The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 604: Come to think of it, I saw her in my dream

Because almost lost all the abilities of the book of contract, Lin Luo himself could not leave the time and space garden, so he could only rely on Precia’s teleportation magic circle, and the three of Fit Elf went to the earth and went to the holy. The location of the stone seed, at the same time... is also the city where the residence of Takamachi Naha lives-Kaiming City.

Here, Lin Luo had to admire Nayha’s protagonist halo, Yuno’s digger, who "feared that the world would not be chaotic," was digging regardless of burying. Although the space-time ship was shot down when he passed the earth, the earth is so big. , Why 21... not right, all the 20 holy stone seeds fell in this place in Haiming City?

Except for Lyrical Nanoha's protagonist aura, Lin Luo had no other reason, but it would have been a lot easier in this way, at least there was no need to go all over the world to find the Sacred Stone Seed.

"This is our new home... It's so spacious and comfortable." Elf jumped onto the big bed in the room with a bang, and said happily while rolling there, leaving Pressia's sight. , It is a great thing for her, whether it is for herself or Fett.

"Well, this room is really good, and the equipment is quite complete, Fett, what do you think?" Lin Luo watched around for a while, then walked to Fett's side, squatting down and asked with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, you can live." Fett still has that indifferent tone, as if he doesn't care about anything. In fact, it is true. Except for the seed of the holy stone, food and housing are not important to her.

Lin Luo knew that her heart was still closed, and she didn't feel any dissatisfaction with her indifferent attitude, and smiled slightly, "But before that, we still have to eat something to fill our stomachs. It seems that it is almost night. "As he said, he walked to the phone in the corner of the room and ordered a three-person package.

This is a high-end residential area in Haiming City. Lin Luo and the three of them appeared on the rooftop of this high-end apartment building when they transferred from the Temporal Garden to the earth, and the floor under the rooftop was the top floor of the apartment. It was the room Precia prepared for them.

It is no longer a single room like in the time-space garden, but a suite with several bedrooms, which makes Lin Luo a little bit regretful, and sure enough... the dream of sleeping with your favorite concubine in your arms as a pillow cannot be so fast It's achieved.

"I'm full." Dinner ended in a very ordinary atmosphere. After eating, Fett got up from his seat and put on her special black cloak again. "I went to search for the seed of the holy stone. position."

"I'll go with you, Fett." Elf said quickly.

"Yeah." Fei Fei nodded, then looked at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo knew that Fitt probably didn't want to let himself go, because his body has not fully recovered yet. Anyway, there is no object to be frightened, and it is only a search, and there is no danger tonight. Lin Luo is too lazy to pretend. Forced, waved his hand and smiled: "Then you two will go, because my current state may drag you back, so it's better not to go, remember to be careful."

After that, Fett and Elf flew out of the window and blinked into the darkness.

"The seed of the sacred stone..." After Fett and the others left, Lin Luo couldn't help putting down his chopsticks to sink, and he had to consider some things in detail. In this event of the Sacred Stone Seed, because of his injuries, he may not be able to intervene in many places. Moreover, the Sacred Stone Seed and the walker are still repelling... Wrong!

Although the seed of the sacred stone is powerful, it has not yet reached the point where it can reject the walker. The reason why it is difficult for the walker to touch the seed of the sacred stone is because the existence of the heart code is too advanced, so that it affects the seed of the sacred stone, even Just a slight thought, it is possible to elicit the power of the holy stone seed.

Therefore, in this event of the Sacred Stone Seed, he could not personally touch those things, and he did not have the method of sealing the Sacred Stone Seed. Randomly touching the Sacred Stone Seed is likely to cause strangeness. change.

Of course, you only need to leave the seal to Fett and Lyrical Nanoha. They are experts. They have no need to intervene. They just need to take care of them when there is a danger. If there is no accident, everything will follow. The original plot to proceed...

But will there be no accidents?

A butterfly flapping its wings may cause a tornado on the other side of the world. Due to its own chaos and the fact that the seed of the sacred stone is "missing", the future variables may be very large.

"Anyway, the most important thing right now is my body." Lin Luo sighed, then walked back to the room and took out dozens of A-grade gems from the storage space to start recuperating. In this way, with pure magic power for recuperation, at least 70% of the magic power is wasted. Although it is a pity for Lin Luo, there is no alternative. Of course, his family has a big business and no amount of A-grade gems is trivial to him.

