The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 615: The physical fitness that a super talented person must have

It was noon when Lin Luo and Lyrical Nanoha returned to Takamachi's house. Because Lyrical Nanoha's family opened a coffee shop, both parents were working in the shop at this time, and her brother is still in Tsukimura Ling. Lu's family and Tsukimura Suzuka's sister are lingering.

So at the moment, there is no Naha’s house... well, Lin Luo knew that he had ignored Naha’s sister in an instant. Today is Sunday after all. As a high school student, Takamachi Miyuki certainly couldn’t go to school, nor did the coffee shop. Busy, rare days off will naturally cause corruption at home.

So, when Lin Luo and the others entered the door, they happened to see Lyrical Nanoha’s sister wearing pajamas and shorts, sitting on the sofa with her legs upright, eating snacks while watching TV leisurely... Good viewing angle and thin pajamas made Lin Lin Luo somewhat saw a little benefit.

"Wow! Lyrical Nanoha!" Although the knock on the door was suppressed by the sound of the TV, the phrase "I'm back" by Lyrical Nanoha could still be heard clearly by Miyuki. When he turned his head and saw that Lyrical Nanoha and a stranger When the figure of the man appeared, the black-haired girl with glasses immediately changed her face and jumped up conditionedly, "Na...Naba, why did you come back so early? And this person is..."

As she spoke, she calmly put the large robe next to her on her body.

"Well, I came back first because I suddenly remembered that there was something else. My brother is still in Suzuka's house." Lyrical Nanoha smiled slightly, and was not surprised by her sister's impropriety. Maybe not once or twice, and then pointed to Lin. Luo scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I met a teacher from the school on the road and said that he was going to teach me homework, so I came here together."

Although the tutoring of the Takamachi family is not very strict, it is not open enough to bring a strange man to the house casually. After all, even raising a ermine Nayha has to be discussed with his parents in advance, but if it is a teacher, then it is. It's another matter. The educating profession of teachers often has a high weight in the minds of parents, and can also do things that many people can’t do, such as girls’ dormitories, girls’ toilets, and entering girls’ bedrooms under the name of home visits, etc. Wait……

On the way here, Nanoha had already discussed with Lin Luo what kind of identity he would come to the house, after deliberation, only teachers were the most suitable.

"Tutoring homework..." Sure enough, after learning of Lin Luo's status as a teacher, the faint guard in Miyuki's eyes relaxed, although he had never heard of such a young man among the teachers of Nanoha. , But the possibility of being a new teacher cannot be ruled out, and Naha is indeed a serious subject.

Thinking about it this way, she didn't have much doubt about Lin Luo's identity.

"Hello, my name is Lin Luo. I am a new teacher in the primary school attached to the private Shengxiang University. Please advise me." Lin Luo bowed slightly and said with a smile. He had a few of them when he was on the plane of Teacher Magic Yue’s teacher experience, although the teaching is very cheating, he still knows what kind of performance a "pure" teacher should have. With this decent etiquette, let alone a teacher, even if he says he is a beast. People don't believe it.

"Uh...Hello, I'm Takamachi Miyuki, a second-year high school student, and Naha's elder sister. Please advise me." Miyuki is only a high school student. When he received such a grand greeting from the teacher, I am somewhat flattered. Bow and say hello immediately.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded, and then said, "Although it is an after-school tutoring, there are still some things to be busy for me in the future. I probably can't stay for too long, so I will go upstairs with Nanoha first, is it okay? "

"Of course it doesn't matter, that... I'll make you a cup of tea."

"Sister, don't have to trouble, leave this to me to do it, elder sister, take a good rest here." Without waiting for Miki to take a step, Naha said.

"All right." Miyuki nodded, then watched Lin Luo and Nayha walk towards the second floor together.

When going upstairs, Lin Luo said earnestly: "Mr. Nanoha, your Chinese scores have been declining in recent days. The teacher is very worried. We will review the 300 Tang poems later."

"Ok... yes, teacher."

Listening to Lin Luo's serious and responsible tone, Mei Yuxi couldn't help but sigh secretly: What a good teacher!


In Nanoha's room on the second floor, when she closed the door, she immediately leaned against the wall, exhaled heavily, and said with relief: "Great, sister didn't see the flaw, but it's true Amazing, Brother Lin Luo can act so realistically, even I almost thought you were a teacher."

"Do you think I'm a fake?" Lin Luo smiled faintly, and the literary spirit began to run wild. "I have been familiar with bosom friends and youth since childhood, graduated from elementary school at the age of seven, graduated from junior high school at the age of nine, graduated from high school at the age of eleven, and thirteen. After graduating from university and getting a doctorate at the age of fifteen, he was an intellectual at the age of seventeen and became the youngest teacher in the history of Atlantis. Three hundred years forward and three hundred years later, No one can surpass it for six hundred years."

