The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 609: Tenfold Realm King Fist... It really deserves to be a tyrant style

It is precisely because they do not understand that people want to understand, and because they want to understand, language becomes a bridge of communication. Ask what you want to ask, and say what you want to say, so that you can understand, understand, and understand what the other party is carrying.

Nanoha has always been doing this. Through words and practical actions, she can get what she needs and help those who are in difficulties. Although there are many bumps along the way, for Nanoha, the process is difficult. It is trivial, because she believes that as long as she works hard, there is hope of success.

Language has no meaning, and nothing can be changed by language alone. Only through concrete actions can you get what you want. This is what Fetter believes. She has always implemented this policy, whether it is for the Magister. The cultivation is still for the collection of the seed of the sacred stone.

In this respect, Nanoha and Fett are two extremes. One believes in language, and the other desperately denies language, just like the two poles of the world, walking in opposite directions. However, they also have the same place, that is their kindness and strength, which is also a major reason why they can come together in the future.

But at this moment, both of them are facing great dilemma.

Because Fett sealed her heart, although Naha and the others kept telling her various things, such as the funny stories from her childhood, such as the encounter between her and Alisa Suzuka, which was strange from the beginning. From misunderstanding to fighting, then to reconciliation to acquaintance, and finally to become a good friend who talks about everything, every bit of life, almost as a best friend to confide with Fett to her.

Of course, there is no mention of magic and the seed of the holy stone. After all, Alisa and Suzuka are ordinary people, and Nanoha does not want to involve them in such a dangerous thing.

And Alyssa and Suzuka also like Fett very much. The two girls enthusiastically "add oil and jealous" by the side. For a time, the three girls chatted and talked very lively, but Fett was listening to their conversation, but did not do it. Any response, in the end, is "um" or "oh" nodding or shaking their heads, they are extremely cold compared to Lyrical Nanoha.

This kind of performance is a bit of a blow to the enthusiasm of Alisa and Suzuka, but they are also people who have had some "dark history" in the past, knowing that an introverted person wants to join a group of people who have only just met for a day. China is a very difficult thing, but I didn't care too much about it.

Four girls of the same age talked over there, while Lin Luo and Elf drank coffee and snacks on the other side. It was not too leisurely. They were still very concerned about the topics of Nanoha and others.

"Is this really useful?" Elf glanced at Fett's indifferent expression, then looked at Lin Luo and asked. No one knows Fett better than her. If only this kind of conversation can open her closed heart, then she can do it herself without using Lyrical Nanoha.

"It is of course impossible to be useful just once, but feelings need to be accumulated slowly, and the wall also needs to be beaten to break down. As long as it is a few more times, it can always be done." Lin Luo said with a smile, and Lyrical Nanoha was able to open it. There is no doubt about Fett's heart. She can do it even if she doesn't make a move by herself. Her role is only to speed up the progress. Regardless of Fett’s seeming indifference, how is it actually? Lin Luo could not believe that she would not be touched at all.

"How many more times do you want to come?" Elf frowned, pressed her head and said in a low voice, "This time you set up such a round, Fett will definitely not believe you anymore, you want to lie to her again. It's impossible to come here."

"That kind of thing can't be said." Lin Luo smiled faintly, with a noncommittal expression. While talking, he stretched out his hand to rescue the Sediao Yuno, who was chased by a kitten, and asked him, "Yesterday Nai Ye, show you the magic book, what magic did you let her learn?"

"Uh!" As soon as these words came out, Yuno and Elf were both stunned.

"Are you the one who gave the magical book to Lyrical Nanoha?" Yuno asked in surprise immediately after reacting. Of course, he also had concerns about the four girls behind, whose voice was very low, at least with Ai Li The ears of two ordinary people, Sha and Suzuka, cannot be heard.

"What magic book?" Elf asked curiously.

"Of course it is a magic book that can learn magic. Although the system is not the same as the magic of your world, it should be very helpful if you study it seriously." Lin Luo replied.

"Learning magic? Did you give that kind of magic book to that girl?" Hearing what he said, Elf suddenly asked dissatisfiedly. In her opinion, Lin Luo is on Fett’s side, but instead of helping Fett, he teaches Fett’s enemies to learn magic. This clearly means eating inside and out!

Lin Luo naturally knew what she was thinking, and chuckled: "Things are not what you think. The main reason is that Fett will not learn my magic now, and it will be useless if it is given to her. Of course, I will teach her in the future. ."

