The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 592: The belated electric shock princess named this era...the super-electromagnetic gun!

As we all know, magicians are similar to the role of a fort. Maybe their defense is not very strong, their speed is not very fast, their consciousness is not very agile, but their attacks are absolutely sharp. A tier-level magician is terrifying no matter what magic is released, and if it is a forbidden curse, then this destructive power may far exceed his own strength... It is not an illusion that the magician can destroy the world. .

However, at this moment, the destruction-level forbidden curse released by a strong ground-level is actually blocked by a sky thunder, and what is even more incredible is...just a flick of the finger, which contains endless destructive power. The giant ball of light just disappeared? !

When seeing this scene, whether it was the girls in the Sky City or the red-haired woman at the Gate of Heaven, they were all stunned. Their gazes immediately turned to the person who made the bullet... What is reflected is a young girl with short brown hair. Electric current flashes through her body from time to time. She raises her head and looks forward, with a slight smile on her mouth. The tip of her right finger touches the tip of her hair. Flashed by.

That touch of lightness and indifference, not artificial or deliberate, revealed naturally.

The identity of the girl is... Misaka Mikoto!


"Discharge girl!"


"that guy!"


When seeing her, the Sky City, the Floating City, and the Gate of Heaven, everyone cried out in surprise. Rin Tosaka and others were shocked by Mikoto’s sudden appearance... Since Mikoto suddenly came from the sky more than a month ago Zhicheng left and never came back. Although they were very concerned at the beginning, as time passed, they concentrated on their own cultivation, and naturally left her affairs behind. In this battle, they almost forgot about Mikoto, and obviously they didn't expect to appear again at this time.

Chao Lingyin and CC are grateful for Mikoto’s timely action... The magician’s forbidden spell is terrifying. If hit, let alone a floating city, even the entire sky city may be wiped out. They had already done it. They were prepared for death, but Mikoto's shot saved them a life. While rejoicing in the joy of the rest of his life, they were also puzzled by Mikoto's strength at the moment.

The red-haired woman and others were shocked by Mikoto’s terrifying strength... When she came to this world, the red-haired woman didn’t feel the aura of a strong ground-level here, so she was able to unscrupulously display her tremor. Properties, but now! The magician's forbidden spell is a bit difficult even if she wants to block it, but Mikoto is very heavy and destroys with one blow. If it is not a level, she would not believe it!

At this moment, looking at the tea-haired girl, an incredible light flashed in everyone's eyes.

However, this state only lasted for a few seconds. The magician’s triumphant trick was smashed by a single finger. Although he was shocked, he still had the temperament that he should have, and he immediately strengthened his absoluteness. The defensive circle quickly retreated...As a magician, he was fighting for death with the strong at the same level.

The black pikemen on the other side reacted and immediately shot Xiang Mikoto. The sharp and domineering offensive was almost like a volcanic eruption, which made people feel irresistible.

But in the face of such an attack, Mikoto didn't even look at it. Instead, she looked back at the floating city, "Hey, self-sacrifice or something, it's best not to do this kind of thing, even if you save other people because of your sacrifice, But the people you rescued won’t be happy either... This is the experience of being a senior who has done this kind of stupid things before."

"Uh!" Chao Lingyin was stunned after hearing these words. She naturally knew that Mikoto was referring to her. When the strongest artillery road was erected, the anti-matter power had already begun to counteract the floating city. The violent fluctuations of terrifying energy can be seen by anyone, and the floating city is on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Chao Ling Yin didn’t have time to think about what Mikoto’s words meant. In a hurry, he forgot Mikoto’s bravery in extinguishing the forbidden curse with a single blow. He panicked and shouted: "Be careful, that guy is a level. ..."

"Levels, it doesn't matter what that kind of thing is." Before the super ringtone finished speaking, Mikoto waved back and said nonchalantly, "I have stopped all the weapons on the floating city for the time being. , You go back to the Sky City first."

"Huh?" Chao Lingyin opened her mouth, and instinctively looked at the state of the floating city. She was surprised to find that the floating city's weapons had really been shut down, except for some auxiliary functions, without any attack power. ...Including the anti-matter artillery road she just set up!


Chao Lingyin was about to ask something, but before she could speak, there was a thunderous sound from the other side. He quickly looked up and saw that Mikoto had already dealt with the black gunman.