Even, in order to recover his body as soon as possible, he also took out a small number of A+ grade gems, and it took almost five or six minutes to empty the magic power of an A+ grade magic gem, and it could affect his body. At most only one-third of the magic power is effective, and most of the others are scattered between the heavens and the earth...This kind of behavior, if Rin Tosaka sees it, will definitely slap him severely, which is too wasteful. !

In fact, if it is just a physical repair, just a dozen A-grade gems can restore his ability to move freely. After all, the abnormal physique is there, and it is very simple to use magic to accelerate the speed of self-regeneration. And the reason why Lin Luo hasn't recovered until now, the more important reason lies in his source and soul.

In the previous battle, because of the excessive use of spiral force to transcend, his source and soul were greatly damaged. Although it was not impossible to fight, once the force involved in the source was used, that kind of excessive force would be against His body caused a certain degree of damage, and of course it would also affect Yuan's recuperation.

Therefore, the source and soul are the foundation of his restoration.

And these two existences want to use pure magic to repair, although it is not impossible, but it is whimsical to want to recover in a very short time.

"Well... hasn't reached the critical point yet, it seems that there will be more than a dozen A+ grade gems." After all the gems around him were consumed, Lin Luo moved his hands and feet a little, and then opened the storage space, but , Just when he was about to take out the magic gems, his eyes were attracted by one of them.

The book of roots!

Since he went to Gensokyo, he has hardly taken out this book. It’s not because he didn’t pay much attention to it, but because he couldn’t touch it at the time, such as realm magic and life magic. And what he can touch is not very useful, and he has no real contact with a strong like Yakumo Zi, so for a long time he has not gone through the book of roots, so he has forgotten it.

There are hundreds of kinds of magic in the book of roots, from attack to defense, from support to healing, and the ancient magic itself is used against the source, so there must be healing source magic!

Thinking of this, Lin Luo immediately became excited and quickly opened the book of root causes. After a while, he really found the magic that could repair the source, and there were three kinds of magic, but...

"Damn it, can't it be used!" Lin Luo was depressed, because he couldn't learn the magic in the book of roots. Although it made him entangled, it was only natural to think about it carefully. After all, he could find the book of roots and study it. The fundamental reason for this magic is the existence of the book of contract.

But now that the Book of Contract was sealed, he had lost the bridge to connect with the Book of Roots.

"It seems that there is only one way to repair my source." Lin Luo pointed to the book of roots and said in a deep voice. There are only two kinds of people who can learn the magic in the Book of Roots, one is the existence that opens the source and allows Yuan to move freely, and the other is!


When Lin Luo was entangled in the book of roots, Fett, who went out to find the whereabouts of the holy stone seed, also encountered a little trouble...or it should not be said that it was trouble, but a destined thing, because she met Lynn.

Originally, without Lin Luo's intervention, everything would proceed according to the original plot. The first encounter between Fett and Lynn was at the house of Tsukimura Suzuka a few days later, but because the butterfly flapped its wings, they not only met in advance. And the location of the first encounter has changed.

The reason for the two to meet is of course the seed of the holy stone. When the seed of the holy stone came out with weak fluctuations, both Nanoha and Fett felt it. Of course, the two would not let go of any seed of the holy stone, so Immediately went to the scene and ran into each other as a matter of course.

At this moment, the two are in the same park. Fett is standing on the top of the lighthouse and looking down. Lying on the ground looks up, Elf transformed into a dog and Yuno branch companion transformed into a mink. By the two of them.

"Fett, she is the same type of Magister as you, I am afraid she is the searcher of the Primordial Heritage, but she seems to be a newcomer, and there is no threat." Elf looked at Neyha and said, with a slight contempt in her tone. Put Nanoha in your eyes.

"You can't go wrong, she also comes from my world, she is a magister." Yuno looked at Fett with a surprised look, "and this girl...she also knows the essence of the seed of the holy stone, Lyrical Nanoha, be careful a little."

For the two of them, Fett and Lynn did not care, but pointed their wands at each other and watched quietly.

Looking at Fett’s indifferent expression, Neha’s heart fluctuates: This girl is about the same age as me, with beautiful eyes and beautiful long hair, but... I don’t know why, but I feel an inexplicable sadness. I always feel that this girl is so lonely and lonely...

"Yuno." Nanoha used magic to talk with Yuno in his heart. "I finally remembered the dream I've been dreaming before. This girl...she appeared in my dream."

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