"Really...really?" Lyn Luo and Yunuo were stunned by Lin Luo, even though they were a little bit confused by the genius intellectual.

"Of course, you see, this is my teacher certificate." As he said, Lin Luo took out his "diploma" from the storage space and handed it to Nanoha.

Nayha was not surprised by his ability to conjure up, and when he opened it, he saw Lin Luo's head portrait printed inside. The name, age, and qualifications were all very detailed. The 17-year-old teacher had nothing to do. Doubt, this made Lyrical Nanoha surprised and shocked.

"It's amazing!" Under Lin Luo's flicker and physical evidence, Nanoha's IQ suddenly regressed by 50%, admiring Lin Luo's astonishment as a god. At the same time, she was a little bit lost in her heart, because she was only in the third grade of elementary school at the age of nine, which is simply unmatched.

"It's no big deal, as long as you work harder, one day you will become too talented."

"But...why is the nationality the City of the Sky, not Atlantis?" Lying suddenly pointed to one of the lines, asking suspiciously.

Lin Luo took it back in a flash, and said sternly, "Don't care about the details, okay, classmate Niha, now you go and get the Chinese textbook, I will explain to you about Tang poetry..."

"Um, Brother Lin Luo..." Before he could finish speaking, Nanoha raised his hand, as if he had something to say.

"Any questions?"

"I remember... We seem to be here to discuss magic?" Lyrical Nanoha asked weakly.

"..." Lin Luo was stunned on the spot, and after a moment, "Sorry, I was too into the show."

"..." Lyrical Nanoha and Yunokan said, embarrassingly speechless.

After calming down a little bit of embarrassment, Nanoha took out the book of roots from the drawer and came to Lin Luo, scratching his head and said, "Brother Lin Luo, I don’t know much about the magic, you think I should What kind of magic is better to learn?"

"Auxiliary magic!" Lin Luo said without hesitation, and at the same time opened the book of roots, "I heard Yuno said that you learned a double firepower last night, right?"

"Well, that magic is very powerful. Thanks to it, today's battle was able to seal the Sacred Stone Seed." Lyrical Nanoha nodded, his face looked very happy, but seeing Lin Luo's low face, he asked cautiously. "That... shouldn't this magic be learned?"

"You can learn this magic, but you can't learn it now." Lin Luo raised his head with a serious expression, "Anything needs to be done step by step, including magic. If you go too fast, use power beyond your own strength. In the end, you are the one who suffers. Using your huge magical power to fully use your strength in the battle can indeed achieve unexpected results, but the cost afterwards will also be very serious."

As he said, Lin Luo suddenly stretched out his finger and flicked it on Nanoha's head.

"Wow! It hurts!" Lyrical Nanoha suddenly cried out in pain, covering his forehead with both hands and taking a step back, tears faintly flashing in his eyes, looking pitiful.

But Lin Luo remained unmoved, and continued: "Everyone has the limit of their own strength. For example, the pain you feel is a process of human self-protection. Knowing the pain, it will not continue. Do things that make yourself painful. With your current physique, you can't even bear such a light flick of my finger, and the side effects of your huge magic cannon are far stronger than this, just that side effect. You won’t be able to detect it in a short time, but if the side effects accumulate over time, let alone fighting, you may not even be able to fly in the future!

Seeing that Lyrical Nanoha seemed to be a little unconvinced, Lin Luo said to her, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Yuno, am I right?"

Nayha immediately looked at Yuno, who said seriously: "He is right. The strength of the Magisters is not proportional to the strength of their bodies. If they use magic for a long time, the impact of that magical power will affect them. The body causes a huge side effect, and there are also people who can’t stand up because of this side effect..."

"There is such a thing?" Lyrical Nanoha was obviously taken aback.

Yuno nodded, "So in response to this, there are schools and various institutions that specialize in training magisters. In order to extend the magic life of magisters, in addition to magic practice, there are special training for physical strength. But Nanoha, you haven't been in contact for a long time, and there is no formal magic school here, so... I'm sorry, because the matter of the Sacred Stone Seed made me a little anxious, plus your magic talent is too much beyond my imagination, I'm so sorry that I didn't think of this question for a while."

With that, Yuno lowered his head in shame.

"Um, it's not Yuno-kun's fault..."

"Okay, don't talk about whose fault it was. It is for this question that I handed over the Magic Book to you." Lin Luo handed the Book of Roots to Nanoha and pointed to one of the pages. "From now on, you must learn this magic every day!"

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