Faced with the fierce attack of the gunmen, Mikoto didn't seem to care at all. She didn't deliberately despise or show disdain. It was because of her absolute confidence in her own strength and her personality, just like she used to be in academy city. Facing those who are incapable, they are general, reckless and bold.

Between the flashing lights, she looked at the black spearman who was rushing forward. Mikoto just raised her left hand to block her side. The next moment, something incredible happened.


In the slight crisp sound, the spear was blocked, and it was difficult for Mikoto's finger to get in with the tip of the spear...Yes, it was just a finger, just one finger, and that sharp and unmatched blow was completely destroyed by Mikoto. Blocked, even the domineering aura released by the Black Pikemen disappeared without a trace because of this finger.

"how can that be?!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was petrified, and the shock in their hearts was beyond surpassing, especially the Black Pikeman himself. When Mikoto appeared and resolved the magician’s forbidden spell, he knew that the girl’s strength was very strong, so he shot with all his strength, but he never expected that the opponent would block his mortal blow with just one finger. This kind of thing...It's ridiculous!

The first thing that came out was the super-ring tone. It was not that she had the best temperament, but because when Mikoto blocked the black spearmen, a huge force rushed to the floating city and pushed it to the sky city, regaining her senses. After coming, she immediately called up the battle power analysis data, and then was shocked to find that Mikoto's strength at the moment has surpassed least in terms of statistics, it is more than twice that of Evangelin!

"What kind of medicine did she...take?" She was surprised by her strength, but also had huge doubts. Mikoto, who was originally only an Intermediate Spirit Stage, had already reached the Intermediate Earth Stage and above in just over a month. , A full leap of a great realm, it is more fierce than riding a rocket, it is hard to imagine what the other party did in this month, it would be too exaggerated if it wasn't for knocking drugs.

Of course, besides these, there is more excitement. She believes that Mikoto's current strength is definitely the strongest in the world! So Chao Lingyin did not hesitate to activate the floating city to its maximum speed and flew to the sky city... Now, if she continues to stay here, she will be the one who is holding her back.

In the Sky City, Rin Tosaka and the others were already speechless. The expressions on their faces fully showed how great the shock in their hearts was. Perhaps it could not be expressed as surprise, but strange!

Not to mention the surprise of the girls, strange strangers, on the battlefield where all the eyes of the people from all over the world gathered, the black pikemen immediately withdrew after regaining their senses, and the spear re-adjusted the offensive and killed Mikoto... Even at the elementary level, his strength is quite strong, otherwise it would be impossible to survive the previous war outside the world gate, so he doesn’t believe anyone can block his attack with a finger. Next, even the mid-level strong can't do it!

At the same time, the magician above also sang ancient and long-distance spells. The magic power that was too large to be estimated by data was instantly formed in his hand, condensing a huge six-series light ball that was stronger than before, and then a loud sound Drink, the ball smashed towards Mikoto.

The two tiered masters have clearly exploded beyond 100% of their strength. They are real, one distance and one close, one battle and one method. This combination may be treated with caution even if the middle-tier strong, but Mikoto But still a nonchalant expression.

"This world, although a bit monotonous and a little boring, but here, each of us can live unfettered and unfettered." Ignoring the attacks of the two, Mikoto raised his head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds, with a free and easy smile in his eyes. , "Because there are things that I want to protect, because there are reasons to fight, because I hope everyone can smile and go to the future, so in this only place..."



Having said that, Mikoto stretched out her hands, and the huge ball of light was once again pointed out by her. The sharp tip of the gun was clamped by her with two fingers, and then she flicked her right hand. The black pikeman was thrown out by her like a rag. The teacher smashed into each other heavily...The two were horrified to find that they were unable to use their strength at this moment!

"Even if one person can't do things, as long as everyone works together..."


While speaking, a coin bounced high.

"Just like now, isn't it, this world...sorry, it's a bit late."


The ultimate electromagnetic cannon fired, and the straight bright orange-red light beam penetrated the black pikeman's body in an instant, broke through the magician's absolute defensive net, and then penetrated the magician's body again and went straight into the sky.

In the end, the magnetic cannon slid across the red-haired woman's cheeks and hit the huge gate of heaven.


Amid the earth-shattering explosion, the gate of heaven... shattered!

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