"So you go to improve the enemy's combat effectiveness, so as to cause difficulties for Fett?"

"..." Lin Luo had nothing to say at once. Although it was correct to stand in his position, but from Elf's point of view, his behavior was more than just eating inside and out, it was simply a slap in the face.

"Well, you will know later. Anyway, I won't harm Fett." Lin Luo couldn't explain it, so he said vaguely, and then asked Yuno, "Tell me, Nai What magic did Ye learn last night?"

Because it is not convenient to speak loudly now, Elf had no choice but to put the question in his heart.

Yuno replied: "I can't understand the text of that magic book. After Lying to me about the effects of some magic, I asked her to learn a magic with double firepower, which can instantly double the attack output. ...It's really amazing, that magic book, there is such a magic, and that magic can be upgraded, up to ten times the firepower."

Yuno sighed here, but Lin Luo was so angry that she wanted to put it directly into the mouth of the kitten next to her. The reason why she gave the book to Lyrical Nanoha was to let her learn the magic of restoring the source. It is also for the sake of her body, try to learn some magic that can alleviate the side effects of her high-power magic cannon.

But it's better now. Nanoha has actually learned a double firepower, and Nima's highest firepower has reached ten times. Is it the realm king boxing? Isn't this completely contrary to his original intention! ...Well, ten times the power of the gods are broken, you put one and try, is it really hard to be the Lord of the earth? !

Lin Luo suddenly had the impulse to destroy this ermine humanely, and Elf, who was watching the conversation between the two, was also taken aback by Yunuo's words.

"Your brain is flooded? Nanoha is only nine years old now, and has never received magic training. The use of powerful bombardment originally has a great burden on the body, but now you let her learn the magic of increasing firepower. , I'm afraid that she will collapse with only one shelling. How are you teaching?!" Lin Luo scowled and reprimanded unceremoniously.

"That...I..." Yuno was reprimanded by Lin Luo with nothing to say. He naturally knew how much side effects this high-powered magic had on a nine-year-old girl, but the problem was, "I was thinking about it. It wasn't until Nanoha's physical condition that she learned dual firepower."

"What do you mean?"

Yuno was crying and explained, "The magic that Naha chose for me is all offensive magic, including instantaneous explosive magic, all-round bombing wide-area magic, and direct-strike multi-fire burst magic... …Each of these magics is more powerful than double firepower, and the side effects on the body are also greater. I have to choose a double firepower with the least damage. After all, double firepower is still a step-by-step process."

"..." Well, Lin Luo was helpless, it seemed that he had wrongly blamed this sable. Having said that, it should be said that he is indeed worthy of Lyrical Nanoha, or that he is indeed worthy of a tyrant, who is so obsessed with attack magic, and they are all shelling-type, and it is not that way to meet friends with cannons.

With Lyrical Nanoha's magical aptitude, Lin Luo would not doubt that she could learn all these magics, plus her aura like to use full force, it is not surprising that a double firepower can be increased to ten or even twenty times. Things, but the problem is that her body can't withstand these shocks!

Nanoha's attack mode is very similar to that of Marisa Yuka. Although it is definitely not comparable to Yuka, in terms of the magic cannon's attack power, as long as after a while, Nanoha's full attack will be able to catch up. When he first saw Marisa, the extreme spark that the opponent fired.

The shelling of the two was quite good, but if they really fought, Nanoha would definitely not be able to beat Marisa, because Nanoha’s body could not support her to shoot multiple shots of the gods, and at most five or six shots, the body might not be able to bear it. But Marisa didn't have such a problem, even if she hit a thousand or even ten thousand rounds, there was no pressure.

"After you go back, you will immediately stop Nanoha from learning dual firepower... No, don't even let her learn attack magic, let her learn as much as possible auxiliary magic to increase physical strength... Forget it, this matter will still be Let me tell you personally, you guys are a bit unreliable."

Lin Luo originally wanted Yuno to take charge of this matter. After all, he still had a lot of insights on the theoretical knowledge of magic, but when you think about it carefully, Yuno's words are useless. He thought it would be better to use Fett to "threat" Nanoha, not to let her associate with Fett without learning auxiliary magic...No, it was to become friends.


Just as Lin Luo was thinking about it, there was a slight movement in his heart. He felt a familiar wave of magical power passed from a place not far away...It was the seed of the holy stone!


Obviously, except for the two ordinary people, Alisa and Suzuka, everyone else felt it. Nanoha and Fett stood up from their seats at the same time.

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