figure is good enough, it is estimated that a chest explosion will be added...The scene of the explosion and the fiery passion I am afraid that even the AV hero and heroine will be ashamed of it.

This kind of thing is simply heaven and earth compared to Xixiong. If Reimu remembers everything, if she knew everything about last night and didn't change into a ghost witch, Lin Luo wouldn't believe it!

Lin Luo had self-knowledge, he was still a few levels short of trying to stop the ghost maiden. Basically, if Reimu ran away, he would not have any chance of surviving.

"Why don't you fix her membrane first, so that your virginity will come back, and you will continue to pretend to sleep..." Lin Luo thought in his heart. It must be impossible to escape. It would be too unscrupulous to eat and wipe away people, and it is impossible to hide this kind of thing, so the only thing that can be done is to repair the hymen. In this way, maybe Reimu would also treat last night's affairs as a spring dream, and then nothing else, just like last time with the red, white, black and white three Ps.

But there is a question, how to solve the marks on Reimu's body, that is not something that can be repaired, if you solve it by yourself, it will inevitably wake her...

"Damn, that purple mother won't leave me a way out!" Lin Luo scratched his head painfully, and it was not right to leave at this moment. It was dangerous to stay, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Fine!" After a while, Lin Luo decided to take a gamble, betting that Reimu would not wake up temporarily after strenuous exercise. During this time, he helped her get her virginity back, and then wiped her body clean, temporarily hiding it. Let's talk about it for a while.

The decision was made in her mind, Lin Luo looked at Reimeng's face first, and found that she was still asleep with her eyes closed, and she felt a little at ease. Then he carefully stretched out his hand, and cast his gaze to the girl's private parts...

Although he had done it many times last night, when he saw the secret garden of the young girl fragrant grass luxuriant, he couldn't help but swallowed, his body instinctively appeared morning erection.

In addition to her small breasts, Reimu's conditions are all top-notch, which can definitely arouse men's desires. At this moment, she is not only naked, but also full of bad things. In addition, the lustful atmosphere of last night is still still Without dissipating, this is simply a fatal temptation for Lin Luo, who has a good taste.

Fortunately, Lin Luo's temperament is not bad now. He resisted the urge to beep her again and suppressed the desire in his heart. His hands were already trembling slightly to the girl's private parts, but...

"Huh?" Just when Lin Luo's fingers touched the girl's private parts, Reimu suddenly opened his eyes. Lin Luo, who had been paying attention to the girl's state, was frightened and frightened. He shook his hand and almost went straight in. ... He really wants to cry, why does it always happen? !

"What are you doing?" Reimu didn't seem to be fully awake, and he wasn't surprised to see Lin Luo in his bed. Instead, he rubbed his eyes and asked naturally.

Lin Luo didn't answer, he didn't know how to react now... the character was crashing, he couldn't think about it, and he forced the request to disconnect.

"Woo... weird, why does my body hurt? My mouth is so bitter, did you eat something bad yesterday?" Reimu woke up in a daze, feeling the pain in his body for the first time, his neck, chest, Lower abdomen, thighs...There is almost no pain in the upper and lower parts of the whole body, and the most painful part is the lower body. The front and back seem to be torn, making her brows frown, and she keeps crying.

In addition, the mouth was filled with a bitter and numb smell, and there was a faint pungent fishy smell, subconsciously stretched his hand to the tongue, and the fingers suddenly brought out a touch of greasiness.

"Oh, it's so painful, isn't this something abnormal..." Reimu stood up with her hands on the bed, frowning, but she was completely stunned when she straightened up half of her body, because she saw her whole body Naked, his lower body not only has red blood stains, but also white stains, especially when there is a man's hand between his legs.

"Huh?" Looking at the scene in front of her, Reimu was a bit unable to understand, but after all, she was not the kind of person who was completely ignorant of sex. After the question mark in her head for a few seconds, her confused eyes gradually became clear. Crazy also gradually recalled, and finally... she finally knew what had happened.

"Ahhhhh!!!" The terrifying scream almost resounded through Gensokyo.


The best elite reporter of the Tengu Reporter Brigade shot Ming Maruwen. When she went out to dig out Gensokyo's gossip in the morning after the second day of the banquet, she heard a terrifying scream from Hakuri Shrine. At the time of the shrine, there was already a mess. The entire shrine was almost collapsed. It seemed that there had been a terrible battle, but the maiden who originally lived in the shrine was still there.

Afterwards, the journalist Shemei Maruwen asked a related person living near the Hakurei Shrine. According to a related person who declined to be named, she also heard the scream at the time, but because the scream was really true. It was too horrible, as if an evil spirit had come, she didn't have the courage to check it out, but fleeed like flying.

In this regard, the journalist Sheming Wanwen expressed regret. At the same time, she also said that she will continue to follow up and report on this matter. Therefore, the general public is pleased to live with peace of mind and bet on the spirit of the reporter. She will definitely investigate this matter. !

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